Say word in private

>say word in private
>get livelihood taken away
where would this be acceptable behavior in literally any civilized part of the world?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Twitch apparently

>caring about some autistic roided up gorilla

Freedom of speech not freedom from consequences.

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>its ok to be racist in private mkay
nope, bitch deserved it

What happened now

>can't go for one second without saying nigger
it's calling stop acting like a child who can't control what he says


>mfw I'm saying the word in my head 24/7
I can never be stopped.

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Literally who?

Fuck niggers

I don't know what happened but if it was really in private then nobody would have found out

what happened to caleb senpai?

>this is normal

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Pretty sure this is a bot but I'll reply anyway
This guy is a streamer, so obviously he isn't lighting up chat or streams with slurs

As eastern european I find it unbelievable that that there are words you can't say in western countries. I can't comprehend it.

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Caleb looks like a giant nerd in a muscle suit.

Oh no now I won't get to see him choke another megaman race at GDQ. Abloo bloo bloo bloo.

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>Base livelihood on videogames
Maybe try not being a faggot

How can people look at these and think "these are perfectly fine, not mentally ill human beings"? I question western society every day

It's almost as if words have meanings

Found the nigger. Go away nigger.

Pulled up a private discord window to a friend with it saying "sup nigger" or such for like a second on stream. Like jesus christ, stop getting offended by shit and claiming it racist even when you look at the context it clearly isn't even remotely the same. It's like gay formerly meaning happy, and faggot formerly meaning bundle of sticks, shit changes meaning over time.

Should clearly and deliberately start calling people "nega" instead, pronounced exactly the same.

thoughtcrime soon


>muh racism
Fucking cry about it some more, you worthless monkey.


>people attacking caleb
When the fuck did Yea Forums turn into resetera?

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>when you look at the context it clearly isn't
Yeah, I trust the guy who greets his friend with "nigger" to never complain about black people or go on /pol/-esque tirades for the sake of being edgy.

Also, is this the guy who smacked himself repeatedly when he lost? Fucking autist.

If they're going to be degenerates, why can't they at least put in some effort to look half-decent?

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crackers are so fucking ugly

>people defending streamers
I can definitely tell you when Yea Forums became reddit.

There's been a dedicated invasion force on Yea Forums for years now. How are you just noticing it?

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we should all have chips implanted in our brains that automatically alert the authorities when we think the word NIGGER

the chip blacks us out from the rest of human's vision like in black mirror so we're just a black blob in everyone else's eyes


fuck off nigger

he deserved the ban and im glad he got it

Is calling your white friend a nigger racist?

Can someone post the vid of it?

>knowing the name of a streamer

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Watch out buddy you might get caught for thinking that crime.

i used to like caleb until his stream got too big and he developed an ego so i'm okay with this :)

>all that time
>just for those tiny muscles

Yep. See

kind of easy when the streamers name is his stream name retard

>not having a streamfu and donating daily
lmao @ poorfags

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it's normal to be a sexually confused cartoon that's never racist yep

>using monitor capture

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Being a celebrity comes with that price, it has always worked that way

>Found the nigger. Go away nigger.
You're probably wrong, mostly white people get offended with that word

>is racist in private

Actually worse than someone who's openly racist tbqhf

>kind of easy when the streamers name is his stream name retard

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(spoiler)Got em(/spoiler)

>people complaining someone says nigger
I'm suprised these people aren't overwhelmed with guilt for just thinking the word with how sensitive they are, even worse if they aren't even a nigger

>knowing the stream name
>watching streams
reddit calling others resetera

shut up whore

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the future is now old man

Literal cuckold lmao


I'm pretty sure he's using windows 10, but I know in windows 7 with obs studio disabling aero makes window capture capture things like the alt tab popup, windows that overlap/go in front etc.

>he made it public by his own actions
Based lying retard. Maybe he should get a real job

Bitch please there were entire DECADES where you lot couldn't even make jokes about your leaders or your own family would report you to the authorities and send you to fucking Serbia.

The only private racism that's allowed is towards white people sorry bigots.

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Oi do you have a nigger license mate?

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This pooch has the same head shape as me

Second time he’s been caught saying nigger in the past month. KKKlansman confirmed. He had a music file on his computer labeled “nigger song,” and deleted the vod to try and save his ass, and it worked. Not so this second time around. Not that it should’ve resulted in a ban anyhow, since simply saying nigger is not racist; you need to direct it at someone.

Careful there, soon you wont be able to call someone "bitch" without it being wrongthink too.

