Honk honk

honk honk

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Other urls found in this thread:



Totally not a pre-planned cycle of outrage

and it was all done by a mentally ill tranny

Check this 5

What was the supposed slur?

There is still people that even visit these shitty sites?

sHE heard the word retarded instead of the word "retarget".

>Retarded sjw tranny doesn't know persona music has "engurish" lyrics that don't make any sense
>Try to find some retarded meaning behind it so she can write a kotaku article about it
>Gets shit on by persona fans

Sounds like the usual song and dance

The singer says "re-target"

I'm going to say the R-word

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>Let's go, let's play, retarded
>I can say it
why is this so fucking funny

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No, don't do it! I think you should get some sleep.


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I love this timeline. So funny to watch people get triggered over literally anything. And even if they can't find something, they will make it up in their minds. Fuck I love 2019.

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>tfw a VA, Atlus and Nintendo told him he's fucking stupid
>tfw he went full damage control afterwards

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How does that person got a job as editor of a "major" name site in video game journalism?

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Holy fuck this is legitimately funny. SJW transfaggot agenda pushing bullshit backfiring in their face, and now other SJWs are attacking them for being racist. This shit sounds like satire but it's all real

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>>tfw a VA, Atlus and Nintendo told him he's fucking stupid
I only heard about Futaba's VA doing it.

>other SJWs are attacking them for being racist
Most of them aren't SJWs, it's just people making Kotaku live to their own standards.

Nothing makes me feel better than seeing these dumbass trannies getting blown the fuck out.

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They were all wrong though, all the -ism accusations need to be real is to be considered oppressive from the recipient :^)
They don't need to be made with intent, it's the victims opinion that matters sweetie :^)

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I'm going to say the B-word.


To be fair it does sound like retarded, would make no sense though.

>After being accused of racism, Dale would indicate that she had been prevented from commenting on the article on Twitter. She also noted that her article had been altered without her permission by her editor. She indicates this editing removed her doubt about the claims that the song included the word “retarded.”


Where's the pastebin you fucking nigger faggot

>when your outrage bait flops and it doesnt even matter cause itll be forgotten tomorrow

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That pic pretty much sums up this decade, unfortunately

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>mentally ill tranny
don't be redundant

Classic honk

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>mentally ill tranny

That's redundant.

>tranny trying to talk it's way out of the shit show it intentionally caused

>P5R is Persona 5: Retarded

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Let's not do that tonight.

>If I had just said "it might be true" with this idiotic accusations, it would have been fine!

Saying someone MIGHT be a faggot and calling them a faggot are basically on the same scale.

>be me
>decide to btfo libtards once and for all
>get fake beard
>get circular glasses ala harry potter
>take a photo with the most soi face ever, while still trying to look as if i'm serious
>make twitter account and put the pic as the profile pic
>lgbtpprogressive account
>just in case you don't know, the p stands for pedosexual
>progressive liberal twitter account for pedos, trannies and faggots
>anyone that argues with me and has a decent argument just gets blocked
>"shaking my head to all these incel losers in the replies :/"
>doge memes with 300 words in them
>more anons come to falseflag on twitter
>slowly the idea of lgbtp catches on
>libtards are now also known as pedos

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Donald Trump is president of the most powerful nation in the world. Almost all other powerful nations are governed by conservatives. Why do you think this decade is defined by progressivism?

Fucking hilarious that you can call them racist thanks to their retarded politically correct playbook

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>Attempt SJW bullshit
>Blows up in your face at double the force
Best fucking timeline. 2019 has been filled with gold.

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>me Kotaku me rikey de flied lice
WTF why did Kotaku do this? I demand this racist website be removed from the Internet.

>played for like two hours against an absurdly good Joker
Joker's actually so much fun to fight, great addition desu

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Wake up, get up, get out there!

Kotaku's hateful & bigoted rhetoric is putting the lives of POC and members of the LGBTQ+ community at risk every day.
Being an Asian identifying person living in a so-called "Western" country is difficult enough thanks to systematic racism & oppression, but now there's this on top of it all.

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the i can say it part really lands it home

>Sitting on the pane of a broken window
Is he trying to get glass in his balls?

The singer could be saying 'Restart it' or 'Retort it'
Her jap accent is making it hard to pronounce the st in Restart.

Based and retarded

In clown world, everybody had forced vasectomies and gender reassignment surgeries

I don't get it, isn't that place constantly racist against the East by claiming their standards are barbaric and should follow the enlightened West?

