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frigg off sonic, SCRAM

I don’t like the way he looks at me

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Sonic Unleashed runs even worse and you all seem to love that. It might as well be a racing game with how fast you go.

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>literally just a reskin

Low-effort garbage. Even romhacks try to do something different.

Attached: goomba.jpg (252x250, 11K)

What’s a reskin?

why does uka uka have purple swirl?


Should've typed it as re-skin. Literally just putting on new graphics (skins) over existing code/gameplay.

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Well it is a remaster after all, dumb fuckin weeb idiot

That’s not what I meant what exactly in the op are you referring to as a reskin? It has Mario kart and ctr footage
I haven’t played the new Mario kart but ctr definitely isn’t a reskin with how much new stuff is in

I'm talking about how CTR is basically MK brainlet. Keep up, junior.

>same countdown timer
>same drift mechanics
>same box/coin mechanics

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>I'm talking about how CTR is basically MK
No shit dumbass, it took an already good formula and perfected it.

The only thing Mario kart and ctr have in common is that they’re kart racers because of how different the mechanics are

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>tells the user to take it easy, then replies with a wojak
cmon, you're better than this. Now here's my question, what makes CTR so much worse?

way to oust yourself as an actual retard

>Now here's my question, what makes CTR so much worse?

Didn't say it was worse. I said it was a low-effort garbage. The video is clear evidence.

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Why can't companies advertise their games with harmless bantz anymore like in the past


Too many fanboys and spineless faggots these days who would get their feelings hurt.

The only garbage here is your non argument opinions
Quit posting

They better put a Nintendo character cameo in the Switch version.

>being this mad in a DIY Afghani rug weavin forum.

I'm here to discuss games, tranny.

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Obviously not when you can’t post anything of substance
Every time you’ve been asked to elaborate you post “just look at the video it’s clear why it’s bad”

>shilling a reskin game this hard

I hope they're paying you, patsy.

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just make your own kart racer

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Yeah, it was everybody wanted, since CTR mechanics and tech hasn't been replicated in 20 years.
So yeah, absolutely perfect, people JUST want a reskin to be able to play this without eye cancer, but everybody just wanted a graphics update and nothing else

You haven't played it

>genre staples shouldn’t appear in other games because bing bing wahoo did it

>this damage control
Just entered the thread and wanted to post just to say how fucking retarded you are my dude, really seek help, even if it's a Congolese cheese marinating congregation being this level of retarded means you're dumb irl too. Seek help.

seething over a rehash getting called out

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Oh no, don't worry, I don't care about CTR, I just saw your rampant mental retardation and wanted you to make sure it's not just one guy arguing with you a calling you a retard, you're actually a fucking retard who should put a bullet through his head.
Mario kart > CTR
Intelligence > You

You’re not even trying anymore

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CTR plays nothing like MK. The way you approach the tracks is absolutely not comparable. Have you even played them both?

>implying half of Yea Forums even plays the games they talk about
Please stop taking the bait, all of you

>CTR plays nothing like MK

Did we watch the same video? It's literally side-to-side.

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Are you really asking him if he's played both?
Can't you really tell instantly?

Did you PLAY the game you stupid motherfucker?
First of all the CTR player is astoundingly garbage, of the highest degree, Mario kart doesn't matter since it doesn't require any skill, he's going as fast as he can, the CTR track can be done in less than half the time.

That's like saying all fighting games play the same. Jesus fucking christ.

>Pretending to be retarded

Why are you changing the subject? I'm talking about the fact that they play the exact same way according to the video. Same jump/drift, same countdown, same apple/coin collection, same box/item collection.

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Is this thread just one giant falseflag or what? All it's doing is going around in circles.

I'm gonna say it!

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And fighting games all have the same things
>you press a button for an attack
>you press up to jump
>motions + a button for specials
See how retarded that is? Of on a surface level all games inside a single genre "look" the same. The mechancs, the way you interact with the game is what ultimately decides how a game plays.

If you still haven't realized this, why are you even playing games at all?

They’re not the same
3 tier drifts
10 coins makes you faster
Countdowns and items are a genre staple

>mini turbos from drifts which is critical for the in depth boosting
>fruits change how the item behaves entirely

They aren’t the same

And I'm telling you the CTR guy is a Mario kart player and doesn't know half the CTR mechanics, or none.
You haven't played the game, you don't know how it feels, CTR was a masterpiece regarding controls (and this was the golden era of vydia), to the point it hasn't been replicated today, everybody who liked this game in the past wants exactly the same with good graphics.
It's not about Nintendo or Sony, this game goes back to when we didn't care about such retarded shit and just enjoyed videogames.
What a sad existence you live in my friend.

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Yeah, I'm not talking about fighting games. I'm talking about how CTR is literally just a reskin of MK based on the video.

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And he's talking and explaining you why you're wrong.
Now watch this and STFU already.

I'm bringing fighting games up because it's a direct comparison which any retard could understand. But I guess not.


