Oh my God. This is wonderful. This is the end of the monopoly. Steam's fucked.
Oh my God. This is wonderful. This is the end of the monopoly. Steam's fucked
Other urls found in this thread:
honk honk
>Half-Life 3
At least Borderlands 3 actually exists, lmfao.
Imagine wanting Steam gone and thinking the market would somehow improve.
Just imagine.
Why does anyone listen to a god damn word Randy “Literally Who, I Cuck and I Suck in Public Bathrooms” Pitchford has to say? He’s an absolute clown.
>imagine being this delusional
Does chink money make you actually a retard?
>5-10 years
great prediction bitchford
>trying to kill "monopoly"
>by become a monopoly itself
That was Cliff Blezinski you idiot.
>dying in 5-10 years
>Concurrent Steam Users: 11,535,116
>Peak Steam Users: 15,729,483
>1,903,632 in-game players
>Epic game store Concurrent users: Fortnite crowd
Not gonna happen
>inb4 you're in denial, bro
Nah, I'm just saying pc gaming is dead, if they close Steam
EGS has monopolized more games in it's brief history than throughout Steam's entire existence.
Never forgetti
>We know large rodents helped determine the name of game companies. We now also know that Randy Pitchford vanquished Gabe Newell in a poker match on a riverboat to win the name of the house of Borderlands. [UPDATE: Valve denies.]
>So reports Joystiq, in a new series that looks at the secrets behind the names of video game studios. To learn more, the site asked Randy Pitchford co-founder of Texas-based Gearbox to explain how his company got his name.
>[UPDATE: 6:17 PM - A Valve spokesperson cast doubt on this story today, saying Pitchford and Newell did not meet until after Valve shipped Half-Life, meaning this poker match couldn't have happened. Kotaku has contacted Pitchford for clarification. UPDATE 2: Pitchford informs us that this was a "tall tale." Kotaku regrets the error.]
>can buy Steam games from multiple official sellers outside of Steam
>Epic Store exclusives have only one retailer which is said store
> what happened to myspace can never happen to steam
believing anything randy pitchford says
It's just one corporate giant getting replaced by a different corporate giant, remind me why this is worth celebrating?
>steam dies
>epic is now monopoly
The absolute state of “journalism”.
Randy Pitchford is known to say the truth at all times. Also if he would walk to any bookstore near him that is filled with garbage books, he would realize what a fucking idiot he is.
Randy Pitchford is a untrustworthy businessman at best and a conman pedophile at his worse.
Wouldn't trust his eulogy at his mom's funeral, the slimy fuck.
an easy mistake to make, battleborn and lawbreakers were both in the same camp of being an extremely generic and boring game
Why are Americans so fucking stupid? I hope you'll get nuked soon.
Facebook was better than MySpace in every way. Epic store is worse than Steam in every way.
>Facebook was better than MySpace in every way
>can buy steam keys from many online stores even Russian credit card thieves at 90% off
>buy games on Epic store at full price or get fucked kiddo
Real nice monopoly we have here. Future of PC gaming is looking bright for the piracy scene
Battleborn is still around. Lawbreakers had to be shutdown but Battleborn is still going.
what did they mean by this?
The drama is amusing, but you're a fool if you're seriously arguing about which digital store to buy your digital license from.
You probably did something stupid elsewhere and got your posts wiped like an idiot.
Gearbox will also be the best studio of the century in 5 to 10 years, according to Randy.
>implying Randy's word means anything
I wonder what Tom is up to these days
Corporate shills HATE this one simple trick!
> Epic store is worse than Steam in every way
Right now it's worse than steam in some ways, and it will be better than steam in every after 1-2 years.
Totally different. Im sure you were still in elementary school when that shit happened but myspace lost ground because some pages were just too much and full of garbage, facebook doesnt let you change shit so its much easier to use for normies.
He's still my friend...
being rich
Ok Randy
Don't you have some children to molest?
Randy Pitchford is a liar and a scam artist.
Name literally a single way that Epic Store does better than Steam on the consumer side
Not really. Battleborn is an fps moba style game, not just a simple class based fps. You actually have to push towers and destroy the ancient like dota/lol/smite/etc
steam is never going to die, but the competition is needed. I never liked steam and never used it. You wanna play this interesting game? well, go ahead, buy it on steam or else fuck you. Valve is a shitty company that would rather make money through gambling than doing what made them famous and successful in the first place - making great and innovative games. Screw them and screw all you steam elitist. I'm using Epic since Fortnite beta and never had any issues with it.
I think the last thing you want to do is piss off your PC users, who can pirate your shit.
>J.K. Rowling of videogames says something stupid again.
Color me surprised.
By being better you mean finally add a shopping cart function? Can't wait
>5-10 years
Is this before or after epic gets bored of the PC crowd again like they did back in the 2000s. I will never forget the attitude epic had towards PC gaming in the past, I would have to be a real cuck to support a company that essentially left the platform for dead
Is this just randy going full all publicity is good publicity by hogging the spotlight with divisive/controversial statements? I mean I'm sure he's well aware he's built up a hate base so he's just milking it so only borderlands 3 has any coverage.
multiplayer shooty game
they're all the same
>J.K. Rowling of videogames
So he's extremely rich and could retire for life but can continue to make video games for the rest of his life if he wants because he has so much money that they don't even need to succeed and he can just keep making them?
The world can fall into complete chaos in 5-10 years so hes not exactly lying.
epic started letting GMG sell EGS keys
the real kicker is that GMG takes 30% just like steam
more proof that no one actually cares about the cut
zero effort shill
at least pretend a little
Nice release you have there. You mind if I...torrent it?
Everyone left PC gaming in the 2000s because piracy was rampant at the time. It took Steam to convince people that PC was viable and now I can't see anyone leaving unless Steam dies.
Yup, and in the same period the singularity may happen and transform mankind into freakish self aware robots. It's extremely unlikely, but it's not impossible.
> does better than Steam on the consumer side
They have bl3 and exodus, and wwz which is better version of l4d in every way except it's done not by valve.
Based Randy
Have sex.
There isn't anyone who actually wants border lands 3
Yeah, that sounds about right.
After battleborn flopped his son still lives in a castle.
Exclusivity contracts are not a positive for consumers. Try again
Honestly I hope they crash and burn.
Actually no. I don't hope it.
I want to contribute to it.
What's the best way one pissed off but somewhat incompetent person can contribute to Steam dying like the bloated zombie it is?
