What the fuck was their problem?

What the fuck was their problem?

Attached: maneaters.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

Remaster fucking when

>tfw DeS is 10 years old...

yo that's a sick hi-def image where'd you get it? emulator?

I think sony, atlus and namco bandai split the publishing rights in the west, as such I doubt a remaster is gonna happen anytime soon, since I assume sony wants to keep it a PS exclusive, where as bandai namco prolly wants a multiplat release for more money

>start a thread to push off the horse porn
>fucking pruned

Attached: angry heavy.png (842x842, 780K)

yeah Yea Forums mods are incompetent

To this day I haven't even attempted to beat them the fair way.
Someone spoiled me on the fog shootout and that's what I've been doing on every playthrough.

nigga what? what fog shoot out?

You can shoot and kill the first maneater down through the fog without entering the boss battle.
Then, when you go inside you'll only have to fight one.