You have 10 seconds to explain why Steam deserves 30%

Or all future games will be Epic Store exclusive


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Other urls found in this thread:

Because they had monopoly on the market so they had the power to set the standard. Take a look at the retarded internet plans in murrica for example.

They should be re-evaluating their business plans at the moment, but I feel like they're playing the waiting game to see if the Epic store will crash and burn, or will they simply die off.

Quite a big risk, and it's still a private company so it's quite interesting. They are also very secretive with what's going on internally, there could be a "next step" in the works but I doubt it.

After Halo comes out they can kill Steam for all I care. Gaming and film is too gay now.

Stop using that word when you don't know what it means

Because it's the norm and the consumer shouldn't need to pay for the sins of the publisher.

>Set the standard
I can already tell this thread is gonna be great.

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I'm sorry, user. Is "monopoly" not used to describe a company who has an overwhelming control and ownership of a market?

It's always the same misinformed bullshit followed by some retard who didn't read the thread asking what the big deal is.

Indeed it is, and steam had neither because they never told any developers that they couldn't sell elsewhere, and also accepted keys bought from anywhere.

>imagine paying for your games when you can just pirate them for free

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It did set a standard. Can one of you fuckwits actually reply with an argument?

There was nothing like Steam before Steam. They gathered PC games all under one roof and offered a management system which replaced CD's. They were the only of their kind, others did try but they did not succeed.

For a very long time Steam was the main distribution platform of digital games. They had the power to ask for whatever cut they wanted, and did so because publishers had no other way of reaching the PC consumer.

How am I wrong here?

It isn't
Learn to pronounce
1.the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.

The amount of services Valve gives to any Publisher/Developer is worth the 30% cut. Also, Valve gets less than 30%.

Because their client has features? But isnt it also like a standard.

The industry standard of 30% was not set by Steam you fucking mouth breather. You don't even understand the definition of monopoly so what makes you think anyone should argue with a fuck wit like you?

lol, no.

What's it mean dipshit?

nice argument

Your point has no relevance to a monopoly. Yes, publishers always had a semblance of choice, but it was not a real choice at all, it's either 1) Reach millions of people using Steam -or- 2) Attempt to advertise through smaller platforms and reach a much smaller market

There was no competitor to Steam, it's what makes it a monopoly. A publisher would have to be quite daft to not release their product on Steam.

Besides, a 30% cut wasn't even that bad, for the pysical retailer has roughly the same percent, but a lot more labour to cover.

So if a game is EGS exclusive doesn't they have monopoly on that game? What fucking joke.

If the publisher only sells it on Steam, then yea. If they use literally any other marketplace and slap their keys into steam, then no, they don't make 30%. Steam doesn't get a cut of key sold outside of their ecosystem.

Who the fuck cares what they "deserve"? They set it to 30%, and so far the market has found this to be a fair enough percentage to still so business with Steam.

>Because they had monopoly on the market so they had the power to set the standard.
30% cut was a standard long before steam. The benefits of 30% cut is regional pricing, which means more savings passed onto savvy gamers who buy codes from key sites, as well as the intended beneficiaries which are the third worlders who can buy games for themselves or sell them on key sites.

So this is the power of a SteamDrone.

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First off, Valve actually reduced the cut to 25% ages ago.
Secondly, Epic themselves 12% is not even enough to be able to maintain the Store.
The cost for the Store gets given to the Consumer instead of the Company.

Steam was a monopoly, holy fuck this thread is littered with dumb cunts. Hurr durr that's not what monopoly means. Yeah it pretty much does. Steam had it. They set the 30%. They ran that shit.

All the arts scholars in this thread. My sides.

>Indeed it is, and steam had neither because they never told any developers that they couldn't sell elsewhere, and also accepted keys bought from anywhere.

When CD Projects own developed game Thronebreaker sold so bad on their own storefront GoG that they had to put it on Steam that tells you nothing of how much of a "choice" companies actually had?
Steam had no real competition.