I was tolerating their bullshit but they've started blocking lolige and now they've gone too far.
he was asking about store not about exclusives
neural network interfaces sound awesome in theory but part of me wonders how that shit would really work, like would you be pressing buttons with your mind or would you be doing actions with your mind like how in VR your can move your arms freely
The new one is owned by china and that's a good thing!
> piracy was rampant at the time
> was
>wwz which is better version of l4d in every way except it's done not by valve.
i hope you posted that over a toilet
Replacing one monopoly with another, but worse
Isn't that great?
That's the point people have made. Why should paying customers have to put up with an inferior product for a few years on a supposed promise that they'll eventually catch up to their competitors? Hell, with how Tim acts and talks I wouldn't be surprised that if Epic gets enough support they'll drop the promised features on the idea of "Well, people supported EGS without those features: putting them in may damage that relationship."
>Randy Pitchford lies to gain attention
>its fake
>exposing how retarded journalists and Randy is
It's the only way to truly implement VR.
Without motor and sensory immersion it's only a clumsy try.
Based & Rumpilled.
5-10 years
unlike his games 5-10 days.
fuck off pedo
But where did he get the money?
I mean if Steam is dying what happened to the "we just want competition" apologists? So they just want to jump on the new "monopoly"?
probably had some left over CM money hidden away
Bro, they didn't just start. They did it for many years, stopped for like two seconds when they did that everything goes rule, then started again. Frankly I'm amazed it even made it to the store page in the first place.
bull-fucking-shit. It was because console gaming was proving itself to be the more popular platform, which meant more money
> I've never played the game but because it is not from Vavle, the game must be worse than l4d.
Valve cancelled l4d3 by the way, because half of the team didnt want to use\fix source2.
At least Epic has a game where I can play as a robot with a bow and arrow.
I'd like to see Steam offer a game like THAT.
Randy lied just yesterday saying Troy Baker didn't want to be in Borderlands, turns out Troy Baker wasn't even asked to reprise his role. I have no idea what Randy's fucking problem is, he always lies about pointless shit.
although I'm pretty sure if steam died right now they would turn on epic pretty fast because they would have a lot of slack to pick up, namely all those shitty walking sims those journos love to praise so much
No, it's just a trash game but it's clear you're baiting if you're calling fucking WWZ a good game
> I've never played the game but because it is not from Vavle, the game must be worse than l4d.
>tries to make look frog poster like an autist
>fails by looking like the bigger waste of human DNA
More like
>Attempt to create a monopoly by calling the competition a monopoly
0/10, repeating yourself isn't very quality
you get no yuans today
I legit don't get why game companies feel the need to release their games on platforms
What retard decided it was mandatory to release a game on steam/epic and lose x% of profits
>I have no idea what Randy's fucking problem is, he always lies about pointless shit.
Yeah he'd probably call the CEO of Apple "Tim Apple" and then lie about his reason for doing so. Seems like a thing a compulsive liar would do, just off the top of my head.
Here we go again
My bad, they're all such generic garbage that I can't tell them apart. Won't happen again :^)
Releasing a game on a launcher allows you to skip a physical release which is so expensive that it's worse sacrificing a percentage of your profits just to not have to do it.
>dev who signed exclusivity deal with store saying positive things about said store and encouraging consumers use that store
Activates my almonds
Who did Troy voice in Borderlands, Rhys, right?
>Steam has to die so people pay fullprice for my game again instead of waiting for sales and i like the bigger cut Epic offers in general so please Steam just fucking die please - My lack of success is your fault and not mine. If Epic ran this shit everyone would have loved Battleborn.
You can digitally release something without putting it on steam
>but the competition is needed.
>chinkchong spyware as fucking store
Fuck you, epidrone.
Here have one (You), for the effort.
If that were true everyone would do it, so unfortunately no you can't.
>Anita Sarkeesian
Almost bit, but this can't be real.
It's fueled by bitter indie devs who think it's Gabe's job to shill their shovelware.
>Steam's too restrictive in their curation, let us in!
>ok we'll let you decide what you want
>Wow there's a lot of stuff on Steam but Greenlight is open to abuse, open the gates
>ok just pay us $100 and upload a functional game and you're set
>Wtf why isn't anyone buying my game amidst this sea of games?? CURSE YOU GABE
Any company that advertises itself as wanting more competition is disingenuous. No company really wants competition.
If epic was around when he released stillborn he could have cut an exclusivity deal and made his money back before selling any copies
Look I hate nuvalve too but can Bobandy stop being delusional for one fucking second? This is actually getting sad
I only pay for games on Steam or Gog, good luck with that
these days steam handles a lot of services that devs can't be fucked to do anymore (multiplayer servers, anti cheat, forums, etc.), plus getting people to come to your site to buy/download a game is not so easy
I'm pretty sure nobody actually wants Steam to die. But if it did, it would at least send a shockwave of attention to the currently awful way we deal with digital goods and licensing when people can't access and download their games anymore.
I don't think you can call Gearbox an indie studio though
You guys think Steam had good sales? Wait until you see the kind of deals you can get on the Epic store, Steam is finished.
Its real, you fag
Read a book nigga. Learn some words nigga.
I'm not talking about Randy Bodandy, he does a good job of embarrassing himself without anyone pointing it out. I'm referring to seething twitterdevs.
Fucking based
Steamdrones gonna SCREAM
It's not even close to her writing style. That image would only fool legitimate NPCs.
Randys bitching simply shows how narcistic this guy actually is. It's impossible for him to look at the picture from another perspective - He only looks at his own.
>Steam forums and reviews shit on my games for being broken unfun shit
>therefore Reviews are evil
>Steam gets a 30% cut
>Epic gets a 12% cut which means i keep more money - It's not like i am using the better cut to make the game cheaper and therefore more appealing to customers
>Steam gets thousands of games each year so i have to do my own marketing
>nothing exists on the Epic Store which saves me work and therefore money
>Steamfags expect me to offer basic QoL features through my games which takes effort
>Epic has nothing so once again i save myself work and money
Epic = Good for me = Good for everyone
There are some modded TF2 servers that let you play as the MvM robots.
How is this the journalist's fault?
Randy just straight up lied and the reporter reported it.
oh well I guess I'll go back pirating everything like we all used to do before steam was a thing
>Oh my God. This is wonderful.
Do you own games on steam? I do. This isn't amusing.
Are you retarded?
You realize that running your own servers is immensely more expensive correct? That's why only big publishers do what you're saying
>b-but what about these cuck stores who pose no threat to steam
Then link me the article.
