Sekiro doesn't have the best combat of any gam-

>Sekiro doesn't have the best combat of any gam-

Attached: Genichiro Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

nice cinematic hack n slash gameplay

I agree. It puts souls games to shame. I don't know another action game with such a well thought out and visually impressive combat system.

Is that the new Assassin's Creed?

Attached: 1527223911305.webm (1082x608, 2.9M)

DMC3 and Ninja Gaiden Black spring to my mind, and these are old games.

>most basic enemy in the game dies easily

>jump r1 r1 block block mikiri counter shuriken throw follow up r1 r1 r1
>4 buttons for "attack"
>dodge with cheesy iframe shit
>super invincishields and overleveling

what are those yellow bars at the top and bottom?

Combat is so satisfying I wish this game were longer

more cool sekiro webms


Attached: 1550401517999.webm (734x416, 2.92M)

>cheesy iframe shit
That's not cheesing. That's part of the souls games' design.

I like how deathblow are quick and clean but I am disappointed fromsoft didnt bother to add more execute animations

Attached: Owl 1.webm (1000x542, 2.98M)

Sekiro needs a sequel. There are many things they can do with the combat system and things they can improve on.

Yes, extremely easy and casualized dodging is part of the souls design

yea, looks boring to look at after so many kills

>Dark Souls needs sequels! It'd be awesome!

Attached: piecesofshit.jpg (1280x720, 221K)

I wish there was gore. Arms flying off, heads rolling off, streams of blood, etc. At least for the basic human enemies

Sekiro has deflect frames larger than the standard parry. You're saying that's more hardcore than timing a dodge? lmfao

I wish I had backed up my save file before I beat Isshin, I just want to do that fight over and over again. I kind of lost interest in NG+ when I got to Blazing Bull.

>He played with Kuro's charm on
Games journo spotted.

Attached: smilingWolf.png (631x710, 1003K)

are you two retarded? That is clearly modded, you can tell 'cause when he hits r1 the first time instead of attacking he immediately breaks the opponents guard.

no, if they wanna improve the combat, they should take it to a new IP, kinda how bloodborne did with the souls combat, from sequels are trash

FROM is still using an engine from 2016 that still was considered pretty outdated then. Don't think we'll see gore in their games until they change it.

The thing about those games is that you need to put effort in to be "visually impressive." The thing that makes Sekiro so popular among less hardcore players (which is most people) is that the core of the battle system is built around being flashy, it's basically style over substance but it has enough player input and reactivity that people feel cool doing it. That's personally why I dislike the game, but you can't appeal to everyone, after all.

not the guy you responded to.

I think parrying / deflecting in sekiro is more fun then just iframe abusive dodging in souls ever was.

It was dumb as well, because what was shown on screen gave you the impression that you should've taken damage, but you did not because of hurr durr invincibility frames.

I don't think sekiro gets enough credit for it's contributions to the sould combat system.

>TFW every game From releases is garbage from a technical stand point
How do they keep getting away with it?

Deflecting is one of many forms of avoiding an attack in sekiro (not to mention posture meter is this games equivalent of stamina), along with jumping (upward movement) and dashing (horizontal movement). What options do you have in souls, dodge, and parry, which is an unbalanced and OP mechanic that wrecks bosses

>put effort
>dmc 3
Yeah sure

That doesn't change the fact there's only about 5 deathblow animations on fodder (2 for the guys in the webm)


you can't be serious with that. As another person mentioned, Sekiro provides more options to approach a combat situation then other souls games ever did.

Nah he is just strong as fuck, you can just break their posture in like 2 hits with max prayer beads and memories on NG

yeah 2 hits, not 1, look at the sword animation, he doesn't even attack.

>provides more options to approach a combat situation then other souls games ever did.
Not a particularly high bar to surpass.

Nah it just looks like he deflects the first guys moves. He strikes the 2nd guy once before killing him. You can also clearly see he parries the last guy too

Even without style switcher, you need to put effort into understanding systems to do flashy stuff. Learning shotgun rave JC requires a lot more practice than any individual thing in Sekiro, but it won't look that impressive unless you actually understand what's happening with it, which is another thing that works in Sekiro's favor.

Even if you just compare Sekiro to RG, deflect timing is generous and comes naturally but RG requires a lot of practice to avoid chip damage ruining SS. Sure, it's not nearly as difficult as DMC4, with its buggy inertia and unconventional Dante weapons, but saying it doesn't take any effort at all to learn how to be "visually impressive" is silly.

This. You'd expect there'd be more dismemberment in a ancient japan warring states setting.
Would set it apart from other souls too, especially fitting in the execution deathblows.
There's only a total of 3 throughout the game storywise, Sekiro losing his arm, monkey losing his head, and the purification ending.

