He still uses steam

>he still uses steam
>he still uses epic store
>he still uses origin

take the pirate pill user

Attached: utorrent.jpg (250x250, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


did you forget about GOG



>not supporting the industry
>being poor

Attached: ISHYGDDT.png (794x598, 764K)


what's wrong with it?

Im not poor

Jesus dude, have a little self respect and use deluge if nothing else.


>he still uses utorrent
take the qbittorrent pill op

give me a quick rundown on pirating or I will continue to support bad industry habits.

Attached: 1513562289554.png (1432x1080, 962K)

It's literally bittorrent but someone added ads

Attached: 1553964452307.png (324x246, 51K)

enjoy that 900 dollar bill ;)

I give money to Steam just to spite zoomers.

take the qbittorrent pill


Attached: 1555603316781.gif (545x524, 143K)

It's a fucking botnet.


Attached: 1425673162668.png (1500x2670, 1.09M)

GOG is literally the only online store I use. If I can't get it in GOG I pirate the game. Don't care

lol baby's first pirate vidya

>he uses you torrent

thats going to be A BIG yikes for me

Attached: Wile-E-Coyote-BEEP-BEEP-wilee-quixote-7263939-1024-768.jpg (1024x768, 494K)

i have so little interest in games released i don't even pirate
i just play old shit i should have played 25 years ago till price of current stuff is 1-5€ and i buy it
it helps i always spend more time fucking around multiplayer games than single player ones
every silent hill is still on my backlog

Games on Gemand

i don't even know where to start with pirating. nothing at all against pirates but i just have no idea how to do it. closest thing i ever did was use the Yea Forums archive to download zips for albums.

I normally enjoy paying for stuff I like, but games are way too expensive nowadays.

>use Tixati


For me its Deluge.

Why did someone do that?

>he can't afford games

Attached: cf8.jpg (232x162, 5K)

Tixati is good.

>not rtorrent

what's the current /g/ approved client then?

oh wow, you weren't shitposting?

Attached: 1547041239026.png (417x404, 72K)

It's like you want to be fucked by government

>Not using scalietorrent

Attached: qbittorrent.jpg (584x200, 43K)

Deluge is fucking shit

my goverment didn't give a fuck when i downloaded 31/12 for 5 years
they won't give a fuck now that i download 1 game and 2 or 3 movies every few years

>go to piratebay
>search game by typing in the search bar
>click on game
>copy magnet link
>open qbittorrent
>click plus sign
>paste magnet link
>configure the settings to your liking
>click OK
>wait until it says download complete
>happy game time
This also works with anime.

isn't Qbittorrent the best? I mean, 4channel told me this many times and redpilled me out of utorrent (thanks guise) I never ever heard of rtorrent? Is it a thing for these Linux fags that use an OS meant for Industrial work as private OS?

>money can ONLY be spent on games

Imagine being this retarded

>animeshit on /g/
Please kys, but otherwise you're right.

Gamers of Gate?

If you are using utorrent, it's better for you to buy the games...

>use old version of utorrent for years
>can't use it anymore because of that massive bug that was found out a year or so ago
>nothing else feels the same
Am I meant to suffer forever for being a retard?

The industry doesn't deserve to be supported in its current state.

Enjoy your crypto miner

might want to check where you are

>lammy is anime
>thinks he is on /g/
>thinks there is no anime on /g/
Please get some rest.

and if someone wanted to come at me Linux isn't for professional/machine, explain to me why complex robots use a highly tailored version of it to do their thing. The person I know uses win XP but that's because his machines are simple sorters and don't need that kind of capability.

seriously stop

Attached: guys stop.jpg (825x957, 151K)

Depending on the version you using, everything or nothing. If you use a older version it's basicly the best you can use. Ignore the memers. If you use a new version however...

>Technologie is still standing

daily reminder qbt has a search function you can configure with your favorite trackers so you dont even need to browse any sites anymore

Attached: 1528387959010.jpg (640x680, 57K)

>(thanks guise)
poor form.

Point still stands.
Thank god for filtering out the word anime.

