ITT we post literal tech demos

ITT we post literal tech demos

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I still liked it though.

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>Quake 2 better than Quake
Why would you write about games you obviously haven't played?

Horrible story, horrible game breaking glitches, and horrible AI, but great graphics for its time. Unless you count the Battlefield style multiplayer which was one of the best experiences I've had with the entire Crysis series, it's a shit game.

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This, literally a tech demo for either the best game of the century or a complete disaster. The next Zelda game will make or break the series

That was written by iD moron

Apollo Justice

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>why would you complain about a company you dont even correctly pronounce the name of
hint: its not pronounced "eye dee"

if its not breath of the wild meets a link to the past it will fail by that i mean a solid set of dungeons to find based on hints from NPCs no more of the shrine completion collect 6000 things structure

I think that's true but I've beaten the crysis campaign three times, I don't know what it is about the open sandbox that I like and the fact you can play in any way you wish that attracts me a lot.

Levels with Koreans are very fun.


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Levels with aliens aren't although they are impressive looking

im confused. is tech demo supposed to be an insult or compliment? these games are kino and their introduction of new tech with interesting shit you can do with the tech make them fucking fantastic.

The OP is an insult, the replies illustrate how moronic he is

final fantasy VII

Yeah I posted Crysis half-mockingly.

Zoomer faggots grew up in an age without any innovation and view an original ideas with suspicion.

>Zoomer faggots grew up in an age without any innovation
>he typed in an app on his smartphone while taking an uber

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I meant in Vidya ofc.

>Still no mention to MGS Ground Zeroes


you don't understand, he means "games that were released to advertise their engine"