Should I sell my PS4 before prices drop any more? I'm not looking for any new releases. It's gonna be neglected when PS5 comes out isn't it?
Should I sell my PS4 before prices drop any more? I'm not looking for any new releases...
PS5 will play PS4 games, there's literally no reason to own one.
Honestly fucking glad I skipped this gen as there was fuck all worth getting a console for and what little there was will be available on the next gen anyway.
tinder is fucking stupid
Maybe you should try being attractive.
i wanna fuck georgia...
>break up with girl I was dating
>neighborhood decide to have loud as fuck sex
>have to wake up in 5 hours
what do you do when life feels like shit Yea Forums?
God I wish that were me
i ask for advice in tinder threads all the time, always get the same responses. "you're attractive, but your pics are shit."
tinder is still fucking stupid.
Even if you're attractive women are still entitled cunts.
Yeah, there are tons of unattractive duds with really really good pics that are swimming in pussy, it fucking sucks.
>zoomer: use tinder
>boomer: use Furcadia
Tinder made me hate women.
Take better pictures?
You need a friend or someone to take a good picture of yourself, that's the catch.
Then get someone to take pictures of you. Hell even ask a family member to take the pics
I don't get this, wouldn't she leave when she realizes you fudged your photo hard
Yeah, I had that and a PoF account, and pretty much every chick on there was a single mom or an out of shape lardo with pictures taken from angles in an obvious attempt to hide their nasty-ass bodies. I even requested pics from a couple chicks that were seemingly cute and they sent me the exact type of photos they already had on their profiles. They're all looking for "mr. right" and they've all been used so many times before that they expect you to jump through hoops. No thanks.
i guarantee im more attractive than you and have a hotter gf and will never use that garbage once
do guys leave when they get catfished?
Dude the PS5 will neglected on launch and forward.Cant wait for those 6 exclusives. Oh boy.
Troll Yea Forums
The only thing you've guaranteed is that you're insecure and bitter. lol
not remotely, im just telling you that someone thinking tinder is shit can be more than "ur just ugly bro"! tinder is full of mediocre people at best. the meat market shit is absolutely disgusting.
these are shitposting hours, everyone is trolling, no way I can stand out.
I wouldn't go to Florida if I got to fuck her and a million dollars fuck that God awful state
You're just digging a deeper hole for yourself. This is a textbook example of sour grapes.
tinder has some decent people, you just need to dig a lot, A LOT to find one.
the ps4 is the last console that will be worth owning. The ps4 still has some worthwhile exclusives that wont be ported to pc but So(n)y lost/is losing everything people care about. They lost kingdom hearts, yakuza, final fantasy, and soon persona
There will be no reason to own a ps5 if you're a pc gamer.
whatever you say bud.
Movies aren't exclusive, you can find them on youtube brother
theres fuck all reason to won consoles anymore. everything is getting remade, ported, or easy to emulate. games take so long to make it franchises get only one release per gen. its a fucking joke. look how long it was between mario 64 and oddysey, ico and the last guardian, DQ8 to DQ11, KH2 TO KH3, the last of us 1 and 2.
where does one meet women irl
It's not about being attractive but selling a fun identity. Look at car ads, it's all "if you buy this jeep you can live this life and go camping on the weekend" it's the same shit.
Where does one meet sane women irl
she looks like she fucks black men
>White Florida girl
Ya think?
reject the material world. Don't be a hylic. Search for God.
i'm selling it after i play last of dykes 2
based and sneedpilled
dollar tree
liquor store
fuck I laughed hard
Pof is the worst of all quality wise. It's exactly what you mentioned or full of black girls, which is not that bad because most tend to be more physical than white girls
>or full of black girls
wtf I love pof now
The jews will never let me in on their world domination scheme
Lads, accidentally made out with another chick for a few seconds and stopped. Now I'm torn, idk if I should tell my girl. I don't want to ruin the perfect thing we have tonight
Sure they will goy find you a good looking jewish girl before she hits the shoa (refrigerator and genetics) at 30 and you can become a jew with classes
>18 years old
Could be local LE setting up a sting for pedos/people soliciting prostitution in the area. What you're supposed to do is hit them up on instagram and then they work out terms and if you bail then they still have your IP address and can find you that way. Happens fairly often around here. I'm a criminal attorney in a mid-sized town, so it's given me a lot of business.
Can I trade her in for a younger model when she reaches her refrigerator stage?
yeah sure if you want her DA brother to put charges against you for kiddie porn
God I fucking hope this story is fake