Trump was promising an end to the ethnic cleansing migration, ending of tax dollars being spent on foreign countries, and other things that were for natives in the US. Now he's cheering on 38 billion being sent to the Jewish ethnostate unconditionally, by a supposedly heavily partisan congress, while also allowing the most illegal and legal immigration of any president in history. In what way is he conserving the way of life in this country?

because kotaku isn't a major name in video games its a site designed to inflame people and all of its clicks come from outrage


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I'm yet to meet a single Joker I can call good

The worst part is
>Haha, holy fuck Kotaku are idiots!
>Wait the writer was a tranny? I'm so sorry, I take back everything I said! I support trans rights and their idiotic choices!


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The greatest irony is that this article has probably done more to bring "retarded" back into the modern lexicon than anything in the last decade.

Is it written like this? The song I mean.

Anne's VA was first, then Futaba's VA joined in.

>Joker BTFO virginben and Kotaku
how can one character be so based


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>mfw reporting all of the "Trans Rights" custom stages in smash

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ping pong ching chong we no unduhstandu you lyricsu - Kotaku


Um, sweetie? It's not racism to ask lesser races to live up to common standards of decency.

>backfires and pedophilia becomes legal

He's also leaked for MK!!!!

Is this the PSY nigger conspiracy of the late 2010s'?

Who gives a shit, they literally just made a mistake. Kotaku is still the most trusted video game journlism website on the internet.

>b-but trans people aren't political
>*proceeds to ignore the fact that noone fucking cares about trannies outside of america*

i don't get why people get upset about video games. it's not even real life. meh i guess it's for clicks and money.

What the fuck is that conspiracy?

>Blown the fuck out about the article
>All the trans stages they were so happy about get deleted
How long before "Laura" joins the 40%?

That's socjus hypocrisy for you.

why do niggers get so mad when people ask them to stop being niggers, then?

Hey at least cunny won't be banned anymore

This, I wonder how much money they made from this "mistake".


>implying that wasn't all according to keikaku

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Because they're not a different race of human, they're an entirely different species of monkey than we are.

>unironically blaming his boss
I hope this comes back to bite him.

I honestly don't think Laura Kate Doyle is smart enough for that. If it was a pre-planned outrage, then the tranny was an unwilling scapegoat.


Very sick. Check my 5

If there's one thing Resetera hates more than whites, it's asians

The article is still up though. Even if it wasn't pre-planned, they still profit from it.


I hope they join that 40%

>I'm ready to pick up the pieces. Let's go, let's play, restart it
How the heck can you hear retared? That doesnt even make sense

An attempt was made.

I honestly believe that the tranny is just collatteral damage for Kotaku bosses who wanted manufactured outrage and clicks.

I heard retarded but I wasn't dumb enough to think she was actually saying retarded

>implying you would need this much effort to paint liberal as pedo lovers

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Is that what the R in P5R is?

Who gives a shit about him, he's going to prison soon after how disgustingly corrupt his administration has been. Piece of shit who's willing to sell the country out to russians while true americans are suffering.

Excuse me??? she is a literal ?, woman now?could you like not????

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It's funny because how conservatives and the right always project their pedophilia on the left when the left is doing all their best to solve the problem by banning sexualizing children in video games and media while you have churches openly having sex with children and nobody on the right gives a shit.

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this makes me feel some foreign feeling of just
sadness i guess
jesus christ

Why don't we push the racism angle here? Why don't we call LKD racist for assuming a Japanese person said retard because of their accent?

hence the racism accusation

I know that clown world is turning into a bit of a normalfag meme now, but you really should learn to laugh at these people, or at least at the absurdity of the situation. The alternative is getting depressed.

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Is it one of the trannies that trys to have sex with its pets?

I don't even get trans culture. Like, we're supposed to treat transwomen as regular women and transmen as regular men, right? But then they go out of their way to talk about how they're "Proud to be trans!" or "Trans rights now!" Like, do you want us to treat you as whatever gender you've chosen, or do you want us to treat you as a weird off-shoot?


We don't need to, it's long since been done by others.

clown world
based my negro

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listen, you're making one big mistake here, and that's trying to make sense out of it like a rational person.
There's no rationality here. There's no sensible thought. It's all an insane sham.

Like those neofag mods who rant about pedophilia in games and then get caught with real life CP?


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Ah yes the terrible, terrible ongoing rape of cyberkids in japanese video-games, really glad the "left" got that covered
now excuse me while i ogle little Timmy in the pride parade, its free love after all, im not here to be shamed

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>type up some review of a game
>i like [thing x and thing y]
>also music is pretty good
>throw in some "i dont like this but im not good at this so your mileage may vary"
>7/10 its good but its not amazing, your opinion may vary, but im not into these games and i like it so far
>"go fuck yourself casual shitter" in the comments because thats more or less what i expect
>get fired with no severance pay because boss took a bribe from the company and my review pissed off the company
>im offended by literally nothing and heres why
>with no fact checking
>with no proper journalistic research
>wtf why are you people mad at me
>everyone not sucking this tranny's now non-existent dick this time because its clear theyre not just retarded, theyre also dumb
>just sit back and get their pay check thanks to their equally retarded enabler of a boss

im not saying typing reviews or news for a video game is hard, but i am saying its clear retards run the show and ive considered making my own site that just lets loose on article pieces where you can shitpost to your heart's content and give honest reviews or news.
>new final fantasy 7 remake: again 7
>its the same fucking game what do you expect
>its good and you should get it if you want to because its got enough rereleases anyway
>thanks for reading

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I don't believe it
Trannoids are a protected class leagues above Asians
they won't give a crud if their kind was racist to some Asian woman singing engrish

Honestly nothing wrong with the top left pic, assuming those are the kid's adopted parents.

