Games has expansive cooking mechanics despite not being important for gameplay

>Games has expansive cooking mechanics despite not being important for gameplay

I love this shit, what games beside Skyrim and Harvest Moon do this?

Attached: Claire.jpg (480x320, 23K)

>expansive cooking mechanics
Are you sure it's not one of your mods?

Damn, Rogue didn't age well.

spell riggen bakwards

Arx Fatalis

Could be, I have a couple of packs installed

tfw no claire waifu

Minecraft with Pams harvest craft

Attached: Harveset.png (1920x815, 1.3M)

I'm not sure if you could call it expansive, but Arx Fatalis.

Attached: Arx Fatalis.webm (720x404, 2.89M)

ni no kuni 2, you literally have to build a restaurant and food market recruiting people from around the world, it's totally useless for gameplay, but you get to sink an above average time to do it