Post your stages and arenas with custom maps !
also i just wanted to say that if sakurai included private stage sharing there wouldn't be so many lewd stages on the front page of the stage sharing thing
Other urls found in this thread:
post arenas
The best stage.
just finished the final adjustments to this stage, the main platform periodically splits at the middle: both halves extend outward> hold position> and then retract back in. this also exposes a lava pit hidden in the middle of the map.
i need people to try it out, confirm that the cycle works consistently and how it feels to play on
no fursuit below this line
can someone please make galo sengen into a stage
posting my stages, here's ashley
I just can't figure out how people make these so good, I'm fighting a losing battle with the editor
stage id?
fuck niggers
Kino.The theme is Tetris right?
Made a stage based off of the YHVH fight in SMTII
Of course, I made sure not to mention that it was YHVH
Nothing too insane, and the YHVH is the best I'll be able to make it.
>Trans flags get deleted
>Pedo shit stays
>Nintendo and Yea Forums don’t see a problem with this
This is why you’re all incels who will probably kill yourselves
Something I made just now
Anything lewd related to splatoon as a stage?
No feet stage yet?Dissapointed
>all this pedo and furshit on the recommended stages
fuck off you faggots
gonna steal your idea and make the platforms from SMT II
wtf I love japan now?
*screams in low tier*
They are going to ban all of it anyway.
There's a difference?
wham bam rock nice
I just wanted to remind you that lewd maps are for trannies and weeaboos, and that I'll personally be reporting ANY pedoshit maps I see. That means YOU, inkfags
Stay classy Yea Forums, and remember, today's one less day until Steve's announcement!
based Nintendo dabbing on mutilated 40%ers
Please we need Mario kart/ Yea Forums party van in stage builder.
Someone more qualified in the medical field, please enhance this dose.
thanks doc
actually based wtf
I might just get a switch because of this, based nintendo stopping the mental illness from spreading.
You're in luck, there's one stage that's still currently up.
Get it before it's banned.
seconding this, Nintendo dabs on you retards so hard it convinced me to buy a console that I have absolutely no interest in until today.
im making a bowser jr ass stage
Imagine being so obsessed over internet politics you drop $360 just to own libtards who don't even know you exist.
for the love of god, is there seriously no code for pic related
Imagine the smell...
Thanks Doc.
gonna need the id for that, boss
>one of the most interesting level concepts I've seen is a frozen turd
What a time to be alive.
No matter how many time I see this, it continues to be the funniest shit I've ever seen
>just to own libtards who don't even know you exist.
but you just replied to my post tranny, either way it beats spending thousands more on HRT and the snip snip surgery.
What's the code please
Have some none porn.
I've seen it in a lot of arenas better haven't seen any hint of a code in any threads.
Must have been shared around somewhere else before it got deleted because plenty of people have it.
Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.
I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yea Forums in general.
But ever since redditors brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.
based and stevepilled
I need a Sudden Death zoom-in of this
>complaining about people acting like underage retards
>on a smashbaby thread where people get excited over crudely drawn asses
t. falseflagging banjoshitter
>tranny with idolshit image
Yeah that's about who I'd expect to like that garbage
Wait a minute, I recognize that ass!
fuck. thanks either way my man
based xatuchad, where is the id ?
huh why was airship chosen again? are people playing with random stage on?
Fuck off and grow a fucking spine.
Guys donwload my Gyromite stage!
It's fucking amazing to play on
i really hope this is a copypasta and you didn't just write this out on a stage builder thread
can someone explain to me why exactly this whole tranny thing is happening? also, why did they even feel the need to put their flag there? do trannies actually believe that they don't have rights? because that has to be the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard i'm certain that all the people posting that were from upper-middle class white families in first world countries, which makes the whole "we have no rights" thing even more laughable
>taking anything anyone here spews seriously
You're a fucking mongoloid.
idolshit is based though, don't lump innocent anime with trannies just because they use anime as a surrogate for their online avatar.
they (literally) have no balls to post themselves because deep down they knew they would never pass.
