Is hyper sexualization in games immoral?

Is hyper sexualization in games immoral?

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Why are those panties SO fucking based

There's no reason to be upset

Why not

What are you gay?

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No because it’s not real.

No but do you realize that sexualization can lead to harmful stereotypes of women?

No, technically its an artistic decision and you can't fault a creator for having vision regardless how lewd.
But if you spend money on it actively then on some level you're immoral for wasting money on your dick.

I dont know OP. We should post more examples of hyper sexualization to think about it more.

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>Why not
Because it subverts the female gender role. Same way you give education and jobs to women to subverts the male gender role.
Unless you want to go back 100 years to gender roles, in which case you should campaign for a rollback of women's suffrage.

Only femcels get upset at this stuff anyway.

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morals are for religion fags

>Kainé outfit doesn't come with a bulge

The only immoral thing is putting distorted views into the natural and sexy figure of the human body.

Cant be any worse than the tumblr sjw stereotype

nobody says that about male stereotypes, ever, suck it up faggot and learn to deal with petty bullshit like that

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No. That's what the ESRB is for. Just like how it's okay for movies to have sex and shit as long as it's appropriately rated. Video Games are just under attack by nutjobs that's all.

it's just hedonism within hedonism. A cherry on top of a chocolate cake, if you will.

Businesses exist to make money, not morals if fail to understand that you are on your way to becoming the next american comicbook industry.

OP is a fucking faggot as always

>can lead to
Do video games cause violence?

How would it be a negative effect on society? I understand that some people aren't comfortable with it, and that's fine. I'm kind of one of them sometimes. I don't have to consume that media if I don't want to, and neither do the ones that don't like it. Nier: Automata doesn't really fall into that category though.

That said, the heavy armor is the TRUE best outfit for 2B.

>mega corps: only half the population is working and this is unsatisfactory to our bottom line
>funds feminism
>women don't need no man
>buying power of a 2 working-person family now lower than a single provider once had
>marriages collapse
>childhoods collapse
>society collapses
maybe we should just go back though

no rapes have ever been caused because of sexy women in video games

How is telling girls to be morbidly obese, mentally ill people that will either kill themselves or die from diabetis at 25 feminism, but telling girls to work out and take care of themselves misogyny?

this. every male character in video games is an adonis and that's cool. males strive for greatness while women are petty and get jealous of hot vidya girls. just like they get jealous of hot women irl.

this argument can also be used to blame violence on videogames

Its an art. Art is art.

Because you think women have no value unless they're attractive.

Post more hyper sexualization

The only immoral thing is having to see ugly and fat women in games that have become the go to with effeminate, spineless devs, that's the real crime.

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Who fucking cares. Kaine is hot as fuck and I don't care if its gay.

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they have no value if they are dead

I don't know, is it?

Hypersexualization is retarded like Yea Forums. That's why Yea Forums defends it.

>maybe we should just go back though
If society collapses we will go back because we won't have a choice. But stuff needs to burn, people need to die and chaos needs to engulf the whole civilization before anyone will even think about going back. And that's IF things start to go seriously wrong in the first place because right now it seems that TPTB have things under complete lockdown and nothing moves without their approval.
Up until then i'll have my 2d/porn/games/whatever thank you very much and any women who want to take that away from me better start thinking about being barefoot, pregnant and chained to the kitchen sink like """""the good old days"""""".

Unless, again, you are the one to get on a soapbox in your community and say
But i don't recommend you do that if you don't want to be homeless.

Only if you're white.
White people hate sexy women since so many of them are gay men.

Now you're catching on. Feminism was just a Jewish ploy to double the supply of labor

based leorio poster

is there a bigger res for this picture?

Did you miss the part where i don’t want them to die from mental and physical illnesses?

You don't actually care about women's health when it comes to obesity, you only care about how they look. Try learning some sympathy.

>we will go back because we won't have a choice
There won't be a restart with this level of distance of income from the top and the bottom, but only because of how pervasive technological surveillance has taken hold. There won't be an "A-Ha!" moment where it's all reverted back. It's too late. The trap has sprung.

Projecting much?


Oh please, everyday media is way more "hyper" sexualized than almost all videogames.
It's just a way to shit on gaming, whiny cunts never attack real instances of this type of thing, so as a result I don't take any woman complaining about sexy women in videgames seriously, and frankly no one should because it has nothing to do with sexualization but that guys are enjoying themselves by having fun and fantasies on their own.