>You are fined 1 credit for violation of the verbal morality statute.

All trannies get the rope.

Don't bring blaha into this man.

Nothing wrong with saying nigger.
Imagine how fragile you have to be to start LITERALLY SHAKING when people use it as an ironic term of endearment between two friends with no malice.

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internet jobs aren't real jobs. fight me niggas

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meanwhile Destiny, while claiming Twitch, and the media, holds no bias, can call for the death of conservatives, on multiple occasions, and Twitch does nothing

Could say the same about 99% of office jobs too.

He only got a 4 day ban. Caleb would just go back to being a Chef is Twitch didn't work out anyway.

>get banned
>get deplatformed
>have livelyhood taken
>public information of you and family members is rapidity thrown out there in public
>bank and credit company pulls your account because of mean words
>can never find a job because companies fear thought police coming after them
Suicide doesn't seem that bad after all.

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Great dodge, Achmed.

I've got a ripe south carolina oak tree in my yard for you to swing on, nigger.

Go back to /pol/ or your shitty discord.
This is not videogames.

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>office jobs have transferable skills
>office job always welcome on any resume
>twitch doesn't translate to anything
>put streamer on your resume
get fucked zoomy

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Imagine belonging to a subspecies of human that robs, rapes and kills so frequently that uttering one word in reference to you is akin to a magic spell.

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stop being so butthurt because you can't say a word in the public eye

>meanwhile Etika is going mental dropping redpills saying every offensive word out there and nobody overeacts

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>bought a house off all those low IQ monkeys giving him money
>is going to buy another one in dallas within the year just so he can hang with his bro and have fiber internet
>"not a real job" says the REEEEEEing burger flipper
lel, imagine being this torn up over someone elses success

Remember when twitch said bullying, harassment, or any kind of hate directed at anyone would be bannable behaviour with zero tolerance?

I do.

He also has a financial adviser. For a young guy, he’s not a complete dumbass; he has a backup plan and is gonna be financially stable even if twitch falls through.

brb, calling your boss. :^)

That epic gamer moment when the status quo wants to create a more inclusive society without racism so they decide to do it by firing and ruining the livelihoods of anyone who isn't a 100% politically correct while automation also ends millions of jobs in middle class America creating a big fraction of people who are outcasts and more likely to engage in mass shootings and terrorism.

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>mfw I called my brother a nigger faggot in private
What are you goys gonna do about it?

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The tree is his boss.

And those meanings change depending on the context in which they're used. Idiot.

>concedes the guy is a fucking asshole
Hope his house burns, desu.

So how long until deep fakes can emulate public figures going on racist tirades?
I feel like we could do some real damage if we can get it well enough.

I don't specifically ask for donations in my stream. Only way of is passive twitch sub whenever anyone feels like donating and patreon with a minimum of $1 a month to $5 a month to a goal of $25.

That being said. I don't expect viewers to pay. I gift people games whenever I feel like it and so far its been rewarding playing with them.
I bought over 8 copies of Dragon Ball Fighter Z these last 2 days and it came up to only $136 out of the indigala sale.

That being said. Watch your P's and Q's around people. Whoever is streaming you have to be vigilant in not speaking any term that could offend. We live in a age where people would get easily offended. Start fights over trivial matters and even more so try to subterfuge other peoples daily lives. Be careful hombres and just enjoy vidya.

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We need to rise up, gamers!


All thanks to a certain group if tribesman who look so shockingly similar to whites that all they have to do is lie to infiltrate a majority white government.

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>Send you to Serbia

Fucking American education strikes again.

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>>this is normal
Says who? They hang out with other trannies, their entire social cycle is 90% tranny, and they are out numbered twenty to one by nontrans.

Just because some fags get together and hashtag their disability doesn't mean its taken as normal by everyone.

>a small percentage succeed
literally any job retard. The important thing is how the average are doing and the average retarded isn't buying any house of living off twitch

yeah if someone's racist they need to show it so we know who to praise i mean censor

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>there's nothing wrong with racism because nobody is racist anymore btw FUCK JEWS AND NIGGERS XD everyone's a racist in secret anyway lmao
What did the zoom zoom mean by this?

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his discord is cringe overload

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I'm gonna say it HONK HONK

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Was it autism that created this post?

Why do you even give a shit?
Anyone is free to live however he wants as long as its not hurting anyone else. This is what free society is.
Why do you think you have the right to decide for someone else?