Your and the opponent's posture damage. If it fills, their posture breaks and you can go for a deathblow. If your posture breaks, you can just staggered for a bit.

has gore even been their thing ever? I dont recall even kuon having dismemberment or anything too graphic.

What a fucking amazing game.

I just finished fighting the final boss. I love how with each boss, once you get it and it "clicks" it all just flows together. I had half my healing potions left.

Dodge the strong vertical strikes, deflect, deflect, dodge, thrust dodge forward after two seconds, it's all great.

I love how with certain boss attacks you can choose to back off and wait it out, or you can do some kind of super well timed double deflect or something.

Literally GOTY

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Sekiro has a ''difficult'' but very accessible combat system so even noobs can master it and get satisfaction from it
And that's a good thing. Sekiro is a better game than DMC5

I don't get the purpose of posting this webm

Sounds like Severance

Why the fuck do you bring those
Crazy combos are more than enough to be flashy, when you pierce multiple enemies with trillion stab or wildstomp, or using stripper pole, or ride on a enemy without using jc shit

agreed. Nioh has pretty cool dismemberment and it'd be nice if Sekiro had it as well. It's hard though because Japan has pretty strict rules about dismemberment and beheading. Even Nioh's dismemberment was only available in western versions of the game

>better game
I do love fighting Drunktard 3 times and his reskin.


bloodborne is still peak from difficulty.


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but its combat system feels so limited compared to sekiro

*presses roll button*

pretty based until the shruiken toss, I know what he's trying to do but that doesn't look kino.

I keep seeing these posts which confuse me. I'm still only in NG so maybe I'm not 'there' yet but can't you only give the charm away in NG+? Or did I miss something at the start of the game?



Attached: SEKIRO SHADOWS DIE TWICE 2019.04.19 - (1280x720, 2.96M)

Genichiro was the high water mark of Sekiro, every other boss just piles on more shit that makes them straight up unfun to fight against.

it's not the best combat. it's very simple satisfying combat. but I wouldn't call a basic rock paper scissors formula "the best" it has very little depth but is satisfying and fun. good for about 2 playthoughs but has no staying power after because of the low skill ceiling.

Just finished my first playthrough beat SS Ishin on my third go. How the hell do people get stuck on him for hours at a time? Toughest boss in the game was definitely Genichiro the first time you fight him, once you've beaten him nothing else in game is as challenging

>Genichiro was the high water mark of Sekiro
>worst rival in action games

Genichiro is really satisfying to fight, shame not all of the bosses are like that though.

Defiled dungeons? Sure. Main game? No. It has the simplest combat system of any FROM game and i-frames are generous. Enemies are aggressive but you get lots of heals which can be done in 1 second. It's mid-tier in difficulty.


I legit killed him without getting hit by spamming shadowrush.

The game is so broken in parts it's like they didn't test most of the combat arts.

Probably doesn't help that this is probably the weakest lineup of bosses from FROM since DeS.

Just play Ninja Gaiden 2 and Razor's Edge.


no, it doesn't.

you can only do it after unlocking NG+, but after that you can also start a fresh file and give up it up, which I recommend trying

You only get the option after completing one playthrough

>weak bosses
How to spot a pleb

This is the first FROM game that directly hints at a direct sequel though, it couldn't be more clearer that they're going to the land of the Dragon Korea.


Attached: ssdt-owl.jpg (800x1000, 151K)

Legit the weakest lineup since the start you can't even argue with it.

I really don't understand that post then. Is Sekiro going to be part of the
>the REAL starts at
family of games?

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>The game is so broken

This. It's so funny watching speedruns just jumping from bug to glitch and completely shredding the entire game in 25 minutes. Why is From so terrible at this?

Yeah getting stunned is legitimately not fair because it's broken mechanic in this game. safety roll is not responsive at all you have to mash the buttons until the game decides to let you move. how much you have to mash seems random and it's down to luck weather you get hit before then. long slow attack animations & unresponsive controls have always been a problem in fromsoft games but sekiros not so bad compared to the others.

the only way to have a satisfying fight is to never get staggered or stunned in the first place so maybe in some way it's good that it encourages you to play better even if it is inconsistent.

no, what Sekiro needs is an easy mode.
Game should be for everyone.

>It has the simplest combat system of any FROM game
No it doesn't. It has more depth to it than souls. You can perform way more true combos in BB.

>Literally the same type of combat Assassin's Creed had 10+ years ago
>It has flashy particle effects and flippy animations, so it's amazing

You might as well start playing walking simulators, if you are going to be this much of a normalfaggot

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Game looks cool, but I haven't had the chance to play it.

From watching some streams, it looks like parry + basic attack spam is the most effective?

Are the alternate weapons and advanced techniques even useful at all?

Why would I remove the block mechanic? it's not OP or even very lenient as it is.
you need it to save you in situations where more than one enemy attacks you at once.