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Maybe women should grow the fuck up and stop being jealous over imaginary women?
Jojo is a perfect example of how men don't give a shit if men are oversexualized. Every important character is a built like a god chiseled from fucking marble into the perfect male form, and sexualized as hell, but we just think it's cool

who cares

See, but this is for black and Hispanic guys.
White guys hate seeing shit like this.
Again, because they're fucking gay.

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Morality is subjective so the answer is different for everybody. I find it in poor taste when it's overdone like with Kainé and 2B though.

That's not hyper sexualization.

Hyper sexualization would be body- and mind modification of appearance, sexual features, arousal and intensity of feelings paired with overstimulation and orgasm denial for an extended amount of time that turns a "I hate this." kind of character into a "Please let me cum !" really desperate one.

...or whatever you'd prefer.

Moral doesn't belong in games. Games are meant to be played by and beyond the rules with whatever the game makes possible. Entertainment material has to work for personal preferences where society and it's rules don't belong beyong the "We can still sell this, right ?" question.

If anyone would actually care they would have the individual fill out a test form before playing for personal likes and dislikes to adapt the contents of the game to it, including the explanation of selectable choices not yet known to the individual but who does that ?

Furthermore: If people don't try and see how they react to different kinds of content they'll never know their own character. Trying to shield people from all kinds of wrongs just builds a reality for them that excludes the real reality and that can't work in the long run. Either they'll be triggered by the most minor things in the future or get a mental breakdown then.

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>Because you think women have no value unless they're attractive.
How did i miss this jewel of a post, jesus. If a woman wants to be taken care of and to marry someone, she will always choose someone taller, because she subconsciously feels safer, someone smarter, because she wants better prospects financially, someone stronger, because she wants to get fucked properly and feels safer and someone handsome because she doesn't want weak bad genes for her offspring.

Riddle me this: if a man has to be taller, smarter, stronger than her, what is left for the man to want? Beauty is the only thing you bring to the table because there's 3.5 billion vaginas on the planet.

So yes, women have no value to a man unless they're attractive, the same way men have no value to women unless they're all the above i've mentioned.
But don't get too upset, you DO have value just for something else. For corporations to use you for labor and to drive wages down.

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>why not
Define why it is first, goalpost mover. You can't state contrary evidence to something that hasn't been established yet. It's like disproving god. Prove him first then we'll talk.

Post hyper

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did you know living can lead to death? D:

why would men give a shit about women's sense of self worth when they regularly grind men's confidence like sausage, have you ever seen Tinder statistics and just how fucking picky women are when it's facilitated to the greatest efficiency technology permits? why do people never ask these kinds of questions in the mainstream

I do not like the fact that women are allowed to be sexually attractive in an entertainment product.
Rather than not consume this product, I will raise a big stink about it until the companies conform to my standards.
It turns out, though, that the companies don't give a shit, because they have their own vision for their game and more importantly they also know I'm not their audience. So I will raise a huge stink to the publishers and in the case of a game console, the owners of the platform.
Finally, the nice guys in California censored the games. Anything arbitrarily deemed indecent is blocked, especially if the game is Japanese. Entire pieces of content are cut out. The games remain unmolested by the corporate nannies on any other system, so anyone who was interested in the games now leaves for those systems. I myself was not going to buy the game regardless because this is more about virtue signalling than it was about making the content "safer". Thus absolutely nothing was accomplished.

I go to my favourite imageboard and celebrate all of the alt-right weeb incels being blown the absolute FUCK out.

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Even if it is, I don't give a shit about your morals. You are the people standing in the way of people creating art. You little shits keep screaming about how everything offends your delicate sensibilities. If it doesn't agree your standards, then you have the choice to avoid it at your own discretion. Just stop telling us what we can and can't do. And cower in your synagogues and twitter threads.

Got it. We should go full JRPG villain and kill every woman in the world so none of them get objectified.

There. Problem solved.

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Oh no, not stereotypes!

How can we survive in a world with stereotypes?!

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uhm ACKTUALLY those are male power fantasies.

There isn't really a thing called "hyper" sexualization in games. the pronouns is just used a pejorative.
sexual content isn't innately bad or good in games.