CTR was a masterpiece BUT it was broken as fuck.
If you are a good player, competing with other 3 good player, the winner is determined only by RNG powers.
Mario Kart is also luck based but if you are a good player you can be on top most of the time because you have a lot of option for defending yourself, so it's not to bad.

I can't wait for nitro fueled because i want to see how they rebalanced the multiplayer for the online

They are deeply different games, if you don't care at least shut up and listen.

But that looks the same as mid-level gameplay of MK. Hell, they even have the same speed-boost pad on the ground.

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Nah, whoever has the strongest drifting wins 90% of the time, items fuck you up sometimes but that's life.

No it doesn't, I play both, not like you.
Many racing games before MK had boost pads you fucking zoomer, probably over a dozen.
It's like saying a fighting game is the as the other because both special attacks, or grabs.
You're fucking retarded.

>he thinks speed boost pads matter in CRT
Just go play the fucking game

>>>if it’s not completely and entirely original then it’s rehash

Actual mongoloid I’m done replying to your mentally stunted ass

What part of don't take the goddamn bait do you people not understand...

I'll just played the original without the furshit pandering thx.

>Just go play the fucking game

Why? I already have MK8 and MK8D. There's no point in paying for the same game 3 times.

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*BTFOs Crash Team Racing*

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I know people keep talking about Mario kart but I think the actual competition is between sonic and crash since there’s not many popular kart racers on pc xbox and sony

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I thought CTR was supposed to be fast as fuck and make MK pale on that regard? It barely looks faster than MK, it's almost unnoticeable.

Jokes on you, I'm not sticking to just one.

I wish they would have added some stuff to the tracks in CTR. Not like background stuff but make the tracks have an extra little setpiece or something.
These tracks from the ps1 game are really fucking boring.

That guy doesn't know how to play to make it fast, if you are just driving straight in CTR you're doing it wrong, you permadrift

I thought shitposting was only supposed to be this bad during the day

Mario goggles should be classified as a chronic illness. It's a kart racer with weapon pickups in crates, that's pretty much where the similarities end.


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It's almost like it's daytime in the other half of the world, retarded murrican.

The team mechanics are huge and could really push this game. They are simple, but add lots of depht and strategy to the racing. Exactly the type of stuff you want from a perfect competetive game.

Just saying, there's been better threads at this kinda time before

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I want this game to be good. I also want CTR to be good. I know I won't be able to stop comparing them both to Transformed which will neuter my experience with the two. Why couldn't we just get a transformed port, instead of these two? That game was perfect.

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Yeah things get better the least Americans browsing there are, we already knew that.

>unironically playing 30fps trash bandicoot shovelware instead of just sticking to the superior game

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>literally looks like Koopa City
>"B-b-but it's different!"


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>"How do we tackle this well-established series?"
>"By doing the same exact thing under a more obscure name? Perfect!"

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Nitro Team Racing will undoubtedly sell better, so there really is no BTFOing coming from Sonic. Sonics has been ran so hard into the ground that Crash is actually the second biggest mascot series at current point.

>this thread
the ip vs post counter tells me even more that it's fucked.

I've played it, it's basically the same shit. Same structure of levels. CTR wouldn't exist without Mario Kart

>omg a neon lit city

You people are a disease.

He didn't even get the name right. It's neo bowser city. He's playing you all like a damn fiddle and you're not hesitating to let him in the slightest.

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It’s not in direct competition with Mario kart since it’s multiplat goober

That is pretty much most people in this thread, yeah

>"How do we tackle this well-established series?"
>"By making a game with objectively tighter controllers and deeper mechanics that reward timing"

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>neo bowser city

Now everyone is Murrican, sport. Koopa City is what it's called in my game.

Attached: h e r o.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

>I don’t like the way he looks at me
He fucks whenever he wants. He's got pussy on tap; runs a bath of puss every night before bed.

Just let this thread die if it's gonna continue like this

Shut the fuck up and post Coco

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>a CTR thread ruined by an anime avatarfag

What a waste.

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And to think I actually kinda like brits, not this one tho
they should have let the mods know they were avatarfagging instead of wasting breath on them.

>a CTR thread

I'm pretty sure this was a Mario Kart thread with furryshit

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i love coco.

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how are mini boosts different to drift boosts in any way shape or form

Mini turbos require timing.

With much larger payoff to having lingering boosts in straights.

Fuck off you filthy degenerate.

Crash characters are gross and I don't like looking at them

why come he blue?

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never heard that one before

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Crash looks like trash. Good job making fucking Mario Kart of all things look good.

Shut the fuck up anime nigger with your low-effort bait. Go back to Fortnite faggot.

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>he says as he takes the bait
Great going, now you extended his wrath on the thread even longer.

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Consider this.

My opinion is right, and you're completely incapable of dealing with it.

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Why can't you faggots handle banter?

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Besides me and you most of Yea Forums these days are plebbitors and retardera faggots.

I wish I knew Crash, I wish I knew.