Don't know. Maybe still qBittorent. Nothing wrong with it. But this pic is old and some "bad" clients become better.

I have no idea what any of that means, and why that's better than a 2 minute search with TOR noscript off for PirateBay. I don't need a VPN as my country has made it illegal to go after leeches or seeders. Only hosts such as piratebay may be attacked. Yay for Personal Rights!

About that, why do some governments feel it's necessary to protect the profits of big biz? as if they can't handle the problem with non-tex moolah.

Attached: Piracycomic.png (556x2600, 530K)

Doesn't sound like a very good anime filter if you still saw my post anime. Why would you lie about having an anime filter?

I think he doesn't hide stubs. I hide everything smash as I'm born before Y2K and not a baby.

Who the fuck added that later on segment? As if the comic wasn't retarded enough already lmao

>filtering out the word anime
>the word anime

>Point still stands.
Filter this, nigger.

Attached: 1524646932529.jpg (600x802, 631K)

I'm gonna need the sauce, boss

How is it retarded? for me it's spot-on

>guy pirates a thing
>store owner is sad
>instead improving his bad product...
>… he introduces heavy DRM
>making piracy only more viable

this is a 1:1 man

deluge has a great remote daemon interface though

I also filter out the word smash, that's why I couldn't see your post at first, for the exact same reason you gave expect for the fact that I'm born after y2k.

Use Tixati you fucking boobs

Why would you ever tell anybody that you are a criminal? Unless you live in some 3rd world country.

Attached: dfs.jpg (527x314, 28K)

I would pirate but I'm too lazy to do the research on it so I know what I'm getting into.

If everyone pirated then who is going to fund the games I play for free?

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>he thinks I don't filter out racism

kek man, anything else popular you keep out? I wanted to do ''brainlet'' but some of these posts (maybe a quarter) actually use it correctly. Same with ''reddit''

why do you care if people pirate or not?

I pirated a lot in high school, now that I have money I don't really feel like it.


misdemeanors are not crimes. Piracy is a misdemeanor. I live in a first world and the Police tolerates weed peddlers without licenses as they literally stated ''pedophiles and REAL criminals deserve our attention more''

If you're using one of the old, good versions? Nothing. Probably the best thing you could use. The modern versions are fucking terrible however.

Can you still claim the free iPad if your burglary license has expired or do you need to renew before you can claim the prize?

I remember when Deluge was number 2 on this list.

I'll continue using it until something like utorrent happens, which was when I made the switch to deluge.

reddit probably

It was retarded for comparing piracy of software, which is nothing but lines of code, to piracy of a physical item. It tries to make pirates feel bad for something that is not even close to what they actually do. The later on segment is even dumber for basically the same reason. Licensing software is not the same as licensing a bicycle.

>nintendo smash grinch anime mario sonic
I filter out those words, basically anything Nintendo and anime related.

guess who needs a red pilling

call me newfaggy, but is it possible to use 2 torrents from 2 different computers on the same network?

Attached: toddfather.png (1440x960, 278K)

>he can't afford games and basic necessities

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What? You want to torrent multiple things at once? You should be able torrent everything on one computer at the same time if your internet speed is good and your computer can handle it. But to answer the question, yes you can torrent from as many computers as you want on the same network.

what bug?

well, that's very icky territory with your ''lines of code'' statement. I'll tell you a little story, but believe me, it's relevant

So you know piggy banks, yes? Feminist-modelled ceramic to store your shekels in. These things were invented in the Netherlands but found in Indonesia (basicly opposing sides of Earth) before the Dutch even MADE CONTACT with Indonesia. this is what we call ''paralel evolution'' same results without contact.