I get that she made a stupid decision, but do you guys have to keep saying he/him? And you guys wonder why the transgender suicide attempt rate is so high...

How come it's ALWAYS the MtFs sperging out? The FtMs seem pretty quiet.

To use "he/him" would be respecting their rights as a human
The new word to use on them is trannoid

If they're his parents then it was wrong the moment they adopted him.

Wot does kaykakoo mean?

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Cause there are way many MtF than there are FtM. Also video games are mostly played by men, so the trannies that play video games are usually MtF since they are actually men.

I honestly think it has to do with the backlash against straight white males. Some are so desperate to prove that they're not a part of the "problem" that they're willing to cut off their own dicks to show it.

huhmm you are just gaslighting your bigotry, plain and simple.
she is beautiful and desired both in real life AND on games, how does that make you feel now sweetie?

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Ftms are seen as "gender betreyers" because they turned themselves into the hated gender

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Agreed, and if they ended up pimping that little boy out it would be just a coincidence iamright

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You can tell they work for Kotaku UK cause of the teeth. Why do all brits have such bad dental care? Maybe fix your teeth instead of cutting off your dick

wtf I love ftms now


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>Laura Kate Dale

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Based and parvatipilled

>"Trannies aren't real women!"
>Cry all the time
>Bitch all the time
>More likely to be leftists
>Emotional wrecks
>Want to fuck men, also hate men
>Want to censor everything men like
Seem like real women to me

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Was this actually the person who wrote that shitty article

btw what exactly are "tranns rights"? what do trans people lack in law department?

>Write a baseless hitpiece based on factually nothing desperate for clicks.
>As soon as people think about it for 1 minute they start calling you out on your bullshit
>"M-muh boss edited it. Uh...I gotta hide from social media because I can't take this assblasting despite being a tranny."

Trannys...not even once.

Yep. This person has a long history of being completely retarded online.

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How fucking embarrassing

I think it means "Pay for me to do this to myself"

Why do trannies ALWAYS dye their hair?
Don't they want to pass as normal people?

Even Rich from ReviewTechUSA was fuming over this in a video, hes usually pretty chill. Its good to see people generally fed up with outrage culture.

Every time I feel worried that I missed the boat by not following this tranny bullshit and taking hormones or something, I see something like this and I feel better.

Did you know that there are reports from former citizens of the Soviet Union and it’s satellites that near the end of their civilizational collapse many felt like they were going insane? That they looked around and nothing was running quite right and everyone seemed just a tad off their rocker and events/ideas thought impossible we’re happenning at such a rapid pace they could only sit back and watch in awe?

Buckle up.

Has the singer came out to clarify what's actually being said?

Actually most MtF trannies are lesbians who dont sleep with men.

they're generally the more "well-adjusted" ones, rather than making their hair colored they try to be more masculine

Hopefully Japan doesn't know or care about this shit. It's so fucking embarrassing.

Most dudes that grow their hair that long don't treat it and don't put in the fraction of maintenance that girls who have been doing their hair for decades do. So it looks super shitty and the dye misdirects that.

They're men with autogynephilia*

lmao I love watching these cucks cannibalize themselves trying to be more offended than each other
I hope they all starve and die the disgusting fucks

>why mentally ill people don't make rational choices
yes, did a interview to BBC too

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That's the way to defeat them. Get them to call EACH OTHER racist/sexist/whatever.

Any male democrat candidate supporter? Endorsing the patriarchy. Supporting an Asian over a black man? Racist. Supporting a Japanese developer over an all black team? RACIST.

lmfao at that 'tash he has

Too much tea, that's why. Tea time is really part of their culture, so no stereotype here.

I think she really was making fun of disabled people, Japs have been salty at the West ever since they lost WW2 and hide behind their alleged poor English to insult people. Good on Kotaku for calling them out on it.

because they are desperate for attention and are uncomfortable in their natural state

>Cute twitter avatar that almost makes me want to like him, makes me wonder if maybe I've been backing the wrong side
>Actual person is a fucking disgusting chris chan sewer beast


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what if a transformer and a lesbian got together, would it be considered homo or hetero???