Haha nice hat Mare-io!. Think i'll keep it. WHOA
>Mama mia papa pia fettuccine linguine

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Why do you do this? :c


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Wow so naughty dog literally stole Nintendo's code? This is huge, user. You need to contact the press

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Why? People will notice and make the comparison, themselves.

The fact that you're only willing to observe a game at a surface level after all these years is really telling

>surface level

There are youtube videos posted all over this thread that I based my observations on. I've been repeatedly given evidence that proves it's the same game, just with a different coat of paint.

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>30 fps
This must be a joke.

>There are youtube videos posted all over this thread that I based my observations on.
So literally a superficial level, you simpleton.

Crash is a joke

>HUR HUR Gameplay videos is just surface level.

K, retard.

CTR is kino
The remake is a fucking joke

Learn the difference faggot

>All these defensive replies
It's over already


Attached: Coco.webm (600x450, 2.7M)

The original CTR was 30fps trash as well.

Can someone explain point of this "versus"? What is reason of comparing different titles? I'd rather see old and new ctr side by side on same track.


(You) farming and click baiting.

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holy fuck

Penguin Yay 1

Absolutely LUDO


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Is this the thread where we pretend CTR isn't a copy of MK because it's "faster" and has "tighter drifting"?


I've never said it wasn't a copy, lol

It just does everything better in terms of mechanics and has a palpable skillgap even at high level play.

The biggest difference is that it's actually good though.

>it's actually good though

Take off your nostalgia goggles. It's 2019. CTR aged badly and has been overtaken (pun not intended).

>CTR aged badly
Only graphically

And in some cases hardly even then

Attached: CrashOxideSuperTurbo.webm (1600x900, 2.98M)

>has been overtaken

the sonic game wasn't *that* good

>Only graphically

user, I hate to tell you this but it's a VIDEO game. If I can't stand to look at it, how can I play it?

really good ps1 graphics
I wish those old generation went on long
I wonder what cool things people could have squeezed onto the ps1

I prefer CTR gameplay but 30fps in a kart racer is the dumbest shit. It doesn't even look that much better than MK8, which runs at 60fps on much weaker hardware.

Sonic Unleashed runs poorly because hardware sucked. CTR deliberately runs poorly.

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Have you tried not being gay?

Stop posting these. I am not a furry, it will not work on me. Nope.
You're wasting your time.

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>ad hominem instead of actually addressing concerns

The absolute state of CTR fans.

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What did he mean by this?

Beats the h*ck out of me

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It's already confirmed 60 fps on ps4 pro, xbox one x and PC

dear lord imagine the smell

Crash Nsane sold so well that basically Crash is the new alpha of mascot IPs, expectations for sales of CTR Nitro Fueled are around 30+ million units worldwide considering that Crash Nsane basically outsold Super Mario Odyssey by a wide margin, total sales hit 16 million units against Super Mario Odyssey's weak 11 million units. Some console warrior will try to argue that multiplay means shit, ignoring that Crash only sold 2 million units outside of the PS4.
Can't wait for the next Crash title, Mario at this point is dead and Mario Kart is the only thing he can cling to.

i dont care

then shut up fuck


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>not 60fps
>have to buy a new platform for it
Why, just drop the resolution to 900p or some shit.

That's pathetic though, the version that an overwhelming majority of people will be playing is the base PS4 version, and what's more important about that is that that's the target version, the game isn't even built around 60fps, that's an additional non core feature for the game. Fucking pathetic.

Who hype for blue hair coco waifu?

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Played a bunch of MK but never touched CTR. Had a friend who swore by it though. How different is it? Not trying to start shit I’m just genuinely curious. Like if I approached this like I was playing MK how screwed would I be

You'd be able to breeze through the game and even 100% it no problem, because the AI is dumb and piss easy.

But against actual people online you'd be screwed if you tried to play it like MK.

It's like Coco was a prototype DNA blueprint for all the trophy girls, honestly they could just reuse her head for the models

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I'd like to reuse her head, if ya catch my drift.

The A.I. hauls ass on maybe one track in the game and that's Tiger Temple on Hard, otherwise you need the super hard mode cheat on.

SEGA could have done so much more with the roster of this game, Sonic racing games are fun but for the most time they feature shit rosters like, just for the sake of having Silver and Blaze in a team you have to cut Espio and Charmy out? Wasn't there any other character to pair up with Eggman and Metal Sonic than Zavok? Couldn't they reference the classic timeline by having a team made by Classic Sonic, Mighty and Ray? Or add Chaos somehow or any characters from handheld games like Emerl.

I do not.

Why is N-sane trilogy still so expensive

This dumpster fire is also 30 FPS for absolutely zero valid reason but you tendies defend it

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characters can have different color skins, so multiple people can pick the same character

Define expensive.

30$ in my country, for used one


get a job, poorfag

I'm also a PAL region but I still consider the US names the legitimate names since they're closer to the JP release. One blatant example is that Music Park is called Melody Motorway in PAL regions but there's still flags in the track that say "Music Park". The name changes are just stupid and I don't know why they keep doing them in Mario Kart starting with 7.