They are seething because their tranny flags are getting banned, also no reason is just because they are fags and want to scream and get attention
we hate you because of what you're doing right now
you're baiting people for attention nonstop you can't be fine with just sitting at the sidelines you always have to be upfront and center
be a normal fucking human christ
I don't hate trannies. I hate people shoving trannies in my face. I hate the fucking flag waving and cocksucking and attention whoring this shit is. Trans Rights is a crock of shit pushed by people seeking attention like you are fucking doing right now and have accomplished for your (You)'s. You chose to oppress yourself and chose to act like a victim when no enemy really exists for you.
I don't care what you want to identify as, just shut the fuck up and grow a spine. Just like I don't give a fuck about the gays, but they are running around like faggots and being degenerates so I got to be disappointed.
The most popular Tranny Flag in Shared Content is actually a troll.
The song for the stage is "Snake Eater".
that fucking cloud stage holy shit lol
tranny have no identity outside of their fetish/"sexual orientation", so the only thing they can create is a meaningless flag about themselves.
Imagine having less creative power than some loser addicted to anime porn, yikes!
unironically kill yourself. you are a weak and spineless person who has become so self-centered and privileged that you can't tear yourself away from your obsession to be something else.
C'mon, user. It's a bunch of same faced anime girls designed to suck money out of weak-willed otakus. You're better than this.
Less tranny drama, more tits and ass
You can be sexual deviants in your closet, but the moment you step out, parading to the world your "identity" that is really just your sexual fantasy that is not only forcing other people to accommodate your status, but also to essentially force children into this deviancy, then I will tell you to fuck off back to your den of degeneracy just like anyone else would to furries or pedos. You and your ilk want attention, or else you would not parade around your made up identity and wage war to undermine society's values.
tl;dr kill yourself
thanks doc
Please download my Stage guys, i hope you like
Literally this.
Oops :)
I highly appreciate it if you wouldn't post my wife with that blogpost
>petey spawns under miku
>gets stuck under her skirt
Epic pasta my dude
>chanology babby
shiggy diggy
>why did they even feel the need to put their flag there?
That's the 6,000,000 j- er, dollar question.
>all these stages where you fight on a giant girl
I want to download these but I don't want my friends to see me online playing on this shit or see it in my profile
>>Pedo shit stays
Nice joke, shitposter. Most of the tranny flags haven’t been removed and Nintendo is actively removing the shitty porn knock-offs.
Was fun, gonna clock out tho because work.
lazyberry is my new best friend!
Fuck off, I don't care about weak-willed otakus.
Idolm@ster is fun and I never spent a dollar on it.
go back
Dude, just call them retards. It always strikes a nerve with them. Besides nobody here has the attention span to read that much text.
Watch this
It took one fucking post of someone posting a garbage pasta to derail the thread. Can't say I'm surprise.
the first Mega Lopunny stage is done
can't grab a pic so I'll just give the code
what a nerd.
Ha I'm in the same boat. I'm just gonna DL them and delete them shortly after
>I'm trans
Haha whoopsy poopsy stopped reading right there
the point here is idolshit and degenerate trannies are 2 separate issues, shit on idols all you want but don't blame them for something that's done by trannies.
looks alright, well done user-kun
>Suck money
How? The anime barely breaks even and the other merchandise is physical like Figures/wallscrolls, but that's literally all anime. Idol shit only has the bonus of potentially having concerts in RL, which aren't likely to suck up that much money.
>deleting maps that you'll never have the chance of downloading again
oh go fuck yourself dipshit
hurr epic
fuck off you meme loving retard
thanks user !
do they see you? i don't see it in my profile.
Tran-gang here, this is our board now.
cute but not funny
Here's two stages I made:
MM2 Intro Stage: F4GNFYLT
Giygas's Lair: KKX9FYXY
I tried to make one based off the Shinryu fight in FFXIV
Pretty good art but it's a little disappointing you're on a flat plane behind the ass rather than on the actual ass. I get it from a playability standpoint though.
seriously nobody wants to even try it?
tranny mentality is completely flawed. Even if it were true that you have the brain of a woman and you're trapped in the body of a man, it's still MUCH better to just accept your male body and live a male life than it is to mutate and disfigure yourself to try and force your body into something its not. If you people woke up one morning and your body was that of the opposite sex, would you be depressed for the rest of your life, or would you just accept it? And that's not even a good comparison because trannies have never even been the opposite sex before so they've already got used to their body and don't even know what it's like to be the opposite sex so how can they even say that's what they want when they don't even KNOW WHAT IT IS THAT THEY WANT
>Idol shit only has the bonus of potentially having concerts in RL, which aren't likely to suck up that much money.
not him but before FGO, idolmaster is the undisputed king in mobage, imagine being so good at sucking money the government literally have to make new legislations just to stamp you down, google it.