>I have wanted to make this game for over 10 years
>doesn't patch a wall that can make you instantly kill the toughest boss in the game

It's like they do it on purpose sometimes, the jump to do that glitch is nearly as hard as the fight.

The normal parry can't deflect all attacks. You have to use different moves to deal with different attacks.

Also, heavy attacks and tools are situational but very useful.

DeS bosses are shit. Take off your nostalgia glasses and give it another run. Most of them are piss easy, and of the three genuinely hard ones (Flamelurker, Maneater, False King) only False King Allant is actually well designed. I'll give it that bosses like Tower Knight, Maiden Astrea, and Storm King fights are impressive and memorable, but in actually gameplay it's miles behind the last 3 FROM games (which are the best).

It’s not even close. Try actually playing it

play the game

Attached: back to the pit.png (325x300, 87K)

Parrying is the objectively best option in a lot of situations, but you have total freedom to experiment with your prosthetics and sword arts

From Software games are a meme and I can't wait for it to die out.

>save up for ashina cross
>it's shit
i shouldn't have got suckered in by the prospect of unzip

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DeS is like opposite from Sekiro though. The levels themselves are way more challenging and the boss fights are easy but unique

My point was that Sekiro and DeS are just full of shitty gimmick bosses, and I agree Sekiro gameplay outside boss fights is none existent.

it's good with emblem rebalance mod
it's free

>the jumping slashes barely do any damage
>the throwing shurikens barely does any damage
the only thing he did right in this clip is the mikiri counter
not even using any sugars or divine confetti baka

Why does he look so slav

>he didn't leap to the side for a free hit to vitality
OP must be homosexual.

Well sekiro is definitely not hard. souls fans are either retarded or meming. I have way more trouble with DMC5. with sekiro I just have to remember to parry, dodge and jump. and the parry is super forgiving too.

>with sekiro I just have to remember to parry, dodge and jump. and the parry is super forgiving too.
Same goes for dmc 5

Do Shura ending to get this first

Attached: SEKIRO SHADOWS DIE TWICE 2019.04.20 - (994x560, 2.92M)

mfw an enemy dies and you can see the moment they're respawned in ragdoll mode.

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the move is useless

Most combat arts are useless. This move does damage through blocks and has some nice AoE in it though. Plus it looks kino

Well I think they're fun. Not everything has to be a reflex challenge.

>Most combat arts are useless
Not true.

It's FUN. Believe it or not, some people are okay with not playing in the most 100% optimal way possible.

>consumes spirit emblems

Give that to me

Attached: 1293184465600.png (239x315, 33K)

>Hasn't gotten the mod that reduces spirit emblem usage
I bet you still play as Sekiro and not Lady Maria too

I would download that mod but the coat looks like shit. Why does it look like shit?

literally what? have you never played DMC5?
firstly royal guard timing is like 10 frames more demanding than sekrios parry.
with attacking you can't just spam Y. attacking isn't just a formality. the bulk of the depth is in the comboing part.
style switching, weapon switching, endless combo strings to create & remember. there's far more things you need to remember than just 3.

I'm a shitter who is too scared to ring the bell, but I've finally beat every main boss that gives a memory charmless. Maybe I'll try playing with a mod that kills emblem consumption for all combat arts to see if that's balanced or not.

but the animation looks fucking awful.

this is why I like action games

you can add multiple inputs to a slew of directions and buttons to have a fuck ton to play with moveset wise

Attached: 1545118092150.png (244x431, 147K)

Just beat him in 3 tries without even having to counter the lightning attack thing. This game is a joke.

I think I'll try the maria mod now.

Attached: Bloodborne_.The.Old.Hunters.full.2543541.jpg (718x1000, 287K)

I would use it if I could switch combat arts without pausing. I like fun and I like cool looking moves, but I don't like gimping myself by equipping a shitty, expensive combat art when I can just use High Monk/Shadowfall/Exorcism/Double Ichimonji,
No cloth physics + textures weren't properly converted or some shit like that. I don't know the specifics.

So why can we only use one combat art? Is there a mod that lets you use more yet?

yeah it is. the lightning is really easy to counter too. you literally just jump and attack.

Played both
>dmc 5 rg

>create & remember. there's far more things you need to remember than just 3.
Considering all of them having the same input across all weapons/styles...

Press pause to switch between them, dumb gaijin. You doubt my genius vision?

Attached: mr handsome.png (640x360, 328K)

>press pause to switch them
Fuck off Kamiya

Attached: 1507452095066.jpg (299x430, 115K)

It's pretty shallow in all honesty. I mean compare it to shit like Ninja Gaiden, DMC or even Nioh and that becomes painfully obvious.

Also FromSoft are so inexperienced making these types of games that they didn't even balance the bosses to be kited. So you can easily beat pretty much every single boss by kiting them, waiting for the boss to whiff attacks that leaves them open, attack and then rinse repeat.
Additionally they have no idea how to balance and design around multiple enemies, but love throwing them into various encounters, which just turns combat into a clusterfuck.

