

Attached: gfhahgbd.png (1000x1000, 490K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Where' sthe fucking wojak edit

It's cute, but it's not funny, also not video games.

i want to fuck those girls

there's a video game right there

This is fucking brain damage in png

I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at desu. I get that its a THPS reference but the Google and doremi thing is confusing.

>doesn't know what Todd Eagle is
Jesus Christ how old is that man now?

She passes out drunk listening to bond music in the hopes of having a 007 dream, but instead dreams about THPS?


explain you meme loving fuck


she wants to fuck bond girl but skates instead

she;s doremy

Eh. It alright.

Is this loss?

Yea Forums pls go

This board is rude.

Okay but why the vhs tape

Good job friend

God I hate zoomers

Have you ever played Tony Hawk you fuck?


suck my cock nerd

zoomers aren't welcome here

Fucking hell I'm decrepit.

This is an 18+ site.

It's an s4s thing, isn't it?

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>there was like a 5 year period where ska was acceptable
we truly lived in strange times

[s4s] is pretty based these days. reminds me of how Yea Forums used to be.

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kick flipped and kissed the-rail-pilled

s4s used to be good but has been dogshit for the past few years, fuck you

Youd be suprise

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rudepost and dumbpost as well.

i don't mean to be rude but you dumb vee kiddies wouldnt last 1 day on sfores lmao :D

mentally ill [s4s] poster

That's not very nice user I don't think you would either

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i can be as rude as i want here this is not nice board like [s4s] they deserve it anyway

*mentlely lel

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you did mean to be rude, you liar

But s4s is shit it literally has shit in the name

no one ever deserves to be bullied...

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these make me just a little bit angrier than before

gute gomic may i hav more

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a most epicly epic reddit thread itt

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>Yea Forums is a games it literally has games in the name

You can just say you don't like [s4s] you 12 year old. Own up to the fact that something is happening on this website that you don't like. Stop calling everything Reddit just to fit in.

Yes and?

>Not going for the food analogy and calling /ck/ a food.

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>not video games

leave and never return you god damn zoomer



/ck/ is a food though, food analogies don't work if they actually make sense.

stop calling things you don't like by the buzzword of the week. You're not cool or funny or original

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why she rude tho

ny favorite buzzword is bee

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woah the toast guy is hot now lookin delicious!

le [s4s] army has arrivede

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nice tost doremi

is this a [s4s] thread or a discord circlejerk session

this is [s4s] colony the entire rest of Yea Forums is the discord circle jerkle you're looking for frend.

Decisively the former.
There is not nearly enough lewdness to sustain any jerking around.

ssshhhh ebil is slep

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Thank yuo for posting funee comiic op

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Smells like reddit in here

You're right user, this thread is truly epic. But not the type of epic you would so commonly expect - no, this is a type of power that exceeds the expectations of being epic. It is in fact so epicly epic that even the might of a moderator cannot thwart its energy. A primordial being of such epic proportions to rival the wonders of the world and stand the tests of time. Indeed I must owe up to the fact that reddit would not even begin to comprehend such an epic entity. It destroys the scale of epic to the point where I do not believe it is epic for the win, but it is much is.....AWESOME.


Probably a phoneposter replying to himself.

>James bond music

Now that's what I call Reddit!

You would collect them in-game.

gib moar Yea Forums comiks

well said user. wasn't really thinking about the epic upboats in this thread until you pointed it out