Why does Yea Forums hate fighting games?

Why does Yea Forums hate fighting games?

Attached: mileena mortal kombat.png (1280x1920, 3.1M)

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i only hate NRS games

autism games

Yea Forums only likes shit for kids like smash

I'm looking forward to Samsho.

look a band wagoner

this basically.
they require too much dedication doing very similar things for a very long time.

I love Mileena so much. Although I'm kinda glad not to see her ruined in MK11.

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look at this retard

I'd rather learn an instrument. Also I FUCKING HATE not being able to rely on any moves to have any strategy beyond the most basic attacks

Yea Forums hates fighting games and racing games because they are hard and tend not to have overpwoered options that make playing them easy mode. Remember, Yea Forums is full of casual scrubs for the most part.

This is apparent from all the Sekiro help threads. Yea Forums confirmed for summoning shitters.

I would destroy every single one of you in divekick

would you, Yea Forums?

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What I like about fighting games is there's no limit to how good you can get. For some people they hate this because they don't wanna work for improvement. Less so in Street Fighter but in more technical fighting games there's a lot more fun when it comes to doing combos, mixups and mind games.

I love shark mouth mileena so damn much

This artist makes good shi-

Lol Switch fags datamined and leaked DLC she isn’t in them you lost Mileena fags.

No, fighting games are for competitive bros who like a challenge. RPGs with CaC's are a great example of autism games so you can self insert and be special snowflakes.

>Losing is your own fault.
That's why.

MK was never popular with fighting game fans.
It's only selling point was tits and gore, and it doesn't even have tits anymore.

I'm going to marry Mileena! I don't care about her teeth. I think it makes her unique and beautiful!

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Because 99% of Yea Forums users are way too casual for fighting games

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MKX Mileena > Other Mileenas

>calling fighting games autism
>Persona 5 involves you getting a job, working out and finding love
RPG fags coping hard

Yea Forums is white
Fighting games are for niggers

>MK was never popular with fighting game fans
where do you retards get your info from

Asians are the best fighting game players in the world.

Mileena is already married to Baraka so you're going to have problem...

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Isn't it obvious? Americans are obsessed with guns and shooting mobs of people. Fighting games are about martial arts. Martial arts are dying in the western world.



Nobody wants it at EVO. Warner Brothers buys it's inclusion as a marketing gimmick.

Too bad frens, Mileena and Baraka are queen and king

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lol who messed up her face. That looks so bad.

based and lovepilled

Footsies counts as too hard for most of them. The honest answer is that they are just too basic for most gaymers. People want 15 hour action games with cool set pieces and shit, unless your fighting game has a million characters or some cool ass one player shit, most casuals won't care and won't ever bother getting good. Shitty online sucks as well.


It's not canon, dummy. You don't have to.

Sleeping with baraka's... repulsive.

How would they kiss?

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>Nobody wants it at EVO
again where are you getting your info from





The post-renaissance genre just hasn't seen improvement in gameplay since SSF4.

>No friends to play fighting games with
>Nobody to learn the mechanics with

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>Why does Yea Forums hate fighting games?
I dunno about the rest of them, but I'll start caring about them when they either start producing real single player content or go F2P.
Paying AAA prices for barebones multi-player only shit in 2019 is about as big of a cuck move as a person can make while not having a girlfriend.

It's amazing how pic related improved her by 500%. Imagine being an artist and the best you could come up with was

Attached: justin-murray-avatarmileena[1].jpg (1600x1600, 336K)

I really hope that you're trolling.

i dont hate em, i actually really enjoyed tekken 3 back in the psx era

No joke, I can't even call the lips an improvement, it's just the design done right to begin with. Nothing was good about the original look, I struggle to see how nostalgia can even affect this it's just bad taste which is common for MK I think.

brainded shit

Fighting games are for niggers.

Fighting games are about skill and focus. /v has neither.

MKX sold 11 million copies retard

If anything, the lips improve her character because they give her hope of finding someone who sees her as beautiful, but the monstrous teeth hold her back. She's so close to being as pretty as her sister, yet so far.

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Yeah, even removing the lips and leaving the denture meat still looks great and thought out, and less 'prettyfied'. Because it was actually designed, instead of cartoony old version turned into 3d with no consideration whatsoever of increasing detail.

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im about to shit on your day nigger.

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delet dis right now nigga

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hey i'm just the massager. don't blame me for the fuckery that is netherrealm

But I already found her beautiful

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I need to see it in-game before passing judgement.

Jesus christ. This is just a fan version right.

Yea Forums is going to stop talking about MK11 because the game is going to sell well and all the whining about censorship amounted to jack shit.

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Shit gutter tier taste.


Pic related is the best Mileena teeth design I've seen.

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Atleast it doesnt look like it came from an asset flipped unity horror game for $1.99 developed by a mentally ill russian with zero understanding of human anatomy like in OP's.

Fans make better fighting games than the actual developers now. Just look at MK:


Fighting games are fucking hard. You play some other game for an hour and you've unlocked like 5 achievements, the game gives you asspats, and you probably know all of the mechanics of the game by then. In fighting games, you've spent an hour practicing getting the timing of like one combo down (maybe on both sides if you're quick) if you're not under pressure and you're fucking trash. You're garbage, you won't win a game.

Like I said, you're banned from having an opinion because you dislike best Mileena.

ok and? smash sells a lot but you dont see them calling that a fighting game

The only thing I'd be worried about is her trying to kill me for some mad reason.

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It's definetly better than mk9, but it doesnt look like the teeth are following the bone structure, but are growing on soft cheek tissue, maybe it's the angle though. Also a bit more varied teeth would be nice, they kind of look like scales.

shit normie tastes desu senpai

I think she'd be really touched if you showed genuine romantic interest in her. It'd really catch her off guard.