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I've met 5 transgender individuals in my life.

Only 1 is a good person, known him since elementary school, one of the friendliest people I know, the other 4 however are complete trainwrecks as human beings, one killed "her" brother, 2nd is a "guy" who dated a bunch of abusive assholes and then became a dude, and has now gotten 3 different girls addicted to drugs, and treated them exactly how her ex's treated her, got banned from a fucking McDonalds for getting into a fistfight with one of em, the 3rd is an huge racist to the point where "his" very existence boggle my mind if he can be that intolerant of other people yet takes enough testosterone to end up sounding like the Atticus Shaffer from The Middle, the 4th is just the annoying stereotype with a massive ego and superiority complex "she's" just bad personality wise though.

>one killed "her" brother

explain please

>My life as a gay autistic trans woman
>Laura Kate Dale

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Sorry sweetie, she's beautiful in whatever way shes featured

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>a real website
>bounding into c(um?)
>literally who

>tfw straight cis white male
Feels good bro, I highly recommend it

I just saw it on my cellphone. What do they smoke?

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Some (most?) countries prohibit trannies from stuff like joining the military or having their chosen gender legally acknowledged.

R-eporter and Wrestler?

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>g-g-uys i'm sad, take the black pill, clown world, yang gang
lmfao even when you win you're too much of a loser to act on it

Persona is always dabbing on trannies, gays and other mentally ill people

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I only met one. """""He""""" seemed like a decent kid. Definitely not well, though. Couldn't work half the time from having constant panic attacks.


Unironically based.

Back to l*ddit

They're not smoking anything.
First you release a bullshit article for the rage clicks.
Then you release an apology article for the lmaotoldyouso clicks.

That way you can cash in twice for the same bullshit.

This will be "Kate's" next article, watch.


has this mongrel's parents killed themselves yet?

Because Kotaku is literally just clickbait. Anyone could write inflammatory garbage and put a baity title on it to get the most clicks possible


she did nothing wrong

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>Trannies getting dabbed on by Atlus AND Nintendo
Based. Remember to report all the trans flag stages you see.

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>trans twitter account
>one day their pfp goes black
>their name changes to a single .
>goes private
>i'm depressed don't talk to me leave me alone

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Doesn't Morgana call an enemy a jew at some point in the game?
Why did they not obsess over that over this shit?

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lol, even when we lose we still win

Because they didn't play the game obviously

Amazing that this and Kanji's story are wholesome subplots about self-acceptance and breaking out of societal expectations and yet SJWs just take them as personal slights.

trannies obviously don't know much about self-acceptance

>playing the game for more than an hour
clearly you aren't game journalist material, user

A lot of these trannies that get a lot of attention started as ugly men too, come to think of it? Did they think they’d magically be more attractive by switching genders?

No, all the parents just die inside instead

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But Naoto is 100% trans also Kanji is gay

pls have sex dumb fanboy

>resetera is one person

Doesn’t P4 literally have a gay character?

i did half an hour ago, lol

all the mothers look quite happy, that's the scariest part

Shot him, allegedly "she" suffers from schizophrenia.

>pretending that dissenters don't get instabanned on retardera
Yes it might as well be one person

Did you ever ask him about why it happened?

I don't get the second to last pic, the kid doesn't seem like he's revealing something or anything and there are no flags, what's the issue there?


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Am I the only one who's fucking normal anymore?

>gay autistic trans woman
I am legitimately not even sure what this means

its a straight man who is afraid to seen as gay because he has girly hobby (sewing)



I thought the part where he started denying the Rape of Nanjing was a little out-of-line.

There's a reason why the world is laughing at America for electing such an obvious corrupt piece of shit who lies and makes a mockery of the American government.
Once he's taken down, steps will be taken to ensure people who supported him will never again be allowed to destroy America from within with their treasonous lies and corruption.

im kinda curious about his memoirs desu

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There's unused dialogue for Yosuke that sounds really gay, and it's english so it must have come pretty close to happening. But it must have been scrapped, and Kanji isn't gay, so nope.

Well Teddy might be bi but that's it.

It's not even a proper apology, it's "ok we published an article attacking the companies involved without verifying it and before waiting for a response BUT the lyrics are easily misheard and they're not listed in the official lyrics so it's their fault for letting us misunderstand in the first place".


They're a customer that come into the store I work at, their life story is not my problem, selling them smokes, and gas is my problem...along with working at a gas station.

And trannies push that Kanji actually is gay and Naoto actually is a tranny.

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Oh come on, we all know it's alright for the Japanese/everyone besides America to deny war crimes, but as soon as Americans do it it's disgusting and must be destroyed!

Wait, what? When did this happen? I played the full thing and I don't remember this.

Editors doing this is VERY common, if they think your article could be made more "punchy" by removing the nuance they often will.