Attached: HCU64O9.png (701x394, 313K)

>Sekiro has the best combat of any gam-

Attached: 1546364408624.jpg (530x739, 102K)

Attached: emma.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

Yeah, kite em so it'll take 10 minutes to finish a boss you can kill in 5 minutes by deflecting. Totally broken.

Because eavesdrop button was more important than switching combat arts on the fly.

Why are the textures shit? This sucks man.

Attached: 1555386707752.jpg (742x1080, 183K)

>Ninja Gaiden

>Additionally they have no idea how to balance and design around multiple enemies
DMC games literally disable enemy's that aren't on camera because they're still stuck in 2003

Does the select button even do anything?

>mist raven
Literally negates the only difficult move FireIsshin has. Everything else can be sidestepped with the greatest of ease and leads to free damage.

>le floaty sparklestorms with the occasional press of the triangle button
stop perpetuating this meme

You're trying to dodge too much of that. After you get hit for the first time, just get ready to deflect the judgement cuts and the the slash. Trying to dodge it is just going to get hit every time.

>PvE combat

The only winning move is to throw sparks on him when he starts charging that up.

Should I save some space in my storage and pirate it?

What you sink I put it on then, gaijin? The item sucky sucky button? What if you want to sucky sucky?

Attached: high iq male.jpg (480x360, 31K)

>PvP combat

Attached: 1548358378571.jpg (900x675, 52K)

Where did they find this model?

Literally any tard can beat anything in the game using that strat. This not only goes against the core design of the game, but allows players to not even play the game as intended (and learning the combat system).
But that's totally not a game design flaw, nope.

Nioh and DMC have deeper, better balanced and more thought out combat systems. Doesn't matter if you think they're shit, it's simply fact.
The combat in Sekiro is shallow and not really playtested, because there are soooooo many ways in which to break the game in it's not even funny. Feels like a bunch of amateurs made it, but because the haptics and shit are good (like in say Metal Gear Rising) people mistake it for having good combat, when it doesn't.

you're thinking of bayonetta dummy. also combo strings are long combo routines that you make up, not a single input.

Use mod to remove all the emblem cost on everything. Makes the game much more enjoyable. The only thing left is your self control on the firecracker cheese or spamming one OP combat art like You can interrupt that attack with a strong attack like ichimonji

l2p shitter
you're just playing at the slots im winning big boy money at the poker tables :)))))

I think it was from when they datamined BB or something.

Attached: dabbing_maria.png (794x447, 192K)

what a baffling design choice, seriously.

Back to your contaminant thread, DMCuck.

Attached: DMC 'combat'.webm (1920x1080, 2.65M)

>muh punching bags
>muh camera tricks
Flock off featherface

>that low effort bait

Could you imagine the amount of umbrella faggotry, jumping back and forth between hook points, spamming firecrackers and puppeteering strong enemies if Sekiro had multiplayer.

>only A rank
you are misunderstanding the point of these games

Reminder that if you haven't played NG+7 with demon bell, no Kuro charm and use mod to make everything has 10 more HP bars, you haven't beat the game.

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I wouldn't mod out prosthetic emblem cost ever, aside from gimping Sabimaru's total cost. But shit, Empowered Mortal Draw looks powerful, huh?

watches a guide on how to beat a boss, still complain about it later.

i hate people like you

>disputing that Nioh and DMC have depth
yep you're a certified retard.
and skeiro being incredibly simple is by design. there's nothing wrong with that. i't's just a fun game with shallow combat to put a focus on parrying.

Prove him wrong.

Sora's moveset has a good deal of true variety and very few options are completely useless. Having somewhat high damage floors against enemies means not only does Lv 1 work great, but in a normal Crit run you never have to waste time grinding to overcome something. Applying caps to ATTACK-DEF instead of at the end of the formula means not messing with the relative power of attacks endgame. Conversely, the 1 damage min, on top of FM2 rounding up at the end of the formula and the 25% power boost, means rapidly hitting Limits (Duckflare, Tron's, Skellington's) don't really care about the damage floor and will deal consistently high damage regardless of level while getting a nice boost on Crit (screwing over enemies with lower health totals).

Level 1 Marluxia is my current favorite fight since it really highlights how well-designed KH2's mechanics and enemies are. Like, when he puts out the dark pools and follows with a scythe combo, if you guard his combo it will push you back into the pools, but you have just enough invincibility from the guard to counterattack and get off the pool before you eat shit.

It's pure gameplay kino.

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>not using the mod that bricks your PC every time you take damage

Attached: 1544564049099.jpg (228x210, 6K)

Defiled chalice still isn’t harder than either Ludwig or the Orphan

How the fuck do you you get bored shitless after the 3rd playthrough?

