When you think about it, Dark Souls 3 could be considered one of the worst games of all time because it has nothing going for it.
When you think about it...
Come the fuck on now, it's not that bad. It's an 8/10, just because it's the worst souls game doesn't change that.
>Come the fuck on now, it's not that bad
There's nothing worse than a game with no reason to pay it.
Garbage opinion mate
When you think about it, OP is a faggot.
it's one of the best in the series and additionally all DaS2 posters should be shot
Its one of the best games of all time.
Other thing. I got banned 6 month ago. Still not unbanned. Usually you would get unbanned after a couple of month after you deleted the fobidden data.
Yesterday i wrote namco. They answered me that they cant lift the ban, which is a perma ban. Only from Software can lift the ban.
They cant give me an email adress to write from software though.
How fucked am I? I dont want to create a share account. I would have to play the whole game again. I want to use my fucking savedata !!!!
Even if you consider it essentially an expansion pack that still doesn't make it a bad game ite something that's you have no reason to play. Wanting more of the same is a perfectly reasonable excuse for a game to exist. Not everything needs to provide something new.
>It's the WORST EVER because I don't like it
Play an actual bad game and stop jumping to extremes to push your shit opinion.
>all DaS2 posters should be shot
Sorry I don't live in burgerland. I did get cancer from your post though so gj.
It was great tho, just finished it yesterday for the first time
Best Souls game by far. I can't imagine being such a braindead troglodyte sub-human garbage as OP.
Only game FROM has made that tops it is Boodborne.
>Wanting more of the same is a perfectly reasonable excuse for a game to exist.
Not when said "more of the same" is worse in every regard to it's predecessor.
We need to end das2fags bloodline.
Nothing going for it except for the fact that is has some of the best individual levels in the series, and that it has the best boss fights in the series by far.
>most linear souls game
>easy as fuck
>epic anime fights
>ds1 and berserk references all day long
>every weapon feels the same
>invasion is pure garbage
>no replayability
Reddit and ds3babys love it for not being a souls game
Best art direction, atmosphere, music, and dialogue in the series. Easy and Linear, but it has its redeeming qualities.
das3 had as massive of a downgrade as 2 but because it looks graphically impressive and rolling is fluid with shitton of iframes it gets a free pass. 3 and 2 are both shit sequels. dark souls isnt that special either, neither is bloodborne. theyre all lesser derivatives of demon's souls while the souls sequels are derivatives of dark souls. which obfuscates the principal design of the series even further.
>>ds1 and berserk references all day long
I never got this point, every souls game is like this. Even Dark Souls 1 can't help itself with references to Berserk every other step of the way and Bloodborne has it's mouth firmly around Lovecraft's cock.
I made it through DaS and DaS2 but the constant nostalgia pandering in DaS3 and no new innovation made me drop it at Undead Burg. So uninspired and obvious cashgrab
>das3 had as massive of a downgrade as 2
That's a very bold claim considering the historical downgrade of 2. So you better back up that fact right now before i do something drastic.
>no bonfire ascetic
>shit covenants
>no dual stancing
>ng+ is the same as ng
>magic sucks ass
>worst pvp
>tries nothing new
The list goes on and on
Oh, you're talking about mechanics YOU enjoyed on 2 that were not present in 3. Ok, i was thinking about the whole graphical downgrade fiasco in 2.
I rather take the linear (which is basically what Sekiro uses with an added vertical thanks to the rope) than the shitfest of a world 2 has. And 3 combat feels the best in the series, it's much more fluid than the rest. Also best levels.
Besides looking pretty 3 levels don't have much going for them. They lack complexity and smart enemy placement that other games have, and have bonfires every ten feet. The only game with worse levels is Sekiro.
On the contrary, they are complex and enemy placement is spot on. Complexity ain't just opening shortcuts.
There's no kino location like Blighttown or the Gutter. Verticality is expressed through "do this epic 100 feet jump but only from this specific location" in the DLC. Might as well be a tunnel tbqh.
Dark Souls 3 saved the series from ending with the trashpile Dark Souls 2.
>Blightown and Gutter
What the hell?
Kino is Anor Londo, Ash Lake, Lothric, Ithryl, etc.