What the fuck is with the renewed interest in this game all of the sudden?

what the fuck is with the renewed interest in this game all of the sudden?

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What game?

Empire Arrived: Salvation

Grand Duchy Sallied: Redemption

Best "old-school" RPG of last decade

Barony Rallied: Revelation

Country Approach: Release

Sadly combat difficulty was a bit fucked but its a real nice game

Province Near: Emancipation

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Dominion Report: Transmission

Apple Eater: Disobedience

Suzerainty Approach: Liberation

I backed the game on KS and I had interest in the game even before it, but I was quite dissapointed with it. Xbox version was not really stable in terms of framerate, which made the experience worse. Also I got a bug before the final siege, so I just dropped the game, watched the ending on YT and never looked back.
It is a shame. Otherwise, it was really solid game in terms of world, story and just about everything except technical state and fighting.

kek best one

Protectory Stretch: Extrication.

I Shit On Your Mama: Big Time

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been a year, people replaying it
waiting for last DLC myself, it's my new yearly replay game.

>but I was quite dissapointed with it. Xbox version
you deserve everything.

Principalities approach: redemption

Fuck off. If I pay for a game, it should atleast have somewhat stable 30fps and be without gamebreaking bugs. I can handle occasional dips and bugs, but KCD on Xbox was horrible.

>KCD on Xbox was horrible
like every game on the base shitty box, serves you right

probably because 1st person rape DLC is coming out

Fuck off, I have played many games on base Xbox and KCD was the worst so far. This is not a fault of the machine, bigger and better open worlds were made to work on base XO, so this is simply just incompetence of devs.

I'm stuck in the part where you have to kill the mysterious old man, please help Yea Forums

If only.

>what the fuck is with the renewed interest in this game all of the sudden?
They are polishing up the final and biggest DLC, and at that opportunity, the studio opened up and made large interviews including revealing all the investment, revenue change-of-owner-ship background. You know: one-year-after style reflection and all that. So it trickles down here.

I just got myself a new computer, so I think I'll finally finish it once the last DLC drops.

>bigger and better open worlds were made to work on base XO
Name 10

Tereza is the player character of the DLC
she gets raepd / almost raped in the main story

>game is shit
>instead of dropping it devs kick themselves in the balls
>stop jewing
>start improving the game
its sad such a thing is considered a rarity nowadays

Taxonomic Classification Sperm: Banjos

Fuck off again, Vávra.
I can name games all I want, but you will just move goalpost like you always do. Just admit you and your team fucked up development of the game.

>start improving the game
But they did not do that. Instead they are reeasing 3 shitty DLCs.

not that user but have you played the game recently as well as on release?
there's a world of difference

U bootyblasted bro lmao

Vávra is literal mouth breather though

>u mad?
Typical response of somebody who has no arguments.
Get fucked, Vávra.

fuck Cumans

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I've been playing it, about 30h in ao far. Been doing side quests and exploring, so not that far in the story.

Realistic everything. It has systems upon systems that you don't even imagine. Want to make a potion? Then follow the recipe, fan the flames, boil for x minutes, add the ingredients in the right order. Want to hone your blade? Use a grind wheel at the right angle, right speed (or a blacksmith kit, but it gets consumed fast). Even the save system is integrated into the realism - manual saves need a specific item that gets you slightly drunk when used. Spam manual saves and you your stats are lowered for some time.
It has plenty of quests, side quests, activities. Sometimes after I finish a quest, I go to a character involved in some way and there's new dialogue, just to talk about how I finished, or an opportunity for more rewards. There's plenty of times where you can get quest items even before you start a quest, too, so it has a non-linearity to it.
Big fucking world.

Bugs, big and small. Had 2 crashes so far, had a bug in the tournament (was fixed in a later patch) and small bugs that annoy me because it detracts from the realism. They can be entertaining sometimes, like when I stole the daytime clothes of a noble and he spent the next 3 days walking around town in his underpants.
Money is kinda meaningless now. I have 30k gold and nothing useful to spend it on. The first few hours you are a destitute, but then you start looting dead enemies and you are suddenly rich as fuck.
You don't get much incentive to use all the systems. Barely used the cooking system, almost never the alchemy system - too easy to buy potions, food, etc.

Combat - it seems to be more realistic. I'm either bad at it or it is truly bad. Whe I raid enemy camps, I usually go for night attacks (stealth), because if they are armored, I get my shit caved in. Might be because I don't go full plate.

Kingdom Come : Deliverance.

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that other eurojank game coming out makes people remember eurojank games

Are there mod tools yet?

There's still the Theresa DLC

A Reich Arrival: Erlösung

Also on combat: have a difficult time delivering combos on enemies that matter (armored) because they attack often, interrupting it.
Sometimes I can't perfect block attacks, even with enough stamina, which I don't know if it's intended (because of their weapon maybe) or a bug.
Granted, the game has combat training available all the time, and I might get into that again to improve.
Bow stuff is truly dependent on skill (no reticle), and I'm alright at it.

>be Hung Aryan
>actually benefit from understanding Cuman NPCs
HAIL Cumans

which eurojank game?


I forget what it was called

it's Canadian
and as a Eurojank fan, boy have I been burned by it
as it turns out, the devs never even played Gothic and it really shows

Fuck user that's already released.

Did any of you bastards cuck that kind lord dude who takes you in at the start?

If you have the from ashes dlc then you need a shit ton of groschen to max out your town, I had 45k and it didn’t even make a dent in the progress of the town. But if you haven’t got the dlc then being loaded is pointless!

ignored both girls, only fuck the barmaid
lady Stephanie was hot but she had all the warning signs of a bipolar cunt

I love how much of a tattle-tailing faggot that fowler is. Piece of shit.

I didn't buy the game because 14th century Germany is liable to make me fall asleep


What interest?

Based and reichpilled

I remember drowning in groschen because horses can carry an army's worth of armor and weapons. Maybe I won't have to do a no loot run but I'm still waiting for those mod tools.