I'm just gonna keep posting these screencaps.
Only retarded white people actually get upset at "hypersexualization" in video games, because they spend all day in their basements whining about stupid shit on twitter.

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Wrong, I love big tits but I don't want women to actually value having them because they'll start having chronic back pain in their 20s. Unless they exercise, but if they do that they lose the tits.

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Doo doo doo doo

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Feminism is why muslims are outbreeding europoors and taking over.


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>Is hyper sexualization in games immoral?

The sole purpose of games is to entertain the player.
If the game is intended for a mature audience a good way to do so is via sexual arousal.
Censoring nudity in 18+ games isn't just pointless but counter-productive.

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child b is correct

White guys fucked up by listening to their retarded women.
Serves as a great lesson for everyone else.
Hopefully the Japs don't fuck up and follow in their footsteps.

Thought this was going to segue into "taking their virginity cards" but this works as well.

Mother fucker your on a board full of people that barely go outside, let alone talk to women. We hardly “value” them at all.

No. Sexuality is natural and healthy and we could all be much happier if we embraced it more

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How did this game get a pass when similar games get torn to shreds for overt sexuality?


Hyper sexualizing what? Digital depictions of robots in a toy?

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The hyper sexualization is no different from porn. We all know how bad porn is for your brain.

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Don't think so. I'm a heterosexual white female and seeing exposed boobs or a bare ass on my screen doesn't trigger me. But then again I'm Russian, so I'm probably backwards thinking.

If I was a man who got offended by the concept of more fit, more attractive males existing in fiction I might say yes.

But I'm not, because that's retarded. Male, female, just let the people have their hot characters.

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Based. You should consider posting yours, I personally wouldn't mind seeing them on my screen.

>one of these threads yet again
>people still reply, and without sage on top of all
Guys, seriously

No but pandering to incels with jerk off bait is fucking gross and I'm glad they're having their games taken away

It's an actual good game and 2B and A1 are actually good characters rather than just eye candy with no purpose outside of that.

why is hyper violence in games not immoral? why when western people are talking about morals, they are always arbitrarily choosing sex among all other morals?


Kindly fuck off with your buzzwords.

why would it be immoral if it's fucking everywhere on TV and in any other media

it's not immoral, it makes games worse

>why would it be immoral if it's fucking everywhere on TV and in any other media
Because if it's on TV and in movies, it's because there's women playing those roles and they get paid.
a) Real woman dressed provocatively = Woman gets attention/money = woman benefits = A-OK!
b) Virtual woman dressed provocatively = Artist/games dev gets money = no woman benefits = MISOGYNY!
See how this works?

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have sex

Is hyper sexually attractive women in games immoral?

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I want to fuck a brown girl.

>Real woman dressed provocatively = real woman most likely does it of their own free will and on her own terms
>virtual woman dressed provocatively = most likely the perverted delusion of some 30-year-old virgin incel
The two are in no way comparable.

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>tfw I like 2b's normal outfit more than this

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No. Most forms of literature are romantic in nature, so a character being overtly sexual, or "hyper sexual", really shouldn't be all that surprising given the context.

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>tights squeeze the thigh fat

mmmmmmmmm nut

Is OP a faggot?

Which depiction does Yea Forums find more attractive, left or right?

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But the virtual woman dressed provocatively is emulating the real woman doing the same. Unless the latter is wrong, the former can't be either, UNLESS my earlier explanation is correct.

This is all assuming that you consider "30 year old virgin incels" "human", and you're not actually proving my point from earlier here in which i basically say that women find short, dumb and weak men subhuman and unworthy of consideration as human beings.

So which one is it?

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>Make her fatter
>But also make her tits smaller
Huh, almost like it's not about weight and instead about jealousy of hot women

you see, user, Nicki Minaj is... Uh... there's the television, which is only one electronic medium so therefore... uh... it's a video which you watch as opposed to one which you play so... um.... videos are art while video games are... errrr….

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>got fatter
>but tits got smaller
What's the fucking point

Sexualize everything

They both look like Lindsey Lohan, so neither.

>almost like it's not about weight and instead about jealousy of hot women
That's pretty much it actually. It's so transparent and obvious i'm dying of second hand embarrassment when i read this shit.
Like incels bitching about chads.

