You are rolling a paladin in classic right bros?
You are rolling a paladin in classic right bros?
I'm rolling the uninstall wizard
>Playing Cucklliance
I'd rather die honestly than be on the tranny faction.
what is roll?
What the fuck happened?
He got Reck'd
private server'd
I'm thinking to try prot paladin.
Fuck raids, i just want to have fun and want to protect new players in redridge.
>be me, human warrior
>farmed a lot to get preraid bis, raids are boring
>craft full stormwind armor set
>go to redridge to help newbies with quests elites/help with ganking
>free stockades run, take only boe, sometimes gave warrior players few gold so they can afford bags/skills
>doing escort in Stormwind during Onixia attune last quest with randoms
It was fun. Probably, i really wanted to be a paladin all this time.
stoneslayer with +7 damage enchant
>>free stockades run, take only boe, sometimes gave warrior players few gold so they can afford bags/skills
ure cute, user
The paladin reckbombed him. Same thing in .
>edgy shitter incels btfo
>retard hitting for 10 damage
>this goes on for 10 minutes when suddenly
>hp drops to 0 in one frame
>Leaving Combat
>tfw drakova removed all his videos
this looks fucking terrible.
I'm either playing a Human Mage or a Night Elf Warrior. Haven't decided yet.
come play City of Heroes, an actually good MMORPG unlike this shit
Help me brehs, do I go human or nelf for rogue? Is there any class where nelf is better than human?
>Paladins can only cling to a single meme build to get kills
Vanillafags are stupid, nothing will bring those years back.
If I can oldschool Stormstrike Macro people to death then I'm 100% playing this.
nelf has slightly higher base agility
paladins might be chads in pvp if they get good procs and have nice gear but in pve you'll just stay in the back and cast the odd heal and maybe rebuff people here and there
Pallies were treated like a redheaded stepchild during the original WoW Classic run. What the hell was up with that? I remember people becoming extremely butthurt at the notion that they're getting buffed, every single patch.
It honestly looks like runescape kek
I remember people hating me for being a retal pally back then. I quit when they forced me to wear a dress and become a healbot.
70% of any given server was composed of rogues, so any character that could catch them while they were out of stealth was "OP" in their book
>playing classic
not interested in pre-mapped out games full of autists that are outdated and shit gameplay
WoW was a game "of it's time", it doesn't hold up.
still gonna be more fun than bfa though
Wearing plate and having heals was a big deal. There was also and likely still is a huge stigma towards damage classes since DPS players tend to be potatoes. Also no fun allowed, since people didn't want to share drops/slots. I made glad 1-4 as ret so I don't care. I wish I cpuld've poopsocked AV and gotten Grand Marshal bit I didn't have the time.
>night elf warrior
Night Elf warrior is based as fuck.
the hype threads are too insane on here though. Game is going be dead for 90% of players after a week, and rest are just going to go through an addictive grind for no reason.
The aspects that made vanilla good had to do with the time it was released.
Frost shocking your ass all day.
Everyone hated Paladins because they were the biggest whiners. They wanted to be Warriors but with ridiculous healing and utility at the same time.
edgy hordefags
butthurt alliance babs