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good game




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Again, how did Azala knew that Lavos will cause ice age?
ATM I'm lv 50, trying to beat Lavos in 1999 (but "in story" I am at Ocean Palace), but he is just too powerful for me. Fuck. And I hoped I'll be able to defeat him before Ocean battle.

Best Game.

for me, it was when frogger unlocked the true form of masamune

Attached: frog.jpg (1922x1082, 332K)

>Big ass tick spends eons powering up people to feed on
>The more people beat him the more he goes shonen antagonist and becomes humanoid because that's the only thing he knows about power
Until the very end Lavos was that, just a giant fucking space tick.

If there's any Smash players in here, I made a 1999 AD Custom Stage


I don't know if it was ever stated but I have always assumed Azala had prescience and could see the future, she's already a psychic since she uses telekinesis in the boss battle. It's either that, or the Reptites are so technologically advanced that they understand the long term consequences of an 'asteroid' impact

Attached: 1999 AD.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Based Lavos helping and strengthening people to have a huge boner when fighting them.
How old is that thing, anyway? Wait a second... In Mass Effect, were Reapers "based" on Lavos? Did Bioware took it as an inspiration?

Could be, but wasn't she able to help her people in any way? I mean, they were the advanced species back then, not humans, and yet, humans survived.
One user mentioned the key (because reptites steal them at some point) but that isn't likely. Even if she knew how and where to use the key, and the only portal in that era was in mountains, it would bring her to the End of Time, but in order to get to End of Time you need 4 or more people (as Gaspar stated).

Cool map, btw.

Thank you!!

I think it was as simple as humans survived and Reptites died out because we were warm blooded, they weren't, so the Ice Age was apocalyptic level for their race, they were advanced but they were still at a middle age level of progression with stone castles and such. They didn't really have any means to survive the fallout of the Lavos impact. Even if they did, they relied on their Dinosaur steeds like the Black Tyranno to such an extent that those dying off probably spelled the end of the Reptite civilization even if they found a way to survive the harsh cold.

Forever the boss of my gym

>Reapers based on Lavos
I don't think so. Isn't the whole point of the reapers some dumb loophole in which they genocide to avoid more genocides? They have a clear purpose. I didn't play the games so I have no Idea.
Lavos just drills in, sleeps for a bajillion years and then wakes up when din din's ready, drains the planet dry and just dies or explodes into a mountain or leaves the planet after spawning more lavos. He is at the very least 65 miillion years old in the game because he crashed on the planet during the stone age. If that fucker takes the long road during space travels he is probably older than planets.

Reapers wait for a civilisation to develop and prosper and then attack and destroy them. Which basically is what Lavos is doing.



Never thought about that. Makes sense. So she knew the end is coming and didn't say a word because she wanted for her race to "die peacefully".

That cover is good but this one is just fucking phenomenal



That's basically what I think too. Azala wanted nothing but the best for her people, but knew ultimately there was nothing she could do to prevent the inevitable.

Her heelturn and telling us apes to take care of the world in their place has always been one of my favorite moments in the whole game.

I see, I was thinking about their endgame. That does have common grounds with Lavos, since they also makes new reapers from the people harvested, I believe. I think they share more with Breath of Fire's Goddess, since in 3 she insists on knocking people back into the stone age and hide technology from them to avoid genocides

If its not composed by Capcom its probably not worth listening.

My man

That opinion is so bizarre and rare, you have to be baiting


best video game OST ever made coming through

>Her heelturn and telling us apes to take care of the world in their place has always been one of my favorite moments in the whole game.
I agree, that was a great scene.
I mean, in the end it was the "apes" that defeated her (Crono and his crew) and this time I will defeat Lavos just to avenge her haha.
You know, it's been a while since I played that game, so maybe I don't remember every detail, but in my eyes Myria was never "that" evil. I think I actially agreed with her on some points. That scene, when you defeat her and she keeps yelling something like "what was I supposed to do?" hit me hard.

1. Frog
2. Robo
3. Lucca
4. Ayla
5. Magus
6. Crono
7. Marle

Attached: 1547673593905.jpg (680x665, 71K)

From worst to best? I almost agree.

I was typing up a reply but then I saw attached image and now I'm hesitant

>he doesn't rename Marle to Nadia
>he doesn't rename Frog to Glenn
>he doesn't rename Magus to Janus

Attached: 1492132417662.jpg (238x212, 4K)

>God Tier
Ayla, Frog, Magus
>High Tier
>Mid Tier
Robo, Crono, Marle
>Low Tier
>Shit Tier

Ozzie from Black Sabbath, Slash from GnR, Flea from RHCP. Not a bad group.

>he thinks thats superior to playing the game innocent and blind for the first time
you are the old fool

>he doesn't rename Robo to R-66Y

>he didn't replay the game more times than he can remember
Get out of my sight

But Robo is property, not a person, and he was named as such

If you use Ayla's trick to farm speed capsules and max Robo's speed, he easily dwarfs the rest of the party.

You got 1 and 2 right and then you shit the bed

Nice bait, asshole.

Most kino vidya song to date imo

goddamit u making me want to replay it again

Absolutely based

2300 A.D. is best



Azala is a female, yes.

I wonder if any s o y indie dev ever related his garbage to Chrono Trigger.
>I'm working on a game called yIIkes!! It's heavily inspired by chrono.

Most of those people don't get what made Chrono Trigger good. It's legacy lived on only through future JRPGs like Xenoblade, things that s o y indie devs are allergic to.

I wish I enjoyed this game. Kinda had to force myself through it despite being aware of how well made it is, never really got into some kind of "flow" with it

What about it stopped you from getting into the flow?

I don't know, whenever I got stuck not knowing what to do I just got too frustrated to figure it out and took a break, which made me get even more lost. Had to force myself to look up a walkthrough a lot of times, even know I'm still stuck somewhere in the last third of the game and too lost to get myself back into it

I guess you're just not into JRPGs?

I actually am, but I also often give up very easily when I get stuck in games. Its not even about how old the game is or anything, I had no issues with FF7 for example but I haven't touched FF9 in years just because I couldn't figure out where to go and lost the motivation to bother