>12% is not even enough to be able to maintain the Store.
Prove it.

Because anything else is literally unsustainable. Epic themselves admitted this; they're simply undercutting Steam for now to boost their library and userbase, and as soon as they feel they've squeezed the stone dry, they'll bring the rates back up to normal levels. That's why Steam hasn't done anything to combat Epic in the past few months, because they KNOW it can't last forever, and they KNOW they won't suffer any long-term damage.

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imagine thinking that if a company is the most successful in its field its a monopoly, thats like saying that apple is a monopoly

>A publisher would have to be quite daft to not release their product on Steam.
Yeah, Blizzard and EA sure went under because of that. Oh wait.

>How am I wrong here?

You believe publishers deserve more money. Fuck publishers.

>mouth breathes
>well actually...

Fuck off.

>Being this retarded.
>Not understanding how money works
>services cost money to function.
>Forums, mod workshops, cloud saves, discussions groups all require servers to function.
>Servers cost a lot of money to up-keep.
>Valve doesn't take 30%, it's more like 20%, and possibly lower, due to payment methods and how banks handle payments ect.
>They barely make anything from steam cards.
>Epic shills fail to mention how the EGS lacks many different kinds of payment methods.

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You have a monopoly if you are the only one providing a service even if you aren't taking actions to prevent others from having that service. The definition of a monopoly is having exclusivity, not forcing exclusivity. Steam had a monopoly.

The real answer is that they don't. I remember reading some in depth analysis stuff, maybe it was on seekingalpha or something about steam and they would still make a killing if they brought their cut down to half of what it is.

Steam only got big because it was the first, and in general are pretty user friendly. Because of this they could charge whatever they want, but it isn't going to last if Epic keeps growing. Even though epic admitted that spending fortnitebux for exclusivity is unsustainable, the size of your userbase is everything, and taking that away from steam is a big problem for them.

They obviously don't have everything, I've probably spent about 7k on steam, but spent another 800 or so on GoG just because GoG corners the market on older games because they actually do bugfixes and shit on them. They provide a service that forces me to spend money with them. I intend to continue using steam, but I've already bought 2 games because they were exclusive to Epic (Ashen, Satisfactory) and will likely continue to do so if they are the only ones that provide those games. If games follow this trend for a long time I will end up spending more on Epic than Steam each year, so it follows that if they are losing games that would get my money on they need to shred their cut.

>Thronebreaker sold so bad on their own storefront GoG
Could it be because literally no one wanted it?

Before epic store, because it was the only non-shit platform. Now that actual non-shit competitors have come up it should be lowered.

Why does epic deserve 12% when discord has a 10% cut?

Having a majority of the market share is a far cry from having a monopoly. And many publishers have, in fact, taken their products off Steam.

>Fuck publishers.
quite honestly this

I don't understand why they're all rallying against valve for the 30% cut when its an industry standard carried by sony, microsoft, google, origin among others.
12% cut is a meme Tim Sweeney uses for the purpose of exclusivity, he states the savings can be forwarded to the costumer but doesn't tell you the decision falls on the publisher, which will never allow it to happen, fucking the consumer further.
Also, you already know how full of themselves western developers are, what do you think will happen when you remove costumer criticism from the equation and tell them they can do no wrong and the future of the industry is for them to choose no matter the quality of the product?

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>Prove it.
You are a fucking idiot if you think EPIC store is in any way profitable right now. The paid exclusives and free games are just to incentivize people to use their store. Right now Epic store is operating on a loss, propped up by the promise of being profitable some day and Fortnite money.


Fuck Tim Sweeney.

>Get btfo
>Y-y-you're just a Steamdrone
Keep fucking crying because someone called you out for being retarded.

Based Orkin man

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late night chink bugs removal

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They're making a shitton of money with their engine.

Even by your own definition, Steam wasn't a monopoly. Not when shit like UPlay, Origin, and GOG exist. And many of these alternative store fronts have exclusives that cannot be purchased on Steam.

