Risk of Rain

How do you think the enforcer will be implemented if ever? Will Mul-t ever feel good to play? Does Hoppo still love us?

Attached: Best_bro.png (599x1000, 197K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Does Hoppo still love us?
>acrid not in the game yet

Hoppo more like hotpoop lmao

I kinda want to see all the guys return but also want to see what happens with newcomers. For Enforcer, the shield could probably work easier than it did in RoR1 but the problem I see is a lack of range unless you could have two different shotgun shell types.

The melee characters would be harder to differentiate but I think it would be possible.

Enforcer may be fucking kill OP, read the medkit description in ROR2.

better levels when?

Hopoo loves us, in a sick and twisted sort of way.

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He's a hard bloke, I hold out hope that it's just setup for us having to rescue him foe the unlock.

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No, it implies that he is still out there

>Got deleted
Get fucked

>Will Mul-t ever feel good to play?
he is much more fun to play than commando, eng or huntress

gib lobby

I got The Long Road with Artificer today. Had 10 of the equipment chargers, 2 Soulbound Catalysts, and a Preon Accumulator. Shit was cash.

No way, you pretty much just hold down left click or right click and then go-cart away once you're down. Everyone else has mobility options and other moves they can use midcombat.

I remember i had like 15 Tough Loves, but i was still taking damage from plenty of sources, how do the calcs work? How many of them do you need to reach true godhood?

Engi is only good for fungi meme. Huntress isn't to my taste she is in women though. Commando though is so much fun zipping around with the roll. Only Mercenary feels better.

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Mul-t is my favourite class, speed upgrades and explosive bullets are pretty much OP

>Tough Loves
someone's been playing too much BoI
it's tougher times

Fuck, you got me

>Engi is only good for fungi meme
>projectile immunity and 3 times the commando DPS is a meme

Honestly I think probability-wise only 80+% is reliable which is the 25 mark.

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Mercenary feels really good with the dash qol improvment.

You can finally dash>eviscerate>dash>spin>hit>dash

got sequenced into 27 teddies. im literally invulnerable that match

Honest question, what’s the point of not grabbing every item?

you should be holding m1 all the time as merc

Not every item is good for you.

Pick up items requires time and you don't have much time to spare

lunar items
sometimes you can have too much speed or procs and that will cause you to crash

What improvement? There a new update recently or this some mod stuff?

But wouldn’t every item be good to pick up, besides for the blue ones?

lobby quick before janny removes video games from the video game board

While midair from using the water jump pad as huntress, use your R and you can't move other than falling afterwards

Basically dash now has a longer duration before expiring and putting it into cooldown

Yeah in theory, some items have kinda wonky effect when you stack too many, like wax quail

at some point more movespeed items are actually a pain.

You mean I can do more than just press M1 once? Based, time to play merc.

They made it longer before the second and third dash stop working, so you can add in other abilities between the dashes much easier.

>gets 1 shot because u neglect your i-frames in late game

yep, it's around 3 seconds iirc

I almost always get that extra utility skills drop as Mercenary, and that turns him into an anime ninja beast.

US West, Vanilla Monsoon

If you dash too much you lose a lot dps though lmao, but yeah it's cool

It'd probably be stupidly broken, but it'd be nice if the artificer gains an extra primary attack every level.

I do not understand this meme. Nowhere in any logs does it even come close to implying that he's dead.
Can you stop posting blatant misinformation?

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meant to reply to

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Why did you reply to me then instead of the guy before me? And if you can't read the ambiguity of his fate in the log you must be ESL

>Will Mul-t ever feel good to play
I see you haven't had a good MUL-T run

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Not explicitly stating that he lives does not mean he's definitely dead.

>+Defensive healing items are for pussies
>-defensive healing items aren't actually for pussies

fuck that slug/monster tooth argument the other day. though this shit is continuously touch-and-go.

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>threads are starting to slow down
think its time we pack it up and head over to lads

no /vg/ays thanks. i like Yea Forums


>if I try and act like I play I can make the threads go to /vg/!
Fuck you nigger, it's an active game.

>>threads are starting to slow down
Good now risky threads are always slow now that all the secondaries left hopefully you'll leave too

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vg is for faggots, I aint a faggot.

anyone down for a late night vanilla NA?

Post a code and see

Get in fags

I'm taking a meaty shit, if you're around when I'm done I'll be there.

still one spot left

I washed my hands as best I could.

If it fills it fills, I literally cannot stop shitting.

>just want to play one quick game to try out merc
>item luck rate seems to have been upped out the ass, keep getting greens, got a red out of a regular shrine
Is Hopoo on crack? Hope he detailed stuff out in the patch notes.

Tiddybug mod when?

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Hopoo hacks into your run and offers you a choice between a random white or a random green
what do you choose?

already in game

White, and hope for slug gf

what are my items currently
also what character

like mando or mult would probably take the green regardless but i think id prefer the white with huntress or merc unless im already in a good place

Actual well defined chest like the Huntress and Artificer mod.

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bring your friends but mostly

bring Bandit and Engi.

Was bandit fixed recently? Also
too lazy to swap

It's not modded, you can bring Bandit in if you have him thouhg.

What's Bandit good at? Tried him once for like 2 minutes and didn't get the meme.



ROF, the bugs, stickies, he's as good as commando and Mul-t I think.

Oh shoot his mod is with vanilla I hope I can hop on quickplay with this shit sorry hopoo

he's the best character for killing wisps
other than that, I think he's the safest character?
he's good for killing your teammates (go stealth right when titan or golem is about to shoot & it'll hit someone else instantly)

Do you have to be looping to unlock Deicide?

no I unlocked it fourth stage
it was mountain shrined & an actual boss
horde of many doesn't count, and I keep hearing mountain shrine is required (but I don't see anything related to that in the code)

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Does it have to be a single boss, or can it be, let's say, a blazing vagrant with a bunch of normal other vagrants?

I think it was a single boss when I did it, but again that doesn't seem to be a requirement.