>actual game footage is bait

I'll post it aqgain just to trigger you.

No one outside of your little newfag circlejerk considers sandbag simulators good. DMC is trash.

Attached: DMC 'combat'.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

In what way? I honestly do not get this criticism at all.

Are you seriously telling me that Sekiro has a deeper combat system than DMC?
Are you this delusional?

Sekiro is about 2 things. Deflecting (which is brain-dead easy, almost MGR tier) and mashing 1 attack button. That's the core of the combat system.
There are no real combos or intricate systems at play. Combat arts are one button special moves (only one can be equipped at a time) and Ninja tools are very basic (most of the time they're either useless or just break whatever it is you're fighting, like some rock paper sciccors shit).

It's incredibly shallow. If you like shallow games that's fine, but don't delude yourself into thinking that Sekiro has this masterfully deep and intricate combat system simply because you like the game. Because that's just sad.

>using items
>using prosthetics
>using ninjutsu
>using stealth
>not dictating the proper ending
>using gourds
>allowing beads
>allowing memories
Journo detected

>tfw fromdrones before and after release rave about how "there's like no weapons at all and a small moveset for the katana because it's easier to BALANCE and it makes the game sooo much better and tighter"
>mfw shadowrush, bloodsmoke, High Monk, firecrackers

Attached: 1527705326309.jpg (1600x1066, 164K)

I wish prosthetics/arts had unlimited use and the AI was just a bit more ruthless to make up for it. From is going in the right direction with their combat but it's not 100% perfect yet. BTW ringing the bell doesn't matter because you have to learn the bosses moveset regardless of how much damage they do.

You can literally dodge everything in DMC by jumping with iframes. Deflecting is way beyond that. I didn't even give my opinion on if I think Sekiro is deep or not, just that it's deeper than DMC.

Now fuck off back to your contaminant thread to circlejerk sandbag combos with your brainlet kin.

Attached: dmcuck brainlet.jpg (1026x508, 78K)

>implying I don't know about dri
Yikes. Here's your little dose of attention

I don't. Only boot it up from time to time and play. Probably will go after Owl 2 since it's the last boss I haven't tried yet.

Anakin fuck off.

Shit like Firecracker is fine to be limited in use, though.

Why do I see everybody with different skins? Are these mods?

everyone laugh at the retard.

Attached: 1425788162143.png (196x160, 1K)

You serious? Fromsoft's combat animations are amazing(except for DSII) and put most AAA games to shame.

>BTW ringing the bell doesn't matter because you have to learn the bosses moveset regardless of how much damage they do
This is pretty much correct. Kuros charm is the most effective way of increasing difficulty that the game naturally allows.

>You can literally dodge everything in DMC by jumping with iframes. Deflecting is way beyond that.
What? You're saying that you think either blocking or mashing the block button is difficult for you in Sekiro? That it's somehow deep?
Are you also aware that you can break every single boss in the game by just running away and kiting them? Basically easily avoiding any and all damage and 100% safely being able to punish boss attacks? Is this skillful to you?

> I didn't even give my opinion on if I think Sekiro is deep or not, just that it's deeper than DMC.
Without actually elaborating on why, because you simply can't. Just like a close-minded little child that doesn't like having their ideas challenged. To be wrong.
Fucking pathetic. Run back to twitter.


Typical DMCshit brainlet who is too mentally challenged to contribute an actual post. Play action games outside of your chimp circlejerk and you just might develop some taste one day.

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Every Miyazaki game has kitable bosses. It's obviously intentional and part of balancing the difficulty for people with poor reflexes.

>can mikiri a lightning fast sword thrust
>can't mikiri a two second long spear charge
what a shitter

Why do Sekiro fans feel the need to fire uo DMCfriends and shit up the threads. Stop stirring up the loonies.

Have you played the game at all, you retard?

>people actually trying pair DMC combat with Sekiro
I love FROM's games, their among my favorites, but you're a dense nigger if you think any combat devised by FROM rivals that of any DMC (barring 2) in regards to mechanical complexity.

Attached: 1555026686599.jpg (600x600, 163K)

>You serious? Fromsoft's combat animations are amazing(except for DSII) and put most AAA games to shame.
Compared to what? Other similar AAA games have better animations.
God of War, Monster Hunter World, MGR, DMC5, etc.

This is exactly how I imagine souls players playing DMC. Minmaxing people who only play to BEAT THE GAME and nothing inbetween.

>trying to start a fanbase war
Neck yourselves retards. Feels good to be enjoying DMC5 and Sekiro side by side.

>wojak edit
Don't worry
Big YIKES m8

>Every Miyazaki game has kitable bosses. It's obviously intentional and part of balancing the difficulty for people with poor reflexes.
It's not intentional, it's a fuckup because they're not good at combat design.
Combat in their games is generally a bit jank, unpolished and mashy. This is generally fine since their games are not really about that.
The core design pillar for these games (Miyazaki's own words) is Satisfaction from overcoming a challenge.
If the clearly design flaw and jank you suggest was intentional, then that would mean that they're incompetent because they break their core design pillar which all of their games center around. One of the very reasons things like an easy mode and shit isn't implemented, because it would break the core pillar.