I want kids eventually but you couldn't pay me to raise a kid in today's political climate. I can't imagine a bigger disappointment than your kid being trans.

Kanji isn't necessarily gay, he just struggles to reconcile his more feminine side with his desire to be masculine. He was also interested in Naoto before it was revealed that she was female. Ironically SJWs that constantly talk about eschewing gender roles have boxed him in as "the gay character" when he's a lot more complex than that.




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their parents didn't either

>implying destroying america is a bad thing

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Told his parents he wants to be a professional Fortnite player.


It's a pity, Sarina was rather cute until she became more plastic than person.

>he doesn't know
Does it have enough flags now?

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No user don-

>Kotaku: "Inside source discovered that Jewish slurs are used in Persona 5"

Hello everyone i'm the reason all of this shit exist because i killed some guy a century ago

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I doubt the smiles are genuine

Honestly it sounds like semantic gymnastics on every level to try to work out/justify what the nips meant by that line.

>retort it
"retort" isn't really used in music, and even if it was, the section of the song has no call and response or even solo melody so it wouldn't make sense
>retard it
ritardando comes up quite a lot in music, and it is believable that some poor nip translation has made them say retard it in english, but the tempo does not change at all so that doesn't fit. It's like someone saying "slow it down now" but instead they stay at the same speed and start playing synth solos and shit.
What does this have to do with the lyrics around it?

Honestly dudes I'm not trying to defend anyone here, I just want to know what the nips were actually trying to say with this fucking gibberish

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what did he mean by this?

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Why? even the education system is willing to go one extra step in taking care of them just for you :^)

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Even an idealised version of this nigga looks like a man


>semitic gymnastics
Fuck off back to /pol/, nazi

ten hours is a pretty long time for the average twitter socialite

Because it's engrish nonsensical bullshit, if you like the games/music you just learn to deal with it and maybe appreciate it for being silly.

It means "I'm an attention whore, look at how unique I am!"

why do they keep hiring mentally ill people for these jobs?

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whan an unholy trifecta, my god

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What the fuck does it even cover? Anal? I mean it doesn't matter if you're trans, unless you're combating it with an insane amount of the opposite hormones your body is still gonna be doing the same shit a normal Sex Ed class would be teaching you...


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Of course. Also "Trans and Autistic" is redundant. Autism causes people to be trans. Look at all trannies that had surgery, 100% of them are on the autism spectrum

Maybe she teaches how to use fake cocks and how to dilate their boipussies

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Jesus Christ, why isn’t this kinda shit illegal?

They have similar classes in my country and they make students do things like dress up like girls. It's basically propaganda and forcefully converting other people's children to their cause.

What the fuck?

why is it always a discord tranny?

But you did see it.

That's because women are soulless retards whose only survival strategy throughout millenniums has been to fit in and as such they are easily manipulated. Just take a look at cults in places like Korea and Indonesia, almost all the cult members are female.

Trannies... So much fucking attention whoring and outrage pedling... Maybe should get a hearing aid instead of wasting money indulging in a RE-TARD Fantasy of being a "Female".... Cuting of your dick doesnt make you a female. It just makes you a Cuck and Eunick.

Why?this is both beautiful AND required

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Oh God, is this Laura Kate Dale again? How do these fuck ups fail upwards. This dude will be working at the New York Times at this trajectory.

This is insane. At this rate, pedophilia is going to be legal soon.

Tranny will always be a tranny. SHould kill ITself. But then again... 40-60% suicide rate is going to do it for us.

can't wait desu


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"he supervisor told me they personally don't agree with the ruling, and recommended I and others contact corporate, or visit the Smash support forums and leave messages that the trans flag and messages of support for trans rights shouldn't be prohibited."

Oh nononononon what we will do bros?!?! THe trannies got people on the inside! They will also soon remove the retard song

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in the USA? no, it's actually encouraged

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>17 when it has just barely started
Well shit its working

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(And That's A Good Thing)

>What does this have to do with the lyrics around it?
Maybe play the fucking game.

>haha this will be the perfect bait article !
This is beautiful.

DOCTORS are, they have pretty strict checks for this kind of thing including constant check ups. The issue comes when people start trying to self-medicate because they get angry the process isn't going fast enough, usually because they didn't consider it earlier.

It's basically talking about LGBT relationships. That's pretty much it. So all the same kind of shit in Sex Ed, STD risks, being safe, etc.

Paedophilia isn't a crime, user. It's a mental illness that makes one partial to committing a crime.

Looks a lot like attention whoring to me.. And an overinflated Ego over nothign. Wasnt this the faggot that... Threw totalbiscuit under the buss for siding with gamergate? Even after he distanced himself from gg because of his friendship with this tranny?... And he still got thrown under the buss.. Nice friends he defended... Guess they were the ones that gave him cancer.

ask your grandma, yotsuba

>no more support for israel
>no more support for saudi arabia
>no more support for terrorism
>no more refugees
>no more feminism


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What is it with Autistic people and trannies. You see this same thing with that Chris Chan fucker.