Even PEGI agrees.

Great, I love having to share comfy Crash threads with ninten-niggers

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just pirate it if you're that broke

Activision kikery because HOW many games??

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>Great, I love having to share comfy Crash threads with ninten-niggers

A haiku for you:

Mario was first.
Mario did it better.
Stay angry, big head.

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Is CTR anywhere near as fast as 200cc MK8?

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Why, yes. I exclusively play 200cc Mk8, how could you tell?

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You decide between

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All I hear is whining. To avoid this problem in the future, don't buy a base console.

Call me when 200cc makes players earn their new speed cap and doesn't just artificially speed up the game for everyone.

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>playing a literal copy-paste


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Kill yourself before you embarass yourself further retard

Again, Mario goggles are a serious disease, get help.

Other kart racers should be allowed to make floating tracks.

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200cc isn't about earning a speed cap but being able to compensate for a higher top speed in courses that weren't designed for it without fucking up drifts or falling off
I'm still getting CTR because I'm a sucker for kart racers and while it looks more technical it doesn't seem nearly as fast as 200cc

I don't recall anyone saying CTR was faster than 200cc

It is though. His point was that the game doesn't make you fast, your skill does. Mario Kart makes you fast depending on what setting you choose. When you get skilled enough to do moves like in that webm for a whole lap or race, you feel fast as fuck.

>Other kart racers should be allowed to make floating tracks.

Yeah sure, but don't cry like a little sissy bitch when it gets called out for copying.

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and I get that, I understand that CTR rewards you with speed while MK8 200cc just throws speed at you
the difference is being able to handle that speed effectively, it's like having a high damage very high recoil full auto gun in a shooter. sure it gives you the damage for "free" but the fun and the skill is in taming it and making it work for you

Most people enjoy getting better to go faster, and shave seconds off your times. That's the essence of racing, and ctr being more technical just makes it more fun for me. I like MKDD still but haven't kept up with nintendo consoles

What other skins are confirmed

Besides the electron ones. Are we going to see Mascot Crash

trash games compared to this


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Will based Crash Bash Monkey get in?

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That tail shouldn't be this low. Unless...

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Yes. They forced Coco to anal vore a small, big tailed animal that we never heard of.

Oh my.

God I wish I was that animal

Nope. I can admit as a Sonic fan that's looking forward to that game and thinks it'll be really good, especially the more footage we see, that's not going to happen
This. I'm getting both.
I agree with this. And if you don't like them, you can race solo too. The only regret at the end of the day is the small roster.

did nobody notice that this is a fucking sonicfox skin?

Attached: SonicFox_EVO_2018_Costume.jpg (600x400, 49K)

Fucking retard kill yourself tranny faggot lover.

Remind me why they don't add characters from other games?

>red nose
>red eyes

because the player on the right is a goddamn retard journalist who just holds X and drops saliva

No idea, loved it but honestly I'm fine with moving on to something new.
Being honest? Transformed and its predecessor do get a bit overrated by myself and others. They're great, sure, but they do have their flaws for sure

I do hope they add a few more teams through DLC at least. Everything in the game looks great but the roster

Electron Avenue came first you blithering retard

Nintendtards are special boys who need to be placed in bubbles

Other SEGA characters?
I'm assuming because they've somewhat been getting less attention as the Sega Superstars subseries went on. Just looking at the box art for all the games you can tell that, Transformed overall had a weaker roster than the first game despite the out there picks and the only non Sonic character on the cover is AiAi
The real reason for dropping them, I couldn't tell you, but I'm assuming they think that since it's got Sonic's name on it, it'll sell. But of course they wouldn't have delayed it for so long if that was the case.

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Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled is gonna be a great game, yo.

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They just needed to replace Chao with Cream and Zavok with Infinite.
There was nothing they could've done for Espio if they didn't want to add more teams, since Blaze and Silver are some of the most popular characters in the franchise while literally no one likes Charmy.
Fuck with that classic shit outta here. Tired of Classic Sonic showing up as a different person, not to mention Bark and Nack are literal who's only boomers know.

>and PC
do you have a single back to fact that up?

He's in. youtube.com/watch?v=o5g8pR589Qs&feature=youtu.be

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It looks to be jam packed full of content. Only thing we need now is extra characters confirmed fully. Then it will be the definite celebration of the Crash series.

Good. I rather a skin than say a golden peach as a new fucking character.

No way that's legit.


Honestly wouldn't mind them having the omissions as DLC. Cream can be on a team with Vanilla and Emerl, and Espio should definitely be in (as he was apparently planned to be in the very first All Stars Racing game) and could be in with Charmy as a makeshift Chaotix team with the last member either being a throwback to Knuckles Chaotix or just being the Avatar from Forces. Then of course add in the Babylon Rogues, and there you have a solid roster.

>Still no PC version confirmation


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What other skins could they add?

