Is this, dare I say, based?

Is this, dare I say, based?

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Other urls found in this thread:

wow i want to be a weeb and move to japan now

how can you call the removal wrong for being political when creating the stage was already political.

>gets a tool that allows to build so much different stuff
>instead builds fucking trans flags
im not even transphobic but this is hilariously pathetic


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Kekkles Flamayo

They also took down your anti trans maps, so how about you head home unless you've got something vidya to post.

but it is based, if you want to remove one side for being political, you might as well remove both. and if you refuse to do that, then you might as well admit you have a political alignment as a company.
whats that old saying? whats good for the goose?


>Nintendo, crying: You can't just add the trans flag to everything
imagine being so mad that a gaming company doesn't want the little kids who go on Smash online to see "Trans Rights" and then have to ask their parents what that means.

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Your stage is shit and I don't want to hear about the hole you dug into your crotch.


>most lewd stages are still up
how is nintendo so based

Attached: Ashley Stage.webm (720x480, 2.46M)

commit sex

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extremely based, fuck trannies

>trans get censored
As they should, mental illness have no place in gaming.

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Already fucked your mom lol.

hi dad

>Anime tiddies and NO TRANS PEOPLE

Fucking based.

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You'd probably get a kick out of knowing that the kanji for the Japanese version of the word for transexual, 性転換症, literally mean "sex change illness".


This is what you get when you enforce censorship on art that you find personally offensive. I hope this shit becomes the norm in Japan.

Nintendo to the rescue saving videogames

holy fuck i cannot stand the rest of the lgbt community
my husband and i sit at home and play videogames with our cats
that's fucking it
when we talk to other people about our interests, nothing ever revolves around how gay we are or how the media we're watching contains "queer representation"
fucking hell i just want to play videogames without some twitter prick trying to beat it over my head that i'm LITERALLY OPPRESSED TO THE POINT OF DEATH or whatever
what the hell happened to being someone who plays videogames who is also gay
why is it now "i'm gay and also i play videogames"
get a fucking personality holy shit

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What rights do trans people not have? As far as I can see they have the same rights as eveyone else.

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dilate tranny

Typical extreme attention seeking, when are these people going to finish suiciding themselves out of existence

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Good. This is a children's video game.

too late fag

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based nihongo people

>one or two "fuck trannies" stages vs literally dozens of "TRANS RIGHTS NOW" stages
stay mad that you literally CANNOT stop talking about your gender dysphoria

>based japanese language people

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makes sense, since trans shit is white people shit....

That's good
I like that

yeah wouldn't it be nihonjin or whatever

>since trans shit is white people shit
>he doesn't know about kat blaque

B-but sony bros said that switch is soiconsole!

On one hand, it's funny seeing their bullshit backfire on them.
On the other hand we lose gems like this one.

Frankly I'd prefer just full freedom to make whatever you want, no matter what it is

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>alienating 50% of your western audience
Dunno if that is a smart move from tendo.

I thought the highest liked tranny flag map was literally one with snake eater playing? you would think that would garner some outrage

>Trannies and tranny supporters
>Playing games
Choose one
Minor exception for speed running, which is a mental illness in and of itself

It's kind of depressing how we (broadly speaking Yea Forums) went from fairly accepting of the trans thing to constantly seething over it all because a few SJW transexuals said mean things about them, that and the user base shift i suppose.

even the fgc is becoming a nigger tranny playground

Based Nintendo, Fuck Trannies. Dilate that grave and hop right in.

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>Nintendo: hey guys, you get to make some fun cool stages and share them for the world, please show some common sense before you share though since remember, kids also play this game too!
what the fuck were they thinking would happen?