Not an argument?
This guy gets it.
Devs are maximum retarded.
Why are people celebrating a storefront that's objectively worse in almost every function buying game exclusivity away from the storefront that straight doesn't care about it's userbase anymore? Valve won't do anything and still make a boatload of money, and epic will hold your favorite games to ransom unless you use their inferior product. This is 100% an anti-consumer climate.
>randy saying Steam will die in 5 to 10 years
Does that mean Steam will be alive and well for the next 2 decades?
t. failed shitdev
>t-they don't count because arbitrary reasons!
>creating a real monopoly is the only way! i love tencent!
t. screaming Valvebrony
Myspace was the biggest social networking site for 4 years.
Steam has been the largest digital distributor for 16 fucking years. It's bigger than ever.
Steam isn't going anywhere, Epic will be dead and gone by next summer.
>those prices and discounts
ok, this is EPIC!
Don't forget the salty journos who screeched for months after valve decided not to ban titty games.
Nah I'm I'm just tired of failed devs blaming everyone but themselves for their failures.
I bet you Randy will be dead I'm 5 to 10 years.
you guys are retarded epic gems has fortnite and the division and also they give you free game per month
epic good!
>In 5 to 10 years, Randy finally gets VLC working
This here are the people who praise Epic game store:
Legit Epic shills
>make up the minority - probably just some underage Fortnite kids
People who had bad experience with Steam in the past
>most of the people - probably dislike storefronts in general but simply want Steam to die because it is the biggest
Epic Trolls
>shilling for an anti-consumer store because it pisses people off - appear occasionally
wanting epic to croak because of their anti- consumer bullshit doesn't make you a valve drone
but as an epic shill you don't care
They're not journalists because none of them have an actual journalism degree.
Pissford is such a goober
Anyone of us could be dead in 5-10 years
Randy will finally have his revenge for valve busting his poker story
Why's gearbox keeping all their games on steam?
That would be child labor you idiot.
Depends on when the next game trend hits, can't wait for Timmy Tencent to flip on developers when that sweet Fortnite money starts running low and they need to take a bigger cut just to keep running.
Spoken like a true valve cocksucker
Do you get paid with Artifact cards?
I was excited for the game but then Randys meltdowns on social media have pretty much un-sold it to me. He sounds like a coke-addled crazy man at this point.
>Nathan Grayson
>Ben Kuchera
>Tyler Wilde
>John Walker
A true rogue's gallery of shit
>implying the kids get paid
It's no labour if you receive no compensation
Crytek employee detected.
You were excited for a Borderlands game?
Just like Toby, you cuck LOL
>at this point
It's been going on for years, m8.
hey pedo, how did you get that phone into prison? Should I call the warden?
>attempt to make their client better every day
>want to offer as much as possible so people can decide on their own
>want people to move away from Windows and make all games playable on Linux so javascript:;everything can be played in the future
>Linux is free and in no ones hand
>customers is king
>attempt to take over the market by securing exclusives with Fortnite money
>actively shit on consumers and tell them that this is how it works now
>want developers to be in control
>silence customers because it hurts their sales
>if your game uses UE4 you are basicly their bitch
>I was excited for Memelands
Is this post a falseflag?
So slavery isn't labor? Are you an ESL?
Listen, I dislike what epic's doing too, but I literally could not say "Steam attempts to make their client better every day" with a straight face.
> Steam has been the largest digital distributor for 16 fucking years
Basically monopoly.
>excited for borderlands
Just 4chanx bugging out
so not a monopoly?
Why does nobody know what a monopoly is?
It's not slavery either. They want to do it in their freetime and nobody is forcing them.
Tencent will most likely liquidate his company once Fortnite is dead since the completely own him, and that is not far off. That game's days are numbered, the playerbase has been in rapid decline since November of last year and has not once gone back up. None of their exclusives have sold at all. It's been a complete and abject failure and money sink.
Meanwhile Epic actually works on making their game better every day. You know, the important thing? The actual video game?
When was the last time Valve did something to make one of their games better?
He's not wrong, just because you don't notice it doesn't mean it's not true, they just do a lot of shit like this that no one notices
>attempt to make their client better every day
i kinda wish they didn't
how do i disable the shitty streamer videos popping up automatically on pages?
Yeah well Ultima Online is still going too
Have they really not been selling at all? I could have sworn a bunch of shithead fortnite players might have bought some of them, but I guess that's not that many.
Not defending the store by any means. Just know that children and shitheads already using the launcher probably have no qualms wasting money.
People don't understand the word "monopoly"
>A monopoly exists when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity.
Since when is Steam the literal only gamestore on the internet?
Steam is market leader but that doesn't mean it's right to call it a monopoly. Hell, Steam doesn't even have a 50% share.
>a good game is still going
That's nice but what's epic doing for the people who don't play fortnite? I don't give a shit about valve's games so valve could never make another one and I wouldn't care.
Also don't pretend that epic gives a shit about games when they cancelled UT4 and paragon, as soon as they realized fortnite was raking in the money they cancelled everything else, they're not much different from valve in that regard.
Yeah if you have absolutely no idea what a monopoly is
The epic store as it is right now is like waiting for 30 minutes at a damp, bench-less, piss-scented bus stop every morning just to take the nice bus that only stops there.
I hope all you monopolyfags realise a duopoly is barely any better for the consumer and you should be advocated for much more than 1 competitor to steam.
what facebook did was make it safer and more controlled. No more can random people go to your page and spam you with gay fag gifs that freeze and crash your computer when you go to view it.
Myspace had alot of freedom, facebook took all of that away and wasn't necessarily better for it.
I just use it because every time I do the thread ends up with hundreds of posts.
It's funny because publishers and devs supply steam with games to sell in the first place, every publisher and dev could decide to not sell games on steam and there's nothing valve could do about it, Valve must have the weakest 'monopoly' ever.
Randy is a dickhead
This kills australians.
>You wanna play this interesting game? well, go ahead, buy it on steam or else fuck you
>I'm using Epic since Fortnite beta and never had any issues with it.
These two statements are completely contradictory
It's not their fault, a government from years ago skimped on fiber connections to save money and look good in front of tech-ignorant voters. We still use copper from homes to nodes.
>well, go ahead, buy it on steam or else fuck you.