>Angel (like when he dies)


>His red outfit

Ripper Roo
>his scholarly get-up from Crash 2

>Tony Montana’s white suit
>Other different colored suits

>white tiger

I'd like Crash in the style of Japanese covers. You know, he looks cuter.

Fucking this. I'm not going to buy an online game for a console, no matter how big of a Crash-Faggot I am. Imagine paying Sony or Nintendo EXTRA just to use your internet connection that you already pay for!

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Evil Coco from Twinsanity cut content.
Moulin Cortex outfit.

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You also permadrift on MK, retard. Especially on shit like DS.

hell, same

>only 17 tracks
lmao stay deluded nigger. mario kart is so ahead of the curve compared to your outdated trash it's not even funny

CTR was only better than Mario Kart 64. Every subsequent Mario Kart game was better. Mario Kart is 20 years ahead in terms of gameplay you deluded faggot

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Super circuit was dogshit.

I won't pre-order anything until I see my damn trophy girls. Where are the trophy girls OP? Where!

based and redpilled

32 tracks and 12 battle arenas, with more to be revealed soon and rumors of new original tracks coming as well.

Really shows how ignorant you are toward real facts, and refuse to stick your head out of Nintendo world. Do your research before shitting on other products.

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Not gonna lie to you lads. I would have sexual intercourse with Coco Bandicoot.

These two.

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The fact that crash N. Sane trilogy and Spyro made it to PC after the short honeymoon period to appease consolebabs, CTR Nitro Fueled has 100% chance to come out of PC as well.
Activision's not as retarded as strict exclusive publishers, it's potential sales and there's only profit to be made.

>To avoid this problem in the future, don't buy a base console.
So every time a console comes out we should just wait until the now-inevitable 'Pro' version comes out instead of holding publishers/developers accountable for shit performance?

Has Spyro been announced for PC yet? I haven't heard about it yet

Remember when everyone called all FPS games 'Doom clones'?

Not gonna lie to you lads. I would support her incestuous relationship with her brother.

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>Spyro made it to PC
Show the announcement or twitter or something.
I have heard or seen nothing yet.

Get the fuck out of my face with your outdated trash you retarded sony cuck

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>he said while validating OP's baitshit thread
You're not fooling anyone, snoyboy

CTR is not exclusive. It's on PS4, Xbox AND Switch. Literally every relevant platform except PC.
If that doesn't tell you of their intent to never release ctr on PC then you're hopelessly delusional

Spyro isn't announced for PC yet but given it took them 9 months to announce that they were bringing N Sane Trilogy to other platforms I'm not particularly worried about that not getting a PC port.

>literally "bing bing wahoo" in the background all video because of Mario Kart footage
god why is Mario so fucking gay


It was. Go play it.

Why the fuck are you lying you retarded nigger?
>By February 2019, N. Sane Trilogy's numbers had risen to over 10 million.

Super Mario Odyssey on the other hand sold 13.76mil as of December 2018. Your garbage trilogy couldn't even outsell Mario Odyssey despite being on every platform. Get your head out of your ass.


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Noooo, I dont want cute imouto Coco boner.

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There's plenty of bitching about how the Nintendo MHs only run worse over time, not better. The console ports are even worse than their handheld equivalent in performance.

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As a fellow mario fag I’m looking forward to CTR. Not only does it look fun but it has actual depth and a good ass roster. Mario kart is fun and all but 8 felt simplistic with linear as hell track design. Not to mention the roster blows dicks (pink gold peach and tanooki mario should’ve been skins)

She's so cute. I'm not a racing gamer, but I'd get this just for her.

>not getting both

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Hey you faggots, CTR is playable at select North America Gamestops right now and will also be at Best Buy next weekend. Put up or shut up.
Don't tell me you're incapable of basic social interaction or you're afraid to play a fucking videogame. Boot up an emulator if you're so fucking inept to see for yourself why people have been raving about CTR for 20 years.
Mariofags are fucking blinded.

I don't live in Clapistan so I can't get my grippers on the game.

How am i suppose to believe this is coming to pc when its been over a year and there is no fucking word on Spyro for pc?

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every time

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Reserves are in and they look amazing.

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It was a good year before Crash move to other platforms from the PS4, so I'm gonna hold out hope. It sold between 100k-200k on Steam so that definitely paid for the Crash port

>Reserve system in
Oh baby

Fuck you Tanooki Mario is fucking great

Fully hype. That's also the best gameplay i've seen so far. I hope froggying is in the game too.

What's a reserve? I don't notice it when playing

The more consecutive full turbo slides you get, the longer the boost will last once you stop.


>gamestop demo has the older portraits from before PAX

user was probably not alive back then. Try "Halo" or "CoD clones"

post yfw reserves are in

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Older build. That's also why dingo has no tail.

It's the absolute least I expected

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My body is ready. Eager to see how many people are actually capable of maintaining boosts online.

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i giggled

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I like being rewarded for chaining boosts, and I like going fast, not sure about the concept of "stop pressing buttons to go fast". I get why speedrunners like it, but just in the context of a competitive multiplayer game it always struck me as a kinda half-baked mechanic that makes the optimal winning strategy shallower rather than more deep.