There's 3 things that seem to prevent giving the achievement
1)It's not a "champion". This isn't set anywhere in the game and is likely exclusively tied to the monstertype
2) It's not an elite. This is determined by whether or not they have an elite buff
3) player isn't alive

I can't even find anything that's related to it being tied to the teleporter

Enforcer just isn't viable for a fast paced 3d game. Sorry lads, he won't be returning.

found the janny

I really hate how you have to fulfill like a dozen unmentioned requirements for this garbage achievement.
Is there any indication that it's not possible to do in mp? Or that there might be any complications?

nah mountain shrine isn't required, but it does make it far quicker otherwise you need like 2/3 loops 2 hour runs

Fuck off, he's coming back.


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You can do in multiplayer, but you have be alive when the boss dies for it to count

Show difficulty.

Would you be interested in a version that debugs a ton of shit every time you kill an enemy to help you find out what causes it to not work?

Any eu lobbies up?

Would players who are alive still get it when someone dies?

Nah, that sounds like a bit much for a brainlet like me.

It could maybe work if he plays a little like Reinhardt

>show difficulty
100% of players unlocked long road on drizzle.
You included, if you even have it.

Not everyone has to be alive for the remaining players to get it. I died while doing a run and the people I was playing with got it but not me

They'll pick back up when hopoo finally gets around to releasing the damn roadmap and some new items etc

>mfw I did it on rainstorm by getting overly lucky on baller ass items with huntress

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Had to fight against the controller disconnecting too

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That "Paladin" thing in the files basically has a Reinhardt-esque shield, completely unclear whether it has any relation to Enforcer (even just in the sense of testing things) though.

>the shadow theme

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>implying I'm a drizzler

Fuck off. It wasn't till I had like 90 hours of playtime, cause I'm shit, but I got it on Rainstorm. I haven't touched Drizzle since the game came out, and I don't plan to unless my friend who is completely shit at shooters starts playing with us, and even then only till he gets used to shit.

It can be multiboss, but it has to be one summoned at the teleporter, and it has to be a boss boss, so it has to be...
>Beetle Queen
>Stone Titan
>Clay Dunestrider
>Wandering Vagrant
>or Imp Overlord

Overloading Magma Worm doesn't count, and neither do the brass contraptions or greater wisps if they're summoned by the teleporter.

That's where you're wrong, bud.

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Fucking kek that picture is great

I deleted myself after things stopped spawning.

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fuck off i did it on rainstorm

>tfw mercenary with syringes, goat hoofs, hoopoo feathers and sticky bombs

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sure you did

I've literally never played on Drizzle. I can't bring myself to. I'd feel like everything I did was in vain.

>implying game is unplayable on gamepad

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Have you gotten clay pigeons on him before? They give his double jump distance too, it's fucking great.

How do you even play mercenary when you just got mobbed by a fuck cluster? I can't even hit R because they just hone in on my spot ready to gangrape me immediately when I get out of iframes.

Hold shift.

Can I get banned/reported for playing Bandit?

>clay pigeon
how could you get both parts of its name wrong user

shit like teapots just tear the mercenary apart unless you've been very lucky with teddy bear finds

be yourself

but you can get banned & reported for playing the game normally

WILL you get banned for playing bandit?

pretty cool game, just unlocked the car
does anyone know how to leave the escape pod? seems kinda hard as this character

Attached: car.png (965x597, 447K)

open useast

>Game gives me 3x fuel cell and Royal Capacitor
>Basically a "fuck this guy in particular" button and then every 5-10 seconds
>Open a Lunar Pod
Man that was a fun run.

Royal capacitor is extremely good by itself and pretty much gamebreaking with gesture of a drowned.
I kinda think they need to nerf it along with sticky bombs.

If only you'd gotten gesture of the drowned


Open assembly in dnspy
go to RoR2.Run, find stage1_pod convar, set the flags to none or SenderMustBeServer
Then go to RoR2.Stage & do the same there
Go in game then type stage1_pod 0 in console

anyone got an updated shared group loot mod ?

I can't even get the fucking item because there's NVER FUCKING TWO SHRINES ON A MAP WHAT THE FUCK AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH

>gesture of the drowned
this shit breaks the game too much it's fun for a run but you're better not running it

Gesture needs a big fucking nerf or reworked entirely

Capacitor is weaker than the Accumulator right? It doesn't do aoe either?

>Unlocked Gesture of the Drowned like a week ago
>Friend got it in multiplayer before I did and he hadn't even unlocked it yet
>Still haven't gotten it to show up, even in Bazaars
>Same exact situation for Clover too

play multiplayer or if you really don't want to play multiplayer, play forced 4 man scaling, which makes the game think you're playing a 4 man game

Why DOES the Beetle Queen have such a prominent bosom? It's not actual tits, is it?

Maybe slightly weaker but has MUCH shorter cooldown and you don't need to shoot it. So DPS wise it's superior to everything.

The game is super comfy on a pad, especially as Merc. Even the shooters play as good somehow.

it hits your target and anything that's right next to it I believe.

If they nerf cap it'll suck, it only works with gesture if you get a few fuel cells, a soulbound, or 4 gestures, or a combination for several. It's as gamebreaking as a sticky printer.

Capacitor is instant single target 3000% on a 20s cooldown, Preon is a slow moving 4000% + some aoe lightning on like 150s cooldown. Unless you have a black hole full of elites then Capacitor will do better sustained damage.

The fuck are all these equipments?
what's Saw? what the fuck is Orbital Laser? What's GhostGun? What's LunarPotion (since I assume Hellfire is BurnNearby)? What's SoulCorruptor? What's Souljar?

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Preon needs to be buffed desu, thing is only usable with 5 gestures or something. CD is too long, just like for ocular.

I got it with a friend yesterday in rainstorm after getting like 3 behemoths total during the first 4 stages and a bunch of other good items.
We stopped when enemies stopped spawning but it was retarded how fast bosses melted down before that point, even the overloading worms.

