Do you regret buying one?
Do you regret buying one?
im going to buy the pro version and maybe regret that later
I mean I get some use out of it. Otherwise the game selection has been poor.
>hated Splatoon for being yet another casual console shooter, and gyro is painful to use when you're accustomed to using KBM aka the perfect controller setup
>disliked Mario Odyssey, Kirby, Yoshi and pretty much everything else for being extremely casual walking simulators
>felt a distaste for BOTW for the same reason
>Xenoblade was pure cinematic garbage, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
>smash has been a disappointment, a buggy poorly balanced disappointment.
Then again, it's not like I use any of my other consoles more.
I made the mistake of buying a PS4 for one game, I won't do the same again. If no good emulator releases for the Switch maybe I'll buy one in a few years, there should be at least one or two more games to play on it by then.
Worth it as a Smash and Monhan box. Everything else is a bonus. The selection like all platforms outside maybe PC would be awful if it wasn't for a few solid series.
I'm on the opposite end, I'm regretting not buying one after reading the rumours about an updated model refresh.
Now smash hype is already over and there's still no sign of the updated model.
No I do'nt regret it, because I'm buying a used one soon and I'm a gonna hack the shit out of it and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me
Maybe if my version wasn't hackable, but if I ever get bored of it I'll just turn it into an emulation machine and have 2000+ more hours of playtime. Also a huge pokemonfag and had to get it for that sooner or later.
my console days are over
shit's just cringy and unnecessary especially when you have a pc
unless nintendo makes a breakthrough in virtual reality. but with vive and oculus already a thing, I doubt it
and knowing nintendo they'd probably make it a kid-centric cringefest
I see literally no point in buying this Nintendo tablet in the first place. Only argument would be it's easy to hack and pirate games on.
I got mine at launch
No regrets at all, one of my favorite Nintendo consoles so far
Kind of. I mostly bought it as a smash machine and to borrow games from friends so I don't have to pay nintendo $60 for games that have no replay value. I got bayo 1&2 for cheap but haven't played them yet. Any multiplats I buy on PC
Nah, it makes for a potentially good weeb machine like the Vita but with actual support. Currently enjoying Cuphead.
Not particularly, but I won't say I'm not let down yet again by the excessive droughts. I knew better, but I still got my hopes up after 2017 was really solid. The endless stream of ports for games I already played 4-5 years ago finally ended but they still seem to think it's fine to go 6+ months without a major release. The latter half of this year seems good between Mario Maker 2, Pokemon, Astral Chain and Animal Crossing. Just gotta make it to June.
user, what DO you like to play? You seem to regret everything you've purchased in hopes to find some fun somewhere. Almost like you don't know what you want.
>kid-centric cringefest
nintendo is just making fun of the current VR gimmick by making it labo shit and implementing it as a fun gimmick in its currently existing games. VR is for kids user, never grow up, always have fun.
Nah, I bought a switch and got lots of hours from it, borrowed a ps4 and bought a few games and it started collecting dust. Really enjoyed Spodermin and subnautica but that was about it. Then I bought a second switch and gave the old one away. PC and switch have been my go-to for gaming and I haven't regretted anything on that front. Really wanted a ps4 though but I felt the regret creep on me when I had borrowed it.
I regret my Xbox 360 and ps3.
I don't regret getting a switch since I'll get animal crossing and rune factory
No, but I really wish nintendo would quit fucking around and release some good games. I'm playing my 3DS more than my switch
Nope, really enjoyed it and will continue to do so. Pic related is what I have.
Start of this year has been slow as shit for releases on the thing, though. But I've been catching up on my PS4 backlog in that time and Smash has been a ton of fun too so not too bothered.
I need that Animal Crossing and Pokemon SS though.
katamari damacy reroll was good
It was, I got it digital. Came out in December alongside Smash though.
no because I'm a hackchad and get every game for free
literally impossible to regret
What cfw do you use?
Why, SX of course.
No it's now my main supplement to the PC, I already have more games for it than I do on my PS4.
>paying for piracy
And I for a moment thought you weren't a fucking fag.
Did you do it yourself or had someone else do it?
I'm contemplating paying someone to just hack my system for me.
No I pirated mine and hopefully some good games will come to it.
>>paying for piracy
How do you get a switch for free?
How do you get internet for free?
How do you get electricity for free?
You're always "paying for piracy" no matter how you spin it. It's just a question of how good a deal it is. $20 in exchange for thousands of games and exclusive features is a good deal.
How did you pirate a console?
>buying shitch
How can somebody be THIS retarded?
Yes, bought one to hack. Played Mario; now have nothing to play. Also don't want to give Nintendo 20 dollars to play nothing of value online. Shit sucks. Play my hacked Wii U more.
I've just downloader $200 worth of games this morning to play over the Easter break. Fuck no i don't regret it.