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He was just making an observation. It's not like he was condemning trannies there. Stay triggered and fuck off back to tumblr or whatever.

You know there used to be a thing called societal standards right? I don't want these fucking degenerates in my community and around children poisoning their mind with this bullshit.

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what eceleb drama did I miss again?

No, it was the Jews.

I bet you'd be singing a different tune if society didn't want your degenerate ass in it too. It's all a joke until it happens to you fuck face.

>thought crimes

>that pic

>she went from the girlfriend of a minecraft youtuber to a fucking camgirl in a few short years
Jesus. What ever happened to Bashur, anyway? Did she ever say? He deleted his channel after he got semi-popular again playing OverWatch.

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Thankfully that'd never happen because I act like a normal human. Wouldn't bat an eye if creatures like you were taken away and killed, hell I'd VOLUNTEER to put you degenerates down.

some streamer said "sup nigger?" to his streamer friend in discord
got shown on stream for a split second
then he got suspended on twitch

perfectly reasonable but sadly not the way the world is going

do you actually think ANYONE in society is on the same level of degenerate as trannies?

NOT THE N WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You greatly underestimate how many young despondent white males would happily join a modern equivalent of the brownshirts or SS if it meant putting weirdos like you in camps. Better pray this displacement plot works, anything less and you'll be seeing some shit that makes the Soviets and Nazis look like childs play.

good, I'm not underage so I can continue not caring

>missing the point this hard
yeah and now I know why you post like you do. you're a selfish little shit that only gives a fuck about yourself

>You know there used to be a thing called societal standards right?
All of these standards were religious in nature.
And you still got way more freaks and undesireables than now.

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Your head would explode if you knew the kind of banter I had with this Mexican family I've been friends with forever about blacks. Everyone does it, punishing the guy about it isn't going to change his mind.

>why do you care if people are shitting all over the sidewalk dude it doesn't affect you just step over it

>food analogy

you're posting on Yea Forums what do you think

etika is already banned from twitch, dunno what happened to his youtube

Play dumb games
Win dumb prizes

Fuck you, Caleb and fuck you OP for continuing to make this DOGSHIT thread.

Yes if you are also white


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>trannies think shit is food
not even surprised

>Why do you even give a shit?
I really hope you're not implying I give these people a second thought.

Liberals confirmed for literal shiteaters.

Reminder one of his freinds Trihex who's fucking black got banned for saying Nigga and faggot
Twitch needs to get over themselves, not even Jewtube is this anal

>hmm this guy doesnt act the way we'd prefer
>better ruin his life and make him the perfect recruitment target for groups that hate us
>this wont backfire or create armies of enemies that oppose our way of life

American society is really great.

>That being said
>That being said

Hmm...maybe that religion actually had a purpose and shouldn't have been replaced with selfish hedonism because an athiest mindset has no morals to base off of.

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He's not forcing anyone to do anything you dumb faggot. Trannies demand everyone play along with their LARP and actively try to ruin people's lives over words on the internet.

>you're a selfish little shit that only gives a fuck about yourself
The fucking irony

>job is taking money from zoomer faggots
>get banned from the video platform by SJW mods
>need to be on this specific platform because that's where all the zoomzoom fags are
Too bad, git gud

never put all your eggs in one basket.
especially not fucking twitch.
caleb's an idiot who brought this upon himself.

That's not normal.
That's called having no empathy.
You're basically a maniac in the making.

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>generalizing this hard

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I'm talking about his Twitter, he got banned from YouTube cause uploaded porn and got banned from twitch cause he said "Nigga" to many times

Could be worse. We could be the UK.
>porn licenses
>can't bring a knife camping
>convict people of hate crimes for blatant jokes

>mention not wanting selfish mentally ill degenerates who are convicted child molestors in my community and around children
The fucking irony holy shit.

religion is only there for control. No gods, no kings.

Would lick those feet.

I said it once I say it again
I said it once I say it again
I said it once I say it again again again again

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The second part is generalizing, accurately. The first part is intrinsic to being trans.

>You: more and more white males are willing to become racist killers. lolol. You bedda be scared, boy!

>You later: why does everyone overreact when white males exhibit a little racism?!

>still generalizing this hard

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Yeah fucking right, I've seen some of the alt right rallies and a lot of those weirdos are one bad day away from transitioning

I do have empathy. Not with soulless husks like trannies and other mentally broken abominations though. Will beat the shit out of anyone who kicks a dog, will probably walk away while watching if a tranny is getting attacked though.

