Ever play this? I'm about to start the singleplayer.

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is this a question, are you asking anyone have played AvP2?

Are you trolling, you fucking discord tranny nigger?

Game's one of the best FPS of all time and prolly in top#3 games on a movie license.

Play it and stop baiting, my summer friend.

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1 objectively and unironically has the better single player.

This game has a great singleplayer story going for it. I really hope someone makes a truly soulful remake of this game.

It's shit.


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Does Sega own the IP? or are they working on Alien isolation 2?

nobody asked about state of your life.

>Alien isolation 2?

amazing game play Marine campaign first

fuck i need to play this again

How's the expansion, Primal Hunt?


It's short. Like 3 missions for each side, and they are not long.
It's heavily focused on fighting, like minute in you are fighting horde of aliens. No tension.

Generally verdicts is 'it's a let down'.
I like it. But honestly it's like 6+ - 7/10 tho.

New guns are pretty sweet. I think you should play it, no reason not to. It's not offensively bad in any way, but not match for base game design.

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Gggman (now minus the double G) lives has made an on point review for this game. Its a good experience (better than the AvP movies) but aged poorly in some aspects

LithTech Talon engine hold suprisingly well, game plays fine.
Holds better than most of titles from that era. And imho looks pretty good, especialy with some texture mods.

Ok single-player, god-tier multiplayer. Unfortunately most servers at this point are made by russians.

Beginning of the Alien chapter is pure Kino

Last time I tried it, gameplay felt a bit clunky, some areas are too big to go from A to B with few things happening, the enviroments outside the base look bad, some minor bugs here and there. However along with the expansion the game is some good old fun. I just wish GoG put it on sale

Ultimate kino game. I love how the story intertwines and the little lore bits you get.

best multiplayer ever

Played it when it came out. It's an amazing game, all three single player campaigns are all fun in their own way and quite challengin in higher difficulties. Multi was even more fun with Infestation mode on the Quarantine map. The expansion pack is meh.

It was more for the multiplayer, which is almost certainly dead now. Pretty optional.

there is nothing more humiliating than getting throatfucked by a facehugger at a lan party in sean's basement. what a great game.

Somebody post the link to the site that hosts free downloads of the game and the MP server. I want to play but I lost the link

Oh fuck i remember playing this on the school computers back in 5th grade, god i miss the days when teachers didn't know shit about technology

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>tfw multiplayer is still possible
fucking amazing lads