>you're right but you're actually not because I say so
Okay retard. Tienanmen Square Massacre to you too.

same answer like yesterday:
because it reaches the biggest amount of customers, while offering features and services that help develop a long-lasting and strong community for the games released on it

12% its STILL too much for these poor devs.
prove me wrong.

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Wait when did GOG go under? Or all those other third party sites that sell game?

>You have 10 seconds to explain why Steam deserves 30%
Because for a long time people were willing to pay that. There is no such thing as a fair price, nor does any company deserve anything. It's simply whatever people are willing to part with for the product and services offered.

For a long time Steam was the only real game in town so publishers stumped up the cash to get their shit on Steam's storefront where it sees the most eyes.
Epic is offering a lower cut and taking much of the risk unto themselves by providing financial incentives and safeguards to publishers in the hopes that consumers will follow the games onto a new platform. Publishers also know that a lot of gamers are stupid fucks and will buy the game a second time when it comes onto steam because heaven forbid you wait a year to play your game.


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I don't care how much devs or Steam earn. I only want to play games.

How come when I post in these shitty bait threads, nobody replies? Am I being too rational? Do I need to provoke people more by calling them faggots?

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Why the fuck do we have mods and janitors if this shit is constantly getting a free pass. This is just as bad as the fucking Smash threads, if not worse because it's the same exact fucking shit over and over again.

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Because console and PC are different. You don't need to pay Microsoft to make games or programs on windows, Console are controlled by the manufacturer.

>in the hopes that consumers will follow the games onto a new platform
Epic Store Exclusive = Always Pirate.

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Sup Randy Bobandy

Being ignored is validation, because shitposters don't actually want to argue.

If it's anything like the gw2 bot then mods can't really do much to stem back the sheer amount of spam they put out.

>Crying because people won't give me attention.
>Using shitty anime reaction images

Summer sure has come soon.

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>Epic Store Exclusive = Always Pirate.

God bless Epic for keeping studios afloat with their exclusivity money, so we can pirate guilt-free.

i unironically enjoyed shizune's route

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^ fucking this.

you would have got him if that engine revenue was the store

Exactly, there's no downsides. Developers get money up the asshole and you can pirate all their games without a care because it literally hurts NO ONE.

Nigg*r, this ENTIRE THREAD was made to beg for attention. I'd be weird NOT asking for it.

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Valve is like Nintendo they have brand immunity because they started a certain cliche and have die hard loyal fans.

That being said, people who complain about all this shit are retarded. If all these companies cave in and distribute on steam will you forget about all the shit you said about the companies who release on Epic and buy their games on Steam? It’s like these complaints hold no merit because in the end, it’s just fucking video games. If it was like prescriptions or medicine or insurance/health plans then fuck it’s a life and death issue but in the end it’s just fucking video games and both sides end up just looking like manchildren.

Also the way the Steam community has reacted with review bombing I wouldn’t be surprised if other triple AAA studios would not risk releasing on steam in the future. One PR nightmare can fuck up an entire release date and brand and mark for a downward trend in sales. Basically all the review bombing might be a deterrent for future distribution and in the end will just hurt Valve in the long run. As important as user related reviews are, the flaw in such reviews for Steam is a like system that pushes for more opinionated and less factual forms of reviews (aka lets make it as funny as possible to get upvotes).

Also a 30% commission isn’t that bad unless you’re a small independent studio.

Can still hurt the epic store because they're not getting anything from the consumer to at least somewhat cover their expenditures.

Piracy isn't really as big a thing as people claim to to be. Certainly trying to maintain good ratio when you're up against seed boxes and whatever autistic rules private trackers additionally have is rarely worth the hassle.

Even without the concerns about Epic respecting consumer privacy (and even the normiest of normies is starting to care about that, especially since most of the west does not especially trust China) Epic as a service is fucking shit with many features that should be standard for store fronts being absent. If anything will kill the store it's gonna be this, because they need people to actually shop with them not just chase exclusives.

is nigger word filtered again?