Like I say I love chaining boosts and going fast but this could have been an opportunity to improve on the existing system. Literally the only thing I don't like is the idea that it gives you "free boost" as long as you stop using the deep set tools the game normally provides you to build speed. I guess the solution would be to have slide boosts etc. stack on top of sacred sacred fire to bring your kart over normal max speed, and I guess you could throw in a visible reserve counter, because what's the point of obfuscating it, really? I'm imagining it could work something like SSX 3's trick multiplier display.

For real I totally understand that Beenox is only aiming to get as close to the original game as possible for the sake of the fanbase. This is all hypothetical, really.
Still hoping we could realistically get a 200cc mode at some point, though.

I am happy that non believers got BTFO.

I love coco so much

It's 30fps on the Pro and X

Is it possible to salvage Charmy? Sonic character design doesn't lend itself well to insectoids.

>no sources

I love her more.

Is it just me or does CTR looks somewhat slow in comparison? Never actually played CTR, but are there different speed classes akin to mario's?

no, I love her the most

No speed classes but once you learn how to maintain boosts you go much faster.

It's the fps. One is 60, the other is 30.

Well I love her the moster.

>does CTR looks somewhat slow in comparison?
Players playing badly aren't a good indication of how the game's actual pace is
>are there different speed classes akin to mario's?
there are 4 different kart classes: Well-Rounded, Acceleration, Handling, and Top-Speed.

Prove it.

Delicious fatty

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Wut's da matta, Crash? Mad ah'm BANGIN' ya sista?

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Could've sworn I've seen a comic about Dingodile tying Coco up and fucking her senseless.

How can anyone over the age of 12 actually enjoy playing kart racing games? Theres no way.

I guess we're not as mature as a supreme gentleman like yourself.

Because modern racing games suck and try to be overly realistic

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You could say that about videogames in general.

holy shit

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You remember correctly

Was CTR the only PS1 kart racer to do 8 racers in a race at a time? Every other one I've seen can only handle 6

Naughtydog did some bullshit hackery to make all of the Crash games work on the playstation's limited memory. CTR is no exception.

CTR was one of the best looking games on the PS1

I'm sure CTR is going to be fun (I've never played it because I was a Nintendo kid) and I'll get this remake, but I can't see CTR being better than MK.

Mk has had almost 2 decades of refinement behind it, while CTR will probably play largely the same as it did on the PS1. A simple fact of not being able to perform tricks off ramps to get a speed boost makes CTR's gameplay less appealing. Hell I don't know how crazy CTR's tracks are, but they can't be as crazy and off the wall as MK8's tracks, even if they add more.

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cope harder plumberfag
crash team racing has always been better and will always be better

As someone that played CTR for the first time last year I can assure you CTR has a higher skill ceiling than any given Mario Kart game.

>A simple fact of not being able to perform tricks off ramps to get a speed boost

You press the jump button to jump off at the very end of the ramp to get as much air as possible, the higher you hit the ground from while falling the bigger the speed boost while you land.

>A simple fact of not being able to perform tricks off ramps to get a speed boost makes CTR's gameplay less appealing.
That mechanic exists in CTR though. It's crazy how much more advanced CTR was compared to Mario Kart 64 (the latest MK game that was released when CTR came out). I don't know why you think anyone should give a shit about your uninformed opinion, go play it instead of being a drone.

If by "better" you mean outselling, of course not. Mario's a household name and people pointing at sales figures is ultimately meaningless because it's just brand loyalty and really each iteration of Mario Kart didn't really add that much to the genre other than "lol new tracks" and some very minor changes to boost mechanics; it took them until MKW to completely revamp the powerslide boosts and all they did was make them worse while sparing your hand of pain.
It took Mario Kart until the the 7th generation of consoles to give players incentive to go off of ramps meanwhile CTR gave players incentive to get hang-time boosts and designed the tracks with bumps and small ramps for them to get airtime off of.
Boot up a fucking emulator right this minute and play CTR for yourself, you'll be singing a different tune unless you've been gargling mushrooms for the past 30 years. CTR's mechanics stand up today just as well as they did 20 years ago because the tracks are designed around the kart's miniturbo systems.

Enjoy your slideshow

>How DARE other Kart racers appear on my precious Switch. The AUDACITY! NIntendo should sue the fuck out of anyone who makes kart racers. Hell. Nintendo should sue every game manufacturer that makes games since they're all inferior ripoffs of games nintendo invented. I dont care if it meana less games for my Switch. I only play quality ninteneo published games like fitness boxing and 1 2 Switch like a good little boy.

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I agree to an extent, MK got more time to refine itself. But the fact it had the monopoly in kart racers for the longest time made it improve less than it could.
CTR has ironically aged way better than MK64 did and it's very telling about its overall quality. Nitro Fueled keeps the same gameplay and it adds content, making it the definitive version of the game. CTR is one of those games where adding new mechanics could ruin the balance.