Those 3d anime games would be great at alleviating this if they weren't garbage button mashers

> this is what westacucks jerk off to

That would be my hope, but it's not like she hasn't had sex with people before according to the comics and I'm not exactly a catch, so she might just be insulted enough to kill me on the spot.

Better than just drawing XD mouth and putting in random claw-fangs that are obviously non-functional

Literally deviant-tier art, something you'd draw in school.

why are you replying to me? I've already established your shit taste

One more.

What's the best way to get into the MK lore these days? I used to be pretty well read on the subject but these days I don't really remember anything aside from the stories of the Sub-Zeroes/Noob.

ok now go back

its fan art fools

you are a pretty trash one that is some randoms fanart get better shit next time

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Holy shit you fucking banned him! Please consider lifting the ban. Is there anything he can do, or is he fucked?

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nope. it's official. not sure when but it may some day.

no its not its some guys fanart retard

Because there's a handful of fighting games with netcode that isn't from 1992, all of which are either dead or shit, and FG fans are absolute cucks that'll enjoy their shitty delay-based netcode and even try to act superior for it.

What did NRS mean by this?

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he looks so happy :D

He makes it look so easy

He's just an excited Superman fan

so retards need to find shit they think its bad again

>obviously non-functional
Are you retarded or what? The new design has totally useless fangs on the outside of her cheeks and a lower jaw that's half as wide as the rest of her face.
With how the artist has fucked up the jaw design, she wouldn't even be able to eat because her esophagus would have to be the width of a garden to be able to connect to her tiny mouth.
If you want deviant art tier, look no further than that trash.

Garden hose*

It's injustshit, there's nothing you need to find.

fighting games are difficult to balance so the only playable fighter is tekken
playing one game gets boring but that doesnt excuse playing one of the other dogshit games

how? there's no way that's not official.

are you a dumbass?

without a second thought

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i don't

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Everything about old design is useless, absolutely no bone support or structure for the cartoony claw like teeth, teeth are literally growing out of squishy meat, the new design follows the actual structure of the skull, variation in teeth types makes it possible to close the jaw. Meanwhile old design teeth are functionaly useless, if you want to see what type of sharp teeth let you bite things, look at sharks, what you have on the old design is literally a childs interpretation of a teeth. Jesus christ zero basic anatomy understanding from mk9 artist and you.

>so retards need to find shit they think its bad again
You okay there ESL-Kun?

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she's beautiful as she is

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are you ok retard

>the new design follows the actual structure of the skull, variation in teeth types makes it possible to close the jaw.

You should probably take a glance at a human jaw and skull some time, because the anatomy of that scribble is utterly fucked beyond any sort of functionality.

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Note to self: Don't ask her for a blowjob.

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That's probably a good idea. Besides, her fetish is someone brushing her teeth for her

>literally kitana
whats the fuckin point

I don't I just hate MK and SF. MK because it feels bad to play and SF because most of the characters are just boring in terms of design. We need more games like Killer Instinct and Darkstalkers where the fighters are creatures instead of normal humans.

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*chair clattering*

respond to this post if you'd kiss OG Mileena right on her monster mouth

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I respect you

>MK because it feels bad to play

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imagine the size of the ballgag you could shove in her mouth bros

I just hate directional inputs and the animations feel too stiff which is weird since I love Killer Instinct but it sort of makes sense in KI since once you enter a combo it's sort of a locked in state whereas in MK the animations are just stiff for no reason.



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Hisako is the absolute best fight-fu from the west ever

god I love mileena

>Yea Forums
>hating fighting games
you must've missed the billion smash bros threads


I give Mileena a cum tribute daily and no one can stop me

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>animations feel too stiff
and you lost me

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>smash faggotry
>fighting game

like clockwork.

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You're almost right.
I want to colonize the fuck out of Maya and then give her a big kiss

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smash will never be a fighting game I don't care how many meme pictures and ebin webms you post

Delete pls

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I vastly prefer 3D fighting games like Tekken, Soulcal, VF etc.
And then amongst the sea of 2D fighters that I do not even really like you have the NRS games which are even fucking worse. If I watch Guilty Gear I can at least admire the craftsmanship behind the animations and the visuals (despite not knowing what the fuck is happening), while anything by NRS looks and feels like utter shit.
And then among the garbage NRS products, you have the Mortal Kombat games. Overhyped garbage since day one, it's only selling feature being "exceptional" hyperviolence which isn't even all that exceptional anymore these days.
Looks like shit, feels like shit, sounds like shit, it's shit.

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how did retards fall for this she is not even in the game

smash is a fighting game by definition, your head canon won't change this fact.

a mad weeb got it

It's a party game for kids. Change my mind if you're a bad enough dude.

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Fighting games are a quintessential part of black culture, just like KFC.

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Smash is a fighting game but will never belong in the fighting game community where all the other fighting games reside.

Can't believe i have to point out to you that water is wet.

Now look at the mk9 design, no ridges where teeth would be inserted into the bone structure, no transition in both skin or bone structure where teeth start. No space for maxilla to support the bite needed. Its an embarassment.

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so retard the Japanese love fighting game and the most famous for playing them and have arcades for them are they niggers too

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This pic is the truest thing I've ever seen about black culture in the US

t. grew up in Detroit

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I'll pay you 100 Bison Bucks to fuck off.
Street Fighter the movie was great

then you must be a retarded weeb that knows nothing

Yoooo Merkava main

Ok for all-teeth that's pretty good, I'll give it up. Anything is better than spikes coming out of flesh, that's just stupid as hell.

Fighting games have problems
>only 1v1
>arbitrary inputs
>etc. etc.
Someone made a game that fixed all these problems and now it's the most popular fighting game ever.