> Steam deserves 30%
Because they do many things nobody asked them about. Linux support, Big picture mode, neural interfaces, Artifact...

Did she rape Hisao?


found the retard
or do I have to explain the word retard too?

As a consumer I don't care.
Devs and storefronts need to deal with their petty squabbles on their own without fucking over the consumer.

Steam could get 99.9% and I wouldn't give a shit as long as I get my game.

>Can still hurt the epic store because they're not getting anything from the consumer to at least somewhat cover their expenditures.
If people only used Epic Store to buy exclusives (which is what's gonna happen) then Epic Store's profit margins will be too small to please investors. As soon as the exclusives stop, people will stop using Epic for anything. This is the reason Valve is just waiting things out, they know Epic Store isn't as big a threat as they claim to be.

>suddenly 8 threads just show up praising the epic store at the same time

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because bandwidth ain't free and I have to download your shitty game and complain in the forums about it

It's 5pm in China. Cheng just got back from his 10 minute dinner break and is starting the last stretch of his 18 hour workday with a bang.

Yes (and that's a good thing)

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You guys can repeat your responses all you want. Nothing will get heard by these drones. It's mostly contrarians trying to get attention. Fucking nobody wants to defend shit like this

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It's a dead boring slog.

I’d rather give gaben 99% than give 1% to the fucking chinks. Eat shit and die shill thanks for reading

>practically every store and service has a review system to keep them in check even if its first or third party
Fucking college professors have this why does this faggot think their game shouldn't have it?

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I don't even see an attempt to squash these though. They either get max replies or 404 because the 5 other threads are getting the attention. This board has gone to peak shit between this, the sneed posting, cringe and red pill, have sex, seething, wojack and pepe edits, and all the shit new memes. Yea Forums and most of Yea Forums has been garbage for a while but it seems we hit the perfect storm of shit and it's not going to stop. It's like the moderation team doesn't even fucking exist.

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chinese workers are home

It was comfy other than misha turning into a bitch

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His fucking ego is off the charts.

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>Can still hurt the epic store

It doesn't, but they can charge because there isn't an alternative.

Cloud Saves
Controller Integration (DS4 just werks now for me, because steam detects it)
Porting games to Linux for no additional cost to devs

Wouldn't it be nice if Randy got shot ten times in the stomach, by accident?

>being a market leader is a monopoly

Because people are willing to pay for their service.

You, a publisher, have a product you want to sell. You want to sell it in a place that has the widest install base and various other features (which, to you, are largely less important). The 30% cut is an acceptable price to pay for that, especially considering what brick-and-mortar distribution would cost you, and that it's the same price console manufacturers charge as well.

Bodily harm is not for Randy, simply living fully his life as a laughable, dumb cuck is degrading to him and funny to us. Provide enjoyment longuer

Why doesn’t anybody do this shit? Out of the handful of anons that kys every year nobody bothers to take any of the human scum on the planet with them. Seems like a wasted opportunity

>people still pretend that steam is monopoly

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Because it's much more work than it's worth. A suicidal person doesn,t really care that a bunch of fat dudes gonna call him EPIC after his death

>Imagine going to the grocery store and having to rely upon user reviews

It's called Amazon Randy, and it's doing pretty well

But he still gets to make the world a worse place for everyone.

Laziness. Got it. Makes sense I guess, someone thinks just existing is too hard is definitely gonna think tracking someone down irl is too hard

because 30% is the industry standard
epic chinks are trying to undercut

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I'm surprised tencent haven't tried to get in on an Amazon alternative.

Steam is not a monopoly in the normal sense of the word but rather a monopoly for anyone that isn't a giant AAA studio with their own publishing platform.
Namely anyone that isn't Bethesda, Blizzard, EA or Epic HAVE to use Steam or risk not selling a single fucking game because the alternatives are shit

Reminder theres a single Valve employee being put on a pedastal by chinks to show everyone how bad Valve is. He worked in networking at Valve for a year and a half, his latest game was Anthem.