Go back to your normie boards, scrub. This is a loli-friendly zone.

What enabled this travesty?

>mfw i buy the game only to do exactly this

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Of course not, age will simply become a social construct not bound by your body but how you feel.
If you feel like you're an adult then I can fuck your pooper even if you're 12, truly this is the highest form of enlightenment.

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Disregard that... I suck cocks...

I've always heard "retarded" too
I knew it wasnt what the singer was actually saying, but it was too funny to ruin by finding out what the song really said

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Don't mix up lolis and real children you degenerate.

Rabbis love sucking blood out of babies cocks after mutilating them. Isn't judaism such a beautiful "religion"? Can you believe they've been expelled out of every country they've ever been in? Simply horrible bigotry.

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Are muslims the good guys now?

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Autistic people can't handle emotions and societal implications, so when they see women being treated favorably with no one to offer a solid explanation as to why they see it as a net gain to transition and get some positive attention for once in their lives.

if the gay dads wanted to fuck the boy - why transform him into a girl? i'm a thinker, you see.

If you think putting out a fire by cutting down the entire forest is a solution then sure.


Some of the stuff in this thread are really making me question what kind of world I'm living in. Like, I get respecting people different from us but there has to be a limit to all this stuff.
Homosexuality used to be viewed like trannies were half a decade ago, and know it's taboo to even criticize them.

I gave it some thought, and this only happens in western, developed, white countries. For as backwards as a country in Africa, Asia, or South America may be, they still view this stuff as literal illnesses. Is this what happens when a society has too much wealth and power? They degrade into savages?

Here, educate yourself then

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If they didn't want to kill everyone, they'd be the best religion.

Trannies exist fucking everywhere, the rate of trannies in the western world is comparably low to most other places.

We need to stop calling it this. These people are on par with the sensationalist parody papers you see at the cashier in supermarkets. Op eds at best.

They'd just be jews that like the other brother.

Buddhism is factually the only based religion.

Yea Forums needs the clap emoji

>Is this what happens when a society has too much wealth and power? They degrade into savages?

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>be Muslim
>want a single in first year of college, forced into a double because of limited housing
>find out roommate is gay
>don't care too much, but complain to the housing board that I have religious needs or something
>get to live in a single with no gays

Works like a charm.

I think trans-ageism will become popular with the elderly within a few years.
You always see people say "Age is just a number." It wouldn't surprise me if people simply changed that number.
How long until we see balding and grey old people wear wigs and get plastic surgery to look youthful again, en-masse?
And how long until it's a crime to call someone by their actual age rather than their taken one?
Probably quicker than you think.

Is this real? Theron is one of my celebrity crushes, I didn't know she was a loony.

Someone give me the run down, I cannot access the kotaku article in my country. What happened?

Can we just fucking strafe California, New York, and Faggachussets with A10 Warthogs already? Without them America might actually recover.

They fall into decadence and disrepair until a revolution/war happens and everything becomes fragmented.
Though at this point civilization is far too advanced for that, at best you get a political upheaval and heads start and people rot in prison.

It's weird, from the outset, Muslims seem very homophobic, but I've been near-ostracized from my local Mosque from ranting to the teachers about how the lgbt agenda is ruining the minds of young children and corruputing them.

They're actually extraordinarily liberal in this country.

I'd play a game of pretend with Nagato.

Let them devour each other.

I do the same in Splatoon all the time, feels good.

>Is this what happens when a society has too much wealth and power? They degrade into savages?
Yes, read Starship Troopers. The only way out of this is a Military Coup.

>bottom tier

Yeah, it's real, she's part of the pedo club like Angelina.

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Other cultures have had gender fluidity for a long time, it's the west which has repressed itself for so long and is finally digging itself out a little.

The west drove literal war heroes to suicide because of their gay panic.

Identity confusion in society. Is more correct what Persona does. That guy in Persona 4 that was asumed to be gay. More him being strugling with what it ment to be a man. As he grew up in a seamstress household. Which is something either women or gay people do. Making him question himself. Since he enjoyed it. But wasnt into guys. Or could even be bisexual. Naota.. Questioning herself and her femininity, because of not being taken serious in her career as a detective. Cus male dominated. Thinking that it would be better if she behaved and dressed like a man to be taken serious. Less to do with transgenderism. Since that has more to do with your own view of how you feel. Not what you think would get you taken serious. Whille trannies today would make you think otherwise.. SInce they seem more like they do things just for attention.

>read this fiction book to learn how the world works

Big fucking brain.