>That time Nintendo fans were asking for the head of the Titanfall 2 dev on a silver platter because he dared suggest that the Switch might be underpowered and probably wouldn't see most modern gen console games on it

Am I supposed to be impressed by ctr? lol

This says nothing about them actually playing on Switch or how it plays

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Watching a video on the mechanics of CTR, I had no idea it had that much depth. I would definitely agree that the skill ceiling is much higher than MK. If the remake keeps the physics, as well as all those mechanics, I'm getting my hype train ticket. Makes me wish Naughty Dog would go back to being good.

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>CTR is one of those games where adding new mechanics could ruin the balance.
The only thing that's being fundamentally changed is the fact that multiplayer will support up to 8 humans as well as the fact that CPU players never get Warp Orbs and N.Tropy Clocks. The item tables weren't designed for more than 4 humans due to the hardware limitations of the PS1. In the gameplay footage we've seen, the players at the back get a ton of these 2 items to screw over the front of the pack players because they're so bad that they never catch up to start getting the middle-of-the-pack item distribution. The only thing they'd need to do is assess pack position with more detail rather than simply their current placement and give a bias towards personal speed buffs rather than dragging everyone down if they're so far behind that it's insulting.
To MK's credit, it has advanced musically from simple looping tunes to dynamic orchestrated pieces that transition between one another based on the status of the player.
As far as gameplay though, MK took steps back regarding miniturbos depending entirely on the track giving you ample space/ramps to get those miniturbos on. Yeah MKDS was a shitshow of snaking but having that sort of control over your speed just feels visceral and CTR had taken advantage of that type of control a decade prior. It's pretty telling how awful MK's item balance was when it took them all the way to MK8 to have something that people would consider "fair." Naughtydog more or less nailed it on their first attempt.

Update on bottom confirms 30fps even on the Pro and X you dumb fuck

ND is now a movie studio and there's no coming back.

srsly boot up an emulator and play it dawg. It's good. It's possible to maintain boost for the whole race in 90% of the maps, if you're good enough.

>If the remake keeps the physics, as well as all those mechanics
As someone who got to play the demo at Gamestop yesterday, all of those mechanics are back and had no reason to ever leave.
There were a couple physics/collision bugs that I ran into because I was going too fast but it was otherwise spot-on.

or just play on pc and stop complainging you filthy consolefag

It's about time someone updated this webm.

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It’s fucking Yea Forums what do you expect? As a Mario Kart fan and first comer to CTR I’m excited for it

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Fuck off Irwin

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>I've never played it
>but I can't see CTR being better than MK
this is your mind on soitendo

>hurrr it's slow
>200cc, what's that?

>There were a couple physics/collision bugs that I ran into because I was going too fast
so the game was dumbed down and casualized confirmed?

>The equivalent of speeding up video footage
Leave it to Nintendofags to actually get upset over literally goddamn nothing.

>UPDATE: So we talked a little further with the team and it appears there was some miscommunication at the event. The game will run at 30 frames per second across the board on all platforms, including Xbox One X and PS4 Pro.

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I think the cutaway to tiny raising his arm captures a lot of people's reaction to the wink, though.

It's too bad CTR's track looks so ugly to me

>Nincels seething in the comments
Lmao, you can just smell the COPE from the way they text alone

no you knuckle-dragging cretin, I was going so fast in the air that the game didn't give me my hangtime boost when I landed. it calculated my velocity vector as not having a large enough downward component relative to the rest of it to qualify as a drop.

I really don't understand how people can take shit this seriously

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you know you don't get hangtime boosts if you don't actually jump, right?

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When will developers learn that fps > everything else

>"We lied for good initial word of mouth"

I was jumping, there's a distinct animation for jumping that's very different from simply driving off the edge (which just maintains the simple driving animation). The speedometer also has a hang time gauge just like it did on the PS1.
Why do you have a problem with the concept that maybe a physics bug existing and needing to be addressed.
My Polar Pass time was sub-3 after walking up to the demo station, that's more than fast enough to beat the N.Tropy ghost and isn't too far off from the N.Oxide ghost, I was only off by a few seconds that I could have easily optimized if I had actually practiced.

what part of his post implied he didn't jump?

Holy shit, why did you post a picture of yourself?

>same drift mechanics

You're literally retarded

soiny trannies will suck this up

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>even a bunch of sonic autists made a better mario kart than nintendo


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source? I don't want to believe it but if it is that's funny as fuck


>he isnt waiting for the PC Version
>he isnt gonna use the best gamepad

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Pura Pure :)

>Nitro-Fueled has a steady frame rate of 30 frames per second on the original PlayStation 4 hardware, but those of you with an Xbox One X and/or PlayStation 4 Pro will be able to enjoy the game at a solid 60 frames per second when all is said and done.

ctrl+f the quote you retard

read the edit at the bottom

>naughty dog
Like the cat surry suits on Mario Kart 8? lmao

>crash team race is nothing like mario kart, but smash ultimate is a smash wii u port

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wow this new game is a bit better looking than a last gen game, color me surprised.