Blame the publishers, there's plenty of DRM free games out there already but some publishers force you to use steam anyway
Fortnite has no playerbase on PC at all, 99% of Fortnite players are on console and mobile. Therefore, there is no userbase for the launcher whatsoever. And yeah, every game on there has flopped. Sadly Metro Exodus is probably the end of that franchise, it only sold about 2.5 million total including consoles and Steam pre-orders, and 2.3 million of those were just console. The Division 2 sold only 20% of what the first did, but that was probably more to do with console players not caring either. The rest of the indie shit isn't even worth mentioning, probably lucky to have triple digit sales.
GOG exists senpai. Being a market leader isn't a monopoly. Publishers choosing one platform over another to sell their games because the others are inferior isn't a monopoly.
Remember Paragon?
Remember Unreal 4?
Remember Robo Recall?
I don't either. Epic works on their games less than Valve does.
>You wanna play this interesting game? well, go ahead, buy it on Epic Store or else fuck you.
Wow, what an improvement.
this used to be steam's trump card but now days almost no one cares about hl3, it's just a meme. The vast majority of current gamers never even played hl2. I'm sure a lot of them don't even know that valve makes games.
Hell, most gamers don't even play on pc anymore.
> Unreal 4
Unreal tournament is not Unreal. Unreal is a single player shooter.
I'm just pointing out the cognitive dissonance in the monopolyfags arguments
This, they're no different from Hi-Rez, just riding that success of Fortnite but they have no idea how to think long-term. They have revenue from Unreal Engine 4 and Fortnite babies but Steam has revenue from almost everyone.
The more this issue gets discussed, the more retarded I’m realizing people who play pc games are.
How so?
its a democracy user, it is their fault
Caps lock my bad
Do you think Epic is gonna pull Randy aside and tell him to shut the fuck up. He's so insufferable. I wish Borderlands 3 would bomb just to stick it to him, it wont though.
You have a single fact to back that up ?
PC vs Console has been a forever discussion but any numbers to show consoles surpassed PC (overall. Not just one game)
Why? Because he acts like a clown to Steamdrones?
>Steam will be dead in x years
So Epic are going to buy off Bandai, Capcom, Square Enix, Warner and all the others with their Fortnite money?
Because Steam isn't depending on the success of their own games (Dota2, CSGO) they get money from literally everyone who decide to sell their games on their store. And Steam doesn't force anyone to sell shit on their store.
Meanwhile Epic are entirely depending on their Fortnite bugs and once the next big thing appears shit is going back to square one for them. They have nothing else to stand on.
I'll definitely trust the opinions of the man that conceived of Battleborn.
You forgot Jim Sterling
Randy has been acting like a clown since before steam existed
It won't sell on PC, the others didn't, but sadly console cucks eat his shit games up.
based Lancerposter
>they have no idea how to think long-term
They've been doing a pretty good job of keeping people permanently attached to Fortnite by constantly updating it. A new update hitting in Fortnite literally killed Apex singlehandedly.
There is nothing that can challenge Fortnite in the genre. People thought Apex would, but it didn't. Apex died while Fortnite is still going.
Who cares when Overwatch is also dogshit LOL
>You wanna play this interesting game? well, go ahead, buy it on steam or else fuck you.
That is literally the opposite off truth though.Valve has been transparent about how they make CD-keys for a developer for free, all they ask is not to shaft Steam-buyers by having promotions and sales on other sites. That is why they take 30%.
They also provide framework for those cards, in game items, trading, drops and so on. Depending on the work of the developer, y ou can have several clients - look at Path of Exile. Both on Steam and outside, so you can choose.
It's laziness and inadequacy for the developers who complain about Steam DRM.
Randy has a way of burning bridges. I can only imagine how Sega feels about him now.
>Meanwhile Epic actually works on making their game better every day
>Literally just Fortnite
It didn't kill Apex because typical generic bitch ass streamer went back to Fortnite. People who take interest in Twitch numbers are drones. What killed Apex was incompetence of Respawn to actually update the game regularly and provide meaningful content.
What no one understands is that Steam is superior because it's not publicly traded. It will only die when Gaben dies and it's likely he'll attain immortality before that happens.
Randy "double down when proven a clown" Pitchford.
>reporting something before dlarifying whether it's real ornot
It is shitty journalism. They should gave contacted Valve instead of gullibly believing Randy.
Yeah and what says that this is going to last forever?
Overwatch - The TF2 Killer - is also dead after massive amounts of marketing and shilling pushed the game to its limits.
Everyone thought PUBG was going to be the dominating force behind BR but Fortnite took away their position. Someone else can do the same thing with Fortnite.
Randy is so out of touch with everything, I'm surprised anyone are giving him the time of the day, even shitty game journalists.
Why is he doing this? What's his beef with steam exactly?
It's the reporters job to fact check his shit before reporting it. Click bait sites like Kotaku never fact check because fact checking reduces overall click count
some shit about Half-Life: Opposing Force
Fortnite zoomers don't buy games, especially not on PC. Fortnite is a console game and the only reason the Epic store numbers seem so high is because Epic includes the console gaming portion of Fortnite's playerbase in the numbers. The fact that the game is free might also be a reason why the numbers are so high as well, but that just further enforces the fact that barely anybody even buys games on Steam.
>constant dota, csgo etc updates doesnt count
>biting the hands that feeds it
>literally underpaying developers for exclusive contracts
>nobody wants that
>the hands that feed it
Wait, is this a joke? Why is that hack Anita writing an article for RPS?
Epic Games won't be around in a few years. It was made based entirely on the success of Fortnite and its army of fickle 12 year olds who will IMMEDIATELY jump to the next flavor of the month F2P.
Overwatch is still going, actually.
You'll notice it's blowing away Apex's viewers and is still one of the most popular games. Don't get confused by Yea Forums's lies. They say "It's dead" enough and people start to believe it, regardless of the truth.
>says increasingly nervous man for the seventh time this year
Half those viewers are watching a tournament rerun
>using twitch viewers as a gauge for success
>People who had bad experience with Steam in the past
Like literally what?
Just asking, aside from the slav subhuman cheaters that got VAC banned - what bad experience could you have with Steam?
I forgot to mention the OWL channel is essentially viewbotted since it's embedded everywhere
The EGS has only really been around for less than a year as an actual store
The typical Tencent shill tactic of ignoring facts
we all did
your point?
And yet you've said it that many times this year? Wow.
>Fortnite zoomers don't buy games, especially not on PC.
Epic basically said as much. They claimed 40% of their users have never installed Steam, and I think it's safe to say they aren't diehard GoG users converting over. Hell they're probably more used to mobile games and find the idea of paying for a game upfront as absurd as in game purchases are to people on this site. The attach rate on Epic has to be abysmal.