Might be the item in RoR1 that just throws a saw that comes back to you
Looks like the Ror1 item that summons a ghost of every enemy you see

Dunno about the rest, might just be new items

host when?

anything new turned out to be OP in the new patch?

btw LOVING the new patch

i played so many games and still haven't seen alot of items, hell i'v yet to see a behemoth


saw seems as you described, (does PUNY damage though, hits for ~100 while lightning hits for ~400)
souljar seems to not be implemented
ghostgun seems to be some weird super strong autoaiming goldgat?
orbital laser is kinda neat but looks fucking horrifying (I'll make a webm in a bit)
Lunarpotion isn't implemented
Soulcorrupter seems to turn the targeted enemy into a ghost if they're under 25% hp

Just got oneshotted by elite imp as huntress with two infusions. She's so damn fragile, holy shit.

finally got this stupid unlock
huntress should prioritize specs over backup mags imo. i usually grab mags and they're good, but i had none this run and having 100% crit + crowbars then having the single glaive bounce off everything did insane damage

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that was doable before, it's just easier for shitters now.

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thank god this isn't in the game as is

Attached: orbitallaser.webm (960x540, 1.04M)

good shit, I want to get this with my coop bro but it just seems like solo is gonna be the way to go


thanks bro, this character seems pretty cool, might make it my new main


they're all in the game right now, and you can force them out with mods.
some items are likely old ones from RoR1
probably boomerang buzzsaw
foreign fruit
glowing meteorite
manual version of happy mask if I remember correctly based on what was posted of the code. it was something along the lines of "Use this item, all corpses in X range become ghosts" or "All enemies killed in the last X time return as ghosts"
Rare elite drops that give you an affix trait. Technically because of the way that the game is programmed, every enemy is a character that just has a few abilities, and the affix in the use item. That's why it's so easy to mod things like playable lemurian
similar to gold gun but probably better
>Orbital Laser
someone posted a webm of it a while back. It's an area nuke use item. Think a slightly larger, multihit royal capacitor
timed chest item
not quite sure what this refers to
most likely referring to the wings
>passive heal
>lunar potion
not quite sure
>Burn Nearby
hellfire tincture like you guessed
>Soul Corruptor
Execute, forces enemy into happy mask ghost
>Cripple Ward
effigy of grief

The Saw in the first game was like a boomerang that could hit an infinite amount of enemies twice, and applied a strong bleed on each hit. It probably does feel weak if none of that's working.

Enigma probably refers to the Artifact from the first game, which gives a random equip effect when used.

enigma is from Enigma artifact, random activatable effect
As far as I can tell, lunar potion stops you from healing and instead stores it in the potion, then you can activate the potion to use the stored heal.

But that doesn't really make sense to me. I can't imagine a universe where you want to stop your healing & use it manually, unless there were some "critical health" items or whatever
I think there's also a bug because it doesn't seem to reset the stored amount? Maybe that's where the use case comes from, maybe it's not meant to fully empty after healing but instead empty halfway but heal for the full value?

So if you're 100 hp and you "heal" for 200 hp, it'd stop the heal, leaving you at 100 hp, but then you can use the potion to actually gain 200 hp but still have 100 saved up


Attached: dIK4FHz[1].png (1426x543, 28K)

>Remove beyblade on mercenary and add block that reduce incoming damage by 75%, if timed correctly, the block will parry attack, leaving merc unharmed, stun the melee attacker and deflect the range attack

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Hoppoo is salty that modanon is doing his job better than he is.

It's OK buddy, I call em the same thing.

No? This isn't a game for such mechanic.

>Tranny drama
No thanks

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>retards playing an unfinished scrapped bandit instead of waiting for true bandit

Like I said in a previous thread, Enforcer is a walking fortress, it could work really well in 3D.

>Enforcer may be fucking kill OP, read the medkit description in ROR2.
It's not a clear death, hey, maybe we'll get a Punished Enforcer!

Oddly enough I finally had one of those games where you just stop playing for the first time as Artificer.
I know I got some good drops, but still, that patch change man. She's finally the DPS Queen she should be. So much burst, and those Ice walls are fantastic now on bosses.

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Yeah no thanks buddy, don't want this thread to become a /vg/ general filled with trannies and discord drama without any discussion about the game itself

save that for an item like the bear, but instead of blocking damage it just sends the shit back while also hurting you as to keep it balanced. stack it with bears though and become a deflective god

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I honestly don't understand all these bad rep about /vg/
Last time i were still active there i was in /palg/ and /nepgen/ and it's like your everyday Yea Forums threads for the most part

Y for Yikes
Lategame merc is too fast for that Dark Souls shit.

Does the lunar potion affect overhealing? Stopping all healing seems a bit shitty if it includes natural regen too

they should just make syringes cut down her cooldown

She's pretty good now and ice wall is actually amazing especially if you have multiple charges.

fucking hate all these shitters that keep demanding merc changes, you guys already got an increased uptime on how late you can use the dash
merc is meant as a fast teleports behind you rogue type of character. if anyone gets such a skill, it would be enforcer. even then, something like a big barrier guard like reindhart or w/e that overwatch character is would be more suited for him

I was mostly referring to MGR with all the ninja run deflecting bullets.

yes, all healing, including regen, even when full
maybe that's the point? healing enough while full health so that if you get hit you can just pop the potion & be full again?

Next update when? I don't feel like playing if there's nothing to unlock.

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have you played forced scaling or bossrush?

>having a good run
>host leaves
>or everyone drops all at once
every time

Season two when? Shit was comfy as hell.

You could just give that as an ability of the beyblade to reflect projectiles, but the games too hectic to be able to do that reliably.
Marc does shit for damage and is too fragile for cqc. When I get a 1-2 hour run going I barely ever wind up using his skills outside of as a dash because they don't really do enough damage.

fuck off cheevoniggertard

>see EU posted are up when I can't play
>anytime I post an EU lobby no one joins

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i would

Pad is fantastic and I exclusively play on monsoon. It’s practically a casual game anyway, and with huntress I can just hold down right trigger and lay back on the couch running around watching things blow up.

>tfw soundtrack is not even present
Anything else good to listen to besides Mass Effect and Phantasy Star?


sure it seems fine with merc or auto-aim huntress and maybe engy but with commando and artificer it seems like you're gimping yourself

He's playing on the auto-aim character you nigger

Also is playing on east coast servers viable from best coast?

I'll make an EU lobby since the whiner won't


ive play in european lobbies from commiefornia and have been fine
netcode is pretty good

I've literally only played Drizzle to get the fuckin Gesture of the Drowned. Get good, faggot. It's not even hard to get Long Road on Rainstorm.

They secret a sweet honey-like nourishment for her workers.

