

Attached: GTA VI.png (805x653, 482K)

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>GTA Onions Andreas
Its gonna be shit

No shit, If you know Rockstar you should know they practically start working on the next GTA before the current one is out, If not straight after

>not Bully 2
Who cares?

Can't wait to play as a tranny

One guy creating concepts or throwing darts at a board for ideas counts as development

PS5 exclusive. I want to see the tears.

thanks captain obvious

Sony is actually owed a R* exclusive, They cut a deal, Agent was supposed to be it but that's cancelled so who knows.

yeah the platform pushing for the most censorship aint gonna get it buddy

Wow the next gta is in development, now that's totally unpredictable. Could you imagine if there is also a zelda and a mario game in development?

I still want to see anything of Agent they had going.

Me too, Doubt we will though, Here is some alleged concept art

Attached: agent_august_2017_concept_leak_1.jpg (1270x714, 95K)

What do you guys want to see in GTA VI? Personally I hope they keep the character switching mechanic and have more heist missions. I wouldn't mind a female protagonist.

I mean, to be fair, with the amount of money GTA Online was making Rockstar, worries that GTA VI wouldn't come out for the next several years were kind of justified.

Complete control (eg. no cutscenes taking the camera/controls from you), with an emergent story that isn't forced upon you by visiting specific destinations on the map.

>No cutscenes taking the camera away from you
That's ubisoft tier

>What do you guys want to see in GTA VI?
Vice City 2.0 with a miniature version of florida including nasa, everglades and disneyland (gloryhole themepark) set in the late 80s again

They should go the scarface route again and maybe do a cuban immigrant taking over a drug empire or something


8 years later? i fucking hope so

Ubisoft lets you walk circles while a story goes on, but it won't let you shoot the mission offerer and do your own thing instead until the next gang/hobo comes around.



what could they possibly do that is interesting with a giant fucking swamp, especially after the multitude of mountains and environments you got with V?

i leave it up to the creators to make something interesting out of it

>especially after the multitude of mountains and environments you got with V

We had two games with that shit now V and RDR2

Time for something different. Me personally would hope they find a way to make the Ocean more interesting since it would fit with the Miami theme

V lacked environments if anything, Like 40% of the map is mountains with a tiny patch of forest and desert

I want to play as a black guy and have mechanics for being obnoxious at gas stations and reataurants.

in other news, water is wet

"Already" in development?
Isn't gtaV like six fucking years old?

i dont think we will ever get to play as nigga among the lines of CJ again only no fun allowed faggots like franklin

>ps5 exclusive
>with sony's level of censorship
>with take two behind the wheel
>with PC being confirmed the niggers that buy the most shark cards
el oh el. the only reason us PC faggots are getting RDR2 is because of in-game purchases.

>with PC being confirmed the niggers that buy the most shark cards

wait for this and RDR2 to come out on PC the buy a private mod tool for $30-60 instead of giving thousands towards shark cards and the like, get all the infinite money you need. Never use the cheat again.

better yet, wait for this and RDR2 to come out on PC and pirate both. don't bother with online at all because its garbage anyways

Is it unrealistic to expect an announcement this year? Given that its the longest gap between GTA games since the series began, And its obviously been in development for awhile now despite the bullshit they tell you

Holy digits

I gotta flex on them poor kids and retards that spend hella money for the online.

Who cares. It's gonna be some online-focused shit anyway. Also, no mention of anything interesting from R* like Bully 2, Manhunt, or Midnight Club. These fuckers suck now.

>RDR2 to come out on PC
Is this still a rumor or confirmed? The first one didn't come out for PC, although I've heard that was because of spaghetti coding.

how the fuck is this newsworthy? it would be more newsworthy if the game wasn't being worked on right now.

Sydney or Melbourne as the location. Rockstar has confirmed they won't be parodying American politics/culture while Donald Trump is the president. So if the game is indeed in development, it's being set in a different country.

This is completely false and you just made it up.

Prove it. And don't reply back with a "No u"

baseless rumor

No. That's how development works. I'm not even that other guy either.

No, it counts as a concept artist, you depraved fuckwad.

It's going to be based entirely online and cater to GTA RPers

>another fucking rehash

Here's footage of the PC version

It is me being hopeful.

whats so surprising about that? 5 came out what like 5 years ago? it'll be another 2-4 years before 6 comes out

Not so fast, pussytits. You made the claim, burden of proof is on you.
Wrong again, shit for brains. I remember reading they were taking a year off right after GTA V released. This, along with all those reports of overworked devs working there, is more fitting than just starting over immediately.

and they are justified, what was it like 5 years between GTA IV and GTA V? it's already been 6 years since GTA V released and it'll be another 2-3 before the next one comes out probably.