We both know that isn't true

Twitch is headquartered in an uncivilized part of the world (san francisco)

twitter is a circus so I have no idea what it takes to get banned there

>I do have empathy
>proceeds to demonstrate his lack thereof

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Correct. And now it's gone and everyone is happy. Or at least my parents are because they still remember bad days.

This is exactly why I can't understand that in your mature democracy you've got speech crimes. You've got freedom but you throw it away. And for what exactly? For some feelings of minor group of mentally unstable people?

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There's more to morality than just use of force, loser. Do you think society would function if everyone chose to be trannies? No. Some people have to go out and be useful members of society. Being transgendered throws all of that away for attention points. There's an instinctual reaction to such behavior for a reason.

That's not how empathy works their chief.

Don't know what you're talking about. I'm black.

user the "civilized" world has always been about taking away the rights and freedom of the common man for the greater good. This is something I have realized as I've gotten older, whenever you hear about the greater good or society you should expect to be giving something up. Whether it is your money, your time, your freedom of choice, your will, your privacy, your language, culture, history, literature, etc. Fuck the greater good in my opinion.

Romans 2:10 and forward.
You don't have to live under the gods law to do good things.
Every human has enough inner knowledge to decide whats right and wrong and every human will be judged accordingly.
So fuck off, bitch.

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Rwligion is for control and for morals. Otherwise human rights wouldn't be a thing and we'd be like the same soulless Pagan civilizations who preformed slavery, child sex and infanticide for 15,000 years before Christendom Europe.

Did you reply to the wrong person?

Let’s be honest though, he’s bigger than you.

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Pretty sad how you use Romans as an example when they've done slavery, rape and child killings throughout their time.

This is why the combo of No Webcam/Mic On/Gameplay on at a decent volume is the best and prefered way to stream. People don't need to see your face. People don't need to see who you are.
People could care fucking less on what you do on Twitch.
You either do the entertainment or not. People will look elsewhere depending on what their tastes are but the majority of Yea Forums hates twitch so for the most part just shut the fuck up about youtube/twitch video streamers. No one cares how much they make, what they play or what happened to them.

Also I am glad Caleb got banned. Roided faggot need to be put down a peg or two and sent to jail and get fucked by a nignog.

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He has a point, you might consider yourself normal now but the status quo can easily shift and then you find yourself not being so normal anymore.

>push them into a position of self-defense
>surprised when they get violent

Did you... even read the bible?

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How did he say it in private if people found out?

>Write nigger on stream
>writing nigger on steam is against rules
>Get banned

Discord was on stream. People in convo screenshotted and sent it to Twitch for them to review and more over it HAD him specifically typing it out.

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It's sad how you advocate religion and then out yourself as an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about.

>use racial slurs despite knowing historical context because “it’s funny xD”
>receive consequences
>go on a killing spree

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the window flashed by the stream for .00005 seconds and a mob immediately went to the vod to screenshot it and report him


Did you fucking think that Romans was actually written by romans?

Who quotes a Bible verse that suggests people have innate understanding of whats right, only for the immediate following parables demonstrating this isn't true?

the message already existed he didn't write it on stream moron

He opened a private chat window and broadcast it over the video stream. So it's not a private message any more, the brainlet GenZ streamer fans have trouble with this concept.

what does racist mean?

Ok so it was his own carelessness

>mentions historical context while not giving a fuck about the context in which he actually used the word
The absolute, hypocritical state of thought-policing, SJW shitlords.

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is that a phone filename?
user... we need to talk

illiterate tranny.

Siberia, dipshit.

You're a braindead nigger. Might as well thought police.

Why is there a monarch Yu-Gi-Oh! Card in the back?

Yes I clearly have ALL bible verses memorized to a t in my head and can instantly recognize when a fat athiest pulls up from his religion folder to win an argument you fucking retard.


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>someone somewhere used this word offensively therefore you can never say it in any context or have your life ruined
>why so defensive?

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>following parables demonstrating this isn't true?

Yea Forums is just twitter/reddit posters who are eager to leap on everything and label it cringe.

You don't need to memorize the verses you absolute retard, you can quickly gather the necessary COMMON FUCKING SENSE in the way it's formatted or even a google search.

>That diddley feelerino where someone gets banned and you decide to use the most incredible mental gymnastics to justify your own point of view, no matter how far fetched the connection might be, because you're so irreparably stupid you think alienating people means you won't feel lonely anymore.
He was a good friend.

>if you are also white
That's quite a racist comment you have there.

