American party member

>American party member
>asks for a tip after every battle

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody in a restaurant asks for a tip, you either leave it or you don't. And if you're very unlucky they'll just put in the tipping amount if you're using a card without telling you like a bunch of assholes.

>yuropoor posters obsessed with Americans on an American website

>american party member
>battle ends

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This is now a Macross thread! Tell me about Basara, why did he eat the /leaves/?

>American party member
>asks for a tip after every battle
>don't tip them
>spits in all of your healing potions and leaves your party

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I know it's a meme, but god damn TF2 had some of the worst medics who outright tell you in chat/voice that they refuse to heal you because you forgot to hit the "Thank You" line.

When has this ever happened?

>American bossbattle
>"I'll see you in court"

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>European party member
>starts two world wars

You fucks aren't in charge anymore for very good reasons.

>his face when he sees the naked loli alien titties

This has never happened

>french bossbattle
>"I surrender!"

I don't know why I feel like she's about to ask for my manager.

>chinese boss fight
>he really does speak chinese
no Todd I didn't buy your shit game

>american party member
>main villain makes fun of him
>retaliates by making a shooting in the village

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>japanese party member
>rapes and kills chinese enemy

Did I just run into the only three Medics in the universe that do this? Because that number seems like way too many to be circumstantial.

>indian party member
>cooks curry for the rest of the party
>heals 50 hp but causes blight

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>Canadian party member
>spends a turn apologizing to the enemy after every attack

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I fucking hate this meme, one of the most inaccurate stereotypes out there.
the few Canadians I've met are amongst the rudest and most insuffrable people I know.

>American party member.
>Won't cast healing magic unless you pay them or buy insurance.

>Mexican blademaster
>doesn't have access to sharpen

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Don't forget his battle victory animation
>*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

>japanese party member
>it gets stronger for each strike it receives

God mexico is such a frightning shithole. it's one thing to get murdered, it's another thing to get caught by the cartel.

>American tutorial
>your parents can pay to skip through it

>American party member
>heroically sacrifices himself for Israel

Sorry you feel that way about us, user.

>discussion about america skyrockets after they all go to sleep

>implying you would not do everything in your power to protect this smile

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Canadians are absolutely insufferable. You’re right

How do I be as chill as this guy?

>American shopkeeper
>Steel Longsword : 80 Gold + 42 Gold (tax) + 25 Gold (extended warranty) + 16 Gold (tip)

I've only met one before, So i know you're not insane
Apparently hackers have been a huge issue in tf2 lately but i've not seen a single one in 5 years

>loo roll
What is it that makes brits talk like children?

Can't you chargeback or something? I doubt even in a shithole like America tipping is forced, they're stealing money if they do that

If it's a large party(over 10 people)a gratuity is mandatory to account for the extra staff being devoted to your section.

>Yea Forums
>american website

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Of course they can charge back, that's literally theft. A restaurant would probably do it for you and fire the worker if you brought it up since they would get into deep shit if that kept happening.
Where do you live where this happens? I've never seen tips forced upon anyone in any of the states i've been to.

Were his eyes still intact? Who even was that guy? Did they scrape his face off, or peel it off?

Like I said, it's only for very large parties, to account for them having to devote more than one waiter to the task. It's always stated somewhere in the restaurant(a sign, somewhere on the menu, the waiter(s) will flat out tell you), they never sneak it onto your bill.

>American party member
>have to take out loan from bank to heal them after battle

I don't know much about restaurants, but wouldn't a group of 15 be easier to manage than 15 separate individuals? Also you'd think they would take up less space.

>american level
>have to keep spending on credit or else your bank will give you debuffs

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Ah. "Ooga booga shooting star" guy from the robot anime.

What was it called again?

>American party member
>get swimsuits for the party
>he gets angry and tells the girls to cover up

American Idol

>good credit is hard

Nigga just get a card, buy something small with it every once in a while, and then pay it off immediately. Boom, you now have good credit history.

>American party member
>is secretly the antagonist trying to give you bad advice the whole time

Yes. he was also high on smack so he could see and feel everything.
Rival gang member IIRC.
Scrapped obviously.

Ontarians are awful and take credit for every positive aspect of every other province, whether it be people being kind in Atlantic Provinces or poutine and speaking french in Quebec.

>Chinese party member
>has a unique stat called "Social C".

That's not even the third worst box cutter incident in mehico ese. you ain't seen shit.

I've been playing this game since release and I have not seen this once.

>Swedish party member
>had to leave the raid for evening prayer

how is that even possible. Not once have i not seen a hacker during a play session

Shouldn't you have a great credit score by not even using a credit card because it shows you can manage your money so well you never have to borrow anything?

>German partymember
>Keeps joining the villain

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Show don't tell is the name of the game when it comes to credit history. Also, lack of credit history is not good history, and in some ways is worse than having bad credit.

>never have any debts
>this is a bad thing
See also:

>euro party member
>keeps talking about americans

>you never have to borrow anything
This just shows that you're a dangerous subversive.

It's a bad thing if you ever want or need a loan where you don't have to put your car up as collateral. In order for a bank or other financial institution to consider you an acceptable risk, you need to show them that you understand how to repay debts. That is what credit history is, demonstration of your ability to repay your debts, without that you're basically telling banks, "dude, trust me" spoiler alert: they won't.

As much as i love curry it was probably first invented to mask the taste of shit because of this very reason

That's funny, in my country I just show them that I don't need debts and that the loan is appropriate for my income level, also that my bank account never dips into the red

>British party member
>gets arrested if you equip them with any weapons

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LMAO WHAT? In order to get a good credit history you have to get credit card debt? What a backward place America is.

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This wench probably has no personality at all and tries to mask it with memes

>Argentine party member
>can use healing magic as a black mage

And it's all useless because all she has to offer are those fat tits.

Fuck it man, Just tell me where to go. If mr faceless isnt the worst i want to see what is
And the kid with the heart ripped out of his chest i seen already
How'd you find out? I knew he was high on something to still be awake

Not gonna lie, me and 90% of Yea Forums would still fuck her

Because fat nation with napoleon complex and nosediving economy is going to make a difference?

>American party member
>has the lowest speed

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>American party member
>Is the comic relief character

French canadians

>American party member
>Starts clapping after every battle

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>American party member
>Has permanent low INT

>can just use the 'freedom' perk to power through any INT challenge
That's some really bullshit design, I tell you.

credit HISTORY
if you don't take out credit then you don't have a history of taking it out and paying it back do you?
also bank makes money off of you taking on debt, good credit history means you are reliable when it comes to paying it back
if you have never taken out credit bank has no idea how likely you are to pay it back
this is how it works almost fucking everywhere by the way, not just US

What games do American girls like to play?

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>european party member
>gets imprisoned for making racist remarks

>/int/ character
>bait and punish play style

>/int/ character
>obsessed playstyle

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stardew valley

>Get a loan.
>Pay it off early.
>Credit score gets lower.

It's just an additional tax paid directly to the banks and is hidden in plain sight, and they just roll with it like the good cattle they are.

>America mission
>Objective: Secure the food court
>Europe mission
>Objective: Avoid the acid attacks

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Mexico and the whole South America is literally hell on Earth.

Remember when we found out almost every shitposter on this board was Canadian?

>join the american server
>get my penis mutilated

>good credit history means you are a good goy

>New Zealand mission
>Escape the infidel shooter