Don't shit out lies to try and defend a game that you like.

>beat Sekiro twice (NG, NG+ for Demon and Owl 2)
>feeling of longing
>decide to replay MGR (fudged through it initially)
>fucking destroy everything every level taking minimal damage
>bullied Sundowner to death this time after jobbing to him a dozen times the first run
>oneshot Sam too, fucking christ why did I ever think this spic was hard
Armstrong will probably check my shit but holy fuck going back to MGR after Sekiro is heaven, it takes 30 seconds to relearn and by then you clobbered Mistral.

Attached: 2iqju.gif (170x123, 1.43M)

no the animation on that combat art looks disgusting so I don't use it.
sekiros animations are ok, a lot better than previous fromsoft games but still not as good as most action games.

They're just idiots that confuse challenge will good design. Because only a complete idiot would think that Sekiro has deepter and better designed combat than DMC5.

Same, replayed after beating Sekiro.
Cmon, he is the easiest bossfight.

I for one enjoyed rocksmith 2019 but it's not the best game ever, no

Sekiro is basically an improved MGR combat system with the focus shifted from combos and getting rankings to timing and not dying. Both games are tied for my favorite combat system, coincidentally.

This "jank" you think is bad is actually something some people enjoy and play around with and is in every single one of their games. From isn't great at combat design true, but they're getting a lot better. Overcoming a challenge is still the key factor of Sekiro, you think a normie is thinking of the most optimal cheese strat? They're not trying to max autismo the game and examine every boss attack animation.

Buncha inexperienced slavs, 2007
>Hey, trapping the camera between wells is really annoying. Certain walls should become transparent when this happens
Japanese Triple A studio, making 3rd person games for over a decade now, 2019

Can't make this shit up

Attached: 1555694720851.jpg (1600x900, 518K)

> that pointless shuriken just to make it cinematic

>Sundowner is easiest
Not when you're deep in alchoholism but I see your point after tonight, I just didn't get his shield shit at all somehow back when I first played, I think I kept not severing the shield arms.

How are you so retarded u cant fucking rotate the camera. goddamn u people make me question my life sometimes

Now I play it with Demon Bell and without Kuro's charm.

God yeah and like smashing guitar riffs that come in as you fight, like drums smashing during combos. Maybe tag team other playavle characters mid fight.

>you need it
Literally game journalist tier. Just learn proper spacing.

Do not defend From's laziness. Just don't be that kind of fanboy. Acknowledge flaws and call them out, don't be a drone.

Again, what is the point of posting clips of someone using a cheat engine?

>witcher fag
Fuck off with your glorified VN

I thought people like you were just a meme until now.

>shield shit
I didn't even bother with it. Just ran behind him every time he tried to block

>see boss charging his attack
>R1 R1 R1 R1
How the fuck did you get so far without learning that one thing?

Witcher on hard mode is probably more difficult than Sekiro. Pretty much only boomers like DSP or gamergurlz think Sekiro is difficult to the point of getting stuck somewhere.

Because it's dodge and R1 spam? It has no depth at all compared to Sekiro

I just beat Isshin
Am I good at vidya?

when the camera & lockon system is absolute ass. you'll eventually find you self against a wall with no view of what the fucks going on and multiple enemies attacking which the games mechanics are not fit to deal with. your only option is to hold guard whilst trying to regain control of the camera and finding a way to jump or doge to safety.

>witcher hard mode
>playing vn in hard more
Are you dense?

Why would you get bored when you can keep increasing the games difficulty to large degrees? Something you could never do in Souls games because NG+ scaling was awful in them

lmao you can't even date ciri in your shit game

The combat is pretty addictive, but it feels pretty barebones sometimes.

It’s called testing. You are supposed to interrupt it with a heave attack

>literally a buff blue samurai in phase 1
>litterally corrupted monk with gun
>literally press jump to win

Miyazaki doesn't like gore, he said he likes there to be a "dignity" to his games. Brutal and horrific elements, but no "gross-out" stuff.

Now you have to beat Fire Isshin.

fuck off bloodborne needs one more than this weebshit

>complaining about the camera when you get cornered
Never get why people do that. If you know that you get fucked by getting pushed to a wall you should also learn to prevent that.
For me the camera sperging out means just you were bad and let yourself get pushed to that position.

You can literally just strafe behind him and get free hits in.

Let's see how strong SSI in NG8.

