Jesus Christ just how long is this game?

Jesus Christ just how long is this game?

I am 40 hours in, and got the flying ship, so I assumed I was near the end. Looked up a walkthrough to check, and I'm only halfway through?

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Elves are fine too

made for sex

How can you be sexually attracted to knife eared freaks?

It doesn't get any better.


elves are good for rape and little else

>Blastia good!
>No, Blastia bad
>I see now, Blastia bad
Fuck you Rita, you flat chested abusive goblin

Just when you think it's about to end the story takes a turn for the retarded and you've got another 50 hours to go.

at least she's short enough to be fuckable AND portable

They are also a nutritious alternative to chicken

can't rape the willing

Patty is superior in both of those regards though

never said she's the best at being fuckable AND portable
just that she's capable of it

I feel you, user. I've been trying to get back into Tales of the Abyss for years now. I always make it to around that mining town (Akzerituth I think) and end up dropping the game because I lose interest. Tear's cute, though

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You should try having it

Is it overhyped? I don't get whats so good about it
Berseria is way better imho

>game is touted as an all-time great jrpg on Yea Forums for years
>nonstop begging for translated definitive edition
>finally get it
>no more threads except to complain or say the game is shit

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you're just missing them, user

Every time.

I dunno what it is about that game but I felt similarly about Abyss, a little through Part 2 and it took an immense amount of willpower to finish it. And this is coming from someone who marathoned almost half of the Kiseki games in 4-5 months no problem.

Yakuza 5 was the same
>endless whining that we never got the "best Yakuza ever"
>finally gets localized
>about ten people bought it, 90% of Yakuza fans just skipped it for 6, and Yea Forums now calls it shit

What game?

Ni no kuni 2

desu when it came out we had at least 1 thread up at all times for over a month, people were really enjoying it. But when Y0 came out everyone started shitting on 5 and some are saying it's one of the worst games in the series. And I doubt it sold that bad since they announced Y0, Kiwami 1 and Y6 before the series blew up in the west with 0. Y5 is still my favorite one desu.

The game is great though, you're just selectively biased

We had threads non stop for about 2 month

The latter half of abyss is literally just walking from town to town to be talked at. It pretty much stops being a game.

i heard she fucks dogs

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Nah, that's Estelle. She gets visibly upset when Rapede is nice to any of the other girls

Bullshit. I've always said 5 was right up there with 0.
The people shitting on 5 are just the regular Yea Forums contrarians that are also currently trying to force that DMC4 is bad.

I want to mating press rita but from behind

DMC4 is half a game.

>liked the game on 360 when it came out
>waited patiently for the PS3 version to be ported back to 360
>waited for a PS3 emulator
>now it finally came out
>start playing it
>realize the English transtation is not as good as the Italian translation (either that or the Italian just has more flair to it so I prefer it)
>can't play with voices in English and text in Italian because I keep getting triggered by inconsistencies between the two
>but the Japanese voices are absolutely dreadful
>end up dropping the game after switching languages like 30 times and not deciding on how to play it

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>Japanese voices are absolutely dreadful
What's wrong with you?

You're all gay if you don't want to breed with Rita.

He's probably not a weaboo.

calm down repede

I don't understand why they decided to not go with full romance route between Yuri and Judith. Their personalities greatly complement each other and even they acknowledge that.

She is a homewrecker, trying to seduce a happily married man