You can just be truthful and say that you never read the bible.

Reminder that RW Goose is still the king of spergy alt right runners.

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Is there a video or something?

Nah he was a typical attention whore that got bullied in school that decided to take protein shakes daily and workout to beat up the bullies (or avoid getting Bullied) but lo and behind muscle man randy not savage Caleb got racist in his discord/stream and had it upon himself of being an attentionwhore of a ETHOT on Twitch who doesn't contribute anything to society aside from mindless repeats of games being done quicker and quicker. Nothing new.

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who's this... calebhart42?

Jesus christ people can be so pathetic.

Romans is Old Testament, as in the one where earth is so bad God floods it and calls every non-Jew group a bunch of sinners who reject god and cant be saved.

Reminder Goose is a God

I know for a fact that normal every day people talk about niggers, spics and chinks on an almost daily basis.

Everyone does it, you get cut off by a black guy who can't drive and you shout "FUCKING NIGGERS" to yourself in the car, sometimes your friend is there and he says "I know right". It doesn't mean you're gonna go out lynching. It doesn't mean you treat black people like shit. It's just letting off steam.

My uncle is gay and his go to insult is "FUCKING FAGGOT". People just love drama, especially when it makes them look morally righteous. And since the marketing department of every company in the world now is based on "hook them in with politics, then they shill for us and defend us online and irl" then the little guy gets sacrificed to the jewish overlords.

The pendulum will swing the other way in time, we need another good old world war to whip society into shape and get rid of all the touchy feely handholding you always get when a country's had it easy for too long and doesn't know true suffering.

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>slavery, child sex and infanticide
>not being committed by christians
the cognitive dissonance is palpable

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>Old Testament

Tell me Yea Forums how would you like it if Ninja got Caleb'd and Twitch bans him and not only Twitch but Youtube and Mixer as well?

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Goose is a sperg. Not only did he literally not brush his teeth for years to the point of rotting his teeth, but he immediately folded and apologized when his discord chats were posted and everyone found out he was a white nationalist.

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You sound like an amerilard playing dumb to find a logical loophole. The anime reaction pics evidence this, stop embarrassing yourself.

reading comprehension

>where would this be acceptable behavior in literally any civilized part of the world?

Unironically china with their social tracking system

Post examples without the jewish slave trade of the 1600's by jewish founded protestants who are false christians.

Yeah pretty much. He acts like a dumb meathead but he's not stupid.

It's a sixth book in new testament you fucking retards

Meaningless platitude, nice.

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I don't give a shit. I'm just tired of fucktards who apparently think the Ministry of Love is a great idea.

We have to let you go, user

We've donated your last weeks wages to NAACP, to smooth things over. We know you understand.

>there is no such thing as unjust consequences

You guys know freedom of speech refers to the government, right?


What about it? Did the guy in the picture of the post you're responding to actually go on a killing spree? I figured it was hyperbole. I avoid the fucking news because it's all biased garbage with plenty of mis/disinformation in America.

I hope Twitch bans half of their streamers on violations of mass mob reports to them.

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this is some flat earth level shit but okay i’ll humor you, how about uhh the catholic church

Everyone I know in real life uses the word nigger and spic and chink as insults and in jokes

Literally the vocal minority of cry babies is ruining free speech. the majority of the world (or at least america) doesn't give a fuck and says whatever they want to.

Its really a shame that people are so """pissed off""" at some words

And you know these trends are making their way into governments right? You know that we live in a day where simply calling someone a racist, rapist, bigot, or nazi without providing compelling evidence is enough to dehumanize them in the eyes of most of society?

whos this

I heard that the girl that liked Columbine so much so that she wanted to reenact it she was a former camgirl/streamer on Twitch.

Attached: Shantae and Rotty.gif (720x480, 1.24M)
Wait until proto hears about this, it'll celebrate for years.

Trump is the president and the right controls most of our government, you dipshit. If you have a problem with the way the government is being run, look to the republican party.

Damn, fuck the rights of man

A place of worship? You have to give actual examples of when Catholisism Europe in the 1100's and forward Christendom condoned slavery, infanticide, pedophilia and rape like every Pagan civilization before it.

People getting offended over words. Lol

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>Apostle Paul
>Old testament
You disgust me

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>he still thinks the right of today is the same as the right of 20 years ago
Overton window, nigger. Learn what it means.

