Lives alone in a tower

>lives alone in a tower
>is called Alonne

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 241K)

you're definetely the first guy to make that pun

>Let's recreate shittiest area from the base game in the DLC
at least the boss was fun

>dragon without scales
>called seath the scaleless

>demon that lives in the undead asylum
>called asylum demon
holy shit

>knight wielding a giant mirror
>his name is mirror knight

holy shit fuck off

>giant, gay knight
>called giagantus, the faggot bearer

long walk short pier you fucking idiot

>Nintendo's mascot
>hat says "M" instead of "N"

Attached: jumpman.png (397x829, 374K)

>part man part machine all cop
>called “robocop”

>bed of chaos
>is a tree

Attached: 1542861793643.jpg (960x720, 690K)

>flying man
>his name is manflier

The symbol on his hat is actually two upside down Ls touching in the middle, indicating how he's twice as good as Luigi

>has a sweep attack
>target Is Shin

I should be embarrassed laughing at these

>dancing enemy
>referred to as “cutter of the rug wasteland”

>Shin Akuma
>both his legs have shins
>he's strong like a kuma (japanese for bear)
holy shit

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 127K)

>guardian Ape
>is Ape
>is Guardian things

>is a fat and ugly person in real life
>chooses an attractive character to play

>bear fighter from japanese game
>name is literally just "kuma"

Attached: 1555718487652.gif (224x224, 3.8M)

>enemy always makes a perfect point
>referred to in game as, Hittit Onthenail

>kuma and Akuma are default team mates in Street Fighter x Tekken

Doesnt he kill himself if you defeat him without taking a hit?


he commits sudoku, also after entering the fog gate you have enough time for a bow before he charges at you

He does indeed.

>Akuma-kuma is a double fighter like noob-smoke

>Gyobu Masaka Oniwa
>wears two shoes
>only puts my sock on, only one

>buy a looking glass that can be used as a shield, really hyped to be known as looking glass knight
>everyone calls me mirror knight instead

>final boss commits sexual assault
>name revealed to be Metoovious

>covered in plate armor
>wears a mask
>wields a giant sword
>is a giant
>is a dad

Attached: sekiro-armored-warrior.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 148K)


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Bravo, Dabid!

He's back!


Fuck you


Should've bought a spyglass instead

No NG+ though. False diety.

t. Kamile?

he was called mirror knight originally and actually had a functional mirror shield
like everything ds2 it was downgraded

>being this ignorant
>called faggot

Attached: 094.jpg (819x1157, 648K)

According to Shigeru Miyazaki, founder of Nintendo, it means he has to try twice as hard to be as good as Luigi.

Attached: luiji.jpg (600x337, 37K)

>Is a cathedral
>Get set on fire.

Attached: dark_souls_3_boss_how_to_beat_dancer_of_the_boreal_valley.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

>boss has a fat fucking ass