>still no goatse stage
nu Yea Forums makes me sad
>all these retards seething at some trans copypasta
Wow you sure convinced me you're level-headed and intelligent people, I'm sure you have reasons beyond current Yea Forums trends to hate homos and trannies
Check the last thread
absolutely fucking based
Personally I identify as the joker. Just cut my mouth open, dipped my head into some acid and now I'm on my way to rise up.
make the butt where the battles take place, perfect shape otherwise.
Take this flawed argument anywhere but this hugbox website and they'll give you a proper response. Not here, though - this is a VIDEO GAMES board.
Gonna shill my updated soapy Mizutsune stage
Damn, the chinese got to him first.
pretty cool
>jannie deleted the post
Chink jannies confirmed!
If you want an honest answer. I've been on the internet for a long and i knew a trans person back in 2006ish. I thought hey, that's a thing, but they were nice and i respected them a lot. However in the past 7 or so years the discourse around trans people has changed completely. The most prominent trans activists are completely insane and intolerant, there is zero nuance in any debate and any questioning of trans dogmas will be a career destroyer. You have fanatical loons completely abusing the label and attacking anyone for the most incidental faux pas and because trans people are such a protected minority there is zero policing of bad actors. You have people like Allister Pinsof losing his career because he pointed out a trans person was scamming people, Alice Dreger getting deplatformed because she wrote an essay against early adolescence transitioning, you have trans people trying to end Jesse Singals career because 3 years ago he misgendered someone based on a tweet. None of this is reasonable or equitable to any form of equality.
whoa nice
Idolmaster is a big franchise, one mobile game that shits money because it's predatory gambling tactics doesn't make the whole franchise a money sucker. FGO might make Fates a lot of money, but Fates as a franchise doesn't need FGO.
I wish I was better at organic shapes, so this stage wouldn't look like ass
Anyway, Wonderful 101 Operation 001-C
How do you download with IDs anyway
They have the second highest apm on average after Coreans.
I've never met or seen a single tranny that wasn't mentally unstable.
>going against ROB's air game
>one mobile game that shits money because it's predatory gambling tactics doesn't make the whole franchise a money sucker
True, but that's just that user being wrong on his own part, I am just saying that there's some basis for his opinion.
>Go online to share content
>Press X to search
>Select ID
>FInd and save
I hate this and the limit.
>work 5 hours on a complex and good looking stage
>delete it because the world doesn't deserve it
Any way to alternate rail movement? All I want to do is
>both platforms start at the same spot
>one platform moves up and then returns
>then the other platform moves up and returns
>deletes the screenshot
>doesn't delete the .webm of the players fighting right on the words of tiananmen
hiro actually paid money for this
Tried it because you sounded desperate.
Neat concept, center opened and closed consistently so that works. Wasn't able to try it in an actual match but could be fun.
Definitely a mechanic to look into moving forward.
I call it: Mega Lopunny mk 2
aight i did it
How long did it take for you to get the head right?
I keep trying to replicate this face
Oh shit, I saw that stage sorting by date and thought it was really cool.
Good job, it looks really nice.
Oh, so you can’t do it via the phone app?
Also does anyone have the id for the pyra/Homura boobs stage?
Only one of these was deleted. Really makes you think.
You boys got any stages that are fun to play on that aren't just artwork
>Oh, so you can’t do it via the phone app?
Don't think so
Which fucking one? If you keyword search Pyra a ton come up, though most of them suck
maybe like 10 minutes of just tryin to get the shading in
its real tricky but you basically just have to draw the outline of whatever youre tryin to fill in
How can I share and check the ID of the stage?