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so the transatlantic slave trade never happened, gotcha

they would only do that to the bottom feeders, twitch only works because their top 1% makes all their money, as long as those people keep streaming twitch can rake in millions, if they quit or get banned twitch is fucked because their audience isn't going to watch a bunch of nobodies


"Hide your powerlevel" is as lost on you retards as "lurk more"

Retarded /pol/acks have no idea what they arguing for. As always.

Companies have as much power as the goverment nowadays

lmao i hope you guys bite down on that pillow, your racist bullshit is finally getting punished and there's nothing you can do about it and nothing that will bring back the people exposed for it

enjoy, no amount of smashing racial slurs on your keyboard while you have a mental breakdown over not being able to complain about black people will ever fix how fucked you are if you don't clean up your act

"muh thought crimes"

"muh freeze peach"

society doesn't want your garbage excuses for your trash and it's only going to get worse as time goes on

Protestants are not Christians. Heathenous false religion created by a germanic jew. Tio that fedora harder.

>lmao i hope you guys bite down on that pillow, your racist bullshit is finally getting punished and there's nothing you can do about it and nothing that will bring back the people exposed for it
I'm a jobless NEET with no stake in society.

You dumb nigger.

maybe you shouldnt say NIGGER then you wont get banned

So you're totally impotent and just whine on Yea Forums all day?

Please tell me you're american.

I like watching
"EternalFart" !

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Maybe those holy, holy job creators should create some more jobs, then.

Read: not specifically America, dipshit. The UK is making enough "progress" for both countries. I wouldn't be surprised if some EU countries had similar issues, but like I said, I don't follow news much. In America, we just get public deflamation without proper cause simply because asshats want to virtue signal.

This is mostly false, except for the Republican Party being shit. The democrats own the house, they have almost half the senate, they have many judicial seats that block Trump. If you remember, Obama ran the executive branch for eight years. The hires from that time period didn't all just pack up and leave because Trump got hired, remember when Trump got elected and a bunch of the middle-rank (hired from heavily democrat areas) were saying they were the "Resistance" inside?
Fuck off tranny.

Why should I give a fuck about Europe and the EU? You fags made your bed, go lie in it. I live in Burgerland.

we live in a clown world

I'm not surprised you advocate for being a coward faggot.

>portuguese and spanish slavetraders

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Better hope you never share a socially taboo thought anywhere at any time because the purity spiral is coming for you next.

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Create their own government?

lmao, racists and trumpfags on fucking suicide watch. their faggy theatrics were the cause of this heavy push back in the first place, complete fucking retards


I live in Burgerville too. It's not like we're in some insulated pocket of the world. We aren't fucking Iceland.

>all the genuinely seething (you)s you got from this post
kek, based troll

>So you're totally impotent and just whine on Yea Forums all day?
No, that's you nigger.


Context matters.

He should get a 10-30 day timeout on twitch maximum, but more importantly both he AND twitch should put out a joint release talking about the situation and expressing not just that something wrong happened, but why it was wrong and what was learned.

Use this as a learning experience to teach the masses and try to do some good in the world. I'm not sure Twitch has the brains to handle this right though.

stop being racist towards black people
it's their word

At least you recognize no one could seriously think that.

And now the alt-right is pushback against over-censorship on the part of the far left. Hence, we live in a clown world because people can't into reasonable though and moderate behavior where context carries meaning.

the tears are so delicious

That's pretty hilarious given all you racists hide how you feel. How come you aren't out in the streets calling niggers niggers to their faces? Rise up like based Clabe.

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>expressing not just that something wrong happened, but why it was wrong and what was learned.
He literally did nothing wrong.

pushing back by getting fired and tucking a gun underneath their chin fat

But I'm not NEET

Wake me up when you guys end white genocide

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wtf they said a word i dont like
oh wait, he's black, that's ok then

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Why aren't the politicians dead yet by a flash mob? I thought we been through this multiple times already?

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You're both right. YT, google, Facebook allowed all these racist shit to flourish so they could provide a solution of curtailing dissent. Ironic part is the ones pretending to champion free speech (alt right, pol, whatever) are the ones helping to destroy it. It's making people call out for more censorship. All by design.

>Yea Forums gets butthurt when people ban them for saying "nigger"
>Yea Forums also mass replies to that harmless comic that jokes about how white people can't handle spicy food
>Yet Yea Forums claims everyone else is sensitive
Makes me think

Nah, fuck that. Never apologize, it just makes PC culture stronger.

>life ruined for saying a word
>these are fair and reasonable consequences

Tranny fragility. You triggered?
honk honk clown world motherfucker dilate your "vagina"