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even with state backing they can't handle Ali

They also bypassed google's app store and threw out the APK. The only reason why they didn't do it on apple is because their faggotry is worse than Epic.

Didn't Epic themselves come out and mention that the 12/88 cut isn't sustainable? Or was that someone like Discord? Hopefully it just crashes and burns eventually

i think its justified considering all the features steam has. they basically handle everything for the developer. they host forums, regional download servers, host savegames, screenshots, offer a streaming service, promote games and host game servers and matchmaking if a developer chooses to use it.

epic currently does none of those things. and i dont see jack shit about the savings that are being passed to consumers. sure theres a fee game every 2 weeks or so but prices for the most part are identical and mostly even more expensive.

i know its "in" to hate on the epic store but they really dont actually do much for the consumer and they dont offer very basic features that even tiny 3rd party stores have.

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It's your job to mindlessly buy the games EGS have selected for you, shut up and consume goyim.

Comprehensive content delivery network for downloading games, hardware to support it on every edge of the earth worth zillions, workshop, community, friends, intentionally easy to crack DRM (You can do it yourself in 5 minutes), large ass platform with a huge customer base.
And most importantly, there's a fat neet running it.

That would be B A D A S S

So you're telling me I can continue to use Steam where I currently have my entire game library, or I can switch to a Chinese botnet/bitcoin miner that sends all my personal data to President Poohbear and costs more than steam so developers can "get a larger cut"?

Oof that's a toughie.

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>Our up-front investments in exclusives and free games are significant and may exceed net profits from third-party games in 2019.
He's not a smart man

>Comprehensive content delivery network for downloading games
Literally every store has this
> hardware to support it on every edge of the earth worth zillions
Who cares about download servers
> workshop
They tried to sell mods and you can bet your ass they will attempt it again.
> community
Steam community is fucking cancer
> friends
Everyone uses Discord nowadays precisely because the Steam friends function is shit. They implemented the new shitty chat after they lost hard to Discord
> intentionally easy to crack DRM (You can do it yourself in 5 minutes)
> large ass platform with a huge customer base
Try again sweety, now with real advantages

>they never told any developers that they couldn't sell elsewhere
so you have no idea how a monopoly work

C o m p e t i t i o n

We need to do this to gain a leverage!!

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That's standard for literally every company on earth.
I think Uber is till taking losses on most trips just to gain a foothold on certain markets.
It's a solid business decision to get a giant userbase.

>sell mods
For 4 days. Zenimax already has the creation club up for paid mods. No need to team up with Valve anymore

Steam made 1 billion in 2017, I doubt the costs are even half of it.

>don't care

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>Everyone uses Discord nowadays precisely because the Steam friends function is shit

Why the fuck would you need a chatroom program to send your mate an IM?

Steam friends came 3 years after discord was even created retard

This is capitalism. Whatever you make, you must have deserved.


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>Who cares about download servers
Me, when downloading exodus I got 500kbps day one when I usually get 9Mbps on Steam.
>They tried to sell mods and you can bet your ass they will attempt it again.
If a mod is good enough it definitely deserves to be paid, underhell for example. Not that I'd ever buy one.
>Everyone uses Discord nowadays precisely because the Steam friends function is shit. They implemented the new shitty chat after they lost hard to Discord
I'm not bringing everyone I play with into my discord.
Maybe to you zoomer, but I archive my fucking games for the apocalypse.
>Irrelevant(platform size)
Having 60 million people browse through the store every month is irrelevant, sure.

I don't get why everyone is pro-steam now when Yea Forums was quick to shit on Valve for literally anything.
They tried to sell mods and had to be sued into obeying the law to offer refunds.
Valve is fucking evil.

Cool narrative. Mind if I, cum on it?

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it's the shinier of two turds

Because that was Zenimax/Bethesda, all they did was ask Valve if they could try it.
When people complained, Valve shut it down.