This happens all the time with code and people got SUED over their code being a little bit too similair to another party's. Luckily these sueds Always fail unless plagiarism is involved. (which is hard to prove). Now, the lobside, what if you cut up a piece of software in chunklets of code that are similair but not directly tracable to the developer? From multiple sources, obviously. You then assemble this puzzle into the product, are you the only pirate in this scenario? IK the law is retarded pencilneck faggotry, but it still needs to be adressed.

rtorrent is best, but not on Windows. QBittorrent is definitely one of the best but it is fairly bloated. It kind of makes up for it with all the features, though.

just install qbittorrent or deluge

>all those retard shitting in utorrent when v2.2.1 exist
Fucking brainless

Yes. It's like downloading any file, you can download something on your PC and laptop at the same time and torrents are no different. As long as you can connect to a seeder, you're good.

are there people on Linux that shouldn't be on Linux? My IT store put me on win10 as my newest hardware needed it. I gave them my old CPU and they say the process it as e-waste. I came back to pickup PC and got 20 EUR for the FRIED CPU. at that moment I knew I could trust them, as they could've omitted that payback.

You can download a dozen torrents at once on one computer if you want, but of course download speed will be spread across all the concurrent torrents.

>all those retard sitting in qbittorrent when exists

This picture has too much jpg in it.

I am and I'm pirating most of my games. But I've bought Sekiro because I like it and I want more games like it. That's really what this is all about - you buy games which you want to see more of. And you don't buy the games you don't want to be released anymore

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I really don't know how to answer that.

Neither do I, and I find it an interesting impasse.


So which site is least likely to get me slammed with viruses when I torrent Borderlands 3 in a couple of months?

Attached: 1542169596692.png (1024x1004, 1.05M)

What did I mean by that?

is almost like you enjoy being mined OP
stop being a nigger and use deluge

Attached: 1553143074375.jpg (480x480, 49K)

µtorrent died back when it was bought up by the original BitTorrent people.

>using a chink botnet

Attached: 1549698594147.png (363x352, 54K)

that and DRM is why you wait a week. even the best DRM in history fell after 2. normal is 3 days but that may be dated as I heard some DRM got cracked in mere HOURS.

Stop being a retard

It's only good if you're using 2.2.1, but I stopped using it and moved to deluge since animebytes don't allow it anymore

thanks for those bitcoins Cyka blyat

>not using Mono torrent
fucking plebs

Attached: JSN19.png (503x315, 8K)

>he fell for the animebytes meme
Imagine sacrificing your time,freedom, and resources to be part of le best secret anime club.

>last commit 8 months ago

>he doesn't use 4chantorrent

other people

>not just going to someone who already downloaded it and copying the files on a USB


i think it's better than mutorrent, haven't tried others because i'm satisfied with what i have now
t. qbit user

>hey user can you past me the game
>yeah sure
>*open usb
>the fucking shortcut
Every damn time

Attached: 1533860028261.jpg (766x789, 47K)

lol retard

you tell me

>he still uses microtorrent

as if pirating wasn't bad enough now you're making your 'friends' distribute illegal goods?

>Ignore the memers
It will never get an update, it's full of known exploits, it's owned by bittorrent (the company) and you're only playing yourself. Use transmission, or any of the other dozens of up to date open source clients and stop making yourself vulnerable out of sheer stupidity and brand loyalty.

Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me.

>now you're making your 'friends' illegally distribute goods?

>brand loyalty

Attached: 1544530801441.jpg (615x477, 100K)

Epic niggerspeak, buddy

>he uses utorrent

Attached: 1533952693970.gif (700x298, 3.67M)

Attached: 1554363607934.gif (245x200, 497K)

Are you cute?

2.2.1 ONLY


>using utorrent later than 2.2.1

Attached: 1316090415676.jpg (788x788, 68K)

zoomers don't know how to use torrent software
they actually think sites like MEGA are better

Fuck your vulnerable, ancient client and your retarded faggot face, also your broken caps lock.

Going by the Japanese text, I'd guess they mixed up "dumb" and "dump".

"Please don't drop your trash here."

Fuck you, I'm Jewish and I want a ethnically homogeneous Israel.

That works, too. Get out.

>using software that is widely in use despite not having received security updates in over 10 years

µtorrent turned shit past 2.2.1, but time has killed 2.2.1 as well.
Move on to whatever client seems decent to you. µtorrent (any version) is rotten garbage.