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newfag detected

nah senpai
most people here just want people to shut the fuck up about it and talk about literally anything else
i too remember when i was young and being gay was the only interesting thing about my personality
then i realized that was an incredibly fucking boring way to be

>People are generally accepting and assume the best of people
>Trannies and their supporters act like cunts who want to ban and control everything and tell people what they can and can't do
>People are no longer accepting of them
Funny how that works

newfag also detected
Yea Forums has never really hated lgbt shit
it's only in the past few years where the far left has become completely intolerable and has absolutely no chill that they've finally snapped back



trannies were never tolerable, traps on the other hand sure.

wtf i love sigma now

It's almost like if you act like an insufferable cunt, people won't want to be your friend

wrong. I've been on Yea Forums since it was only Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Gay porn threads on Yea Forums does not mean Yea Forums was accepting to trannies. This has ALWAYS been a place where people came to post about how much they hate niggers and faggots and things you can only say anonymously

>censor trans flag
>censor loli

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I always figured that was just because someone paid David Hayter to say "trans rights" in Snake's voice


>this Indian with a torch is racist
>lets get rid of it
>this black dude with an Afro is racist
>lets get rid of it
at this point im pretty sure some "sjw's" are just racists in disguise trying to filter out minorities with these retard-tier mentally ill gymnastics

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japanese 2d traps/futa =/= IRL trannies

Based Japan, fuck faggots

Not all censorship is bad.
Context matters.

>at this point im pretty sure some "sjw's" are just racists in disguise trying to filter out minorities with these retard-tier mentally ill gymnastics

That's pretty much all there is too it.

Holy based, How will trannies ever recover?

Everything except white culture is a stereotype and racist.
Ban everything except white culture!
Say no to racism!

more like condition
get your nigger facts straight

All censorship is bad, no exceptions.
Maybe you get a minor win in the short term, but in the long term it's going to backfire.

>gender dysphoria
being trans is a fad, to most of them its more like being goth or emo. very few of them suffer from gender dysphoria

We have an actual /lgbt/ board filled with ronry pathetic gays and trans people who engage in the hobbies that make up the matrix of Yea Forums. It's possible to not be straight and not have a stick up your ass.

It just means symptoms/illness/condition, etc. Like lots of things in Japanese, it's used for several similar things, you're nitpicking.

>All censorship is bad, no exceptions.
Sorry sweetie.
This is the exception right here.

>doesn't know what a containment board is
Helloooo newfag.

one of these things is not like the other

SJWs: censorship is fine, they're a private company :)
Also SJWs: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE censorship literally hitler satan when I'm censored! people LITERALLY die when we get censored!

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you're genuinely retarded if you think that there are no exceptions. porn and gore in children's entertainment, for one, is definitely not something that should be defended because "ALL CENSORSHIP IS BAD". And I'd definitely say "injecting political opinions into random children because 'they MUST be on OUR side as it's the RIGHT side of HERstory'" is definitely something that should not be okay to exist and is okay to censor.

Hi tranny. Have you considered your mentally ill delusion is solely your own problem while insisting other people, dare I say including innocent children cater to your selfish demands?

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I gotta be honest, That's bretty good

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I've never browsed trannyera before
where do I go to see threads about this supposed outrage

well this twitter account got assblasted over it and it caused a stir in their replies

>tfw you genuinely empathize with pic related as a sick person in desperate need of help but you're a literally nazi if you don't want the government to encourage your son to become this
games for this feel?

>being trans is a fad, to most of them its more like being goth or emo
My partner is a psychiatric nurse
She told me they have this woman who every Friday calls suicide hotlines to get admitted to the psych ward because she's lonely
She's pretty famous for that among the nurses
Recently she decided to switch gears and declare herself a ftm transexual instead, I guess since she still gets to spend time in hospital but without cutting herself
The funny thing is the doctors all take her 100% seriously because they don't know her history, and she'll probably fuck her body up with hormone therapy lmao

Now there's a phrase I haven't heard in a long time

>porn and gore in children's entertainment, for one, is definitely not something that should be defended because
Fuck yourself, tranny faggot.
If you don't like Barney the Horny Dinosaur, don't pay for it, just change the fucking channel.