That is why people are pro-steam, you vile Chinese insect.

>They had the power to ask for whatever cut they wanted
Wasn't what Steam was offering 20% lower than industry standard at the time?

Valve removed paid mods 4 days after it was added, Epic would double down on anything they do. You also assume they're the ones who came up with selling mods, when Bethesda ran off and made creation club and Valve has never touched the subject since.

Because the shitposters themselves want (you)s for shilling for Epic. They don't actually care about discussing the subject.

How much do developers and publishers have to pay to Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft for publishing on their respective consoles?

>I don't get why everyone is pro-steam now when Yea Forums was quick to shit on Valve for literally anything
Because the alternative is a store that's using China money and Fortnite money to buy themselves a monopoly, wants to make $70 the Europe standard for games, wants to make $80 the Asia standard for games, and has a storefront that looks like it came from 2003.

Steam deserves to make a profit, but go look at their financials over the last 10 years, its insane how much profit they are making. Considering they dont make games, and dont add anything back to the community other than a barebones distribution platform its pretty fucking stupid.

That being said Epics store is so far behind the curveball.

I think 30 is the same. Microsoft also offer a 5% cut if you jump through hoops

I'm not paying to use steam. I buy my games there, but there's no entry fee or any hidden costs anywhere. So I'm no sure what they need to "add back to the community". Stuff like the steam workshop is a great innovation though, especially for games like Rimworld or Stellaris where you might have many mods and want to effectively look through them.

>I'm not paying to use steam. I buy my games there, but there's no entry fee or any hidden costs anywhere
Literally has nothing to do with you, you narcissistic cunt. They take 30% from every game on their store is the point.

The refund thing was added due in part to support issues where they were getting 75K requests a day. They added an automatic system to handle it all and right now 98% of support requests are fixed within a day.

>but there's no entry fee or any hidden costs anywhere
Amusingly enough, they actually cover additional costs like bank transaction fees that Epic charges to you instead. Even foreign transaction fees for someone like me who lives in Asia, Steam charges me proper American prices while Sweeney for some reason wants me to pay a $10 "international" fee.

>dont add anything back to the community other than a barebones distribution platform
They're working on making an alternative to Windows for most bideo James with Proton

So what? That's lower than the industry standard.
Devs are entitled as fuck if they think they deserve what steam offers them for less.

Fairly sure they start taking less of a cut the more your garbage sells.

It's like Epic's shit in reverse. Steam takes more of a cut out of your shit in return for hosting it, advertising it and whatever. If it ever sells properly the cut goes down.

>don't make games
>don't add anything back to the community

Congrats you just described Epic

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>doesn't affect you
>game makes 1,000,000
>steam takes 30%
>taxman takes another 21%
>left with 555,300
It affects you whether you realize it or not.

>epic store is bringing console wars tier faggotory onto PC
Ebin, at least I can pirate again.

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But then that means the small developers have to pay for the big ones.

Small developers can make good games. The shitty developers pay for the good ones.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious, you realize you can think both Steam and Epic are shit companies right? You dont have to be a fanboy? I know it wont stop you so here is your only (you).


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As a consumer, I don't see any of the savings from giving the publisher a larger cut. So I don't give a shit what that cut is.

It hapoens with anyone who makes too much money. VAs wanted video game money percents despite the devs not even getting that, washed up rap artists were suing Bruno Mars because Uptown funk sounded like the 90's rap song they made 20 years ago, and now other devs want some excuse to get Valves money. This shit always happens yet people will go into contrarian mode even if it hurts everyone.

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Lightweight is sugarcoated way of saying we have nothing to offer.

because i don't give a fuck if your shit developer or publisher makes 30% or 30% less profit


Any developer that signs on with Epic is already getting paid up front, what the fuck do I care about supporting them, especially after they try to force me to divide up my game library and inconvenience me for their own profit?