>is old so is bad!

some anons mention deluge is it actually good?

Attached: 1551042312443.jpg (522x600, 28K)

Yes, but just use qbittorrent instead better and easier to use.

Its MICROtorrent you fucking retards. Disregard all your shitposts

Get a job, faggot.


>literal Jew

>Dumb bitch offering dumb bitch advice

2.2.1 ONLY


Attached: 1555728876416.gif (500x374, 1.04M)

Loving too much children is some sort of crime over there?

2.2.1 is already banned from most private trackers. It, and many other versions has some sever exploits that allow remote control of the host machine, due to it storing encryption in plain text.
The good old "it just werks" and "it doesn't have any exploits" don't apply anymore.
It's time to switch, bois.

Attached: 1546365416622.jpg (1500x1200, 247K)


More like, "it's old, unpatched and exploitable" so it's bad.

>makes this thread
fucking lmao

>literal Jew
Literally nothing wrong with this.

There's no indication that the μ denotes the scientific standard and isn't simply the Greek letter, which in modern Greek would then be pronounced mee-torrent.

Maybe you didn't see idk I'll try it one more time

2.2.1 ONLY


That's not encryption, user, that's practically a password.
I'm pretty sure there are ways to make 2.2.1 identify as a different version or an entirely different client altogether.

Haven't used BitTorrent in years, though.

>Claiming superiority to DRM launchers when using fucking uTorrent
Wow, you sure showed me you've got the high ground. Seriously though, use qbittorrent instead.

Attached: 1553110050218.png (428x474, 303K)

OK idiot, just trying to help

Not that user, but how is qbittorrent's UI? I made the switch to Deluge when the trackers said no to utorrent but its UI and the sort just don't scratch the itch that utorrent did with its layout and setup.

none gonna recommend a better one?

>not using rtorrent on a raspberry pi

>still using torrents

Qbit is basically utorrent in terms of ui.

Didn't the owner of it partner with the MPAA? You know, literally working against pirates?

But I like to play online. And I don't like needing to workaround anti piracy features like the save autocorrupting halfway through.

what do you use then?

anybody got a invite for a bro to a private torrent site? also do i 100% need a VPN when im torrenting? im a newfag to the pirate life and need some tips

Why are pirates always retarded, yet act smug?
Either qbittorrent or transmission.

I go to bing and look up the game. I read the synopsis and download all the information directly into my mind. I then play the game without using a torrent or even a computer.

I'm sure there are ways to download collections of viruses from the pirate bay as well, and install them voluntarily on your machine.
Oh hey look, a fucking mongoloid.

>anybody got a invite for a bro to a private torrent site?
That's basically asking for whoever invites you to get banned and blacklisted as well. All the "prestigious" private trackers have a bunch of mods than spend their free time trawling through boards and irc channels looking to find people to ban. They're more embarrassing than jannies, but with way more of a powertripping ego.
>also do i 100% need a VPN when im torrenting?
That depends on where you live, but you don't NEED one if that's what you're asking.
>im a newfag to the pirate life and need some tips
Sign up to animetorrents because they're shithouse and just seed crap to build up some clout. High ratio makes you look good.

This. uTorrent hasn't been good in ages.

The important thing to keep in mind when torrenting is:

You are announcing to the tracker "Hey, I want that file, and I'll share these bits I have of it, if someone asks for them.", and the tracker will relay that to anyone asking.
So anyone asking will get your IP, and could go to your ISP asking for your name and RL address.
That's where VPNs come into play, since they camouflage your ISP-assigned IP to the tracker by giving you a new one to use instead.
The VPN-provider knows your actual IP, and, depending on your payment method, also knows your identity.

sauce on your pic pls

Redditors and basedboys (same thing)

so whats the simplest way to go about this then? are there specific sites i can use without a VPN or?


Attached: 1451212259483.jpg (500x447, 55K)

to go about fucking what? downloading? press "download".

the safest way i guess i meant to say, should i just say fuck it and not use a VPN? whats the worst that could happen if i dont and what are the safest sites to download from. sorry be patient with me i have autism

Are you in a country that gives a shit, buy a VPN.
doesn't matter which

does USA give a shit?