How can you regret a console? Especially a Nintendo one since you should know what to expect before buying it if you've ever owned one before. Do you guys not research your consoles before you buy them or something?
Paying for the console doesn't count as paying for piracy, neither is the internet or electricity.
Anyway, you're a fag for buying an overpriced piece of shit from a lame ass chink company when free cfws are better. And no Emunand won't save your ass when Nintendo decides it's your time to get the banhammer.
>Pre alpha 0.1 version of a game
>Versus max upscaled pc emulated screenshot that probably runs at 10fps too
i regret its existence
no, because i am getting the new ones by the end of the year
My lefy Joy Con is starting to drift upwards. I fucking hate it.
Did anyone expect 80$ WiiU ports? The gamecube had tons of good original titles not just ports
>Other cfw are better
>No emunand
>No HDD loading
>No drag and drop roms
>"B-b-b-b-ut Nintendo will ban you eventually!"
Hahahahaha unbanned since June 2017 faggot. Dumb tranny fag!
Have you been living under a rock? Tons of retards buy shit because they saw a cool advertisement for it without actually thinking if they want it. Advertising wouldn't be as big as it is today if this were not the case.
regret isn't the right word. i don't regret it but i am disappointed with it so far. i've played every notable single player game, and i can really only play so much mario kart and splatoon before i find it repetitive. there's just been a big drought in content, and they're not even throwing us a bone by shitting out like wii U ports anymore to pad that out. disappointing.
All my XCX screens taken directly from Wii U with capture card.
shitch is garbage tablet, deal with it.
Conveniently no screenshots of the potato headed character models lmao
>Lololol walking simulator memes!
>I can't actually think of an argument here
>Now I'm using the movie games meme everyone!
>I saw the Isabelle videos lmao clearly this game must be a mess right?
Try harder on your shitposting next time please. Parroting memes is not a valid criticism.
You should've probably expected that they'd port a lot of Wii U games considering how bad the console did yet how much Nintendo fans liked the games on it. It's the most logical choice for Nintendo and if you didn't see it coming I don't know what to tell you.
This, it's more about being let down by the direction it's taking, library almost entirely made out of ports, big periods of drought between new releases. It's just not there
Well to be fair I've only been buying nintendo consoles recently. But really I'd be fine with the wiiU ports if there was more new games coming out
especially with the low sales numbers of the console. What a complete waste to let those games die with that system desu.
Can't ban me when I only play offline tranny.
Yo same what the fuck am I being too rough with it?
If they'd just relase windwaker, twilight princess and skyward sword I'd be happy as I haven't played any of these 3. Or even a virtual console like the wiiU
My friend bought me one because I was doing some translation job for him. I could choose between money or Switch; I picked a Switch.
No regrets.
I'm getting a lot of good use out of it. Recently downloaded Cuphead and am working through that.
Selling my PS4 to buy a Switch was the best decision i have ever made!
>windwaker, twilight princess and skyward sword
this would be cool, but i would buy this if it was a bundle of them. otherwise, i can't out $60 for each of them.
wasn't there some rumor about the metroid prime trilogy being ported to the switch before MP4 comes out? that would also be really nice.
dust has gotten in under the caps below the sticks. This wouldn't have been an issue usually but because of the compressed build of the joycons this occurs. you can try and fix it and it will most likely work. Fixed mine with compressed air, stick the tube underneath and FFSSSHHHHHH. It's best to place your joycons upside down if you're gonna leave them for a long time.
hell no
No, it's nice to play it with my friends, which also have a switch, and it's fucking funny to play drunk mario kart with 4-8 people.
>It's the most logical choice for Nintendo
Nothing logical in being greedy lazy bastards. They delayed Wii U exclusives to shitch release (BotW, Odyssey), made few inferior and the most laziest "sequels" ever made (splatoon "2", Mario Maker "2", Yoshi/Kirbi/Tennis/Smash trash), lied about soon release of big games (MP4, Bayo3, SMTV), cancelled next Pikmin game which was obviously made for Wii U and shitch cant handle it without 2 screens and due to less power and can only offer to customers ugly Pokemon 3ds port, Daemon X fps machina and autistic simulator for virgins.
The Switch and PS4 got me to start collecting physical games again but why the FUCK are there so many Switch games getting digital only releases in the US but physical cartridges in Japan?
Fucking Okami HD and Phoenix Wright got physical releases in Japland, they even automatically go to English when put in my Switch save for the seizure warning.
This. Honestly, the only real issue with print everything is that they still charge a full $60 for every one of them even though the originals were going for deep discounts well before the system was officially dead. I understand not being able to go that cheap because porting games does cost time and money but they shouldn't be more than $30 or maybe $40 tops.