>Also is playing on east coast servers viable from best coast?
Yeah, it's viable to play with US east coasters from Australlia.

Yeah I probably wouldn’t do it with commando
MUL-T it seems fine though
I’ve gotten to I think 17 stages on monsoon with artificer too with it
I just have always liked pad more whenever possible, I’m a lazy fuck and have a gaming laptop anyway so laying back is easy and relaxing with something on the TV in the background
I do adjust my sensitivity a tad when I play artificer and merc though

>not using preon with 3 fuel cells


>already full


US unmodded

is there a gamepad auto-aim feature? Does it help?

relevant pic

based, good to know, though this makes me wonder why I get fucking shitty quickplay lobbies rarely (one was a chink, guessing other was some kind of BR). Is it just pure internet speed then and not really location latency?

Rate my Enforcer please:

>Passive Protect and Serve: Take a defensive stance while walking or standing, raising the shield, increasing armor by 30 and blocking projectiles that hit the shield.
>M1 - Riot Shotgun
>- -
>Fire a blast of buckshot that deals 25% x 10 damage in a spread. Blocking projectiles increases Riot Shotgun's rate of fire for 2 seconds.

>M2 - Shield Slam
>5 Second Cooldown
>Slam into an enemy for 250% weapon damage. If used while sprinting or during Fortify Position, charge a short distance and knock enemies back. Damage increased by armor. Damaging enemies will provoke them into attacking you.

>4 Second Cooldown
>Fortify Position: Slam the shield into the ground and become immobile, immediately gaining 100% of max health as shield and reducing remaining cooldowns on other skills by .5 each time you are hit. Reactivate to leave defensive stance.

>R - Tear Gas
>8 second Cooldown
>Launch a chemical grenade that knocks enemies away from the impact point for 350% damage and fears them for 2 seconds afterwards.


EU non lag host

Feels like it just a tad. But only in limited range. I like the follow through of the sticks when lining up a snipe on a wisp with arti m1 more than having to flick a mouse.



still 3/4


US Midwest Monsoon

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Y-you too!

It will slightly slow your cursor when swinging your aim over something within ~20 feet but won’t bend your shots or add generosity to hitboxes or anything, and it doesn’t fuck with anything beyond that range. It may also be deactivated with merc as I have no problem in a huge fuckpile realigning to dash through a chosen wisp to get out. It really feels quite sophisticated.

Is Crowdfunder the most useless item in the game? Shit does no damage and uses money which means it's trash until you hit super late game

brittle crown, it's also great in early game when you just need a simple dps boost against the boss

I got use out of it as huntress in rainstorm if you get some crit in the first few stages, helps take down the first couple bosses if you’ve already cleared the level
It’s pretty bad though for anything else

>have best run of my career going on
>gold portal pops up on round 18
>never taken it before, let's see what happens
And that's how I ruined my run.

Does that shield lunar item work with the health one? Also who is the health one good for otherwise?

>plebs STILL haven't figured out how to combine the crowdfunder with the brittle crown.

Attached: 8f3.jpg (472x298, 25K)

I'm guessing you mean transcendence for "shield item" but what do you mean by health item?

I wish it auto targeted enemies instead of firing on your crosshair

Transcendence’s tradeoff is a rather large health pool boost and instant full health recharge if you don’t get hit for 3~ seconds, but any other item that says ‘healing’ becomes useless

it increases your health regen but you only can gain health that way, something about 10% and minus 50% for each stack which I have no clue what the fuck it's talking about.

What the fuck that's how shield works? Holy shit

commando is fine
the only problematic character is artificer but it's just as shitty with a mouse

also shrines of blood become useless except to launch fireworks

do you mean this? i had both but i don't think it worked, i'm not 100% though because i've never used that red on its own
also i think this is a ton of health for lvl18 with no infusions

Attached: transcendence.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

Oh Corspebloom, It makes all healing you get turn into healing over time, but caps the regen at 10% of your max HP a second, more stacks of the item makes it heal less max hp per second so 2 would make it cap at 5% max hp per second
It's really a garbage item

oh and boosts healing by 100% per stack

Would the Enforcer be able to aim around while in the defensive stance?

>nerf sticky bombs
If they do they should make the other on-hits better. It's already enough of a dice roll that you'll get enough damage to continue on monsoon.

NA East

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>instant full health recharge if you don’t get hit for 3~ seconds
that's due to a bug, it's not supposed to be instant

literally all they need to do is make crit be able to scale past 100%

I think solo, transcendence it sub-optimal. However with multiplayer it's really efficient imo since you can stack all the healing items you find on other players.

She was always good, only change they made is a slight buff to her proccable damage, like dagger/sticky bomb.

Yeah, you have full aim, just rooted in place.

Proc chance is not a slight change, and the wall buff was really big.

You'd still only be able to utilize that like one in twenty games. I'd like to see it happen anyway, but honestly I'd like to see a bleed buff even more. It's a little too useless, and since I don't think the ticks proc anything else it should get a better advantage of its own.

Make crits scale past 100, give Predatory Instincts +5% crit like scythes, and let them both stack, and you'll make sticky bombs much less necessary.


US unmodded, no tofu this time

So there's no reason to stack corpse bloom, that's retarded.

What the fuck is "Her Biting Embrace"?
It's a use item i never recall unlocking and it doesn't even activate

Transcendence is pretty good if u can pull out a fight immediately. That's why on merc it's pretty bad

turns you into an ice elite

its funny, every time i get a red and its the stomp item im dissapointed
then 5 minutes later i've found 8 hopoo feathers and i'm goomba stomping bosses for 9K Dmg

No you fucking mongoloid, crit and stickies are the only fucking damage items that scales your damage properly, if you don't roll a bunch of stickies or 30-50 ish crit at least that's it, run over. Bleed dones't stack damage, crowbar is incredibly situational, anti-armor sucks, flashbangs do nothing, warbanner sucks, the only other one worth mentioning dps wise are back up mags and Serum for increasing your procs.

There's pretty much no reason so take it at all, it's just a worse rejuvenation rack that make you unable to burst heal

predatory instincts is just fine the way it is though

do you need 5 different lunar items for the Moon Worshipper challenge?