>died before I even finished spawning in
>that Bob Omb Battlefield
What a legitimately great stage. I just threw it on, played a free for all with AIs and was smiling the whole time. Some of the stages with just a little bit of thought put into their design are pretty great
You nailed it.
>stage sucks so much ass cloud dies the second the match starts
fucking based
Fucking awesome dude, the porn is funny but I need more genuinely creative playable stages
hiro doesn't cares about the moderation quality so he probably hired a bunch of them nodicks unknowingly.
My friends and I were just playing that one and yeah it fuckin rules. Well done both visually and gameplay wise
Please help
ok now make a brackette stage
3 Stock - 2:30 FFA FS on Items on med
Customs on
Cable internet
PASS: No password
fuck off
post more webms so I don't feel so left out
i'm 100% with trans people, but the problem most people have with you is that you're constantly complaining and forcing your politics everywhere. the smash thing being a perfect example. if you guys keep drawing attention to yourselves and complaining about literally everything, people will start to hate you. you never see other minorities complaining about things, it's ALWAYS white liberals and trannies. it gets extremely annoying after a while. there's no point actually trying to get into to it now, but most of the backlash you guys are facing here are, unfortunately, other trans people's fault.
t. actual liberal minority who's grown tired of white liberals bullshit
>moving to china in a few months
will my internet really get shutdown from posts like this? and will i be fine if i use a vpn?
You're fucked, 1984 isn't a meme over there.
what minority are you so i can call you a slur
Why are you moving to china?
Wait a sec... I know that game!
go ahead user, i know better than to get offended by words
your cringe
He posted Malcolm X so he's obviously white.
You will need a VPN to post since Google is blocked in China iirc
Made the Magikarp Festival stage from pokken, the boat swings left to right and Magikarp of different sizes will try to jump on the boat from both sides
>yandex, iqdb and saucenao have nothing
What's the sauce?
a job
i actually don't mind that, i've always wanted to live in a cyberpunk dystopia
based malcom in the middle poster
only below footfags
I tell everyone online I'm black because it immediately exposes their brainlet cards and they just stormfag immediately and it makes me laugh.
Would literally rather kill myself than live in mainland China. Good luck retard, I hope you reflect on the life.choices you made that led you to this
Code isn't pic related, don't trust him anons
>tfw you rob inkling of her peach
I hope ROB stuffs Peach in there
jesus christ
That's enough stage creator for today.
Damn great games to that Mushroom Gorge/Ike Joker arena.
Can't believe I fucking lost twice having 2 assist trophies helping me at the last stock.
you better be postin a code for that too
To the tune of DK rap
This is somehow hotter than her getting fucked
Cope and seethe, you wanted Minecraft Steve.
not my stage, but I found it under sort by date.
Jesus fucking christ
>now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it
>proceeds to derail the thread into his tranny bullshit
unironically fuck off
not a fan of bestiality but good effort if you made this.
thats all i really needed, i spent a while trying to figure out how to make the platforms shift to specific positions for set periods of time.
Hi dadamage
Neat, a Conker stage
Who likes Isabelle
Obrigado, doutor.
user, you could have gone to college, but instead you did this
Here we go:
get at least 2 VPNs because it's going to be a rough ride user, good luck.
Your internet wouldn't shut down as long as you don't post this on the chink's local social media, just expect endless frustration as you wait 15 minutes for a 2 minute 144p video on youtube to finishing loading.
also, I don't want to sound like a hiroshill but get yourself a Yea Forums pass, you really need it there.
seems like a legit good stage mate
Just be glad you didn't see the uncensored version.
Which part is even the platform?
>that spawn point
Sweet, thanks! Do you have your first one where he's fucking her with the dick visible?
Based, what about the first one?
I tried
The skirt, dick, cum, forearm, and the pocket on her vest
>gamergate was years ago
GG has nothing to do with trannies, you filthy tranny. All you do is use it as a scapegoat whenever you want to push libtard propaganda.
i know a trans person and he is a weeaboo prick with so many mental problems
good at fighting games tho
>twitter filename
who made this?
Yes, but i won't upload it anymore. There's probably other user who got it.
Delete this image please.
so whos actually jerked off to these
Need the s
Ill miss you dudes
I've jerked off to the Roll's cunny map.