How can people unironically defend Epic Games saying shit like "it's gonna topple the steam monopoly!!1!!11!" and completely ignore the fact that Epic Games' anti-consumer exclusivity deals are literally actions towards becoming a monopoly whereas Steam doesn't fucking do anything
I'm not even that user
>Meanwhile Epic actually works on making their game better every day
they literally let paragon and UT die you fucking dunce
As Morgan from Morgan Industries would say, it's not a monopoly, they're simply so good nobody feels the need to compete.
Because they don't care that Epic Store is a worse client than Steam, they just care that Steam will die if Epic wins. Problem is, there are plenty of stores out there they could shill instead without supporting the bullshit Epic does.
because these people are either shills or gullible idiots who read "steam bad, epic good" on kotaku and are parroting this retarded view. they have no idea what a monopoly even is. i should know, i lived in a country with monopolies and it was fucking awful.
>i lived in a country with monopolies and it was fucking awful.
I, too, lived in America.
Morgan is an OK guy. Man, I wish there were an actual AC sequel.
bitch i cared about half life 3 before you were even born
>unironically wanting epic games to topple steam
have fun over there op i'll be over here taking advantage of all the steam sales and playing borderlands 2
God he's insufferable.
Yes. Those kind of people.
>VAC banned players
>players who got a community ban for calling a dev a nigger
>butthurt indie devs
I hope epic games store survives just so all those fags can have their own quarantine zone
The people who did the second one aren't going to find themselves welcome at Epic. Epic is very vehemently against that stuff.
As if "exclusives" weren't bullshit enough, now we get "exclusives" on the same platform base on which jew you want to pay God forbid them actually competing on prices, no that would be too good for the customers.
By not allowing anyone to voice their opinion on anything on their platform
>Halo 1,2,3 and reach will be on steam
Yeah nah get fucked cunt
>T: guy who has made one successful games and many blunders
Hey, it does work.
Who wouldn't be envious of Randy and his beautiful wife? The man is living the dream.
Looks like Ellie the mechanic
>that slow reveal
>guys listen to my opinion
>me, a person who made only one succesfull game and everything else was a massive failure
>also a person who straight up lied about shit
>also a person who virtue signals outta the ass
>also a person who left important company data on a pendrive in a restaurant
listening to randy pitchford's advice about the industry is like listening to a drunkard hobo's advice about the goverment. to be honest, i think i'd believe the hobo more than randy.
pic unrelated but pretty funny
>>also a person who left important company data on a pendrive in a restaurant
You forgot that he had that stick to show other people "magic tricks" which turned out to be squirt porn.
Why is he up in some sort of human birdhouse?
>that one time Randy gave some scam artist full access to all of his finances with the guy taking the money and running
Oh Randy. You are a gift which keeps on giving
>also the guy who thought it was appropriate to sing a self-composed song about bigotry on an event that was supposed to be for revealing games solely because he got triggered because one of his games flopped
wasn't that jailbait?
So the fat wife doesn't have to look at him.
Why does this dumbass image feel the need to include people's reaction to the story? Is this some insecure form of validation?
gearbox is dead because of politcal correctness and fags
Squirt jailbait yes
I can't see her, is she behind the whale ?
>is making another game
I love how this webm is funnier than any joke in one of Randy's games.
Yeah, just replace a monopoly with a new monopoly and everything will be better
>watch those Randy home videos
>kid doesn't give two shits about him
>wife doesn't give two shits about him
>kid probably thinks his dad is a fucking annoying idiot and the wife is only in it for the money
yeah cause borderlands 3 is gonna be a great game user
He is too WOKE for a divorce because then he'll have to give her half his assets and all of his proprieties because otherwise he'd be a sexist pig.
The whale will probably never leave him because his assets are not worth it.
She could only survive for a few months. After that she would need to get a job.
Yeah it's totally gonna be great now that Anthony Burch isn't the writer. That means it totally can't fail!
>Meanwhile Epic actually works on making their game better every day.
yeah i remember
Truly a wife of Epic proportions
Steam has a massive user base, a system that makes uploading games for users to download incredibly easy, and physical copies on PC are almost extinct
Epic gets releases thanks to million dollar contracts
he didn't say that, shill
>his livelihood destroyed, Gabe Newell is reduced to a poor and broken man who must make multi-million dollar critically acclaimed games just to feed his family.
>op wants steam to go bankrupt and epic games to take over
so tell me user if epic games wins and steam goes bankrupt where will those pc ports go
Because youre actually a dumbass that falls for F12 in 2006 + 13
>end of the monopoly
not really the same thing, they'll most likely just make several millions dollar rather than tons of millions
Watch this webm and play this at the same time.
everyone is a nigger and i'm quite tired of it.
Oh god no, Randy.. just the fuck up, just SHUT THE FUCK UP. Just when I was ready to forgive you, you start showing your autism again..
>Just when I was ready to forgive you
>live in Asia
>Metro is $60 because of Steam
>Epic and Deep Silver make a deal
>now Metro is $110 on Epic
I don't even care about Metro but I feel really sorry for any Asian Metro fans, fucking Sweeney and his shady developer deals are fucking things up bad here in Asia, Steam was a massive blow to piracy here and even uPlay took many years before people would use it due to charging like $100 for games for some reason, and Epic is ding the same shit uPlay did with stupidly high prices.
Pitchford sees Epic as "the only guys who can really come along to disrupt Steam’s monopoly and help all this get fixed... From a track record point of view, my expectation is that Epic’s investment in technology will outpace Valve’s substantially. When we look back at Steam in five or ten years, it may look like a dying store and other, competitive stores, will be the place to be."
Pitchford points to the way Steam has already upped its revenue sharing for popular games as evidence of how seriously it is taking the new competition. "Holy shit! That’s a miracle," he added. "I think the folks at Valve are really smart and really great and they are also, probably, starting to redirect investment into their store."
By way of summary, Pitchford suggests that Epic's competition means that "Steam will have no choice but to either give up, lose, or to get better faster than ever before [and] because Valve is pretty damn good with some awesome talent, I do not expect them to give up or to lose.
"At the end of the day when we look back at this moment we’ll realize that this was the moment where the digital stores on PC became unmonopolized," he continued. "And we’re all going to look back and see how change happened and how costs for developers and publishers to be on stores went down and how that value was passed on to the customers."