>all racing games are mario kart
>all fps games are doom
>all fighting games are street fighter
>all arcade puzzle games are tetris
>all platformers are mario
>all board games are mario party and/or monopoly
people who say any of these statements hardly can qualify as people

Don’t forget
>all challenging games are dark souls

CNK Pura is confirmed too

You gotta love the piss air

I wish we actually got a CNK campaign, I'd love to get some more voiced dialog with new coco

There there, it's ok to be dumb as a rock.


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>thread is a bunch of furries getting trolled by a single tendie.


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To its credit, you need to actually know how to drive in order to perform amicably in CTR, especially against other players. No amount of items will save you from losing if you're half a lap behind. MKBabies that fail to grasp simple concepts even though the game is adding video tutorials and a fucking training-wheels mode don't deserve such a satisfying racing game to play.

MK8 runs at 1080p60fps on Switch.
Why doesn't CTR?
It's because modern game developers are incompetent retards.

whats the comic called?

Sorry SEGAnerd, this is for the big boys.

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nvm easy find

Is Pura's skin in the gamestop demo actually CNK Pura?

Share, ya faggot

I thought I found it but its still dingo fucking coco.

>but I think the actual competition is between sonic and crash since there’s not many popular kart racers on pc xbox and sony
> Anonymous 04/20/19(Sat)04:41:08 No.459228


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Maybe it's just me but I don't think it's impressive to compare one's self to a 5 year old game.

>game mechanics from 1999 vs game mechanics from 2014
>plumber boy still hasn't recovered from his chronic nightmares
graphics are whatever and no one other than vapid-headed morons care about muh fidelity. The real meat and potatoes are the controls, the gameplay, and how well the track design compliments said gameplay.

Cute polar

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What else would it be? A slightly different Pura? If they're going to give pura a different skin, they should've made him white or something. But N-Trance controlling device should've been there.

Nowhere has there been an indication of how many skins characters will get overall. There may be model or animation swaps to unlock that we've never seen, what we've seen so far have only been texture swaps, the electron-themed model swaps with podium animations, and the low-poly model swap.


I hope this isn't the limit to skins outside Cortex, coco and Crash. These recolors are pretty bad

not surprising.

Perhaps the N-trance hat will be added to the skin after N-Trance himself is confirmed? Who knows

it's just a pointless feature some intern made in his spare time. everybody will be playing with stock anyway

>A slightly different Pura
Yes they haven’t shown off any skins besides the electron and classic skins.
These are just color alts but since there’s a bunch of cnk stuff going into the game so the mind control devices might end up being costumes.

I'm 61% through adventure mode in the original, and it's seriously almost perfect. There's no flaws. Not even the load/save times are that bad, even though it's a PS1 game. It aged perfectly. The only reason this remake needs to exist is online play, though that is a great reason.

I mean he is basically confirmed already. I could realistically see unlocking him being the prerequisite for unlocking the mind control skins.
N.Tropy unlocked for doing CTR ghosts and N.Trance for doing the CNK ghosts would be ideal since both of them deal with clocks and even partnered up in N-Tranced on GBA.

who the fuck these were cool reskins. only pura's looks cool

W-what if the online multiplayer is really popular and it starts CTR e-sports league? What if we get a game that is supported through dlc and updates for years to come?

I actually want to get one of these. Is it as good as the real thing?

They’re okay I’ll dump some more

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Footage of Tiger Temple including the shortcut.

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Allegedly the online is really bad right now. Latency issues out the ass and player collision doesnt exist

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Not true anymore. From what people told us (pax demo), collisions are there and it's not laggy anymore.

Just because they paid for Sega's official tramp stamp doesn't mean they're actually good.

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>that pop-in at 0:39 on the mountain in the backgrouns
fucking disgusting

I don't want any goddamn post-Naughty Dog zoomer trash in the game.

No better than the retards who buy DoA and the DLC for the girls.

Japanese Crash
Mascot Crash
Nitro Kart N. Gin

>He wants less content

More content is good, but if it's shit then what's the point? It's like Dark Souls II at this point.

If the content are shitty DA-tier oc's then yes.

>Team based racing game

Fucking shitter Tiny. Only reason im buying ps4 is ctr remastered so i get to play it online with everyone.

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Seething purist. You'd be mad even if Daddy Rubin himself worked on the game.

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Anything post CTR isn't real Crash. It's a cheap imitation made by turbo Jews.

>"The characters of Crash Nitro Kart were designed by series veteran Charles Zembillas, while the environments were designed by Joe Pearson (another veteran of the series), John Nevarez, Alan Simmons and Di Davies."

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Appearance when?

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You can also race without Teams but ok. Go off

I am happy as long as the original roster is in, the rest is a plus.
The only problem for me would be Rilla Roo.

>Didn't give him (you)s
Good man.

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Nice Marsupilami skin.

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who /ngin/ here?

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Vir(n) gin

Which manga is this from?