I jerked it to the two miis giving a handjob, not lying
based, id?
Just reading this shit hurt my groin. Jesus Christ.
anybody who responds to this anons post make sure to post the id of the map you used, thanks!
Here's a little WIP in progress
Puss på dig själv älskling :*
>Work in Progress In Progress
DH is made with the grid while Samus is not. nice subtle touch there actually
Seriously, the one with his dick hanging out is my favorite one.
damn, i was expecting a code but thanks
would mind uploading it and at keeping it on the server for like 10 mins
It's all just memes. Nobody here is really that pathetic
ID: N3R45L49
>also, I don't want to sound like a hiroshill
i know it's you
stage this.
Didn't Nintendo can some picture message service for this exact reason? Enjoy it while it lasts you retarded manbabies. I expect nothing less from Nintendies.
i told you bro
>K. Rool's constantly shining HUD eye from perfect shielding
How menacing.
Absolutely based
haha yeah
Neat. Wondering how you'll do the big tilting platforms.
Someone do this shit
Alright boyos here's that code
>an actual Homestage for ROB
fucking based
Nice !!
I love creativ weabos
>internet politics
i wish this trans shit was limited to internet politics
Holly's fuck man
Make more!
Wow, there's way more work put into this than the thumbnail suggests.
If you are actually that user or someone going to China, just don't trust me and go ahead and don't buy the pass.
Make sure you are able to contact someone outside of that black hole so they can help you buy the pass for you when you finally break down and regret your decision.
This stuff is giving me LittleBigPlanet flashbacks.
This stagebuilding is an absolute riot and I don't even play smash
What's the best variation of smashketeball?
Took me a while to realize what it was
Shame the song isn't in the game
>that music
Why did Yea Forums become a redit for trans subhumans
Fuck off and kill yourself monster
Being honest
Someone is really good drawing/making dog dicks
They're our specialty, glad you enjoy them
I'm wondering that myself. I'll probably just make one spin slowly or make it static.
I just finished making this, it's my version of the Pit from Mortal Kombat II. The platforms move in to eachother and back out in a loop. I tried with the spikes on the sides.
I can't believe I missed out on these. I need to come around here more often.
8/10 user, needs reptile at the bottom
It's not that hard to be honest. Draw a red circle as the base, then a draw penis, but make its head pointy.
Horse dicks are harder imo.
bless your fucking soul holy shit
>Its a "the thread gets derailed halfway in to discuss trans people" episode
fucking saved.
I see you didn't take my earlier message about lewd stages seriously, so I've taken the liberty to report all the stages I've just replied to. Furfags, weaboos and trannies have no place in Smash Bros.
But you know who does? Minecraft Steve! Yeah all Minecraft stages to show your supplication to Steve
>allowing custom anything on a system that is owned by 99% degenerate manchildren, pedos and trannys
What were they thinking?
fucking ignore them whats important is hows that Rouge the Bat stage coming thats the real discussion
looked lovely
I remade a few more slap city stages
No idea why the image is extra crusty but I tried making Big Boo's Haunt
anyone know if you can arrange the stage list in your downloads?
That Marina KEK
Mods, jannies..
Clean this shit the fuck up.
Yea Forums is a blue board, get these degenerates back to /ssbg/ and allow for good stages to be posted
>furious scribbles and tears
Because trannies are universally mentally insane retards who ruin communities. Every community they touch turns into pure liquid shit. Look at AGDQ, originally just a bunch of people sitting around in a basement doing comfy speedruns and having banter. Now all the fun is gone because the trannies are there and you have to be careful about treading on their toes or you get the ban. And this happens all the time, trannies go somewhere, bitch about it not being accepting enough and then they ruin everything for everyone except themselves.
Just go back to taking up 99% of the thread capacity on /lgbt/, faggot.
someone make a cute chocobo stage
kanna stage when
You've been making quality shit, dude. Yeah'd and followed.
>skimming through the clips
>they display the top global smash power for the players in the clip
what the fuck?
I'm at 4.4mil and I barely ever play and feel like I'm awful
>Go to recommended miis
>14 Yu's but only 2 doors
I hope your trolling.