Wow, many people state the obvious!
>>now Metro is $110 on Epic
wait what?
Epic's meme regional pricing. $110 isn't even the lowest, some of the neighboring countries have it even higher.
This webm explains so much, holy shit.
>if i write article about it then it becomes true ;^)
I hate journos. Even after Trump they still believe they have any influence over people with brains.
fucking wat, i refuse to believe this
It's "channeler" now, actually.
Deep Silver even jacked up the console prices to match the Epic Games price.
>Hey, Epic survive with 12% so why do Steam and others take 30% cut that is fucking greedy!
Steam and the rest don't charge you the user 8% for your payment methods.
You the customers have to make up for the difference in order for Epic to make a profit.
My Myspace account didn't have several thousand dollars worth of video games tied to it.
fucking lol, those cunts. but wait, how are steam/gog/whatever prices in those countries? are they also fucked up like this?
the difference is that one's 40% shareholder (Tencent) is a public company, whereas the other is 100% private.
Hint: Public companies are terrible for vidya
thank you for posting this, fucking saved
Nope, ONLY EPIC. And uPlay a while back, uPlay used to have absolutely fucked regional pricing but they fixed that eventually.
>Even after Trump they still believe they have any influence over people with brains.
What's up with the unrelated statements? Trump supporters are people without brains.
>Trump supporter
I'm not even american.
It's just a very notable example of journos not having any say in anything no matter how loud they bang their drum. So it's not unrelated.
>"trump will never win so don't even bother"
>he wins anyway
>"steam will surely fall before my chinese overlord"
>most likely wont be affected in the slightest
What's up twitterfags gettting triggered at the mere mention of one person?
> Steam and the rest don't charge you the user 8% for your payment methods
They really do it for some payment methods.
In other words you're angry that people are expressing their right to free speech.
>I'm not even american.
Ah, that explains why. Someday you'll learn what a civilized country is like.
that's hilarious man, so basically they flaunt about the 12%, and then unload the costs on you, fucking brilliant. Is there anything in epic store that's pro-customer, at this point?
>tfw you are not Randy Pitchford
good bait user
How are those school shootings, buddy? How is that corrupt education and health care system you got there, buddy?
>Is there anything in epic store that's pro-customer, at this point?
According to Randy, "it has new games", that's pro-consumer.
when people try to comfort you by telling you there's someone out there who has it worse than you this is who they're talking about
>but with even the absolute minimum amount of foresight you should see that what epic is doing isn't going to end up being good for anyone
>C-O-M-P-E-T-I-T-I-O-N G-O-O-D
>Why Valve takes 30% everywhere I do not know
So that this doesn't happen?
Why is this downie such a faggot?
>You wanna play this interesting game? well, go ahead, buy it on steam or else fuck you
But this is exactly what Epic is doing intentionally
Are you people actually this fucking braindead retarded?
Explain to me why you think competition is a bad thing.
Fun fact, gog had to end its fair pricing program because of epics aggressively low cut
Buying out exclusives is a bad thing
Epic is literally attempting a monopoly with this strategy
It isn't a bad thing, but you fucking retards who just screech COMPETITION GOOD and refuse to elaborate on why its good need to be shot. Fuck, I'd bet good money on most of you being murrican, you can't tell me you've never seen a major corporation "compete" by shitting all over you.
Saying "valve will have to compete" is just going around in circles before you mention it and I know you were thinking about it.
It's literally a journalists job to do some fact checking before reporting shit. That prevents them from becoming their own source, which happens constantly now with clickbait
>the internet is really upset about x!
Literally just screenshotting their own posts on alt accounts and then reporting on them
____ ____!
It's just amazing how you don't even need to boycott Gearbox, Randy is doing it for free. Seriously, why nobody has taken that clown off twitter by now is beyond me
Epic just dangled a few thousand in his face and he's slobbering all over their dick like the money hungry whore he is. Can't wait to see them crash
>because of Epic, exclusive games cost more in many parts of the world
>on a launcher with massive security problems
He got scammed for millions by his personal fucktoy, Randy is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed
He's a whackjob and a compulsive liar. The thing about people who lie like this is that it's just natural for them to tell lies for attention. Even if it's something easily disproven, they just lie because they know it gives them some attention
How is "competition" a good thing when you shoot all the good competitors so the only one left is the shitty, inferior service?
Page 290
>be asian
>want to buy specific shoes
>my local shoe shop sayss he doesn't carry them because another shop bought out the rights to sell them
>go there
>service is shit
>shoes cost twice as much
>dude at the counter takes a photo of my id
yeah nah
Also Randy:
"Battleborn will be able to compete with Overwatch!"
>>dude at the counter takes a photo of my id
This isn't even illegal, what's your problem?
because you don't need id to buy shoes and if the store's info gets hacked and leaked then you're screwed
Yea right, lets see who is gonna stay around longer, Gearbox or Steam.
iss: you
earth: the point
Based britposter
>if the store's info gets hacked and leaked then you're screwed
My work rents out mailboxes, and the people who are so fucking concerned about us taking a photocopy of their ID are fucking obnoxious.
It's already kept in the back in a file cabinet where only employees can access it, but some of them try demanding we put it in some locked drawer, as if any of us are going to do shit with your info
bandwidth has no effect on latency, its a distance issue. aus is just located too far away to bother setting up servers here
You know a country is fucked when spoons are classed as "drug paraphernalia"
>anno domini 2019
>gearbox being anywhere near right or to be taken seriously
>makes the other guy mad
Hey, if it works it works.
I'm not sure if this is meant to make fun of baiting or bad baiting
The absolute state of Epicshills. Do you guys really love the People's Republic of China THAT much?
in the hands of the developers. How dense are you?
You understand why, right?
But Epic is literally not competing - they're just buying out publishers to make sure they're the only option. Steam has never done this. You compete by making a better product, not restricting what products people can use.
I do, bet you think you're one street savvy motherfucker. Point is spoons have many proper applications that aren't related to drugs. May as well outlaw the purchase of bed sheets because you could strangle someone with them
>Steam has never done this.
>how that value was passed on to the customers.
that's a good one
Has Pitchford ever been right on anything?
>muh monopoly
Doesn't surprise me sweeney and pitchford are sucking each others dick though.
Pray give examples of Steam attacking other Storefronts.
It might happen. It's not like Steam is improving it.
