Japailnese games

>japailnese games

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The word was "kill" btw

I like those games.

Nope. Kiss

replace that yoko taro panel with smug manah

Legit terrible cinematography but praised anyways becuase vidya is such a low bar and The Boss is a mary sue
Patrician meta-commentary that no one can deny

People legit did this

Exactly, because it the lowest hanging easter egg fruit From Software has

There’s nothing wrong with paying homage to Easter eggs.

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you're biased because it is actually easter


The point is, it's both.

replace mgs3 with the mgs2 codec call explaining about filtering data

replace yoko taro image with 2b butt

i dont even know who is the first guy

>and The Boss is a mary sue
That doesn't happen until PW literally
Gives The Boss brain damage and claims it made her better


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>Thing I don't like
Shit thread

80% of Yea Forums missed on that

>Mary Sue
Jesus christ what is snake then?

All these games are good and Japan will always make better games than the west.


>Doesn't happen until PW
Nigger she was always a mary sue. Give me a single reason a team that consists of a fire ghost, a photosynthetic sniper, a guy who's covered in bees, a guy who can shoot lightning, and a ghost would want a normal human in their squad, let alone respect her. Might as well have a team up of Goku, Guts, Mega Man, Kirby, and the newest member Steve from Kinkos.

I haven't played Nier but isn't Yoko Taro the Gen Urobuchi of video games? That guy is fucking terrible.

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No, you dumbo

Naked is flawed, but Kojimas problem was trying to make him seem like the good guy for too many games. Also The Boss let Naked win their fight

Bloodborne has no berserk references.

Can you beat nier auto without praying?

There's a reason the Japs have never had a significant amount of good literature or films and that's because they can't write for shit.


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Motherfucker Ludwig is basically Rapehorse what are you on about?

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His latest game actually actually has a happy ending and conveys a very positive and optimistic message. Though the characters did suffer a lot and many of them died.

FPBP kill is the right answer!

2 deep for amerifats

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>t. too much of a brainlet to understand madoka and SnU

>Staring your shitty takes with "DUDE"

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Naked Snake, The Boss's protege, defeated every last one of those guys

not really

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God fucking bless this man.
Wish the SNOY mafia doesn't slit his throat anytime this year

Yeah and The Boss did nothing to show any kind of impressive skills other than a basic judo flip and being able to take apart a handgun, both things most 12 year olds could figure out how to do in a day.

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you are fucking retarded bloodborne has lots of berserk references. The whole ludwig's sword segment was borrowed from berserk.

I feel deep love towards Manah.
A great love.

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Horses are symbolic of power, grace, nobility, and strength traditionally. It's fitting for Ludwig's character that he looks like a horse.
You could say that, but it's also a reference to the Hanged Man tarot card

Attached: hanged man_tarot.jpg.png (2361x775, 2.2M)

If The Boss can school Snake for the majority of the game and Snake can defeat all the Cobras what makes you think The Boss isn't just as if not more capable in combat

If I remember right PW even soft-retcons in that she let Snake win

>If the boss can school Snake
Except it makes no sense that she can other than either Snake is just being retarded or Kojima is a retarded writer because I don't give a fuck how strong or skilled you are as a normal human beating you is always going to be easier than beating a guy that can shoot lightning out of his fingers. Your logic is like saying that if I teach someone how to play guitar, then they go out and become factually the best guitar player out there then I am somehow better than the previous best guitar player because my protege is the best.

oh yeah then what does 9S mean?

Here's the thing though - The Boss is the only no-bullshit boss of all the Cobras. Most Cobras have supplement their (let's say for the sake of argument) subpar abilities with something extra.
You analogy would be as follows:
>You have tought someone to play the guitar, then he goes out and beats someone who can play guitar with his feet
Does this make him stronger than you?

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Futhark? You uncultured pleb

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literal homosexual shows plainly he can't into atmosphere in video games

Yes, but that doesn't make me stronger than the guy who can play a guitar with his feet, hence the boss still has no reason to be believably stronger than Volgin or be respected by people like The Fear.

>Horses are symbolic of power, grace, nobility, and strength traditionally. It's fitting for Ludwig's character that he looks like a horse.

Then how come people use it as an insult to women?