Still, those ports are absolutely justified since those games would all fade into obscurity for no other reason than the console itself sold like shit and this game anybody you to play then.
you know Nintendo will charge full price for each of them. a Metroid bundle would be cool
ignore responses from Eric.
I always think my console is worth the money if i played atleast the same ammount of hours wit it.
And the Switch has more than 300 hours so far so yeah its was worh it
>katamari damacy reroll had a physical release
>limited time gamestop preorder only
if you want to make a good comparison post the same game and the same area
That cartridge and box look fucking slick actually
Carts are expensive and companies will only make physical if they know there's a big enough demand for it. I guess Phoenix Wright maybe doesn't sell too well in Us
It's been restocked I bought it a month ago at EB games
I think I haven't turned mine on once this year, even last year I played bayo 2 and donkey kong it, other than that it was pretty much dead for me.
Sorry, but nothing on shitch close to PM:CS level of graphics.
your comparisons are worthless then. I can post pictures of a PS1 game that looks better than a N64 game but the N64 is still a more powerful system
Of course I do, even after hacking it I can't find anything worthwhile to play I couldn't find for PS4 or PC. Worst console I own and I have a vita in my drawer.
Not really since it's been a good system for party games, but I can't say it's been good for anything else past the first year.
Begone Pii U shill.
Having fun is not exclusive to kids. But you can definitely solely appeal to kids by making things brain dead. Watching teletubbies or playing pokemon for example.
being a kid is the best.
No, I don't.
I bought one in january and I like it. I played
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash single player
>Octopath Traveller
and currently I'm playing through Mario+Rabbids.
I also play taiko on it. The only regret I have is buying DK Tropical Freeze digitally because it sucks monkey dick.
Nope. Its an absolute Godsend. My most played gaming device of the past two years by a mile. I'll never go back to traditional consoles again.
Perhaps you should just buy one OP instead of being perpetually assblasted about it.
I got it as a gift, so no buyer's remorse. I regret not getting a larger Micro SD card.
The only games I've really enjoyed on it are Smash, Xenoblade 2 and Okami. Hope the second half of the year will be better, tired of downgraded ports, uninteresting first party games and indies.
Also, tired of overpriced ports, I mean 40$ for FFX ?
Nah, not really. Already put in hundreds of hours on Splatoon 2, GU and Smash. It's pretty aight.
At first I did, but it's started to grow on me. I really like BotW, Odyssey, Mario Kart 8, Bayo 2, and Smash. Games that almost made me regret it at first were Spla2oon (boring singleplayer and limited multiplayer/coop), DOOM (Shitty controls and performance), Octopath Traveler (Super boring to me even though I played old JRPGs back then), Mario Kart 8 (At first), SNK Heroines (30 fps lock, terrible controls, terrible antagonist/boss), and Enter the Gungeon (no adjustable stick controls).
I love how portable and versaitle it is though. It's great to bring to parties or family get-togethers. And there's enough games for me to sit down and play in docked mode.
time to shell out another 80 bucks, sheep.
What do you mean "underneath"? Can you elaborate a bit more?
no because I at least got some fun from botw and smash and I'm not poor enough for the price to matter too much
No. The best thing about the Switch has been watching you have a complete seething meltdown for two fucking years lmao
And it ain't gonna stop.
My smash machine functions just as well as the last smash machine and the one before it.
no regrets.
I miss trophies.
check the sticks on your joycons. There's a plastic cap beneath the stick that you can just lift up, it's made of rubber.
hell to the nizzo. Been playing the shit out of MHGU. made a killer Aerial Lance set the other day, exclusively for dunking on Crystalbeard.
Love mine
I actually like vidya so no, I don't regret it.
Yes, already sold mine
Sold my other consoles except the Switch because my kids use it. Happy to occasionally play Mario Kart with them. I sold my gaming desktop too for a mid-range laptop because vidya isn't that fun anymore.
I haven't bought one yet. Gonna get one in May.
Got some use out of it, Game selection has been good but no game has had me hooked so far.
>Zelda was fun but I dropped that as soon as I got Odyssey
>Odyssey was fun but have no desire to replay
>DOOM was cool too but again no desire to replay
>Mario Kart and Smash just made it more apparent that I don't have any friends
The last game that got me hooked was Katamari. Am I getting old? is it normal to start hating your favorite hobby?
Being a physicuck is suffering as a Switch owner, ESPECIALLY because so many of the good games are either limited editions or get no fucking advertisement until after you've missed the order window. I'm still salty I missed out on Skullgirls.
yeah ive the same sickness, i rather replay for 20'th time VTMB than play new games
This, but I'm not even into Smash much anymore. MonolithSoft are the only first party Nintendo studio making remotely interesting titles these days. BotW was a fucking borefest. I hope SMT V doesn't take too long.
>buy a Nintendo product
>it’s a casual experience
the fuck were you expecting