I think the full list is Japan, and the US.

>Imagine sacrificing your time,freedom, and resources
I didn't sacrifice anything lmao. I just passed the interview and got in.
Also animebytes is good, its impossible to get older anime through nyaa nowadays due to lack of seeders, but you never have that problem with animebytes.

Yes, they're the least keen on civil rights of all the 1st world.


thank you for all the advice user, have a cute dance for your time

Attached: fuuka.webm (960x544, 2.56M)

Even if the USA can't enforce it, due the massive amount of traffic, I wouldn't risk it. How about an USB with your torrent client and siphon the game from a library? or won't that work somehow?

>tries to act like hot shit
>uses uTorrent
Pffft... Stupid faggot.

what if i only download something like once every six months? is it still just as risky as if im downloading like 5 movies and 2 games per week?

Or you could throw a fucking penny to any VPN provider and do it at full speed from home. You're leeching fucking porn, not running around playing James Bond.


You're at the biggest risk downloading the latest biggest stuff at release.

I never got shit for torrenting stuff like Sekiro on release day in the UK.

Attached: 1446667914958.gif (257x200, 460K)

Only if you torrent new stuff. Generally you can get away with downloading something older than a couple months (though to be safe, give disney releases longer) or something like anime where the rightsholders outside of Japan generally don't have the resources to chase up copyright, such as Crunchyroll.

>he still uses utorrent

damn, this is the dumbest post I've seen in months


Attached: fenneko.gif (481x481, 126K)

Most companies don't care enough to bother going through all the IPs and getting in contact with ISPs, and you might have just been lucky enough to torrent when they weren't looking. It's still playing with fire to download something on release day, and it takes a few months for a letter to come through your door about copyright anyway so you aren't in the clear just yet.

And yet you still play their games

Eh, I've been torrenting films and shows for years now and still no copyright notices

but I don't support them.

Don't listen to qtorrent shills, fucking retards are trying to troll you.Stalled is not a good state to be in.

>using uTorrent
retard. i piss on you

Attached: pee.jpg (500x500, 55K)

Due to the legal situation here the ISP is not obligated to disclose your data to people who ask and if they don't have to, they won't.

For americans.

which is why you download 2.2.1 and turn off updates you goddamn imbecile.
Literally the best there is.

outdated where is biglybt

based and rumpilled

Attached: pirate chad.png (2518x1024, 276K)

ultra cringe

I've been pirating all my media for over 10 years now.

I cant imagine what it's like to pay for a game or movie I might only play once, or worse yet not enjoy.

Attached: 1555685559800.jpg (1024x1005, 71K)

>not using Steam, GOG, Itch, torrents, and getting the occasional free Ubi game all at once
>discarding any and all multiplayer games

Attached: piratechad.png (976x658, 272K)

If the game is good enough to be played then why doesn't industry deserve the support?

aren't movies at far higher risk than gaems? IDK why, but my country, the Netherlands, is far more aggressive on movie hosts. (seeders/leechers are immune)

some private trackers have blacklisted utorrent altogether

I both pirate and buy shit, and when i buy it's because it's a multiplayer game that deserves my money or it's because the devs deserve the money (a.k.a. Yakuza or Devolver Digital)

I've been using deluge since forever. Is there anything better anons?

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Free yourself.

Attached: the overman.png (834x998, 146K)

>move to Russia for a uni semester abroad
>insanely cheap high speed internet, can torrent anything I want without worrying about getting busted
>grabbing everything I can before I go back
I've never felt more free in my life, I love Russia.

>posting literal malware

I'd prefer to take one for the team. I'll keep buying vidya so the rest can keep pirating.

Because it's an exception that proves the rule

Usually, people who torrent are not prosecuted in my country, mostly because it's vaguely legal (i.e. you can make and receive copies for "personal" use) and the ISP can't disclose your information unless you're actually committing a crime. Piracy is not a crime, it's a civil dispute.