So you've been on here for 15 years and haven't matured at all? Isn't that a bit sad in itself. People only grow though acceptance, not hate.

based retard
>but my children could see something I don't want them to see while I jack off
absolutely based

How long until Billy is banned from advertising here? Seriously, every single fucking OAG thread is the same cropped image.

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Reminder to report all lgbt and tranny posts in smash and splatoon.

It's because to these trannies being a tranny is literally all they have in their lives.
Their social media: 100% tranny shit
Their hobbies: Being trannies
Their hopes and dreams: Being a better tranny

If you're just making stages that are not even stages at all so much as you're just showing off a picture of a flag and some words, it shouldn't be allowed anyway. Now, if you can make a normal stage that has trans right and the flag all over, then that should be okay.

Is being a tranny the new being emo? Because if so that sucks.

Remember Yea Forums, its only censorship when it involves tits or ases being covered.

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first it was the gays
now that being gay is not longer special enough, they're now trannies
and even further beyond they're gay trannies
wrap your mind behind that concept

you aight, japan
>mfw I don't have a mental disability

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holy shit
based Nintendo
look i dont even own Switch
but if Nintendo keeps doing this based acts i might fucking get switch holy fuck
>Super Mario fucking saves vidya from trap faggots

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>I'm too lazy to moderate and control what my kid watches, you do it for me, government and big business
Based and redpilled

trannies were already gay though

Man, Aoba makes me wish I was Chinese.

but nip girls love the gaijin cock

but now it's a triple negative
>I'm a gay dude
>so you like guys?
>no I like girls
>so you're not gay?
>no, dude I told you, I'm a gay trans guy

>mfw I do have a serious mental illness, but unlike trannies I try to forget about it and live a normal life rather than basing my whole identity on that mental illness

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you misread the title, user

>tfw centrist
>tfw can't stand sjws
what a retard

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Do you spend all your time whining about SJWs, based centrist?

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T&A are not politics tranny

So what do you report it for? I couldnt find any option that says -political- or such

But I have matured. I used to be an edgelord who thought his parents were nerds for being against gays getting married and now I'm a man with children in a country where my government can take them for me if they suspect I am trying to discourage them from being transexuals. The slippery slope was real. I have never tried to dictate what someone should do in their own privacy but I am DAILY experiencing corporations and media vilifying me for not agreeing with it.

The main point here is that nothing hypocritical is happening, they're literally just getting a taste of their own medicine for once. They're experiencing a single incident of what they've been doing to others for the last decade. Gays were fine but this transexual shit is not healthy

the government doesn't regulate media. Systems like the ESRB and MPAA aren't owned or ran by the government, they were created by independent organizations to make sure the government STAYS AWAY from media. Without these systems, the government would've just banned video games(at least in America) the second they found out the Columbine guys had a shit ton of Doom wads.

>Grey pride
Is that an SS13 reference?

>Make attempts to understand LGBT shit
>Even looking through the window is a fucking shit show that completely invalidates their whole fucking cause

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yes and why is this a problem exactly?

lmfao no thanks

The SJW really fear the Samurai.

the get woke go broke shirt with the deranged feminist looks pretty good, unironically going to buy it right now.

no way, fag


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I'm sorry user you aren't gay.
You're actually being controlled by Toxoplasma Gondii
Your condition is terminal
I am sorry :(

Most of the users on Yea Forums are pathetic inbred children with absolutely no thought for themselves so they pollute the board with meaningless shit like this to try to fit in due to having no one in their actual lives that care about them. Why do you think they can only talk in memes and follow whatever every other poster is saying? They are robots.


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Smash is a game for literal children.

That's not what the doujins say.

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No, it's not.

People laregly missunderstand the cause of the trans movement today.
The internet has caused this effect on people where they associate their lack of personality, interests and opinions with what they see in themselves, so being gay is now your symbol so you will preach it constantly except the internet today and social media cliques give you that instant validation, and the more deseperate you are for attention the lower you will sink. There are plenty of issues to address here regarding trans people but that's being overlooked in favour of pushing media, political and corperate agendas because no one is looking beneath the surface of this thing.
So now you have little Timmy being taught from a young age that he should be a woman, by a woman who was a man, being praised by social media, and no one wants to step out of line because they will be socially crrcified by the angry spiteful trans community, and as a result their lives could be ruined greatly.

