Will make characters that are dark skinned with white/blonde hair that clearly aren't mean to be Black

>will make characters that are dark skinned with white/blonde hair that clearly aren't mean to be Black
>will give non Black characters dark skinned palettes for "fun", won't revamp any of them to actually be Black though

Why the fuck is it ok for Asians to basically have Blackface in their games? Where are the actual Black girl characters? Is Master Raven and Shinobu all we fucking get? I don't know if I even want to count those because they don't look very Black still. Compare Jacqui Briggs in Mortal Kombat 11, that is an actual Black woman, not an asian or white colored brown:


Attached: blackface.png (964x542, 652K)

Because tanned asians are hot, and black girls are not

>he thinks that girl in the op pic looks like an asian

that's closer to a black woman's features than any asian

it's "animu asian" yeah whatever, but still has no facial features of a black girl

Says who? Asian women have flat round faces, that character has a long, thin face. I've seen black girls with faces shaped that way, never an asian. Now what?

>asia has almost no blacks living in it
>asian are generally xenophobic, some countries more, some less
>wtf why don't they put blacks in their games?
Imagine being this retarded.

there is more to facial features than the shape of your face, faggot. anime girls can have any face shape because they're fucking cartoons. this character has no black facial features whatsoever.

Yeah well thanks to this amazing thing called television and internet, they know wtf black people are, so they aint got no fuccin excuse

but that character is done in a 3d realism style not anime

>will give non Black characters dark skinned palettes for "fun", won't revamp any of them to actually be Black though

Attached: Wxvt6XI.jpg (625x500, 90K)

is this blackface OP?

Attached: 1552450386172.jpg (1427x1419, 851K)

No, this is perfection

she looks mixed and could probably pass for white.

There are dark skinned asians. You black people can't claim a color. Go fuck yourselves.

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Have sex

They're Black too. Black people have been all over this world, you can always tell because these races will have darker skinned variants with more black facial features. Dark skinned asians are BLACK.

>Why the fuck is it ok for Asians to basically have Blackface in their games?
Why are you going through all this trouble to feign outrage about something nobody could possibly give two fucks about? How absolutely desperate are you for race-related drama? Why don't you placate that white noise between your ears and discuss some video games instead?

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>they put blacks in game
>retards on both sides go into an autism rage over lack of "black features"
>meanwhile everyone unanimously agrees that a character that looks like this is white

Attached: 1554717949840.jpg (733x745, 325K)

Tell that to OP

>pass for white

It IS games related. NRS made an actual black woman in their fighter, while Japanese are STILL doing fucking blackface characters. What the fuck.

Why don't blacks just make their own fucking games?
Why don't blacks just accept nobody finds you attractive?

>Why don't blacks just accept nobody finds you attractive?

Your women sure find us black men attractive.

Western devs are cucked and nipponese devs are still based.
More news at eleven.

Notice the black man ignores the question related to doing work and clings to a muh dick fantasy.

Sure, when whites fund an all black studio. Get to it.

muh gibs!

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>capable of anything on their own

Why don't you make your own fucking games, fattie? Too inbred and retarded?

Why don't blacks make their own games if they want representation so much?

>blacks purposefully segregate themselves in film
I've never understood why this is a thing--why they feel the need to surround themselves in their culture--and all right out of their desegregation.

Attached: 1552226135036.png (276x334, 17K)

blacks wish they had white features anyway

Because they're raised in ghetto culture which is not directly compatible with mainstream culture.
They would need to considerably adjust their personality to integrate into mainstream society.

Black guys don't even like black girls

Nobody wants niggers in their games. Especially not Asians, who are free of the social stigma of acknowledging that blacks suck.

What they do in this situation is go for a heavily tanned type of thing.

Jaqui is fucking hideous.

Based Asian developers

chocolate elves are a protected archetype

>why is it ok
because someone wanted it that way, now fuck off

nigga, black culture IS mainstream, look at all the twerk vids on youtube now with white bitches and asian bitches doing that shit

The women do, us Black men are proud of our features. Women worldwide want black men and think we're sexy as fuck.

>entire character is brown
>"black face"

Attached: 1409140638147.jpg (300x235, 19K)

>Jaqui is fucking hideous.

You sound racist as shit. The only people who dislike her are racist and hate black girls. At least you admit it, unlike other MK fans who say 'she's uh, uh, uh, boring, yeah that's it, boring!"

Why can't "chocolate elves" be black girls? You know black people are the race associated with and called chocolate right? Why do you think black relationships are referred to as chocolate love?