>production takes time

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If Rockstar does release it for PC, I wonder if they would jump onto the Denuvo train.

Me on the couch

It shouldn't take this long, VC was made in a year SA in two. I don't care if they cut back graphics for a more art style approach, Better than waiting a decade for the next game

Games take longer to make now than they did in the early noughties. Two years is the absolute minimum for a AAA game, otherwise it ends up being a shitshow like Dead Rising 4.

dude of course it's going to take that long, in fact 2-3 years is conservative it could be 4-5. rockstar now has the reputation where everything they release has to be huge and groundbreaking and filled with realism. i mean i liked RDR2 but it shouldn't have taken 7 years to make.

it'd be nice if we could go back to earlier times when companies put out games in a series every couple years instead of once or twice a decade.

Why "already"? It's been almost six years since the last game released.

I feel like the sheer number of expectations for the next GTA would cause the game's development to take longer. I've been hearing rumors that they're going to map the entire United States for VI, or at least consolidate all the cities from the previous games into one big map.

They are going to put more focus on online for that shark card cash arent they?

That's why i'm saying they should stop focusing on new shiny graphics each time, And just stick with what they have and release spin offs like the 3D games

fuck GTA, give me midnight club proper

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GTA 6: Shark Card City, with shit we literally ripped off from Saints Row The Third.

>rockstar now has the reputation where everything they release has to be huge and groundbreaking and filled with realism
Isn't that a good thing though? I mean compare to when Ubisoft released Origins and Odyssey, and imo they felt exactly the same. But between IV and V, Rockstar added the character switching mechanic and made the game feel different. Wouldn't it be better to wait longer for something that's more groundbreaking in the end?

I haven't heard about that rumor, But the Vice city & Cuba one seems somewhat legit, Some reputable leakers have hinted at it too

that's what people said about RDR2 though and it was clear they put a lot more time and energy into the single player than the online. i guess they realized RDO probably wasn't going to be as big a cash cow as GTA online is

i think inevitably the games are just going to take longer and longer and to the point where they release like one game a decade though. i prefer quality over quantity yes, but i think there's a happy medium where we don't have to wait 10 years for every GTA game.

Back in the 00s they were a constant presence, what with the 5 3D-era games, the Manhunt games, smaller stuff like that DJ game and Midnight Club... Some of those were really good.
Now, they release two games a decade. Feels like they are a bunch of has-beens, when they're making more money now than ever.
I mean, granted a random website like this isn't exactly any basis for legitimate facts, but I feel like with how big GTA V was, GTA VI will have to be even bigger. I just hope if they do map the entire United States that there's some way to quickly get from point A to point B. Driving takes too long sometimes.

there's no fucking way they could do the entire united states. that's just ridiculous. at most they could maybe do vice city, los santos, & liberty city but the whole US is crazy.

Cant wait to play it on pc in 2025.

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GTAV came out 6 years ago
No shit they're starting GTAVI

Well, expectations for games get bigger and bigger as the available technology advances. If there's no real innovation, then Yea Forums complains about how games are rehashed, like how every new Assassin's Creed is the same thing.
Ubisoft sort of did it with The Crew 2.

Interesting read, article is kind of old, But i never knew Leslie himself confirmed it, Shame he is gone he seemed pretty honest compared to Dan or Sam, I also read he wanted GTAO to always be expanding with new land and shit

Well they did do half of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi for Red Dead Redemption 2. Coupled with the rumours of a Red Dead Redemption 1 DLC which would include two Mexico states and that's pretty big.


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It will be scaled down like New York was in IV and LA was in V, it's entirely possible. They could even do a globe-map so it wouldn't have to be endless ocean again.

Sounds like the foundation for a GTA mmo, Don't think they can create a story that can utilize that big of a map. But it's not that far fetched when you think about it, GTAO 2.0

Who cares, GTA V was pretty dogshite
>Act 1 builds up to Franklin and Michael heisting
>Franklin prepped to be a force for more high profile crimes
>Michael could easily have reason in buying properties and funding a movie
>meanwhile Trevor is poised to fuck everything up with his psychotic nature
>rest of the game fails to properly explore any of this
>heists and story missions are 90% about being errand boys
>the last "Big Score" of pseudo-Fort Knox can barely afford to buy two Michael properties

Give us undead nightmare 2 you fucks

No it only made us 100 million

>gta5 came out 5 years ago
>gta6 is "already" in development

After RDR2 I'm convinced they will never create a good game

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why the fuck is this news worthy? It's obvious.

Is it really fair to say that when they massively scale down those areas? Theyre just loosely based off of them, but a small fraction of the actual size.