Nines :)

user you might actually be a bit touched in the head

The point of The Boss beating Snake several times throughout the game is to show us that she's better than him.
But through all the struggles and fights of Operation Snake Eater, he grows and becomes stronger, better.

By the end of the game, he can not only fight The Boss one-on-one, he can beat her.

This is a classic story arc that's been done countless times over thousands of years.
The student becomes the master.

Also she had her codename changed from The Joy to The Boss because she was the greatest soldier in the world.
So yeah it's pretty fuckin' safe to say she could and probably DID defeat all the Cobras.

a happy ending that made you fight against the entire development/publishing team in order to finally tell Yoko Taro you've had fucking enough and they deserve some happiness

Nines, as in "to the nines".

Post THAT Nier supplementary material.

the whole ludwig's cutscene was inspired from berserk.

>Can you beat nier auto without praying?
Technically yes
Practically no

>body like a horse
>face like a horse

Yeah but I want to "fuck" 2B tho.

I don't get how you don't understand this? I don't give a fuck if you're the best soldier in the world, you aren't beating a superhuman unless you get really lucky. You sound like the people that seriously argue that Batman beating Superman without kryptonite makes sense. I know it's a basic character arc but that doesn't change that it makes no fucking sense for a team of superhumans to have a member who's just a normal human. It would be fine and understandable if the game actually showed her doing impressive shit but instead all you get is her doing basic martial arts and taking apart handguns, all things you learn in the basic training of any military.

>I don't give a fuck if you're the best soldier in the world, you aren't beating a superhuman unless you get really lucky.
But nothing Snake did to defeat the Cobras or Volgin was down to luck.

He just fucking outskilled them.

>comparing Cobras to Superman
They're just soldiers with a gimmick, you dunce
Regular meat and bones like you and me.

>fucking terrible
He made motherfucking Thunderbolt Fantasy you uncultured swine.

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Video games can never be art.

That's not an Easter egg.

Entirely inspired by berserk? I don't know what better way to present a scourge succumbed Ludwig than to make him look like a noble steed. It's good use of iconography.

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But pic related can?

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whoever was responsible for rebellion needs to be hanged

I'm not saying Snake is a superhuman, and of course it's not down to luck because how the fuck do you make gameplay about that? What I'm saying is it makes no sense for superhumans to want and respect a normal fucking human who displays nothing impressive in the entire game to justify us believing that she is "the greatest soldier in the world". All they do is tell you that over and over and never ever show you a reason to believe it, unless you're incredibly dense and think basic martial arts and firearm disassembly is impressive. Also, since when is being a fucking ghost or being able to shoot lightning out of your hands just a thing regular meat and bones can do?

>you aren't beating a superhuman unless you get really lucky
Snake did it 6 (six) times in a row. You're saying that was luck?
>You sound like the people that seriously argue that Batman beating Superman without kryptonite makes sense
It's good that there isn't an actual Superman among them. They were people with BEES, or invisibility, or other cool shit.
>understandable if the game actually showed her doing impressive shit
There is a saying "show, don't tell", but there are things in stories that are better left vague or implied. If you were shown Boss flying and firing machine gun and shooting lasers from the eyes the entire game her final battle wouldn't be as good.

>whoever was responsible for rebellion needs to be hanged
Confirmed small brain

confirmed for no brain

The holy trinity of video games right there.

At most the Cobra unit abilities are gimmick skills or people with advanced tech outside of the Sorrow whose powers were supernatural but only gifted him with natural powers. Also her being the best soldier in the world isn't just down to her combat abilities. Not only was she a world class soldier, she had the ability of leadership. One way or another she commanded the respect and loyalty of the entire unit.
Snake spent the entire game facing off with Cobra and taking them down. He honed his skills on them and when the time came for his showdown with Boss, he was good enough to take her down. You know how good the Boss is by her commanding the Cobra unit and being known throughout the world as the legendary soldier. Snake beating her means he surpassed her becoming "Big Boss". How do you not get this?


>You're saying that was luck?
No, it was gameplay and it makes no sense in a real world scenario.
> If you were shown Boss flying and firing machine gun and shooting lasers from the eyes the entire game her final battle wouldn't be as good.
Well no shit, but you don't have to do that, you could show her being incredibly perceptive, tactically intelligent, or resourceful, in other words things that might actually be useful in a team even if you aren't covered in bees. But they don't do that, they just show her doing basic shit you learn in bootcamp.

it's a fucking blue canvas with a white line streaked down the middle
how the fuck is this art?