NA East

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just 5 items so you could do it with 5 of the same item or 2/2/1 or 5 different

>my toaster can't run it above 10 fps
Kill me.

whats so good about the capacitor I tried it and wasn't really impressed

It makes it impossible to proc unless you have crit chance, this would also make lenses and syringes less mandatory and vary up run builds.

user, quick!
>first level
>5 white items
>the AS boost on crits green
>3D printers for both Sticky Bombs and Glasses
Which do I take?!

predatory instincts doesnt give you crit, so if you get one early on its very situational without other items to compliment it. Even worse if you keep getting only those with no other crit items, at least scythe gives you some crit so you can start using it right off the bat

high dps, long range, low cd, stupid good synergy with drowned and batteries but takes a while to get going if you don't have those items.

glasses 100%
she needs them for big dick glaive damage

Sticky bombs

Never played the first game and I'm wondering if this is fun to co-op; me and my brother are looking for a game to play. Is it fun?

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go all glasses, you don't have enough items to get use from the stickies as much, and the crits will elt you scale your attack speed and any other items you get.

yes it's fun
Merc is basically Vergil in space

Still waiting

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So I just discovered that enemies can walk on you, preventing you from jumping, I nearly died because I got swarmed by beetles and one of those fuckers stepped on my head.

for what purpose

Alright, you convinced me. I thought about getting stickies instead. Maybe going for an easier early game is a better idea.
Stickies is the best scaling item in the game. Basically you want them all the time.

they're not as important on huntress, especially at that quantity
backup mags, specs and crowbars are more important than stickies for her

Damage. Pure damage.

crits scale everything , stickies scale by themselves forever. On enables all items, the other enables just one thing.

stickies enable death en masse, dealing 10s of times of your damage
glasses double your damage at best

If you get too many wax quails it becomes really easy to accidentally launch yourself into space off of small inclines

I got behemoth once then died minute later or so

worth it, shit was cash

space program quails are excellent for clearing tall obstacles

None of those scale as good.
Crowbars are cute with a few Glass shards (like four), but will ultimately start to fall off quickly.
Mags are good to have, but after ~5 they make a lesser difference than other forms of effective CD reduction.

Stickies, meanwhile, scale exponentially until you reach 100% chance - at some point, they become perfectly capable of being your only source of damage as Huntress. Glaive is a great way to spread them too.
Not to mention, you want to stack attack speed with her, doubly so if you're stacking Mags.

Glasses do a bit more than that. Mainly AS boost from one green and healing from another.

It's great for artificier because her healing sucks.

>especially at that quantity
5 glasses is going to give you a better chance getting to late game than 5 stickies with huntress attack speed and range
yeah sure stickies are op on everyone late game when you have a million of them and syringes

MULT feels like shit after nerfs. So slow and weak.

>playing arti
>first round in the snow level there's a tougher times 3d printer and a leech seed printer
>throw everything into it for laughs
>shop portal shows up
>hellfire tincture

I have never killed bosses so fast bros

Attached: invincible.gif (480x200, 986K)

That's why I was convinced to go with glasses

is hellfire tincture finally good with the slight range increase? I haven't tried it out yet

If you're playing Arti you're even more fucked since the dps contribution of atk spd is nigh negligible. Takes 3 other items out of the useful pool.
Is predator instincts really even that good on huntress? The stacks don't particularly last very long and unless you're doing arrow rain huntress' rate of fire will never compare to the spammier characters.

They multiplicitively doubel your damage, everything you do can crit, so if you get tesla coil, or the royal capacitor, or tons of bombs, those can all crit. So as a baseline it's smarter to grab crit if you don't have enough to get 15ish stickies. So if you do run into a printer later, you can still wind up with 30% or so chance to crit after you blend.

Stickies are also shit if you can't doa lot fo damage very fast liek Hand-e, Bandit, or commando. Merc's judgment nut end works pretty good with stickies but most of his attacks don't same for Huntress and Arti.

Not sure if Engi's turrets shit out stickies.

Multi-T nerfs suck, I hope they change him back to how he used to be, at least his speed.

speed nerf was fine
damage nerf was full retard since it did nothing to stop the nailgun from being dominant and made the railgun even worse

Disregard the whole "Glasses vs Stickies" argument for Huntress.
I found a Syringe 3D printer on the second level.

And a fucking Mags printer next to it. What the fuck, game?

It's always been pretty good but you generally need lots of TT's for it to work. Super useful on Merc because with TT's or just his eviscerate, you can go invuln and deal tons of damage from not just your tincture, but also your special move.

What is your problem?
Why do video game related threads on Yea Forums anger you so much?

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Can I take my save file from a pirated version and port it to steam?
I decided to buy soon after playing it, but kept postponing it and ended grinding a lot of shit

>when you find mother lode on stage 4

Attached: Nrt8naY[1].png (781x90, 112K)

Posibly not, but most of your save file data is saved as a text document in a certain folder, it should be as easy as copy pasting your data from the odl file and putting it into the new one created for your legit profile.

now stack nothing but gasolines and willowisps for some aoe
>tfw sequenced into 49 gasolines, 32 willowisps, 12 tesla coils

Attached: 100% sexy.jpg (200x200, 9K)



>man sequence sounds retarded the chance to get something decent is tiny
>oh well I might try it once
>50 med kits and 20 leech seeds

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who else dropped this game when it became normie?


>people don't like mul-t
You haven't experienced the power of two equipment slots and a couple fuel cells.

cumming in the dumpster


EU 4 players - Monsoon

Hit o you fucking brainlet.

>character is barely decent if you get some very specific items
yeah nah I'm gonna pass on that

>clover printer next levle

Attached: iHy4SoR[1].png (1069x109, 163K)

mul-t is broken wtf
the reason people don't like him is because he's very simple and it's playing on ez mode

NA East
No cars


In single player, you are right. In multiplayer, items are not shared and characters work better with certain items, so don't grab shrooms if you're not an engineer when playing co-op.

>get meat hook with wisp explosions + ukulele + bombs
>everything gets chained into a ball of Fuck
>numbers and explosions fucking everywhere
Meat hook is now my favorite fucking item holy shit. On boss fights everything gets chained into the boss and explodes on him for massive damage, it's a sight to behold.