Look up "transsexual period" or "post-op menses" if you're calling bullshit. They go through periodic cycles of infection and healing as bacteria and such build up in the flesh pocket. The periodic rash, pus leakage, and eventual bleeding from cracked tissues is referred to as their "period", normally with a giggle and some sort of whitty photo involving tampons.
In reality that works for a bit, and even tapers off as the body gets adjusted to the infection cycle. However after a few years people get lazy, or natural growth, maturity, or weight gain puts undue stress on the surgical area, which is already a rather delicate assembly. Eventually it will need to be "adjusted" with increasing frequency, or it'll begin to look like Sloth trying to spit out banana pudding. The alternative is sepsis once some outside matter, like hair, bacterial clotting, lube, cum, or whatever the fuck, gets inside and starts to decay.
It's fine to prance around in a skirt and act like a pretty girl when your a young teen and androgynous as hell. If it brings you joy, you degenerate faggot, have at, bring up greek theater while you're at it. However men and women age differently and there's no hormone or knife that can change that shit, and it all gets a lot less cute when you're 45 with a fucked up back and look like a weird grown-ass man in a dress telling people to call you Crissy Crispy. Unless the plan is to fuck until you die by 30, don't do shit you can never take back, like hacking shit off your body or shaving bone. Frolic like a girl while your young and pretty, but it's gonna go eventually, and the praise will die off.
Nothing you can hack off, inject, drink, burn, or otherwise take will ever change the inside of your brain. If you're unhappy in your skin, changing it won't help, you have to change the brain bit. Don't hack shit off yourself.
remaking the lobby in a bit after I get some more stages
bkuro you laggy nigger fuck never join my lobby again
>100k off the current maximum GSP
i don't buy it user, it starts getting hilariously slow to get anymore after 4 mil
Great thread tbqh
I like but it's not the same without the music. Still great recreations though.
>"You cannot save any more stages."
roleplayers are just future trannies. minecraft is perfect for roleplay and invested with trannies making steve a tranny icon
probably a brainlet question but do players keep their downloaded stages if the original one got deleted by nintendo?
Thanks for the nut
Yeah, I was amazed how quickly I hit 99 too.
Here's a Space Station 13 inspired map that I just finished. The shuttle at the bottom will move and hit the asteroid if you hit the lever.
Go away banjoke
looks fun, i want it
What's with the weird grainy textures on the stage builder? Looks like shit.
Are there any obnoxous catgirls as a stage hazard, wherein an "admin" will drop a KO on you if you attack them?
If not, it's not SS13.
This looks so fun! I really love how you did the hatches on the red doors in the background layer
I completely forgot switches are even an option, I've still not tried to use them in anything. So they can move platforms?? When I first tried them it made me think they could only blow up bomb blocks
put the controller down user
Still waiting on the wendy stage, nigger.
People that say all that shit are generally autistic loners that like to sperg out about politics, I've met so many people like that.
It's fun to be a little naughty and say nigger and tranny from time to time, but they just take the ball and run with it till their fucking legs give out.
havent posted it yet, will eventually
ok but only to touch my dick to this stage im making
not the same person who made the wendy stage
GM9 Construct or bust
Sorry I'm not a disgusting TGfag like you.
Yeah, they just make it so moving platforms will stay still until the switch is hit. I wanted to have the doors in the background open and close but they looked really bad if I did it in the far background layer.
when would be the best time to post a lewd stage so that people dont get the chance to download it while getting enough traffic to be easily reported quickly
incredibly based and reasonpilled
That's awesome. I feel like the moving platform is a bit too small to do anything other than just fuck someone over though. I'd make it, and the gap it's in just a little wider.
Really hope I see this when you upload the final version though, I'll want it.
trannies flaunt the most disgusting fetishes in public like the rest of the letters in "lgbt", many trannies see no problem misleading people about being trans and have the audacity to do it when they have higher rates of AIDS and other STDs than the rest of the population, they literally try to change the law to get normal people fined and jailed for not conforming to their way of thinking, and their way of thinking demands the whole world throw out hundreds of years of biological science just so less than 1% of the population can feel "accepted".