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>All they do is tell you that over and over and never ever show you a reason to believe it
Overpowering the main character is a good and very classic way of expressing that.

>since when is being a fucking ghost or being able to shoot lightning out of your hands just a thing regular meat and bones can do?
What I meant
Because apparently you really are touched
Is that they aren't invincible. They get shot, they bleed. They succumb to sleep darts.

They are physically-normal human beings with a single special gimmick.

The Pain shoots bees out of his mouth.
The Fear contorts like a weirdo and actually that's literally it.
The End slowly regenerates in the light of the sun.
The Fury is a man with a flamethrower. The fire ghost only shows up after he fucking dies.
The Sorrow is the most superhuman of them all, and he and Snake don't really "fight" per se.

So the Cobra Unit is ACTUALLY two normal people with gimmick weapons, one man who converted his body into a beehive, which is more bizarre than superhuman, a plant-man and a ghost.

And you find it ludicrous that a skilled soldier can dispatch these guys?

It's OK to enjoy a thing for the mindless entertainment it is, user.

all of them are a hack stealing an idea from other works that existed before. there is no originality.

>Not only was she a world class soldier, she had the ability of leadership
Then why don't they show that? Oh yeah, because Kojimbo can't write for shit.
>You know how good the Boss is by her commanding the Cobra unit
No, I don't because they don't show her doing anything of any fucking impressive variety you retard. Are you really impressed if I were to recite the navy seal copypasta to you then I show up in person and the only thing I do is take apart your handgun and throw you off a bridge? Which of these sounds more threatening, a guy with a basic martial arts training or a guy who can shoot a swarm of bees at you? Sure you can beat the guy with the bees but for some reason your retarded ass keeps getting judo flipped even though you have a fucking gun and could just shoot karate guy. What part of a fucking gun or shooting bees out of your eyes beating hand to hand combat is hard for you to understand?

Why do you need to be shown in game when everyone in universe tells you of her status as the legendary soldier? The point of Boss is that she is just a normal human that, over years of fighting, became the greatest soldier in the world and a charismatic leader. The entire game builds up her legend as does some knowledge from previous games. Also she does beat Snakes ass early in the game

This is why video games will always be seen as a trash hobby.

The largest portion of content produced for most games is art assets therefore games are objectively art.

Why do you need proof that I fucked your mother when I'm telling you and have paid an army of people to also tell you and write books about it and everything too? Are you really this fucking dense?

Say what you will about Western devs but at least there aren't these talented hacks that take pretty much all the credit for an entire studios hard work and try so hard to make themselves a celebrity

Both Snake and Boss use fucking guns throughout the game? The fuck are you on? Gun beats bees fucker. You think the crazy fuckers in Cobra unit are easy to command? You don't need to be told of her abilities as a commander because Cobra unit fucking obeys her without question. It's like you need every detail explicitly shown to you to be able to understand anything. Nuance as a concept is entirely lost upon you.

And proving me right

There's barely any footage of Miyazaki talking, other than the Bloodborne reveal back in 2014.

Directors are important and you're retarded.
They obviously literally don't write every line of code but they give a vision and direction to the game. Otherwise the development team can easily become a headless chicken. See Anthem for an example of a game with horrible direction, the executive producer had to swoop in at the last minute to even get the game in a functional state.

You don't have to try so hard. The Skinner box is still stimulating even when you know what it is.

>The Fear contorts like a weirdo and actually that's literally it.
He can become invisible

Thats advanced prototype camo

I forgot about that.
But that wasn't his power, it was prototype tech.

And Snake was also equipped with technology that rendered the stealth camo useless

>Proving me right
Me posting a retarded scenario that makes no sense and no person with an IQ above the temperature of Moscow right now would believe is proving you right?
>But she commands them
And is never shown to be doing so in any impressive manner. Guess I should write a book about Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, and Chuck Norris all being in a team where Dan from Street Fighter is their commander and pitch it since apparently retards will believe that Dan must be a military genius if enough people say so and after all he's commanding Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan so it's totally believable that Dan from fucking street fighter is a military genius.

The publishers and/or the press are responsible for that 99% of the time if they consider it will benefit them in sales or clicks because people just like to put an individual name, a face, on the things they like. Even Kojima, who probably has an ego the size of a scyscraper, he still works and listens to his team a lot and is not the sole creative at all.