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His speed is the same as everyone else and he still has the highest raw dps in the game. You're just bad.

How the FUCK do I complete deicide? I can get to loop 1 on monsoon but I keep getting deleted before I can fight an elite. Also how do I git gud in general I guess.

i'm not a friendless pathetic NEET so not me

Apparently you don't need to loop to get it. I'm lobbying for an attempt right now,

what the hell do you even do as artificer on monsoon when you end up spawning into 3 worms and 3 golems

seriously I was just running around for over 10 minutes and they just refused to die while I had to deal with atleast 20 greater wisps and brass contraptions on my ass at all times

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mountain shrine
also aim for like a par of 6-ish minutes
and make sure you cover your bases of what you need early, namely speed, aoe, fire rate, it varies by character

I'm a dirty mobile poster rn but good luck brother

The black hole item is deceptively powerful as well for similar reasons. Nearly every enemy can be bundled into a ball of fuck going wherever you want and all those AoE + chain attack items add up stupid quick.

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A shit ton of movement speed or wax quails coupled with on-hit stacking.
Her flamethrower is the only real way to solo as it doesn't lock you in place like right click does.

Where's his right hand in the second panel?
Goddamnit, who's the CHUCKLEHEAD who drew this

So what's the survivor tierlist? Who is trash, who is actually decent?

trash: artificer
decent: everyone else

Commando>Engi>Huntress>Powergap>Merc>Mul-t>literal shit>artificer

Wrong, sometimes an item will ruin your build, like taking the shield scarab as an engi who has fungus.

>listed as 15%
>first one gives you 13.04%
what did they mean by this?

mult is top tier, faggot

Attached: overloading_worm.webm (960x540, 2.28M)

>stack gasoline & wisps
>WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR them all up with cube and wait a few seconds
>breath on a wisp to obliterate everything including my framerate

Attached: dokaaan.jpg (512x512, 30K)

but how do I flamethrower flying enemies without getting blown away instantly

Infact that seems to be a giant problem with artificer, ice wall is fucking useless against flying enemies, so when the game decides to just throw a bunch of them at you its completely useless

>having a good run
>game crashes
I guess it's my fault for trusting Proton, but still...

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blue items don't count. they don't auto-pickup and they don't cost cash so buying one doesn't stop you from buying a regular item.

>Taking that long to kill the reminder
Yeah sure pal

no one cares
single player is literally fucking braindead easy with every single hero minus artificer MAYBE

>5 gestures of the drowned
>4 fuel cell
>1 glass
>royal capacitor

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t. hasn't tried to kill a 3 hour aurelionite

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shoop da whoop

How are these people so bad? Merc is the second best class in the game, and that's a fact not an opinion.

But that's wrong.

tfw brain 'n glaive

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Idk what the fuck Im doing

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>not a single clover
this is an outlier, with a clover you would have destroyed him

aurelionite is fucking stupid to fight since his laser chunks for more than chip damage like the regular titans do.
between that and the titan spawns, gold portals are unplayable unless you're engineer since there isn't any reliable cover aside from hoping that he can't snipe you while you're on a slope.

speaking of which how in the fuck did you die as engineer with hardlight afterburner?

that fucking animation with loads of syringes reminds me of something from castlevania, can't remember exactly what though.

mistimed a shield placement, got greedy because he was at 20k hp and i just needed to get the last totem off. that fucker does NOT take damage relative to everything else at that level
>17 sticky bombs one shots every single enemy in the game
>get to aurelionite
>takes 15 minutes to get him to 5% hp

Still open. Need two more.

Ignore tier faggotry, get more stickies

Attached: blazing titans.webm (1067x600, 2.89M)

okay that's fair
that titan fucker needs a nerf though, or at the very least an amazing reward

I'm actually considering cheating in the environment log and the enemy log for him since i've farmed him multiple times and the fucker still won't drop it. at least everyone else spawns multiple times later in the game. Fuck, even providence's log in the first game wasn't this bad

>low skill floor
MUL-T, huntress
>medium skill floor
commando, engineer no he does not belong in the above tier with how many dumbasses refuse to leave their sentry nests and die to one shots
>high skill floor
mercenary, artificer

normal tier lists are fucking stupid and we've had people posting high number gametimes/stage clears with every character. if you can't get past stage 20 on a character, then you either had completely abysmal RNG where you didn't find a single red or good damage items, or you need to git gudder

>You're just bad.
Nigga, I loop consistently on monsoon.


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A monkey could loop on Monsoon in single player, retard.

That doesn't mean you're an idiot for thinking Mul-T is substantially weaker post nerf. He has an easier early game than Commando and a similar late game (spam syringes, crits, and stickies = win game). He's good.

Anyone else think that a final boss wouldn't lend well in this style of game? I can't see this having a Providence final boss type ending or any ending at all.

Why not? It's a third person shooter. Mechanically, it could be fun and satisfying if the final boss's AI and moveset are cool.

Is it true that fire\ice bands work together? Like if one procs than other procs as well, meaning if you own both it's pretty much doubles the chance of getting the effect of each.

I cant do it Yea Forums I just cant do it. Twenty stages seems impossible no matter how blessed my runs appear to be. I always get close but never cross the finish line.

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every item can proc every other item

>nerfing characters in a PVE game
What a joke

consider the following
when you kill TP boss, you get 50% of what still needs to be charged (for example if you kill boss at 10% charge, it gives 45%)

They would have to put a lot of work in to mimic the same feeling of a final boss like the first game.


EU 4 players monsoon

take blue portals as they add stages count

the celestial portal needs to be a different color

i think that's fair

that's a meme

I do, I even try to get lizard jew portals if I have the coins. But nothing works, drizzle, rainstorm, monsoon. All of them deny me.