It's all about the ego, they have problems but they're congratulated for it, after years of spinning out of control here we are, to speak any sort of wrongthink somehow means you're a racist nazi.

If twatter didn't exist, I'm positive there would me much less trans faggotry going on.

don't like the rainbow colored text on that, I meant the other one.

while this stage builder shit is ironicly hilarious, you're a hypocritical coward if you honestly think that censorship of any kind is acceptable.

Shut up faggot
>look at me i like dick
So what. Choke on it

And? You guys bitched about Zelda's tits being made smaller. That was another One Angry Gamer thing they whined about.

You guys also cried about the Game and Watch changes.

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So they remove politics altogether, rather than using "Anti-political" as an excuse to remove politics they don't like, while conveniently looking the other way when stuff they do like appears?
I'm fine with it.
If people could honestly do this more often I'd be more okay with keeping /pol/ in /pol/. I only crossboard because goddamn, so does Alice, and if the natives don't resist Alice then someone has to.

Chinks are technically gaijin.

I feel bad for your children and I hope they never reproduce to keep your pathetic genes from poisoning the earth.

>Mao and Winnie the Pooh tag teaming anime
Sounds about right

what are those fucking lips, a new level of mutt

God I hate trannies. At least 41% off themselves

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/pol/tard culture warriors are truly delusional.

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Wasn't it only one tranny complaining because its flag was deleted? That faggot is blowing it out of proportions and will only make things worse.

it better fucking be
>mfw it''s just a dumb NPC reference

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>hating neofag
based. only a trannyera tard would get triggered over that

Didnt read lol

Unfortunately for you faggot, I am heterosexual human being, aka normal or default. I am literally the human race that has perpetuated for millennia, you're the freak who doesn't pass on.

How was your Friday, anons? Do anything fun? Hang out with frien-oh, another night in on Yea Forums talking about trannies. Well I hope it was nice.

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Fuck off Billy.


>You guys bitched about Zelda's tits being made smaller
First time I heard about that.
>You guys also cried about the Game and Watch changes.
There's a difference. A feather isn't political. Kids dress up as cowboys and indians all the fucking time. Meanwhile LGBT flag is about cutting your dick off and TAKING IT IN THE ASS. Things like TAKING IT IN THE ASS has no place in kids games you lala homoman.

Ok, pal. Thanks for the (You) though.

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never been huge nintendo fan but i grew up on gameboy and n64 should i buy a switch now or wait for new updated version? there's already games I want. They also allow you to put saved games on SD cards now right?

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Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.

I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. believe it or not, i know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people i met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, id say lurking for a while her actually predisposes you to being trans. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just for the sake of trans peoples image on here.

But ever since redditors brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we are, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just to consider you guys.

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>spamming tranny shit on Yea Forums is based!
Go shoot up a mosque if you want to make a difference

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Based and not a genetic defect.

>Children's party game
>Storefront which says anything legal is a-ok
Baka user!

so there are multiple stages with just the trans flag?
that's just spamming then, what were they expecting
jesus, at this point trannies are just being malicious

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That was made what 4 years ago? it's /mlp/ but slow as helll

Sorry, I meant Samus - that was who people were bitching about with regards to smaller tits.

Also if G&W being changed is censorship, that means this is too. You guys can't just defend censorship you like or you look like retards with double standards.

Is this bait?

trannies don't deserve rights, they only deserve the grave

I've ALWAYS been against futashit. It matters not what form it takes or how hard people ree that traps aren't futa, or trannies aren't traps, or any of that attempt to rules lawyer and semantics-juggle around the objective fact that if it has a dick, and you call it a woman, you're in denial and your fetish is shit.

His entire family is fucked. This is grandma

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>no stop making fun of use trannies, we're valid, we're people!
41% yourself freak.

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