>Muslims seem very homophobic,

Yes, actually here is the protest if you want to see youtube.com/watch?v=4TLH1klEIgc at 3:40

>It is promoting gay people! Shame shame shame shame shame!

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Who wouldnt. I mean their child is mentaly ill.. And not on the DUuuhrrrh scale... But even worse. Claiming they are someone they are not.

Even Reddit is calling him out now


You should know that in your backwards countries they literally force male children in drag to fuck them, why would a sandnigger older than you who's aware of that want to stop it? Most people are egotistical and don't care what happens to others, you thought Mosques or Churches care about the people? At most, you'll find one or two decent people trying to make the best out of the absurd amount of leeches.

In the current year bigots have absolutely no place raising their kids

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The fact that they can't even be fucked to get rid of their chin stubble/shadow is absurd. You're going to pay a bunch of money and go through a painful surgery, but you can't spend a few min in the morning to fucking shave?

yo Yea Forums

why are almost all trannies MtF? i hardly ever see FtM trannies. it seriously feels like 99.9999% of them are mtf

Yeah user, do you also remember that part where Futaba says the n-word and do a nazi salute? That was quite something.

She does call someone an NPC and says "Kek!" so that's pretty close.

Thats a bit of an outdated stereotype really, since everyone here has dental care free on the NHS for nearly the first two decades of life.

If anything, I'd put his terrible teeth down to him being unable to care for himself sufficiently. This much should be obvious with the genital mutilation he subjected himself to.

Heres your modern woman bro
be a MAN and ask her out right now.

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Life as a real female is easy.
Life as an autistic ugly sperg of a man is very hard. Most of them just deal with it and browse Yea Forums while playing vidya. But some are so mentally ill they decide to become women, or at least try.



Kinda ironic isnt it?

Just remove america and israel and those muslims will follow.

Has the world gone insane or slipped into the Twilight Zone?

I will remind them

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user, it's nothing to do with that, Americans view dental surgery to pretty your smile up as a normal thing.

The worlds gone insane, I wonder what could have possibly cause it? Perhaps having positions of power given to nepotistic forces is a bad idea.

Its why jewish babies have herpes or other stds at a very young age.

Ruby Riott is looking pretty hot there.


someone post the tranny that had skin removed from his arm to make a vagina

That's been happening for literally thousands of years

>Is this what happens when a society has too much wealth and power? They degrade into savages?
It’s like we’re turning into the Eldar, soon the god of excess will be born.

Some humans should just be put down the way we also put down dogs or cats that cannot be helped anymore

Makes me wonder why this way never in the news or pretty much anywhere ...

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>This entire thread

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it's probably just the japanese lady saying random words she's heard. honestly, "retarded" seems like a likely word for her to say since you do hear that word a lot in english speech, but she probably doesn't know or give a fuck what it means

>teaching kids how to use guns
Oh it's tradition, it's FREEDUM, you can hide reality etc
>taking kids to a parade with scantily dressed people

The US is fucked.

>video game journalist

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>no pretty Japanese boy to call me retard irl

nibba it's not like the lyrics in any persona song make sense
burn your bread

>le tumblr calarts art style

off yourself

Have you considered perhaps - just maybe - that the ones who said these conflicting things are in fact different individuals?

I don’t believe you mr. bones

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You may be a skeleton but I agree with you on that one.

>expected to respect any pronoun preference someone has and use it
How do you know people are being sincere though?

If I decide that today I'm now this or that and demand people use zhe/xir for me, will SJWs actually do it? Or would they refuse to use it and out themselves as hypocrites?

What if I change my pronoun every week?

What is it that makes ugly British people look so British?
You can spot British ugly from a mile off. It's so distinct from other ugly white people.

It's posts like me that make me think humanity is just a race of mentally challenged apes who got lucky when they realized they could make tools.

what the actual fuck?

It just means "autistic" the rest of it is just symptoms of the autism.

Even Kenny Omega shat on them lmao.

Bad teeth and round baldy headed twat heads.


What the fuck. Should I go for it bros?

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wtf anime is based?

We've all watched Hypernormalization user.

But yeah, it's some feeling.

lol no sane man wants to get tied down to an aging woman with adopted niglets
She's going to end up adopting more out of loneliness and become a crazy niglet lady in her old age

Kanji's situation is actually a pretty interesting take on societal expectations of men and how toxic they can be, the only character he is explicitly interested in is a reverse trap
Yosuke may have been planned to be a gay route like mentioned which would have been interesting because Yosuke gives Kanji so much shit for his potential homo interests and maybe that was originally planned to be Yosuke projecting onto him or something

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fuck off yah spook


You can tell they do this just for clickbaits and you retards still fall for it

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I'd rather have my kid be able to defend themselves than hang out with a bunch of pedos and trannies. Please join the 40%.