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it is a different color you dingus, it's green. it also has flashes of white all over it.

is everyone fucking color blind or something
its pretty clearly like teal/white while the blue one is blue
and i even have my gamma cranked up to counteract the contrast rape the overloading worm does

>went for a monsoon engi run yesterday
>got to 18 stages, fuckin breezing through it ezpz
>mountain shrine boss groups dying within 10 seconds of usiing the portal
>flying across the stage in mere seconds while my turrets kill overloading worms and all of the shit around them, opening all the chests with the mad dosh i'm raking in
>on stage 18, plop down a shield to respond to a friend who was watching the run on steam streaming thing
>while i'm doing that, the shield goes down and i get CHONKED for 1.6k hp by the fucking green skull floaty thing and killed in one hit
tis the hubris that brought me down
the run could've went for hours longer, but i got too complacent with my power

>but i got too complacent with my power
story of my life

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>on stage 18, plop down a shield to respond to a friend who was watching the run on steam streaming thing
>thinking a shield would protect against titan knuckles or an enemy slowly walking at you
>ever stopping for any reason when there are enemies still alive
man, you might be retarded. you deserved to lose that

>the run could've went for hours longer
Not really, shit stops spawning around stage 30

If you can't do 20 stages on drizzle with newt altars then I don't know what to suggest.

ye i know
i did a booboo
a fucky-wucky
i soiled me loins
i pucked it all up

i'm gonna go for the run again today when i get home

Hellfire tincture is so fucking good on merc, better than having preon accumulator. But you need to be careful and not be greedy. Popped 3 hellfire at once with fuel cells, the boss got roasted but so did i

Reminder that Risk of Rain will live forever, remembered and maintained by its fans in the distant future. Thanks Hopoo.


Gotta Go Fast!

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Tips for Monsoon?

>under 3%~ chance to take damage

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Don't fall for "rush the teleporter" meme.

rush the teleporter

Does anybody else think the itens backstory (of those who have it) fall short of RoR1?

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Rush the teleporter every other stage

items are important but so is scaling
if you skip items youll fall behind on damage post loop when enemies start jumping multiple levels when you tp
if youre lazy about tp timing youll get outleveled and raped before you can get good items
need to find a good balance, theres no easy rule to follow, especially given the random spawns

If you can unlock things on drizzle, you need to fuck off Yea Forums
Heck, I did the achievement with Artificer on Rainstorm, you literally have no excuse.

palg is one of the few exceptions where people play the game while still having a few nuts. The rest is waifu and roleplay shit.

You nigger, I just beat the fucking level and you shut down the game

end urself and never host again

a c c e s s
he's ironing out gameplay issues and bugs before getting into the finer details/adding content

I think it should be 4-5 minutes then hit tele on the first loop, also don't go through blue portals your first loop either since that bumps the difficulty up and you don't really have enough green items to trade to make it worth it, unless you get the dream of sticky printer and lizard has a clover.

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>Heck, I did the achievement with Artificer on Rainstorm, you literally have no excuse.

I'm sure your parents are very proud.


I miss Miner

not sure why you're posting this

welcome to 3 weeks ago


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Ignore all the other retards, just b yourself because your chances of survival depend largely on the items that drop assuming you're not a drooling retard that stands still.

>threads everywhere
>nobody wants to play ror1

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not true, it's just nobody wants to set that shit up. i'd love if he retroactively went back and gave ror1 a lobby system, i'd play it and 2 pretty evenly

Which one of us got nigged harder?
guessing I did?

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people are enjoying new thing after years of old thing, the games will mix soon enough but not just yet. Host yourself some RoR1 instead of being the guy in games who goes 'need a medic' and doesnt change. Be the change you need/want or else i'll sit on your toes

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wtb EU host

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Is there any compilation of the OC? I wanna see some tf2 to RoR engi edits

I would host but i live in the south hemisphere

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The timer is now paused in special worlds and the difficulty doesn't go up when exiting them (it still goes up when entering them).



dont you have some shrimps to put on the barbie or something?

>Tri tip dagger just increases bleed chance, not bleed damage.

you did

Does anyone else's game sometimes hang a bit when picking up items?

I did see someone recreate Meet the Engineer but I can't find it anymore because I was on my phone at the time

EU, 5 minutes and I start

crit glasses also don't scale past 100%, while he had 996% crit and 8 clovers

Attached: Engineer_is_growing_stronger.jpg (837x848, 179K)

the thing is he can salvage the clovers with any on-hit items going forward

>instant enormous attack speed vs chance to bleed

Instincts and glasses are literally the only thing MUL-T needs to be good

>4+ minutes to even hit tele
Jesus fuck, no.


EU Vanilla

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>character with no mobility
>her R requires her to get in the face of things for it to hit something
Just give her a new R that's some other element

that's a reasonable time
are you going to go every run and just hope you get good items from the 3 chests you run past?

What characters would you guess are for sure coming back from RoR1? Bandit excluded, since that's obvious.

In pure DPS, the crit glasses are a shit-ton better.
Once they get bleed, that's it, you can't modify the damage any further.

On the other hand, a lot of other items can combo great with crit.

If crit worked like in warframe oh boy

Reminder that you should get 5 lunars for clearing the 7th stage, not for obliterating so you don't have to worry about going further & dying
Mainly so I could see my mate get 170 instinct stacks after sequencing without missing out on the 5 coins

I think there was a gif of sniper from there blog

Do you slowtards still not realize chests unlock again after the teleporter event is over? You can hit the teleporter thirty seconds in and still have enough for 4-5 chests, while slashing the price of chests on future levels.

To make my penis the big penis.

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Whole system should be reworked. Celestial portal should open in Abyssal Depth and you should get 1/3/5 (based on difficulty) lunar coins per loop for obliteration. This will create a risk/reward system where you have to choose if you wish to go another loop for more coins or want to play it safe. Cap the max reward to 5 loops to prevent abuse of current spawn system.

None of the other melee classes ;__;


No rate mine!

>Projectiles hit from 90 degrees in the front deal significantly reduced damage, sprinting reverses this as enforcer places the shield on her back

>Riot Gun
>16 x 25% damage (400% but faster than engi) .5 proc rate per shot, if all hits connect it stuns the target

>Tear gas - roll a canister that covers a large area in tear gas, units caught will cannot attack, M1'ing (shooting) the canister makes it explode burning nearby units for large damage, damage on explosion drops the longer the canister is out.

Shift - Air Lift Drone - Gain large movement speed boost & temporary flight for a short period

>Grenade Launcher
>Tear gas is replaced with 4 x grenades dealing 300% damage, 4 grenades per tear gas meaning extra mage gives +4 more grenades, lasts 10 seconds or until used up

Close range fights are a walk in the park with tear gas & riot gun, passive helps with ranged foes, while shift gives aerial view for Grenade launching on those who remain...

