Hi Yea Forums, here are some stuff I can leak. It's only PC related stuff I know

Hi Yea Forums, here are some stuff I can leak. It's only PC related stuff I know.

PC related stuff :

- Epic Store is currently working a deal to have Bloodborne and Shadow of the Colossus on the store. Timed exclusives, like Journey is (new information). Bayonetta 2 is also in the talk.
- Valve is currently working on Half Life 3 but it's still in concept phase. "Combat Evolved" by Boneworks is a proof of concept and might be the fundation of the future HL3.
- PUBG 2 is in the work. Not UE4 this time (source or in-game engine), since the devs behind the game seriousely believe Epic is making their time hell with the UE4 engine,
just to make it impossible for them to compete with Fortnite.
- Nintendo is seriousely considering a Nintendo Store for PC, but only for old games, like SMW, SM3 or Super Metroid. They're still hesitating between streaming + subscribtion or going the GoG route (no DRM).
That's the reason they went after PC emulation sites that hard recently, after letting them get away with it for so many years.
- Nvidia want to launch a store ala Steam/EGS, but it's just "meeting-talk" for now.
- Microsoft is already working on Xbox One Emulation for PC. It's working quite well already. It means you'll be able to play all Xbox one games and Xbox 360 games on PC through their emulation app. Quite big.
- Fight inside Microsoft between the Microsoft sales guys and the Xbox branch devs. Microsoft want to keep Xbox exclusives in the Microsoft Store, Xbox devs want to put them on Steam too.
- Death Stranding isn't a Playstation exclusive. It's a console exclusive, it won't release on Xbox or Switch, but it will release on PC at some point.
- Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5 for PC this fall.
- Capcom will release Ghost Trick, Monster Hunter 4 ultimate for PC.
- Square Enix will announce TWEWY final remix for PC.

That's it. Some stuff should be announced at E3, so you won't have long to know it's true.

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What's your fav food Yea Forums

i like fish


>Monster Hunter 4 ultimate for PC
Only thing I'd like to be true.

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So you're saying Bloodborne and shadow of the colossus are coming to pc? What?

Bloody steak

What kind of pizza?

Just pineapple

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Death Stranding is Metal Gear

Not him but margherita pizza for me

Too good to be true.

>Microsoft is already working on Xbox One Emulation for PC. It's working quite well already. It means you'll be able to play all Xbox one games and Xbox 360 games on PC through their emulation app. Quite big.

this is the most exciting if true

I like thai food

Steak for me

Chicken garlic pizza, especially from pizza guys with Alfredo sauce.

All pizzas. There is no bad pizzas

This, imagine playing all the shitty games like Too Human on PC

very true

leak dino crisis and outbreak hd instead

Pineapple pizza from a chain is disgusting. They used canned and never drain that shit well so it's always soggy and covered in syrup.

Pineapple and ham from a good joint is godly, though.

>Death Stranding isn't a Playstation exclusive.

All the while using Guerrilla Games' engine that was purely developed for PlayStation.

>All of these information from different companies from one guy.
>Implying E3 info
>Somehow Nvidia's meetings reached E3

Here's your 5 mins of fame, OP is a faggot

>PC leaks

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ur mom lol

>- Death Stranding isn't a Playstation exclusive. It's a console exclusive, it won't release on Xbox or Switch, but it will release on PC at some point.


For me? It's crab legs.

>Valve is currently working
Nice try, OP.

how would xbox emulation even work when most pcs lack a disk drive nowadays

this is fucking retarded, why would you specifically only know pc stuff, fake leaker faggots should be publicly banned
why nintendo put bayo 2 on the epic store if they're considered making their own store, how can you fuck up a fake leak this badly

big if true

Fake and gay, all lies.

>bloodborne and soc on pc
Yeah, fake. Japan stuido worked on them too, so sony is adamant to have ips as exclusive. Same for DS, it uses Guerillas proprietary engine which belongs to...sony


I will literaly uninstal steam if epic anounces bloodborne

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yeah of course, one person knows all the industry secrets from sony, nintendo and microsoft
oh and some nvidia stuff too
fuck off

>- Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5 for PC this fall.
>- Capcom will release Ghost Trick, Monster Hunter 4 ultimate for PC.
fuck off
i will eat your fcukiung face if youre lying bitch



Eat shit, OP

Chicken, clams and shrimp

Japanese curry rice

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People have leaked tons of shit here that turned out to be true. The fucking secret City of Heroes server was one of them. Some fucker fully leaked DMC 5 before we even got news of it being a thing. Just because smashtards fall for blurry images doesn't mean you discredit everything here.

Crab is tasty as fuck

Anything gluten free and low carb that tastes tasty and has good mouth feel.

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Could care less about attention, fame or 15 year old trying to be funny. I'm just sharing what I know because I'm pissed at the analyst firm I work for (just got fired).

I don't believe you, but just in case

bloodborne was shit anyway, enjoy the scraps

>Nintendo is seriousely considering a Nintendo Store for PC, but only for old games, like SMW, SM3 or Super Metroid. They're still hesitating between streaming + subscribtion or going the GoG route (no DRM).
they said in the past that all retro stuff would be via switch online. fuck off with the fake leak

My dad works at Sega. I'm sure he can get you a job, user.

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Nice meme. Try a smaller lie next time and maybe something more believable.


>nintendo is opening their own pc store and also putting their own game on the epic store instead of their own store
yep makes sense to me, better believe it

>Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5 for PC this fal
>Epic Store is currently working a deal to have Bloodborne and Shadow of the Colossus on the store.

i hate the chink store but the BB please be real

>Doesn't put it in all fields

PC player wish fulfillment: the post

>Ebin store
>PC player wish fulfillment

>Emulating Xbone on PC
Oh yeah, I'm sure Microsoft is hard at work on figuring out how to emulate x86 games on an OS that is nativity x86. Dip shit.