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imagine changing the definition of a word and still being wrong when using your own definition

>you realize you can think both Steam and Epic are shit companies right?
no, is this new tactic?
>oh epic is shit alright, but don't you think steam is also shit
no man, im not fond of valve or their games
but their distribution platform is pretty alright

market leader

At least Valve is improving their platform while ignoring the annoying new neighbor that keeps "borrowing" their tools and taking a year to return them.

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We need to delete the National center on Sexual exploitation.

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The only reason steam doesn't reach the legal standard of being a monopoly is that the largest developers all jumped ship on them. In context of US antitrust law you can be a monopoly by simply having a large enough share of a developed market. Now much like Alcoa, Steam wasn't a hostile monopoly but prior to the big developers breaking away it was very much a monopoly.

Do they deserve 30%? Well no. In that no business deserves anything in a free market.
Could they get away with 30%? Yes, because the alternatives prior to EPIC didn't offer vastly better developer pricing or enough content to draw consumers to make an attractive marketplace.

Is this a good development for the PC games industry? Yes, at the least it forces Valve to really start looking at needing to be more competitive than being 'sufficient to get the job done'.

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i wonder how many NGO's there are out there doing shit like this

i don't think you know what monopol mean retard, but i'm not surprised, half of /v population are just retards zoomers.

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>tfw cock blocked by tecmo

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because the alternative is fucking worse, a chink launcher who bribe developers to put their games on Epic.

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>pro-steam now
Everyone's been pro-steam for years, we always shitted on them for things but that's how most communities are. Just complaints but wouldn't go anywhere else.

>more competitive
Epic offers devs money so there can BE no competition. Valve doesn't have to do shit, as soon as chinese money dries up Epic is going to die.

Do I want to use a game store who's flagship game is FORTNITE?
Hm, nah.

Epic is several times more richer than Valve

No, you're just a moron. Epic is shit because its a game locking barebones shitshow, steam is shit because they are greedy and fucking ruined their store by opening the flood gates. End of discussion.

Work on your English, Chang.

Because my best friend gabe newell DESERVES it. Its HIS turn!

>Epic wants to offer customers cheaper games by passing the savings on
>2 games have had temporary discounts of $10 since this started and only available in the U.S. and EU
>go on GMG
>buy any game that's not out
>get it for $15 to $25 off it's launch price
>people are seriously thinking this is a good deal for the consumer

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Epic is magnitudes more wealthy than Valve.

They know they let shit games in, it was the price to pay to let everyone play the game

why should i care, im not a game developer

what skin?

Not a skin. It's an updated UI Valve showed off at GDC last month

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Developers maneuvered themselves into a corner when they abandoned the PC market and let steam consolidate whatever games were left .

>pay out publishers just for using your crappy service

yeah this is totally sustainable

Roll call!

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I can get TW1 for 16€ while on steam its still 60€ thanks to third party resellers.

The funniest part is that Epic themselves abandoned the PC market, blaming piracy. Gabe dealt with piracy, years later Epic comes crawling back and they are now pushing people back to it.

Witcher 1 goes to 1.99$ every sale

I meant Total Warhammer

It was on sale on humble 2 weeks ago

That's just CA /Sega being humongous kikes as usual.

I meant GTA5

I dont give a shit, if its 30 or it is 10 or it is 200 or 0.5 doesnt change shit for us customers games are always the same price, shallow and bloated with dlc sold as content.

30% was a vastly smaller cut than everyone else was taking. Steam was extremely lucrative for publishers compared to physical distribution, and still is so.
These recent stores are trying to stir up drama and bullshit in regards to that pricing point in order to get attention from publishers. The customer doesn't mean shit to them, they just want the sources of cashflow.
These new stores are also completely feature-barren. Steam has a fuckton of benefits and unique features that are both pro-developer and pro-consumer.

Any publisher that goes to Epic is only looking at a single number and nothing else. They are idiots and their short-sightedness likely also means the games they're publishing aren't spared from their idiocy.