I really fucking hope they not gonna add scope sight for sniper and will rework it. It's absolutely bad idea for 3D and it'll be completely unusable considering how standing still is pretty much suicide in RoR2.

Attached: 1200px-Edit_4x_rifle_scope.jpg (1200x1073, 122K)

>tfw clover affects happiest mask
never had more than 1 clover before, it's probably the strongest item imo

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How playable is Bandit in its current unfinished state?
I've seen a few using him in quickplay.

They already did.

Pastebin mod by modanon gives him a half decent temp one.

He's pretty fun to be honest, falls off late and attack speed is useless on him

>>Projectiles hit from 90 degrees in the front deal significantly reduced damage
>sprinting reverses this
>.5 proc rate per shot
do you mean total? because if not, you're fucking insane, they're not gonna give someone 16 proc chances at half the proc rate

>Tear gas - roll a canister that covers a large area in tear gas, units caught will cannot attack
sounds weak as fuck
>M1'ing (shooting) the canister makes it explode burning nearby units for large damage, damage on explosion drops the longer the canister is out.
this should be used for bandit's bomb instead

>Shift - Air Lift Drone - Gain large movement speed boost & temporary flight for a short period
literally chrysalis

at that point it doesn't matter desu

AS isn't useless on him once you get mags
I really should make AS reduce his reload time though, huh?


Attached: risk of rain.jpg (2500x1301, 901K)

How do you force 4 man scaling?

EU West Vanilla (I think, I installed the Bandit mod so I'm not sure if it works with vanilla)

sniper isn't getting added
standing still isn't a death sentence, he works "fine" in 3D but just feels boring & lackluster

Add option to save and quit when you finish a teleporter event. Save gets deleted when you continue.

Do the ghosts even do anything

wait lemme rethink that proc rate .5 (8.00) is waaay too high, 0.10 (1.60) sounds better

Attached: file.png (666x232, 24K)

No, they didn't. They specifically mentioned that datamined shit doesn't mean anything.

BFG is the Preon Accumulator

Well shit
Some user told me it would work

Would be pretty neato

>standing still isn't a death sentence
t. pre-loop drizzlet

I've seen people pick bandit in multi lobbies
Might be that you can join but not host with the mod

It's functional, it's implemented, we used it.
Unless they decide to scrap that and go for something different, which i doubt.

edit assembly RoR2.Run & change these two lines to just = 4

this.livingPlayerCount = PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances.Count((PlayerCharacterMasterController v) => v.master.alive);
this.participatingPlayerCount = PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances.Count;

alternatively, tell me which version you want me to make it for (full vanilla, vanilla with bandit, vanilla with bandit & yellow affix elites or full mod) and I'll give you a link in like 10 min


Attached: ZEUS 2.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

full vanilla

that feel when you finally get it
the key is preon accumulator and fuel cells, really nukes bosses down

Attached: worthitthough.png (1920x1080, 2.12M)

the multishops or the tokens?
tokens never ever getting done user

implying I'm a drizzler


Attached: 20190401173047_1.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

>implying I'm a drizzler
rainstorm is basically drizzle yo


Attached: 1525685243506.jpg (317x299, 71K)

EU West again, now it should work with vanilla

Attached: 1554733197682.png (2000x2000, 59K)

that was 19 days ago give me a break, everyone was playing rs then

ufile.io/iknef5nt (Mirror: mega.nz/#!Oktw1QZC!5-d9J0QgkWBis43F5hoiVtyLreFG9_LZzUA6B8vS4PU )

>Railgun with active reload
>Hardscope gives optical zoom. Hitting an enemy's weak point while scoped will count as a "headshot" that deals explosive damage surrounding the victim.
These 2 things alone would give sniper means of dealing with crowds without needing to be completely stationary but I don't have high hopes for my boy to come back.

>Chef will not come back
It hurts
It hurts really bad
I just want my chef in 3d

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yeah I wasn't thinking 8.00x sticky proc would be fucking insane, maybe .10 at most.

I had doubts about this too, but having R shoot into the crowds below would be nice.
maybe a super jump?
generic ground pound aoe knock back?
or a single target knockback that turns the enemy into a projectile damaging those hit?

Some items really dont sync up, but thats only if you're so far entrenched in autism that you're going full speed, like stacking 20+ crowbars on mul-t to be able to one-shot everything that moves, if you get AOE items like the guitar or gasoline, it sets enemies below the healthy threshold for crowbar damage
One of the only examples I can think of really other than having too many wax quails, after reaching a certain speed wax quails have the bad habit of sending you into space

He's not coming back? Why?

US vanilla room WHERE?


Stay bad

US East Rainstorm Vanilla

2 more slots


go to lobby while we wait so i can call you a faggot

How many stages I need to go before they spawn an elite boss in monsoon?

Alright bros, how many?

Attached: 1527940441925.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

Invalid ID. I assume you're full.


you already have enough. dont gimp your offensive power

it's random
4 if you're VERY lucky

youre fine

>weak spot
>randomly generated spot on enemies, hitting it deals increased damage

This sounds like a neat item
>Rim World Worm Radar
>Reveals upwards of 1 (+ 1 per stack) parasitic worms randomly on enemies, dealing 5% (+ 1.5% per) of the target maximum health, each worm after the first deals 60% less damage than the first

iirc 10 is 60% block rate, 16 is 70% block rate. wish I saved the infographic.

NA West Vanilla Monsoon

Attached: 1554557984188.png (684x423, 41K)

>pick up crown
>hit blood alter

Attached: 1555088230139.jpg (650x650, 75K)

>shrine of order
>200 fireworks
top kek

EU Vanilla Monsoon


This was my highest damage dealt and we have no idea how this happened. The Mercenary had more sticky bombs than me but had like 20k highest damage dealt. What was it?

Also found Ifrit's Distinction for the first time and it seems pretty nuts. Not sure how it was working but I think the fire dot and the behemoth were proccing off of each other and burning the entire map.

Attached: nghzfOR.jpg (1920x1080, 150K)


Still room


Gimme a sec