>just use outdated properiatory trash full of vulnerabilities

You're the imbecile


I'll show (You) something epic.

*unzips dick*

What do you guys use to download videos from Youtube and the like?


Attached: BanWmASN.jpg (367x367, 17K)

What's the best way to sell a Steam account?


i just dont want to pay if i dont have to lol,not even poor just dont give a shit


Attached: 1547083917951.gif (188x163, 1.15M)

Take it.

Attached: Tixati.png (60x28, 936)

Really? I thought since it violates the tos, openly listing it on eBay would be a good way of getting your account locked.

*hits pipe*

Attached: 1555764731795.jpg (720x888, 334K)

Wait, what? I live in the UK as well and while I haven't been caught, my dad has had a couple of letters. That was nearly 10 years ago though, so maybe something changed?

>he still uses utorrent

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a buyfag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying from, subscribing to, playing the product of, and defending a corporation solely so they can go and get your games locked onto certain digital stores. All the hard work the devs put into their beautiful games - sculpting their bodies, getting the animations just right, figuring out what their audience wants, designing a fun experience. All of it has one simple result: their game is more enjoyable for one particular audience that will buy it on another storefront. Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random alt-right russian hacker incel who has nothing to do with digital stores, who just pirates the game. He gets to play the game without any sort of interruption or DRM. He gets the benefits of the game's good times, the way the devs intended. As a "man" who has a PC, you are LITERALLY dedicating years of your life supporting a publisher simply to support games for other storefront consumers to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

Attached: just think about it.jpg (1000x1238, 537K)

I thought piratefags were supposed to be smarter than that

My dad received a couple letters too, but he binned them and nothing ever came off it.


Attached: serveimage.jpg (800x450, 18K)

so basicly a misdemeanor? Misdemeanors can start off civil disputes yes?

at least use a torrent client that doesn't have fucking ads in it

Baka.bt still supports 2.2.1

>uses worst client

Attached: 1555596207667.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

No, you could liken it to not paying rent?
You don't have to press charges when it happens and the police does not factor into it at all. It's a completely civil issue. But due to data protection regulations you literally can't prove that someone is actually guilty of piracy in a civil court. It's a very weird situation.


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Attached: KOTL.jpg (600x634, 41K)

>(You) Torrent
Shit, nigga.

uttorrent 2.2.1 is fucking old and lacks some features that modern clients have. it's also banned on some private trackers if you care about that.

>not paying rent

how is it fraud if you do this with goods and other services, but not with housing? we're assuming malicious intent, like niggers squatting and after ejection finding a new place. How is that a civil case and not a criminal one? Would ''creative accounting'' with a company be a civil case too or is that just a felony?

Qbittorent is the best.

retard zoomers like op unironically fill my wallet with their zoom zoom skip to download button ways.

i used it until in the latest version my torrents started stalling for no reason. I have to restart the client so they start downloading again. after that I switched to deluge.

It has none.

I stopped pirating as soon as I stopped buying shit games I don't need. Become a smarter consumer, not a fucking leech.

>dude I'm using the OUTDATED version of this piece of shit, I'm so clever!

Not that guy, but I'm using 1.8.2 and don't have any issues, what's the problem?

i literally pirate every game that's not on steam and/or relies on another launcher ie ac games, how bout that

Selling your account anywhere is a ToS violation.

How about very olds and cult games that only exist in the weirdest crevices of the internet? (go there with caution. and alot of TOR)

They initially blocked all utorrent versions, but caved in later. Animebytes still doesn't allow utorrent at all.

>He can't play multiplayer

Attached: 1555292667792.png (623x900, 435K)

It isn't, it had a botnet but doesn't anymore, still, it had a botnet, don't use it.

Attached: 1553908199595.png (900x600, 770K)

Only fucking normalfags still use utorrent. Kill yourself. qb is where it's at.

>he doesn't know

I'm too scared to

They only blocked it last year and took the opportinuty to allow an equally bad one in because they like it.

>muh proprietary software
Every time you /g/ faggots rear your head here your all start talking as if everyone on Yea Forums has the know while forgetting you're not on /g/.