Which makes them straight men not lesbians.

>Twitter avatar thumbnail of Anne's VA cosplaying as the character
>Looks hot, let's look for a full-sized image

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you just KNOW

You can't defend yourself with a gun. That's a myth. You won't be faster than the criminal, and they will have drawn first.

What usually happens is that a dad shoots his toddler because he dropped the gun by mistake.

>falling for the 3DPD menace
I shiggy diggy

Oh fuck it would be AMAZING if the R was actually the real lyric, "Re-target", it would even made sense as the subtitle for a release of a game about thievery

I honestly think that the best way to deal with these bizarre political sexual issues is to block the biggest gathering sites for it. That includes Yea Forums as well: If Yea Forums, 8ch, Tumblr, Twitter, and other such sites were blocked for like a year, I think people's viewpoints will start regenerating, and the fringes from the left and right will lose the power they've gained.

People underestimate how much they're swayed by absorbing extreme opinions constantly. There's a reason we've had a boom in Transexuals in America: People have been way more open about talking about it, and dumb teens have been taking it up as a fashion. Likewise with Nazism, which the *chan's disease.

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Do you have sources for either of these claims? Do you think that the person defending themselves in a home invasion scenario walks up to the criminal and challenges them to a duel or something?

>I want to be a woman!
>cut off your dick
>never wear makeup
>never shave properly, constant stubble
>probably hairy legs/armpits/pubes
>never pluck eyebrows/get them threaded
>never use any kind of moisturiser or facial cleanser
>don't get periods
>don't get period pains
>will never get pregnant
>99% of them still want to fuck girls
I fucking hate tranny larpers who want all the privileges that comes with being a woman, but don't want to deal with any of the "icky stuff" that comes with being a woman.

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Source on that anime?

I'd hit it. Hearing best girls voice while doing so? Damn.

Reminder that AIKA is objectively best girl

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Legend of the Galactic Heroes

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Sure, let's just ignore the hundreds of thousands of people that successfully use guns in self defence every year.


Written like a genuine TERF


Trans-Excluding Real Female?

My favorite part about this ongoing argument about P4 is that it's a complete misrepresentation of what the characters are about. Naoto's thing isn't about masculinity or femininity so much as it is being the right person to take up her family's heritage. She tries to be masculine because it's how a detective 'should be', not because she wants to be a man. Kanji, meanwhile, is traditionally macho, but crushes a little on Naoto before finding out she's a she and is into knitting. His whole thing isn't about gay or straight, it's about being comfortable in your own skin with who you are and what you're into.

P4 is progressive and positive as fuck and it's STILL not enough for some people.

>Shitting on Cuckbox and shitting on trannies


>>taking kids to a parade with scantily dressed people

They do more than dress skimpy at these events, I have seen fucking piss orgies and openly fisting each other on the street.

Kids should be nowhere near this.

Radical Feminist, which I suppose is more or less interchangeable with Real Female.

that's a fact.
I don't know what I'm gonna do when she retires.

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My sides!

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Whose up for bringing back crucifixion?

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God bless every last one of them.

>"icky stuff" that comes with being a woman.
except thanks to modern feminists even real women don't have to deal with at least half of the stuff you listed. God forbid you associate makeup or shaving legs with being a woman, that's sexist, y'know.

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check the number of replies, goddamn

Harlacher is alright. She has the case of the "horse" but its not that bad.

Except that's not even slightly fucking true.

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That's why Clown World is wrong I think

It's why I use the term CLOWN COUNTRY

Because when I look outside in Russia, everything is fine and normal. It's only the west that has this problem

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bottom 2 aren't trannies

>retarded is a slur now
What? So wait, putting shit like fuck, cunt, nigger, etc into songs is fine but retarded isn't? Explain this shit to me anglos.

No that's not how it works in practice. Block one site and another will take it's place. People don't have any loyalty to websites. If they're not allowed to congregate in one spot, they'll congregate elsewhere. If you really want people to form their own individual opinions, you need to open up discussion from all sides and break down echo chambers. Places like twitter, Tumblr, resetera, etc are echo chambers because moderation and censorship forces them to be that way. Places like /pol/ are echo chambers because no one with dissenting opinions wants to participate.

Not high enough I guess

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Imagine being so fucking narcissistic that you manipulate your child into changing sex in order to make you by extension more unique than others.

Tell Laura to dilate back on the racism

Autogynophiles are the worst, their transitioning is based entirely on their own sexual fetish of wanting to have female body parts, that's basically what these things are.

because of diversity hiring rather than hiring based on competence, this is what you get with equity politics

that's exactly why being a tranny is a mental illness, its all about an over inflated ego and sense of self-worth.

When they run out of attention/ego supply they off themselves.

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God Bless, Nintendo. God Bless, Personafags. You weebs did good.