>hiring mod devs and letting them create their own full-fledged game= buying out already established dev companies and publishing their game solely on their platform
>attempts a no u
>becomes a no me
>guy who threw in his lot with a new store talking shit about the old store
>in the end me was the u
the funniest part is that steam isn't actually trying to monopolize anything in any way.
The only games that they 'monopolize' are Valve's own
okay, this is epic
>I know you are but what am I? >:)
woah, you sure showed him
Pretty much, there's that one guy on the Yea Forums threads that keeps calling Artifact and Half Life a monopoly.
It's actually Gearbox.
if steam dies where will i get my shitty early access games from
>not like Steam is improving it
>16 years of improvements that other storefronts have spent years copying
Most of the other Storefronts currently have at best the BARE MINIMUM Steam had years ago and Epic launched in a state comparable to 2003 Steam.
>tfw all those indie and early access devs shilled for Epic only for Epic to reject their games
Karma feels good, man.
user did you accidentally delete half your sentence or something
yea I especially love the last time when the costs for developers and publishers went down with the digital distribution and how that value was passed on to the customers
People who change the world are always dismissed by the majority as "uppity folk who need to stay in their place."
Meh. I'll go back to pirating my shit if steam dies.
To be fair, you don't even need to 'try' to make retarded frogposters look like autists.
They're completely capable of doing that on their own
Meanwhile, they're all 20% off permanently on Uplay.
Ubi knew exactly what they were doing, they got some dosh from signing with Epic while funneling all the sales toward their own client.
Not for long, buddy. Not for long.
PC has been the underdog for the entire history of the medium, it'll keep doing fine.
If it makes you feel any better, the cutlery part mostly refers to knives
cant have weapons easily avaiable like that roaming the streets you know
Steam earned its respect eventually.
Epic only earned hate so far and they show no sign of trying to make things right.
It took years for Steam to earn its respect.
People are throwing a tantrum over the Epic Store but it's only been four months.
Just wait and see.
Steam literally spent years trying to earn their respect. I boycotted Steam from 2006 to like 2012 because I was butthurt at the shift from physical to digital but they managed to win me over eventually. Epic hasn't changed anything. Games are more expensive on the Epic store, with less discounts, and their only incentive is free games that I already have.
>meanwhile at steam
>avoids giving source
I see you've figured out what inspect element does user
Most likely people who got upset their lewd asset flips got axed.
It took Steam years of GOOD BEHAVIOR AND GOOD PR to earn it's respect, especially for the people who were angry at how they basically took over the PC market. Tim Sweeney and Randy Bobandy on the other hand shit on their own customers on a daily basis, lie to their customers on a daily basis, and in Sweeney's case, scam customers on a daily basis.
Portal 3, TF3, L4D3. They could end Epic Games by releasing one of these every couple of years.
Well, the thread about it will be pretty good.
>Valve ever releasing a third game in any series
Good one.
The only reason anyone gave an iota of a fuck about those games in the first place is because there was nothing else to play back then. Now? There's plenty.
we will see pitchford jump the ship once epic wrong him in any way once again
what a dumb fucking cunt
i'll be looking out for it
Also people like Jim Sterling, who amusingly enough is pro-Epic. Jim unironically has made a career looking for bad games on Steam and then whining about them.
Does Steam even have the talent to make games anymore? Modern Steam has made a bunch of small shitty projects that all failed. I'd kill for Portal 3 and LFD3 but I can't see Steam as they are now making good games.
Considering Epic has yet to have any bad games on it I can see why he would be so supportive of the Epic Store.
Why is people cheering on Epic Games (50% American, 40% Chinese) instead of Steam (100% American)?
>Steam (100% American)
I already deleted Steam. Borderlands 3 going exclusive for a few months will end every other business on the internet and nobody will be able to compete. I already sold my consoles also, they're no match for Epic either. This is the future, deal with it.
>Jim Sterling
This is the guy that compared people saying Sekiro shouldn't have a difficulty mode with gatekeeping, and said that games should only ever be about having fun. That's like making fun of someone with down syndrome.
That's pretty hypocritical considering he made a career of whining about bad games. Will he get a real job then if Epic wins the storefront wars?
People will always care about HL3.
lets be honest
Randy is only heavily jumping on Epics dick because they would have payed him upfront for Battleborn
So they have like 3 okay games? Great.
>Will he get a real job then if Epic wins the storefront wars?
So now you're accepting that they might?
Gearbox is pretty salty.
i'm buying the new epic games console that comes with a free copy of fortnite and automatically preorders borderlands 3 for you
What's wrong with games being fun? Difficulty should only be a means to an end, not the end itself.
>my super original indie game about a big headed child doing 2D puzzle platforming didn't make me a billionaire, fuck valve :(
That's right.
steam was a mistake
HL3 will be another one of those meme games where the people "getting hype" for it were people who didn't play the other games in the first place, just like DNF. They'll only get into it because they've been told they're supposed to get into it.
>Yang chas Gaben chone Steam
its funny how triggered pitchford is about all this
more like Gearbox was a mistake
owl is embeded everywhere, even the game client
it doesnt mean people are actively watching
putting a difficulty on sekiro gets rid of the fun by allowing players an easy way out to not challenge themselves.
>p-p-pls guys, Tencent told me if BL3 is a success they would fund Battleborn 2
>it will be great
>other games making it
Gearbox is a mistake
It's actually not though.
Not him, but difficulty can be a part of a games intended design, just like any other gameplay elements. I have nothing against easy modes 95% of the time, but some games are designed with the challenge as part of the experience(like Super Meat Boy). If you don't like challenging games, nothing wrong with that, but don't demand that those kind of games cater to you.
For example, I loathe RTS. Nothing against people who like them, I just cannot stand them, they don't appeal to me on a fundamental gameplay level. That doesn't mean I should demand RTS Devs add an FPS, or TBS mode, to enable me to play it. I just accept those games aren't in my sphere of interest, and play games I do enjoy, instead of demanding they cater to me.
Fortnite money and dirty China money is pretty powerful and Americans are very stupid and greedy so I'm not discounting anything.
based and quirkypilled
Hi Randy, lying again?
Sometimes games are designed around said difficulty though. Dark Souls would be fucking boring without a stamina meter for example.
Does this moron think he's being funny or something?
Hi Gabe, lying again?
Steam will die, in your dreams faggot
>"we just want to break up the monopoly!"
>"it will be better for you all, cheap prices for everyone!"
"competition" is Forced
"competition" offers a worse service
"competition" has higher prices
"competition" actually wants to be a monopoly itself
How so? Valve Corporation is a private company and all founders are Americans. Yes they also have a European subsidiary, as required by EU law, so what?