>How about very olds and cult games that only exist in the weirdest crevices of the internet?
such as?
I've never encountered any game that required me to use Tor to download.

Nah, thx bruh, it's cheaper just to buy it.

Every pirated game mine cryptocurrency in the background. Prove me wrong (you can't)

A-user but what about the viruses?

Attached: tumblr_podyec5yLp1vp90pt_540.jpg (540x307, 20K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: how to remove.jpg (800x600, 93K)

are you implying that you stop seeding when you play your pirated games? FUCK OFF YOU ARE THE WORST

I'm confused, do you want me to mine bitcoins for fitgirl or not?

>they only blocked it after a big exploit came to light
well yeah?

>I don't support industry because they are bad and games suck
>But I'm going to play the game even if I think they are not wort it
Why even bother if you hate it so much.

well, dwarf fortress is a cult game. I /could/ go on the deep and find stuff to download but, eh, I'm a bit scared. Sad Satan is the most famous ''deep'' game.

>Sad Satan
wasn't that revealed to be a fake?

well thank god im not europoor.

wtf. Which country? i srsly hope you are memeing

my dragon boy is laffing at u OP

heck, that's the problem with the deepweb. you can't both take credit and be anonymous without trail.

ofc i want, it was a cleverly set bait to catch filthy leechers like you

I don't even use fitgirl repacks, they take way too long to install.

> i srsly hope you are memeing
I wish.
But you can google copyright laws in Germany and Austria for proofs

Attached: 1492679009820.jpg (1058x367, 118K)

I'm not part of a good private tracker, and FUCK TPB

> Unlike in other countries, pirates in Germany can get big fines: 900 to 1000 euros on average! You can get letters from lawyers that demand money just because someone used your Wi-Fi connection to download movies.

Attached: 1524107641431.jpg (601x492, 67K)

Austria is very different in that regard.

How can I stop utorrent users from pulling my torrents?

like fucking what? The only feature I've been able to think of is setting it to start another download after one is already complete. That's it. That's one tiny-ass fucking detail compared to open source piece of shit I tried not letting me select which files in a torrent I wanted to download. Listened to you retards once already and switched back before the end of the day.

>it takes a few months
I downloaded a movie in 2010 and there was an email from Comcast the next fucking day.

Transmission on the pi runs better and is much simpler to use.

that's not a fine dumb ESL

but i love playing online

I am on 10 private sites and haven't used a VPN once. Completely safe for me.

how do i get into these private sites :(

Effort. You join the easy ones, upload your own torrents (what is this?!), and climb the ranks until you are a higher class of user, which gives access to more and more. Join Redacted or Myanonymous first.

Dont need to tell me twice!

Attached: 2019-04-20 17_59_31-Statistics.png (278x113, 3K)

jusy buy a VPN? it's like 3 USD / month (we eurofags don't need them) and can't you get it to like 1.50 USD/month with a youtuber's code?

Or are NordVPN asnd VirtualShield shit?

>not getting your share ratio to 1

faglord, you're totally free of shame aren't you?

Well since upload speed is usually 1/10 of download speed I have an above average upload
it should be 0.1

You fucking drunk boyo?

it would not be profitable even mining with graphic cards is obsolete now

>not QBtorrent

OP is 100% underage

You must not have tried qbittorrent.

If you take 10 kilogram of rocks from a hill, and going down only costs you 10% the muscle it does to bring stones up; does 0.1 offset what you took?

I'd rather use my private sites than use a VPN with public.

Are there any decent private trackers out there now?

Depends on what you want.

Deluge is what I'll stick with. Qbit looks like shit.

Based. Qbitorrent shills BTFO

Deluge and sequential download plugin!

Using public trackers is fine for most things, but if you're not using private trackers for at least software (ie games) you're doing it wrong. I clinged to 2.2.1 for as long as I could but once most of my private trackers banned it I had to switch to qbt/deluge.

I use Deluge for the few stuff I grab from privates and 2.2.1 for publics.

This is only since last autumn when I reinstalled Windows

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