Attached: NG8SSI.jpg (1920x1080, 357K)

I only played TW2 but I actually agree, had more trouble there than I did in Sekiro on whatever the hardest difficulty was called.
It's really only the media hype that puts you in the mindset of "oh fuck oh shit I am playing the hardest game ever" but as I progressed it became more and more clear that it was nonsense. Dark Souls all over again.
Not to mention that NG+ literally has an easy mode option.

Attached: original_result.png (512x512, 42K)

Stop it, user. There is no defense for Fromsoft's camera. It was even worse in the tiny tight dungeons in Bloodborne. People like you have to learn to accept that these games have massive flaws.

It takes two hits to kill these guys even with lowest stats. He parried their first attack both at once and hit them with the 2nd, breaking their posture. Then he does the same to the 3rd guy to break his posture as well. Just admit you either didn't play the game or were complete shit at it.

I wanted the kino fight where he ditches his bullshit and brings up the same visor you do, it was glorious.
Keep in mind I'm the kind of aspie who actually enjoyed the suffering that comes with playing hard games

which one is the stronger isshin?

Normal Isshin and his weird ass fire, wherever he takes that from

>Bloodborne 2
>one of the bosses is Fire Maria
>Arcane Maria is a dlc boss

>2 buttons

I played through this game twice and just think that the issue gets overblown. Sure it gets bad sometimes, but you can play around that.
Taking the centipede or the ninja in the well fight for example. The camera will fuck you if you decide to run and dodge around due to being in a tight room, but there's 0 issue if you just stand there and just deflect like you're supposed to.


The camera already fucks you up if you press nothing but deflect against giraffe because deflecting him pushes you back.
It's just kinda disgusting that they used their bad camera as an element to make the game harder. So not only are they aware of it, they intentionally use it against you which is just aids.

you can "play around" any garbage flaw in games. if I take a shit on your plate you can eat around it too but it's still shit.

>ng no charm bell demon
>Spear & Gun Saint
Just when are you supposed to go in on this guy? I can get through phases 1 and 2, but how the fuck do you approach him without eating his ridiculous combos, since blocking is no longer an option.

Just deflect

Nioh is not balanced what are you on

hack and slash used to denote diablo like games, not button mashers

Bloodborne is more anime than Sekiro

SeKINO is a fucking MAGNUM OPUS of From Software, there's nothing to discuss at all.

It shines in full 60fps glory.

Attached: Sekiro.webm (500x282, 2.92M)

But Diablo is button mash

but he's saying diablo is a hack n slash game, you mouth breather stop trying to be witty. you're not.

Diablo is a button masher through, incel

How do I animation cancel attacks that look like they should have a lot of lag into perfect blocking like all the enemies

Is this a meme? The combat in the game is generally pretty terrible and fails to respect the player at all. It makes a habit of punishing the player for expecting consistent rules and common decency from the developers because it fell for the same "wow the game's hard so that means it MUST be good" pitfall that DS2 fell into.

You fell for it, too

how do u beat the stupid fucking monkey i cant even get trough his first phase

god this reminds me of bloodborne so much and those bosses ( apart from the hunters) really sucked

>I have never played an actual action gam-

Attached: Booyanoota.jpg (473x489, 55K)

So this happens when i try to mod the game.

Attached: 814380_20190420190838_1.png (1920x1080, 3.04M)

Who the fuck cares about this Nintendo whore when DMC is back

nice b8

>t. stone

diablo is a first person shooter, incel

>fighting first purple ninja in the game
>all my deflects knock me back 20 yards
>jams my camera into the trees
>can't see what the fuck he's doing
There was another fight where this kept happening but I forget which one

>Showing basic bitch Geni
At least it's not Lady B>LB I guess. Isshins are the only truly great fights in the game, and there are way too few proper bosses even if you include gimmicks.

I bet Kamiya sold her ass to Nintendo, so she can show up in fucking Smash lmao

I prefer my action games with more depth.

The one in the well is a nightmare for camera.

Your family hates you for a reason.

Stupid looking combos and juggling are not good combat. It's clown shit.

How the fuck do I deal with Demon's 4-ppiece combo where he slashes with his fire sword twice, then stomps and then does a final slash?
All other moves are safe to just run INTO him, but when he does that and I try to run for his balls or his back I get rekt'd.

It's the only thing completely wrecking me right now, other than his charge move.

kekking at all those delusional dmcfags

post your sekiro combos bros

i call this one "going out with a bang"

heres notation

fully charged demon kings fireworks > elusive slash > twin cut variant b > rushing spear lvl3 > jump cancel > meteor slam > leaping dual slash (fire type) > impalers might EX

Attached: dmckiro.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>deflect the first attack
>dodge into him on the second
>deflect stomp
>dodge into him and to his right on the last one
It's not perfect since you do take a bit of damage but it worked well for me.

>no emblems wasted for this shit
Nice trainer, lmao

DS3 was awesome though a lot of stuff was cut or unrealized just like DS1

>Pushed against wall
>Camera fucks all
>Enemy stops being targeted
Shit makes no sense. It can't be a bug because even if a targeted enemy goes behind a wall it stays targeted.

