>start thread to kill the spam
>fucking pruned

Attached: angry heavy.png (842x842, 780K)


Dead game


Attached: 9hj2e0kj5lb11.png (899x570, 161K)

he barely even plays anymore

I cam understand random crits, but weapon spread? Why?

he really is a faggot

Fellas, the game is dying and we need to bring the franchise up again.
Here is my suggesting
one of the class has to turn gay or into a woman

>Yea Forums hates random crits forever
>eceleb makes a video saying random crits bad
>now Yea Forums hates random crits because they are funny lol


>now Yea Forums loves random crits because they are funny lol

>compfags bitch and moan for years how TF2 must become an esport game with a dedicated competitive mode and no random crits or weapon spread"
>Valve gives them exactly what they want
>It's fucking dead
>compfags proceed to demand that everyone else must be forced to play by their retarded rules
These people are like stage 4 cancer that just won't stop metastasizing until the host is fucking dead.

Attached: quickplay died for this.jpg (400x420, 30K)

No... there’s no fixing a fuck up like that

You really dropped the ball
You blew it

>go into TF2 thread
>two posts in and someone has already played the Uncle Dane boogeyman card
Can you niggers stop talking about him if you hate him so much? You guys think about him more than actual UncleDane fans


Attached: SOLDIERSOAP1.png (560x650, 274K)

>"I joined this team just to kill FAGGOTS like you!"
What the fuck, Valve?

Attached: 1525218205362.png (470x599, 249K)

makes scout much more consistent

why the entire game is full of shitters and cheaters? everytime i join a server there is a team of 12 pablo.sanchez.2006 against 12 LMAOBOXers

Random crits on splash damage is legitimately retarded

frick off, boomer

legit betting sites;

fake api phishing sites:

idk most people seem pretty good about votekicking cheaters if they're being really obvious about it, problem usually takes care of itself

why would you ever subject yourself to valves dumpster mm over a real community server running a full map rotation/rtv

Attached: cowabunga.jpg (1099x196, 23K)

Attached: 3.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

>hide with a cloak and dagger near an enemy sniper
>"Admirable shot"
>"Nice shot"
>"Superior shot"
>he misses every time

Attached: shpee.png (364x365, 151K)

>Valve completely botches comp in every aspect
>"Lol why does no one play this?"