>Epic Store is currently working a deal to have Bloodborne and Shadow of the Colossus on the store
OP, we're not that dumb you faggotron

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Gotta include some mild negatives to make it "believable"

>not a peep about RDR2
haha aight.

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>Epic Store is currently working a deal to have Bloodborne

This is where I stopped reading.

Bayo 2 isn't that impossible to get on other consoles as long as they take off all nintendo-related stuff from the game. So a port would be Bayo 2: not-nintendo edition.
That said, how much of the game is nintendo IP?

Hey user, why don't you go look up who published the game and tell me what you think.

>Hey user, why don't you go look up who published the game and tell me what you think.
Sony published Detroit. They own Detroit. They own the trademark for Detroid. Detroid is coming to the Epic Store.

>why nintendo put bayo 2 on the epic store if they're considering making their own store
please read next time

Death Stranding coming to PC has been rumoured for a long time. Kojima wants it to be on PC. There's a solid chance he made Sony agree to allow him the freedom to release a PC version. Only time will tell, though.


What makes you think Nintendo have any control over where SEGA choose to release Bayonetta?

sega had nothing to do bayonetta after the first game

I think the reason for that is because death stranding is said to have some kind of weird online component to it and having it free to access on pc would be probably for the best for his vision. death stranding being stuck on sony console with paid online would hinder the game's delivery by quite a lot.

False. Sega owns everything related to Bayo 2, except for the publishing rights.

>I think the reason for that is because death stranding is said to have some kind of weird online component to it and having it free to access on pc would be probably for the best for his vision.
No, it's because Kojima is a huge PC fanboy who started his career making games for Microsoft's MSX home computer platform. Metal Gear was a "computer" series originally, which made MGS3/MGS4 being Playstation exclusive really weird.


baked salmon or chicken bacon pizza

>A game that was funded, published, and is co-owned by Nintendo is in talks for being on PC
Here's a tip for next time: Start off believable. Bayo2 is less likely to make it off their platform as mainline Pokémon.

"Xbox One Emulation for PC"

wouldn't need to the xbox one is already x86 you assclown whats with al the LARP today?

rip travyon

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I believe it.

You can't just chuck Xbox One games onto Windows 10 unless they were built for it. You need a virtualization layer.

>Bloodborne on PC
Never ever.

>leak mentions anything about HL3
That's how you tell this shit is fake as fuck. HL3 can never be a thing and Valve knows it.

>>459223664The only thing more cancer than op is every one of you fucking idiot's that replied without sage. You are the true cancer that killed Yea Forums.

or you just recompile the binary for windows but even with what you are saying it would be more the difference between native linux run games and wine and less emulation

We know for a fact that Valve are working on a VR Half-Life prequel game, and that Half-Life 3 has been attempted multiple times but Valve can't into game development.

Aren't like 99% of all xbone games already available on it cc, either from the usual storefronts or by w10 store?

I'm partial to a tasty chow mein with beef, chicken and prawns.

Too good to be true, sorry

But I did reply with sage, you just can't see it anymore

whats sage lmao xD

mh5 has at least 5kk sold copies on steam. They must be really retarded to not try to release older games.

>- Epic Store is currently working a deal to have Bloodborne and Shadow of the Colossus on the store.

gotta love these "leaks" that prove that the "leaker" has a 13-year-old's understanding of the gamez industry

>Look mom I replied to all of them!

Nice try faggot. Fake and gay.

Ice cream, potato chips, any kibd of chocolate, hamburger and fried chicken.

Persona 5 S might be the Steam release announcement but Persona 4 Golden? I guess it would make sense since Vita is dead and they could maybe bundle it as a pre-order bonus or something. Death Stranding was already rumoured to come to PC years ago and the game seems to be some sort of online mega puzzle game, like the nuke defuse thing in MGSV FOB which should have unlocked Chapter 3 but the game never got finished. These leaks sound likely and really cool if so.

>Monster Hunter 4 ultimate for PC

God if only

I feel like OP had only the Xbox One emulation for PC as legit info and hid it in a bunch of dream wish lists.

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>Monster hunter 4
>No mention of Iceborne

There's an image of a snake monster from the alleged trailer for 'Master Rank' floating around, you really dont have no MHW Leaks eh?

peanuts and potatoes

Get a job, faggot

>Nvidia want to launch a store
but why

Citra exists. You still gotta deal with assets made for a handheld game but the game looks and runs gorgeously when upscaled on a decent system.

XX looks downright sexy upscaled, and honestly, looks better than the Switch version and its very 'amateur HD texture project' tier retexes of some things. Like I find it hard to believe some of the textures being used are actually the uncompressed versions of what the original 3DS release uses.

Anyone who believes this is borderline retarded, an insider would not have knowledge of literally every company related to gaming.

Good taste

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Because they're all cancer, this thread should have archived with 0 replies

And your mother should have had an abortion. What's your point?

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Nice projection

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it's free money my dude


Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)

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>Not knowing that sages are invisible
I bet you're gonna shit on me too for not saging just because you can't see what I put in the options field.



It's ok to be upset.

>"Combat Evolved" by Boneworks

The game is called Boneworks and it's by StressLevelZero ya doofus

"Combat Evolved" was just the name of the YT video and a tongue in cheek reference to Halo

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>- Capcom will release Ghost Trick, Monster Hunter 4 ultimate for PC.

This is the most unbelievable part for me



What is the origin of this weird webm?


I think its one of the vegetable people getting excited for Disneys™ Star Wars The Third Milking™

A dumbass numale who had 5 minutes of fame because he made a reaction video to the Episode IX trailer crying.

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I'm here to nuke this thread.

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Have sex

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I don’t believe you