I dont remember does she screams when you hump her? I mean i dont remember if her disability is on the vochal cord or neurologic.

Whats that websile?

>i dont remember if her disability is on the vochal cord or neurologic.
she's deaf and they typically try not to speak or make noise because they at least know they sound retarded when they do

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Ah right she was DEAF for some reason i tought she was mute now. My memory sucks.

>because they are greedy
>opening the flood gates
you have the tools to filter many of the genres you don't want to see

I think I'm tired of seeing the same lines met with the same responses. It's always the same shit back and forth, and I can bet Tim is counting on the discussion to die down due to fatigue. But that won't happen since he keeps showing his ass every 2 weeks and the cycle resets.

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tencent takes 90 % in china, and when they get enough marketshare and lock in abunch of retards into 10+ year exclusivity contracts they will do the same here. Stop being a stupid rice nigger.

Better refund system
Better friend interactions
Community Profile
Community Hub
User Reviews


no one 'deserves' anything, they are simply rentseekers who cornered the market


Honestly, Steam drones, has Valve made anything successful in the past few years?

>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Steam VR? Fired devs

Literally the only money they have is from rent controlling other peoples games like a corrupt landlord, and that's gonna end soon.

Thats a major yikes for me dawg, I couldn't find any enjoyment from her route other than the h-scenes and cucking her with Misha

I don't care if Steam gets 99%, as long as I get cheap prices.

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I wouldn't say they deserve it, but if it's the standard to keep prices the way steam does them for consumers vs. what Epic is doing then fuck yea they do deserve it.
They also have a significantly better store front and client, and while they still need to work on just what their policies are in to what kind of games are allowed, they are still a more open platform than Epic Store is.

If all Epic will do for the coming years is buy for exclusives/timed exclusives to force their store without improving things for the consumer it will fail eventually and no one will mourn it other than media and other shills.


More like Steam spergs can't stop themselves

That was Cliffy B though

because they introduced familyshare. i can now play my brothers and a friends full library. the lowe cut doesnt make games cheaper but even more expensive like metro.

>because the cut used to be 80%+ and devs wouldn't see shit other than their salary before being summarily fired once the game was complete
>because Steam needs to ensure it can keep running costs for infinity so people will never lose access to their games
>because it actually provides services beyond being a mere storefront and providing visibility and promotion, such as MP hosting and matchmaking
>because of the surplus money, Steam actually uses it to invest in video game tech available and useful to all developers, such as VR which they rescued from the grubby paws of Faceberg
>because unlike every other digital distributor like Apple iTunes, it actually costs money to develop, maintain, update, improve and run something as large and intricately complex as Steam
>because Steam pushed out all the shit DRM like Starforce and SecuROM and provided devs with a relatively benign alternative if they want to use it
>because Steam has never let me down ever
Not sure 30% is still necessary, 25% would probably do just as well, but considering Epic is currently losing money and actually paying developers compensation for lost sales if they make their game exclusive 12% is probably not even remotely viable.

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Why are these images so cringe?

I think miku took too many pills.

Better to use a game store who's flagship game is DOTA.

I don't enjoy getting my game keys revoked.

Because more and more developer will be turning to epic. At least those with good games, because shovelware isn't allowed on the epic store.

Steam guy didn't get any jizz on him, he should look happier.

>Shartifact user is here
It's funny how much you love that game and keep talking about it when no one else remembers it.

well, you can always buy your own webspace and probably servers as well and distribute your games that way instead of using steam to deliver them to people
i mean why is steam charging people for using their bandwidth and server space anyway???? what a bunch of greedy jews!

>Because more and more developer will be turning to epic
Kek, how many stores can Epic bribe simultaneously? Eventually it will come to a point where they can't throw away all their Fortnite and Tencent money. Didn't Metro Exodus only sell like 5% of Redux's sales?

Take it back, gamer. You don't mean that.

>has nothing
>uses more ressources than Steam which people still consider bloatware

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