You are a household brand nowadays, You can sell shit and people would buy it, do it old man



What the fuck, there is not a single word in this article that has some truth to it. No one from Rockstar has said anything about GTA VI apart from Dan Houser stating back in October that he is glad not to be releasing GTA VI at that time due to the current political climate. The only thing about VI that we heard is that rumour of it being set both in Vice City and South America, and that might turn out to be false too.

Why does nobody ever take the GTA 6 leak seriously from the guy that actually leaked the RDR2 map? It's the only legit leak to come out of Rockstar in like a decade.

What was the leak, user?

but this was proven fake though

What was the leak? Did he come up with that South American & Vice City rumour?

>another BR HUEHUE game
I'll pass

The concept is outdated in this multicultural hellscape.

>Not wanting to play as El atrocidad cretura raising hell in the slums
Dios mio

It's happening user and will be out before GTA VI. I am guessing that in fall 2019 we will see a trailer.

Yeah that was his leak, 2 Islands one is Vice City one Cuba I guess, massive ocean inbetween the size of GTAV with plenty to do in it, 2 protags interwoven but not directly in contact stories.

Would anyone like a female protagonist in GTA VI?

>character switching
fuck off

Not really, It doesn't feel right

I mean the leak sounds something like Rockstar would do. They always think big when it comes to their flagship series such as GTA.

Shit, This was meant for you

Sounds kino.

jesus,time flies by


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>not Manhunt 3

>gta6 already in development
They started working on it in 2013 when 5 released. This isn't news. Unless they worked on RDR2 more than gta6.


>he waited, believing rdr2 would be coming to pc this time
how does it feel knowing you missed out on the greatest experience of the 20th century """"master""" race?

cant wait for cp77 vs gta6 shitstorm on Yea Forums


5 came out fucking 6 years ago. Of course it's "already" in development

what the fuck that's pretty recent
game looks like monkey island

The Momoyuri Academy Secret Soapland Club R

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That's just concept art. It was going to be an FPS

What's wrong with it?

>game about school bullying and violence
>in current year
Everyones gonna freak.

Anything in this year is too sensitive, how will GTA get away with its usual antics, Cunts will be calling it a training sim for terrorists

>rockstar is already working on the follow up of the most profitable franchise in videogames
Well consider me SHOCKED.
I didn't expect that for sure.

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It's a dumb gimmick

>Bully 2
>final mission is a boss rush
>game unlocks the endgame weapon
> [spoilers]GUN[/spoilers]

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How so?


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Should be good considering CDPR fags are gay for R*

well for me, it kills immersion without adding really anything to the experience.

It just is. What's so good about it?

Personally, I like seeing what the other protagonists are up to at any given time, and I switch depending on what special ability I want to use. Like if I want to drive fast, I'll switch to Franklin. That's just me though.

>greatest experience

Why do you want multiple protagonists though?

*pumped up kicks starts playing*

If it's gonna be anything as fun as RDR2 then I will skip it.

multi protags are fucking shit, also character switching in v takes too long

Considering how SJW pandering RD2 was I don't have very high hopes for it.

In other news Nintendo is developing a new Mario!

Different personalities.
That's actually part of why I like character switching; I like how the game zooms out from one character, moves to where the other character is, and zooms in on him.

Hmm... Interesting... I remember some fan theories that Jimmy Hopkins is James Earl Cash. I don't think R* has the balls to do that though, have the final scene of Bully 2 show Jimmy getting sentenced and it leads up to the events of Manhunt.

Given that the last two GTA games (three if you count EFLC) were riddled with DRM and rendered almost impossible to play, I couldn't care less. Will pirate it at best.

I thought this was a good idea, but now it would be a game in a zoomer teens school era/setting

I'd rather get a GTA

>yet another open world

It's actually closer to 6. It came out in September 2013.

someome make a bingo card:

-female protag
-trans character
-no jokes about that character
-white men bad everywhere
-wealthiest / smarter character is black

>company doesn't work on their money printing machine


no game no hype

I've barely even played GTAO and I'd be far more hyped if they just went full MMO with the next one rather than pretend they still give a shit about SP

>video games are made by machines
you've got a dick stuck in your brain.

Its at least 7 years out, judging by Rockstar's normal dev windows of 7 years.

>incels getting hyped for a 2026 game.

they can literally do no work and make money of GTAO, fuck GTAO

>focus on online
>a user interface that isn't fucking terrible
>customizing all vehicles
>way fucking better character control

>the only reason us PC faggots are getting RDR2 is because of in-game purchases.

im gonna need a solid source on that son

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>fuck GTAO
I tried to play it but everyone was just blowing each other up in flying motorcycles/cars and jets, some of the races were alright

I would be interested to see what kind of political commentary they do (not that it would be good, i just want to see how brainwashed they are)
but im sure it will be set in the 80s or something to get around doing it

I hope you die.
Or at the very least I hope that anyone who agrees with you is never in any position to do anything about it.