>posting cheat engine/moded shit
Flock off, dolboeb face.

What is the point of no return to get locked in an ending? I just beat corrupted monk and diving on ashina with all the idols closed, how much is left?

While I'm crying
>lock onto enemy in stealth
>jump off to plunge final blow them
>camera switches to another enemy
>normal swing comes out

Imagine trying to look cool only to shit yourself.

Attached: 1552161728190.jpg (387x387, 84K)

This game is screaming for a boss rush mode or boss select mode

I know there's 3 good endings. You'll be given a choice real soon on what's the bad path and it's pretty obvious.

I just noticed I can fire umbrella through the whole thing and just lose 1 spirit emblem, kek. Thanks for the tip though, but I'll try to just umbrella through it as I'm not using emblems for anything else.

What is the dumbest way you got hit?
It got locked after you defeat the dragon. Depend on what you have done you can chose up to 3 "good" endings at the end.

Attached: isshin.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

Isshin first stage is easier than geinchiro


Attached: AoA.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

that's a shit combo even for sekiro standards. you can squeeze out more variety and depth with combat art switching. they should just give you all of them at once with different inputs. or multiple combat art slots but right now you have to pause to switch.

Orphan is easy enough to dodge and Ludwig just need full attention. Chalice dungeons have those bell maiden spawning spiders that one hit.

Nah, you can kill Gen by just spamming R1, he staggers even after deflecting your attack unless he's locked into a combo. There were tries when I just killed him by doing nothing but R1 and maybe one mikiri after he jumps.

>Finger went full retard

Attached: SEKIRO SHADOWS DIE TWICE 2019.04.18 - (852x480, 2.96M)

>Prove him wrong.

You shitposted with a Barry falseflag image. I don't need to prove shit.

That is what Barry does, he loves to compare combat of two unrelated games.

Sure it's an improvement to souls.
Your light attack, thrust, sidestep, jump and block deflect system with some mostly useless gadgets and a limit of one combat art makes for a pretty tight and technical combat.

but best combat of any game? Have you tried to stop comparing it to souls games and to any decent action game out there and realize how fucking shallow, repetitive and limited sekiro is? Not even going too far off the souls-related games, nioh has 5 times more moves with a single weapon, along with 3 stances, and hald a dozen of weapons, with a fuckton more ninja gadgets.
>but it's not because you have more moves and combos that the combat is better

If everything else holds up and is tight, then yes it absolutely is. Here is the main difference between sekiro's combat and games like DMC, bayonetta, gods hand, nioh etc :

In sekiro, the basic gestalt of your options which i've just described at the start never changes truly. You get new combat arts, but still limited to one, they're still rarely usefull, you get gadget upgrades, but they're very situational.
Once you understand how to dodge, hit, deflect, that is hit. There is nothing more to learn when it comes to your tools. The only thing you learn from there onwards is boss patterns. That is it.
Learning to deflect, sidestep, hit, never changes, it never evovles truly, it is never challegned truly. From that point on you proceed with every new enemy and learn their animations, patterns, timings and that's all there is to sekiro.

Meanwhile you could pour hundreds of hours in a GOOD action game, and not master the gameplay, not master the tools at your disposal, their sheer variety and synergy etc

Sekiro is a pretty damn decent game but any of you fucktards praising it as a magnum opus or the best are complete fucking zoombers with low standards and no idea what a good action game is like.

Sekiro is a rhythm game. All the challenge in the combat is learning the pattern of L1 presses.

>instant use healing that always heals 40%
>dodge is almost free
>ranged parry
>dodge is made of almost entirely iframes
>Healing on hit
>constant healing items dropping in large quantity
>very easy to staggerlock nearly every enemy
>r a n g e d p a r r y

uh huh.. sure thing dear.
I'm sure it's quite challenging for someone who barely has the capacity to hold the controller in the first place

>tfw listen to music while I play
>occasionally lines up nicely with my parry strings
>peepee feel good feels

kek i dont see yall posting your combos so fuck off with your hate

this one is a bit more simple

"flames of hatred"

fully charged demon kings fireworks > shuras breath > godslayer lvl 1 > godslayer: the end lvl1 >impalers might

Attached: 1553305309246.webm (698x386, 2.94M)

the scaling system is the same though?

how do you even finish the second without being bored? There is nothing new except if you do shura this time and do those bosses. All the loot is pointless, killing mini bosses is pointless because it only gives you 500 sen, there is basically no reason to fight any enemy.

That's the most retarded shit I've ever heard. In sekiro alone there's spinal centipedes, horrific giants with bug eyes and dwarf people braking you in half. There might not be dismemberment, but there sure is enough of gross disgusting shit to go around. Not to mention the whole of BB.