Play watch dogs 2 because I hear its a really good interpretation of San Francisco

>play watch dogs 2 because I hear its a really good interpretation of San Francisco
>no shit in the streets, or homeless people running around
Do you think ubisoft will address this in the inevitable next gen re-release?

Attached: designated.png (700x520, 261K)

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Stop making fun of me. It's bad enough that I have to live here.

Attached: efd.jpg (403x392, 20K)

How much is it costing you?

Not much. I don't actually live in the city (I have an hour and a half commute) but I go there pretty much every day and it is even worse than the memes are telling you.

>not a good interpretation of San Francisco
It's extremely proactive with trans and LGBT support, which I'm thankful for because I can shoot drag-queens and faggots outside of night clubs, or suicide bomb them with drones

Import the third world, become the third world.

What games are set in the third world?

uncharted 4

>(I have an hour and a half commute)
fucking christ my dude I'd go fucking insane

Ameripoops. Americans can't into pooping in the loo.

nuke california please