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Hyper what? Tits? Ass? Bellies?

are you for or against sexualization in games?
because if you are against that, and that's your argument, then you're basically saying that women should be paid for looking sexy, in other words you're saying women are whores LOL

I think the article's right; women nowadays can only work out their legs and get away with being lazy so long as they have a big ass (whereas men are ridiculed for only exercising their upper body). Ironically enough, the more men's expectations rise, the more shallow they become. Our standards should be proportional to our expectations, not disproportionate.

morality is grey, not black and white
what you mean is "wrong" and "right" and the beauty of humanity is neither
>is hyper-sexulization wrong?
loaded question
first off, sexuality is not wrong, as it is the basis of life and the basis of procreation. for men, the mere act of ejaculation results in the death of millions, and when sexuality is cultivated, the creation of life and prosperity is promoted. sex is inspired by death and life, sex inspires lives, sex results in you and me. Sex can be an alchemical process of spiritual and physical union between individuals, deeply moving and highly motivating. it can be primal, superficial, sensual, romantic, and it can be meaningless and empty. Sex is art and it should be celebrated, explored, promoted, and perfected

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>Our standards should be proportional to our expectations, not disproportionate.
which in the end falls back on whether you provide enough to warrant the standard you set yourself

I really want romance and sexuality in my games, but in a way that fits within a good story and characters. Hyper-sexualization for its own sake is just cringey.

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>are you for or against sexualization in games?
I'm for leaving people to create whatever they want. Anything.
>because if you are against that, and that's your argument
>then you're basically saying that women should be paid for looking sexy
You mean like picrelated?
>in other words you're saying women are whores LOL
If you want to get ugly, yes. On the lowest of levels of nature/biology/whatever men are tools to be used for labor and war and women are, incubators.
Marriage is a contract that basically says, or used to say, that the man provides shelter, food and protection and woman provides basically herself and children. That's what that was, love is just chemicals to help you breed because tens of millions of years ago when we weren't homo sapiens, that's what worked.

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>Sex is art
what the fuck are you talking about
I put my penis inside my gf and make her feel good, her vagina in turn makes me feel good
normalizing sex, and all of it's perversions, is the death of any nation


What is hypersexual about that?

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that's good, then I have absolutely nothing against what you said!
>On the lowest of levels of nature/biology/whatever men are tools to be used for labor and war and women are, incubators.
>Marriage is a contract that basically says, or used to say, that the man provides shelter, food and protection and woman provides basically herself and children.
>love is just chemicals
I'm pickle rick
guess what, absolutely everything is fucking chemicals

I'm not sure but you're giving off a nihilistic, "nothing in life matters" in a bad way vibe
do you hate women by any chance?

>sex and all of its perversions
fuck off and die, you turbofaggot nigger

I mean, women hold such lofty standards, and men generally don't--really only caring if the person in question is attractive and, generally speaking, "motherly" (in physique, and/or intrinsically) . I'd argue more standards are imposed on men than women; having to care for social status, being economically well off, being attractive, being in shape, etc.

wtf is a 'body image expert'
fucking lol

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>using Nier Automata to discuss sexuality when DoD3 exists

so for you, it's meaningless and nothing
I already covered this, you must be an idiot or something
>d-death ov nahtun
oh great, a brainwashed christcuck moralfaggot
head back to the 90s and boycott your mother before she enters the orgies with the local clergymen

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>I'm not sure but you're giving off a nihilistic, "nothing in life matters" in a bad way vibe
Reality without tinsels and fireworks is nihilistic if you don't believe in an afterlife.
>do you hate women by any chance?
That's a lot of people i don't know. You have to know your object of hatred in order to hate it.

>wtf is a 'body image expert'
Someone like picrelated on the left.

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I said sex and all of it's perversions, not "erotica", you dumb fuck
go ahead and insert more meaning into what I said than there is, since you're so keen on looking for things to be outraged about
>you turbofaggot nigger
fucking virgin lol

>women hold such lofty standards
women hold such standards from a biological standpoint, and it all makes sense when you read up on womens psychology
>and men generally don't
yeah, because a single man can impregnate a large amount of women in a short period of time, leaving them more vulnerable for 9 months, so it makes sense from the woman's perspective
>more standards are imposed on men than women; having to care for social status, being economically well off, being attractive, being in shape, etc.
all of this stems from instincts and their biological set-up when it comes to rearing children:
>having to care for social status
safer bet for the woman
>being economically well off
safer bet for the woman
>being attractive
indicator of good genes
>being in shape
indicator of good genes, shows the male can defend her and himself if the need arises

the standards you speak of come from a biological standpoint, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that since that's how it was for thousands of years
women thinking that they're princesses and that they DESERVE the best while looking like shit, however, is not OK, and such women need a really good reality check