>looking through levels by date
>japanese level: cool art of meta knight
>american level: 9/11 in space
god they must fucking hate us
PASS 522
remember to switch stages when you rotate out for variety
fuck you bkuro you laggy nigger if you join you're getting kicked
oh fuck this is the best one by far
when is it ready?
go go go
Oh no inklings and ashley are real human beans better be a faggot and report shit for no reason.
alright my brother works for steam your ass is getting banned
>Many adults play Nintendo games and it's 100% socially acceptable to play in public.
>98% of Nintendo players are sub 12 yold.
Gee I wonder why
Dragon's nest from Pokken, stage limitations are a bitch
kanna stage when
If you are on Yea Forums of all places crying about people not taking you seriously, you really do have a mental disorder
Take it from me, a person with a huge amount of gender dysphoria. Thinking you are important for being trans is ridiculous and you deserve to be made fun of if it bothers you that much
Just obsess over wanting to be female characters and jerk it to gender bender porn like the rest of us, no need to embarrass yourself in public
yw my dude
% of Nintendo players are sub 12 yold.
Nope. released demographics have it something like 70% are 19 years old and above. newer kids don't give too much of a shit when fortnite exists.
left ledge doesnt like to let me hold on
Joker-bullying stage
PW 2
nothing to see here mr. sakurai, we really love your game
please like and comment thank you
do you really think people who make these shitty stages participate in those surveys?
Good job.
Sometimes it does, I guess I'll remove the stone platform
% of Nintendo players are sub 12 yold mentally
fixed that for you
vast majority of Nintendo's fanbase is onions-saturated manchildren
if anything that implication would raise the lower the older audience amount.
True. luckily ninty still does good content.
kill yourself
Version 2
Fake news, he was never trans.
Reported for nazi symbol
The floor being a thin platform makes this stage much worse to play on than it otherwise should have been, but I understand you went for aesthetics first. Shame the editor is so limited in that regard.
Nintendo is based and cunnypilled.
>I'm trans
>stage has no ledges
It's piss easy to get to numbers like that.
I'm fucking awful with half the cast.
>moving to china in a few months
Learn to read Mandarin, get a VPN (ExpressVPN worked well for me), make friends with locals. Online gaming is best done at an internet cafe, but you need a Chinese ID. The clerks usually don't give a fuck if you're with a Chinese friend that lets you borrow anoher friend's ID. Unlimited data doesn't exist, but an "ice cream packge" should suffice until you get a WiFi connection. Learn how to use WeChat and WePay.
>we're literally just regular fucking people,
No you really fucking aren't. you're mentally unstable self mutilators that are forcing others to suffer your bullshit that even you yourself have trouble believing in and in the worser case scenarios just plain have fucking man chin.
I don't hate the idea of trans, the technology is just nowhere near what we need to properly do it and the culture is an insuffarable plague of validation seeking and spreading that harrasses and attacks anyone that disapproves. I have absolute disinterest at best and pure disgust at the entire ordeal at worst and I want absolutely nothing to do with it or the reminder it exists until it improves technology wise, and the thought of the amount of good, unknowing innocent people who get sucked into the fucking hellscape life of pain and dilation only to commit suicide after realizing their mistake makes me sad.
Trans people / LGBT and all that shit isn't accepted by everybody. they just fucking forced their way in the door through sheer political power and legging their friends up to corrupt the seats like a fucking plague and even normal people are waking up to the bullshit and getting sick of it I hear in backparty conversations.
>Roll's cunny crashed the entire lobby
Holy shit. What a powerful stage.
>stomp on the puss enough times
>communication error
> cum so hard the match has to be evacuated
the cunny crashed my game
ID 6M1K6
PW 2
Did you guys get visited by Roll cunny?
share cun pls
Can you view the things from the nintendo switch online app regarding smash outside of the app?
fucking kek
i think it already got taken down :(
Here's my second attempt at the Scarlet Devil Mansion as a stage.
>that are forcing others to suffer your bullshit
Treat people as individuals first and understand that a lot of trans people fucking hate the identity politics and the "trans rights" bullshit just as much as the rest of us.
I fucking love that cloud stage
Late night arena time
>Share switch with little sister
>Can't download lewd stages
>post deleted
>((people)) still respond to tranny bait
eat a bullet, you're ruining a good thread
Sorry brother
Nice job, user. I was making this stage myself, but yours is much better.
