Name 1 (ONE) game where status effects arent completely useless vs enemies

Name 1 (ONE) game where status effects arent completely useless vs enemies

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Final Fantasy XIII


Any SMT/Persona, Pokemon.

explain. most FFs ive played ALL bosses are immune to poison and other statuses. and status effects vs regular enemies are just a waste of time

Guild Wars 2

FFXIII has a dedicated role/job that does nothing but debuff, every boss is weak to at least one debuff.

Risk of Rain 2

found the newfag

Resonance of Fate
one of the few games where poison is actually good

lol retard. if youve been here at least 2 months you become an official oldfag. and ive been here 2 years.
dont @ me

you can go as far as gamebreaking in morrowind

Etrian Odyssey, almost every boss has a weakness to a status which greatly helps you having an easier time, in some rare cases some bosses aren't even immune to insta death.
Also fodder mobs tend to have conditional drops that trigger when killed while they have a status effect, so it's always good to build a party that can inflict some statuses somehow.

Darkest Dungeon


fuck I wanted to say it

You can beat the final boss and post-endgame superbosses easily by stacking poison and turtling. It's detrimental to the experience really, it shows why most rpgs don't let you use status effects on major fights.

Any JRPG that matters. No grinding allowed.

alchemist code

Sekiro. Setting fire to that fucking ape was pretty useful.

Dragonball Xenoverse/Xenoverse 2. The poison effect is almost part of the meta for most bosses


paralysis peramently lowers speed by a shit ton and gives a chance to be stunned
burn does consistent damage and halves the atk
sleep can be annoying as shit but is sometimes a hit or miss depending on the pokemon using it
toxic is literally OP
donĀ“t get me started on area effects like stealth rock

Persona 5
>flu season starts
>superboss kills himself over it
>you can grind to max in an hour this way

LISA: The Pointless
Your party member can pretty much only invoke status effects. Things like reduce enemy damage to 60%, stun enemies, lower accuracy or flat out make them refuse to attack.

Guild wars

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

feels so good to poison a jrpg boss

South Park: The Stick of Truth is pretty much Status Effects: The Game. You can end most battles, even bosses, in 1-2 turns if you stack enough fire/gross/bleed.

Final Fantasy 11, you know, back before it was a single player game. When you were levelling you wanted to fight one monster at a time, if one brought his mate you were going to have a tough time and probably die. Enter the Red Mage, debuffer extraordinaire. Other mages could cast the spell, but a RDM could make it stick. Putting enemies to sleep so that you could fight one at a time would really save the day if somebody screwed up. Other debuffs could be nice too, lowering defence with slight damage over time, that sort of thing. The class centered around debuffing was actually someone you really wanted on your team.

That was then, of course and this is now.

Dragon Quest XI at least on the hard difficulty. Can also cuck several bosses by using them, and I'd say its pretty much required in several fights. Casting illusion on bosses is almost required for survival due to one-shot melee attacks or swipes that kill the entire party.

Warframe. Status is meta.


I'm finding status effects kinda useful in dragon quest xi. At least a bit more than in half of the ff series.
Just remembered there's a zombie tree boss in ff ix that takes a lot of damage from using healing magic and phoenix down on him. That was fun.

Came here to post this. Found a glass bottle that had 4 attacks per use, inflicted bleed and gross out. Slapped burn on it and it melted everything, even when it got outscaled and only did 1 phys dmg.

Fucking everything that has a stun. This is your brain on jrpgs, thinking that their shit design is the standard

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Tales of Maj'Eyal.

borderlands. Tales of series(varies from game to game)


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