3 iterations of sherry and the 1998 low poly sherry looks the cutest

3 iterations of sherry and the 1998 low poly sherry looks the cutest
what gives?

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Attached: vwater.png (473x344, 173K)

That shit on the right is soulless though. Overdone, and not fitting for what should be plain water. Even aside from that, in general the image just looks like a non-distinct mess. Doesn't jump out at you, isn't iconic at all.
Good example of the SOUL meme

look at her
she's adorable

Attached: sherrygun.jpg (320x219, 15K)

Nigga it's tap water just fucking drink it.

she has big ears

Attached: sherrycute.jpg (1113x622, 49K)

well she's a cute of course~

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who's idea was it to give the loli a sub-machine gun? probably not a good idea

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seems like a solid idea to me user
how else will she survive the world of survival horror?


pp hard

Okay, but, really, why does Sherry have such big tits? Isn’t she an elementary schooler?

12 year olds can have tits too, user


Attached: why hello there handsome.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

She's 12? Thats a good 2-3 years into puberty for girls.

leon should be replaced by claire desu

fuck off tranny

>not wanting lesbians
what are you, a faggot?

oh no

Ahh. It makes sense that she’s 12. I thought she was supposed to be closer to 10

welp, time to fap

which one has the cutest feet

Yes, she is.

Attached: loli rape.webm (640x480, 2.99M)

it's a shame sherry didn't have any death scenes in 2make

DC Sherry is the cutest.

she stuffs her bra

>he actually played the DEmake

Attached: 2AhiEMK.png (427x462, 239K)

>literally every doujin
>literally in game
>big tits



Attached: Sherry_Birkin.png (828x832, 1010K)

Watch sfm porn instead.

Too old and slutty
Must be the daddy rape trauma

Sherry with bush is the best.

>Too old
Old women are former lolis. Besides, regenerating hymen.

No thanks.

>expecting americans to drink tap water
If it doesn't have a ton of sugar in it they won't drink it. The image on the right tries to trick the american mind by making it look extreme, but they won't be deceived.
They can smell sugar from miles away.

Met yesterday a 11yo with pretty big tits. Nipples were meaty too


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fuck outta here degenerate

I recognize that image, user

it's not degenerate if it's hot

I tried boiling coka cola to pour into a ramen noodle cup.

I threw up and dry heaved for a whole minute until all I could taste was bile.

user i don't like your description.

Crapcom sucks these days. Thats why.

But which one is the funniest?

all of them

REmake 2 by far. The shit that bitch says is based.

>1998 is the cutest
>image is from Darkside Chronicles
I'm surrounded by dumbass zoomers.

it was the first sherry picture I had

Google is a thing lad but fine.

Here you go senpai

Attached: 06EEAF98-96F0-4209-962B-4B20F6A926B8.jpg (1770x1770, 254K)

Thats more like it. Thanks

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imagine if someone uploaded the original cutscene models for RE2 and 3
imagine the SFM quality...

>wanting to just watch
What are you, a cuck?


threesomes exist, user
and besides, the ideal setup is being the little girl

Fuck off tranny

>leon could bang this

>being this much of a faggot
>not even recognizing Yea Forums culture

Yea Forums culture is wanting to piledrive the cunny not become it, that's reddit tier tranny speak.

but why not both?

I just told you why.

you are the ultimate homo, user

REmake 2 Sherry is unintentionally based. Look how fucking stoked she is to be with her mom and dad. Look at her fucking face rofl.

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>I'm a homo for not wanting to be in a threesome with 2 other guys while pretending I'm a little girl
This is some pedoera level mental gymnastics right here.

Attached: scary story time.jpg (1920x1080, 410K)

nobody said a threesome with 2 guys but you so that's on you I guess

What's up with this design? Literally looks like some 3dcg shit I've fapped to. What's up with capcom?

So you want to be a lesbian loli? that's even more gay.

you already answered your question, user

Yea Forums culture is being a cute little girl

>threesomes exist, user
You should have said 'bi' then. Lesbians implies they won't want anything to do with you.

>being a cute little girl
Wanting to be female when you're male is the definition of being a tranny.

>when you're mal
My condolences.

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Oh it's not official? I never played the games just here for the c* material.

Demake? fuck off mike

That's alright, I like being a man. It's the only way to enjoy girls to the fullest by having the ability to fuck them, I mean.

>Are you guys like boyfriend and girlfriend???

Attached: Claire embarassed.jpg (1920x6480, 3.4M)

>Leon didn't kneel down and say "No of course not, you're my girlfriend Sherry"
0/10 shit game.