I read the doujins only, as a patrician I can also say Yayoi is the best, digits confirm
Doesn't she play with her own profile?
>get inspiration to make a stage of a specific area from a game
>go to check out popular stages
>someone has made the EXACT same stage but better
He earned my yeah
Do one with Cartman.
Still waiting on user's Nikki swapnote boob stage :(
Surprised there's little ammount Sonic inspired stages
You would have to buy the online twice if you don't have a family account
what's a sonic?
holy fuck give me the code for the sneed stage please
We need an /aco/ thread for this shit
> Missed out on hefty v1 stage cuz bought nintendo online too slow
fuck man. fuck.
who's the laggy nigger
>anons in a lobby jerking off to a poorly drawn cunny together
how would your ancestors feel?
do it and link it back
Was it K.rool or plant?
I feel for you. It's a great stage.
That v/87 guy
Fix your shit or you're getting beaned again
That Roll cunny stage is amazing.
finally a use for the voice chat app
Holy fuck will it pick my stage ONE GODDAMN TIME? I'm sick of this basic-ass kirby butt stage.
>give zero and a half fucks about smash
>saw the lucario stage on the catalog
>just been skimming the threads for lewd stages
>enjoying myself
>get to this thread
>anti-lewd posters
>half the thread is replies to some stale bait
You autists can't do anything right can you? You always have to find a way to make yourselves more annoying and unappealing.
Just from browsing Recommended at random intervals, I've seen a couple good ones inspired by Perfect Chaos and plenty of shitty City Escape ones. And one Chemical Plant.
who gives a fuck
have you found that lucario stage yourself yet?
I'm a huge idiot, how do I take the thumbnail picture with the code and title in it?
This is a kids game and you're all going to hell, nintendo will probably have to do something or remove the feature altogether.
Share the stage. It'll create an image for you.
What do you mean? I don't have Smash. I have the webm, is that what you want?
i refuse to believe this
Fix your fucking internet 87. No laggy faggots in my arena.
And where do I find that?
any arenas up right now?
Hotland stage attempt
CTRL + F Arena, faggot.
nah, was wondering if you have the code/ID of the stage.
from what it looks like ninty most likely deleted it
Oops sorry my gun didn't work right
I want the webm just so I know what you're talking about please.
has anyone recreated any stages from Slap City or Rivals of Aether?
Slap City should be pretty simple to do
I lol at this Cloud stage every time
Go to the /aco/ thread someone's eventually gonna post it there. I don't wanna waste images on reposts and this threads about to hit bump limit anyway.
Pro tip to stage builders: Don't just make your stage "BIG" every time. All these fuckhueg killzone maps are infuriating.
Post all the lewd shit that you find here
Apparently I can only play 1v1 or it shits itself, goddamn potato internet
c'mon boy red rocket red rocket
Fuck I found out about hiding rails too late. Give us the option to edit or delete uploads Nintendo.
How do you make it randomly spin like that?
Something's bugging out, it keeps picking that butt kirby stage but I don't even have that one downloaded.
>hiding rails
go to the edit tool and click on it I think
Danke Doktor
Blaster master stage in general when
hell, rip off the blaster battle layouts if you got to
but only gravity and grabbable ledges show up
you're supposed to click on the rail instead of the object
Nice, nostalgic as hell and it keeps happening
new thread when
Someone post the isabelle butt stage
Fuck, I was too late
you better give a fucking id for that
me too user
Look up Homura on Japan keyboard. Dude reupped. Hurry
First stage
I'm retarded how do I do that
I give it till next week before Nintendo implement a pre-approval system for stage builder.
Can you disable the touchscreen draw in handheld mode?
put it on scribbled rails and check the hinged platform box under options for the rail.
Holy fuck why is the stage select in Arenas so buggy?
It keeps playing all of my stages with the Xenoblade 2 battle theme lel
I think it works like this
>Once someone chooses a new stage, it enters rotation
>Currently picked stages have a higher chance of being picked
>Stages that aren't currently picked still have a chance of being picked
holy shit, this is great.