That's just shitty developers. A good team of real professionals doesn't need a super boss that makes all the important decisions. If all of them know what the game is going to be about and share "THE VISION", then it's a collaborative effort in which every single dev has a say in it no matter the department or experience. Of course there will be that guy that's more creative and skilled at it (for example Doug Church at LGS) but that doesn't make him the boss, it's more like a reference point for all the others.

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Oh, I thought it was his innate ability.

Sure, taking preexisting characters from different fictions and reality and making shit up about them is the same as having a single universe tell you something about one of its characters but not giving you a 10 hour montage to dissuade all doubt is the exact same thing. You are one of the most intellectually bankrupt people I've ever seen on this board. No wonder you don't understand MGS, I highly doubt understand The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The book never shows the caterpillars parents fucking to make him so how the fuck are you supposed to know the fucker was actually born and isn't actually a bee masquerading as a caterpillar

Based and Pilipilled.

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but japs literally invented the concept of a novel with genji monogatari

fucking KEK

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>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand contemporary art
Fuck off, Jew. This shit was cutting edge and high brow like 100 years ago. Interactivity is the future of art.

>Don't understand
There's nothing that's difficult to understand about it, it's that the writing is absolutely shit and fails at the basic rules of storytelling in a visual medium by telling instead of showing you smoothbrain. I don't give a fuck what story you are making, put some goddamned effort into it and make it believable, especially if you are trying to make military or science fiction. There's a reason great directors aren't lining up to make the MGS movie and instead the moron who made Kong Skull Island is making it, and that's because the writing of the series is shit and is not going to impress someone like fucking Mallick enough for him to even warrant looking at an adaptation.

Ok now this is based

Fuck I didn't know I wanted this crossover.

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are you retarded or do you really just have no concept of Japanese literature?

Some of the greatest writers were Japanese.

>Some of the greatest writers are Japanese
Maybe if you've read only basic shit and are as a result impressed by Murakami.

Imagine being this pretentious to call this shit art


I agree, 'show not tell' is writing 101. It's not an unbreakable rule sure, but just telling people that someone is amazing doesn't make the audience believe they are amazing.

It's a really easy fix, just show them obeying her orders and accomplishing something. And have snek fight an unbeatable enemy only to have her clean them up effortlessly.

Writers have no obligation to prove anything to the audience, but if they don't then they have no write to complain that people don't believe it.

Some games are designed in a way to cheaply make money. Some pieces of visual art are as well: adverts, cover art and even mass-produced prints. Those use the same exact medium as, say, Souls on the Banks of the Acheron and Guernica? I hope you realize why your dismissal of entire medium based on how cheap and ingenuous certain isolated examples can get is completely fucking retarded.

Killing is the same as fucking for them

>The whole ludwig's sword segment was borrowed from berserk.
How do you confuse a fucking magic imbued claymore, wielded by a deformed horse-like beast to Guts and his greatsword? You fucking retarded berserkfags, holy shit, grasping at straws in every conceivable angle.

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>they can easily jump over people's expectations

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I doubt either of you peasants in this thread about that soulless neckbeard who is "quirky and based" according to Yea Forums because he likes boobies and has a fimny mask know Japanese.

If you haven't enjoyes the works of great Japanese authors in the language they were written in you're the lowest of the low, a mere insect

Artfag here.

By definition, that piece is art.
It does not mean it is "good" art.
And one thing is "art" and other very different is the "art market". In art, value does not reflect quality.

Maybe learn to accept you wasted your entire life playing shitty virtual toys for children.

>Set in the Cold War
>has a female soldier literally called The Mother of Special Forces and the Legendary Soldier
>regularly bodied Snake
>took down a 6'7 giant with ease in seconds
>literally gave birth in the middle of the battlefield, with bullets whizzing by
>Yea Forums has hundreds of threads daily about SJWs ruining gaming, but will praise this character to the high heavens

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>it was bait all along
Yeah I don't give a fuck. Bye loser.

Adventure Time did the same shit with BMO

Haha, yeah, there's no way you could possibly be arguing with to different people on an anonymous image board.
Just don't cry too hard tonight, you insecure baby.

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Manah is more kino than anything in Automata.