It actually is though.
Maybe 40% Chinese triggers you?
Here it is again:
Epic Games is 40% Chinese. How are you feeling right now?
What a cunt.
>piracy was rampant at the time
and its rampant now thanks to Epic, I havn't pirated a game in years but recently all these epic exclusives just fit so nicely on crackwatch
>indie game about a big headed child doing 2D puzzle platforming
Name one game that this describes.
Challenge =/= Enjoyment.
If anything I think the number 40% is more likely to trigger you.
You know what I'm talking about.
Remember it. 40%.
GMG is also cheaper than both stores
>release a game that is FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Battleborn Heroes on Steam
>doesn't do well
It's clearly Steam's fault, Epic will turn Battleborn 2 into the next Fortnite.
reminder that he still doesn't call it free to play but an "Unlimited Demo"
then don't play sekiro or dark souls
Battleborn was sold on more platforms than just PC, and it failed on all of them.
I don't even like Glomph but fucking calm down m8.
i think all of the anime nudie games they've added in the last three years will propel Steam into the 22nd century
screencap this
Well he's actually right, you can't get most of the shit without paying. It's a pretty shitty
I feel like this could be some /pol/ baiting going on which implies you got nothing to add to the topic.
GG friend, next time try a google search.
Imagine being someone who buys video games.
Imagine living with the knowledge that a publisher platform for games owns even one cent of the wealth you spent part of your limited lifetime producing.
If you google 40% you'll know what it is too.
Saying games need to follow the simple rule of being fun is like saying music needs to be catchy, who decides what is fun? And isn't fun a very narrow vision for a game to follow?
Fun is a facet of a multitude of things that make for a good game, games can be fucking tedious when you can no longer progress and need to get better, or make you feel scared shitless when the game is spooky.
Also what makes a game fun? Fun gameplay? Music? Dialogue?
Jim Sterling is essentially the Rick and Morty of gaming philosophy, sounds very correct when you hear it, but when you start thinking about it you realize how shallow his takes are. I won't lie that he was once quite relevant with his takes on DLC, lootboxes, and other scummy sale tricks, but beyonf that he never had anything else to bring to the table.
In the last few years he also seems set on deliberately disagreeing with the majority of gamers, anything said on Yea Forums, and just being deliberately provocative like a child.
>tfw a cashier in a game shop I frequent tried not to laugh when some poor sod bought a PS4 copy of Battleborn, ended up laughing when the guy left the store
One cuts devs a hugely better deal and is actually a still-relevant game developer themselves. The other funds one fat man's knife collection and still can't give the fans the sequel they've spent over a decade begging for. Seriously, fuck em at this point.
Page 290
user the game is built around it. Don't like it, don't play it. Another user in the thread mentioned the same as how I feel, I think RTS games are too hard and confusing for me. So I don't play them. I don't bitch that they should be dumbed down and simplified to suit my taste in games.
I don't play Sekiro. And DS isn't hard.
>I want games to become $100 and for cloud saves and technical support to be gone
>because i didn't get some sequel to some franchise that has been dead for years
They're games. Electronic toys.
Then it's not a very well designed game then.
This statement is from the mind that gave us Duke Nukem Forever, Battleborn and Alien Colonial Marines.
>games need to be dumbed down and simplified so anyone can beat them with 0 effort and just button mashing
>epic kills steam
>epic becomes the new monopoly
literally SAO
chinese don't know anything about the industry
>dark souls isn't hard
did you only play the first part and then think it never got harder
Not hard to beat a game that lets you spam healing items to get through anything.
>Not hard to beat a game that lets you spam healing items to get through anything
You mean Dark Souls 2? Or did you run DS1 with a Prayer build.
This, anyone over the age of 28 knows this
Think chess, a new player will have 0% chance of winning against an experienced/competitive player, because they don't have the skill or knowledge about the game. Anyone can look at chess and say "oh that's very complex so I won't learn how to play it", does that make chess a badly designed game?
I still do this just not as much
Randy Pitchford needs to be lynched
>Pitchford spouting nonsense
Yeah, let's listen to the guy who scammed Colonial Marines and keeps lying about Troy Baker not wanting to voice Rhys again. Even the former vice president of Gearbox confirmed that Pitchford is just a horrible person.
EGS is gonna die in like 2 years if it continues like this.
Tiananmen botnet massacre 2019
>no reviews
>no forums
>no community guides
>no workshop
Get BTFO, shills.
Someone needs to make a curator page that lists all of the devs that said "Fuck Steam and the customers, Epic is where it's at" (and were probably rejected anyway because Epic doesn't want them), in about a year we're going to get a lot of indie shitdevs pretending that they never supported Epic (if it fails, otherwise they'll just praise it endlessly until they accept their game). I want to know which games to avoid giving money to on Steam.
It has Fortnite so it can still operate, but unless it gets it's own Half Life 3 equivalent no Randy, Borderlands 3 is not Half Life 3 soon, they can't keep throwing millions at random devs to not release games on Steam. Especially when Metro Exodus was supposed to be a heavy hitter and supposedly bombed if it's true that it sold only like 5% of what Last Light Redux sold.
never forget
aka devs that accepted an exclusivity contract.
I know he's CEO, but he shouldn't be allowed to talk.
>Be a dirt poor ugly ass NEET
>Still fucked someone better looking than what Randy could pull
>Search bar was implemented weeks after the store's launch
>Shopping cart is planned on 'the roadmap'
>Age verification is a simple warning with a 'continue' button
It's baffling how they managed to make such a poor store client
wtf is this
I know this sounds like some liberal memeing but I'm fairly certain that 90% of the CEO:s in america are, in fact, less capable (both physically and mentall) than most of the office workers under their employment.
I'm glad someone made a kf2 version of this, needs more gaudy gold shit though.
Nothing at all gweilo, it's just the Epic Store doing normal things.
I don't see anyting wong here.
Valve, for all their faults, have always used lube when they raped us or the devs.
Epic, Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, etc will be going in dry with their throbbing barbed space lizard kike dicks.
You will rue the day you called for Gabens head.
Don't worry about it, it's just Epic checking out your Steam friends, owned games, configs, savegames, playtimes and stats and stuff. It's just to ensure maximum compatibility with your fellow games at the Xinjiang "re-education not concentration" camps. Can't stop progress, don't even try.
Most unironic Epic shills I have seen on Leddit are literal console players, who don't even play PC games.
New thread