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You mean like how a movie director takes all the limelight at the expense of the rest of the production crew?

How good is The Old Hunters really? I've finished vanilla BB back when it came out and I like it way more than Souls but not quite as much as Sekiro
I can get my hands on a PS4 again soon to play the DLC

It's good, but it's a lot harder. Definitely not the kind of content you want to jump into on a NG+ character your first time through.

It's fucking fantastic. Go for it.

Real artfag here.

That line is called a "zip" and it represents the frame of the painting getting not only recognized but also being part of the painting itself.
It's not only art, but good art because it breaks the status quo of the medium itself.

You're welcome.

You forgot Suda51

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The painting doesn't have a frame.

Exactly, the frame is inside the painting.

He's trolling

I'm not though.

Then it's not a frame.

>then it's not a frame
You're spot on. Now you understand this other piece of art.

Attached: this-is-not-a-pipe-Magritte.jpg (900x627, 53K)

>That line is called a "zip" and it represents the frame of the painting getting not only recognized but also being part of the painting itself.
>It's not only art, but good art because it breaks the status quo of the medium itself.
Sounds fucking retarded, tbqh senpai.

So why did you call it a frame if it's not a frame?

It's the representation of a frame.
But that's not how we call it. Just like we see the painting of a pipe, and call it a pipe. Even though it's not a real pipe.

Because the CIA said it was when they bought it from their own agent to funnel money into a black budget

How is it the representation of a frame?

It's the way the artist portrays it.

How does a white line down the middle of a blue canvas portray a frame?

All good paintings are an idea in pigment.
What's a frame to a painting? Something that encloses it and gives you focus and structure to what's inside. Doesn't the line breaks the blue canvas into two for your eyes? Now where should you focus? There's two paintings? Everything is the painting, that's what the zip represents.

That belongs in the philosophy books, not on the canvas.

>but good art
Sorry, no.

Excuse me, "real" artfag.

Art based on trompe l'oeil effects is not special at all and much less when it is lazily executed like that.

The beauty is managing to do all that through a paint.

That's not it at all. It's not an attempt of illusion, it's representing something that was never brought into the canvas itself.

Actual real artfag here.

There are basically two philosophies for what art constitutes. The first one is "art as the depiction of beauty." The other one is "art as a medium to convey ideas".

Sadly, the art gallery world is dominated by the later one currently.

Can it be both?

>That's not it at all. It's not an attempt of illusion, it's representing something that was never brought into the canvas itself.
It is, and putting it simply, is a cheap attempt to trigger mental diarrhea on the observer, that goes nowhere and serves for nothing at all, just like every other piece of non-representational abstract art. It is art for pseudo intellectuals.

It serves to question the limits of art and painting. It may not affect you in a significant way, but it does to others. Just like when some dev out there manage to push videogames further. Isn't it nice to us that enjoy this medium. Surely anyone outside our bubble would just give shoulder to it.


Oh hey is this the jewish money-laundering thread?

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Why does Taro get compared to these guys who have given us multiple classics?

Dude has made only one playable game that anyone gave a fuck about

Sounds like the sort of statement a 12 year old would think is deep and meaningful.

>evaluating a writer on gameplay
Here's a better, less-shitposty question: Why did they get rid Drakengard 1's composer?

"High art" is a fucking sham
>look guys I painted a white canvas white I'm 2deep4u

Most of those positive aspects are also masculine

>h-he's just a writer even though he's a director
I don't care for your cope either, no one cared about his shit until automata, he just attracts weebs and cosplay sluts

>CIA literally fabricates western artistic culture during the cold war
>golly I wonder why the western creativity has become a fetid pit of corruption and political propaganda

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I haven't even played Automata, I've liked Taro for Drakengard and Nier. Both were abhorrent fucking games but they're also genuine and unique. If anything I bet Automata is watered down normalfag-pandering.

there are better shots of the souls series then blatant ripping off of berserk

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What's being ripped off here in OP's pic, retard?

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nobody clapped just because its the MGS. The presentation itself was kino as fuck especially because of the OST.

>a character in a Souls game holding a sword means it's a Berserk reference
You guys are worse than JoJofags. At least they toned it down when they realised their behaviour was obnoxious.

New game when, all i see from his twitter feed is ffxiv talk. When is the nier dungeon coming out? will he direct a ff title or nier.

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