>male gaze, they said

Only when it's not of loli

>oh great, a brainwashed christcuck moralfaggot
considering that I don't believe in god, it wasn't a christian that said what you quoted, and the fact that trannies and gays are literal dead ends, I'd say yeah, normalizing all of its perversions is the death of any nation :)
>so for you, it's meaningless and nothing
no, it's not meaningless, however thinking that the act of sex is something more than what it is or "art" is fucking RETARDED
the act of giving birth is fucking beautiful, because the act of giving life to another being is fucking beautiful
but having sex being art? LOL, are you a virgin by any chance?
>I already covered this, you must be an idiot or something
willing to bet I'm smarter than you are :)

I understand that women holding such standards is biological, but at the root of my argument is that standards amongst the sexes are disproportionate in degree and number. I believe that the reason men allow women to get away with being lazy, why there are so many pathetic men today, is that they don't hold themselves in higher regard (given that they've been reared to uphold women's standards), and that our own standards are low. A woman could be a total fucking loser, but an absolute bombshell, and men just wouldn't give a shit about the former until it bleeds into their personal lives.

>Reality without tinsels and fireworks is nihilistic if you don't believe in an afterlife.
I believe that life doesn't matter, therefore people should try to be the best they can be in life and should try to achieve as much as possible in their lives
I also don't believe in an afterlife, but that doesn't mean I'll go and be sad about nothing in life mattering

the right mindset
>nothing in life matters, AWESOME, time to face my fears and generally try to make this place before my time is up
the wrong mindset
>nothing in life matters, BOO HOO, I better be a degenerate, ruin my life, and do drugs because I'm going to die anyway

>I-i'm not a christcuck
>sex is p-perverted!
you claim you're not, but you're still brainwashed by the same moralfaggotry that they repress themselves with
>sex isn't art
>sex can create life, which is fucking beautiful
so you're saying it's not art, yet it evokes an aesthetic which you desire after
you're pretty fucking retarded
end your life nigger
sex is beautiful and there's nothing shameful or perverted or wrong about it
end your piss poor moralfaggot outrage existence

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>but at the root of my argument is that standards amongst the sexes are disproportionate in degree and number
they're disproportionate because of the differences between the sexes
like I already said, a woman can become more vulnerable for 9 months if she gets pregnant, the man can't because they're the ones impregnating. a man can impregnate and leave, leaving the woman on her own and more vulnerable. it makes sense why women have such standards
however the media is telling all women they're princesses and deserve the best, and that's fucked
>I believe that the reason men allow women to get away with being lazy, why there are so many pathetic men today, is that they don't hold themselves in higher regard
absolutely true, I give my gf a hard time so that she doesn't become a lazy slob and rationalizes getting fat as normal or being a degenerate in general, and hey, it works!
respect yourself and impose that respect on others, and they will follow suit, because women are biologically wired to submit to their man

spoken like a true sexually-frustrated virgin

>muh degeneracy
Fuck off, faggot. You're cancer, you're sjws 2.0

go smoke weed and wallow in your misery, you fucking loser

>h-have sex!
>then you won't think sex is art
>you're such a virgin!
lmao @ your life bro

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>A woman could be a total fucking loser, but an absolute bombshell, and men just wouldn't give a shit about the former until it bleeds into their personal lives.
That's true until you get to your 30's or 35, and your penis doesn't hold the same power over you. Then you're disgusted by "hot" dumb sluts because you see that to marry such a thing is suicide. That said, you're right up until then and many men ruined themselves because they went with pretty but hollow women.

>I believe that life doesn't matter, therefore people should try to be the best they can be in life and should try to achieve as much as possible in their lives
>I also don't believe in an afterlife, but that doesn't mean I'll go and be sad about nothing in life mattering
I also believe that life doesn't matter but i'd rather be able to live in such a way that allows me to have the time to think that life doesn't matter. In order to achieve that lifestyle, i have to think that life matters, otherwise i can't muster up the will to do things that will allow me to live in such a way to have the time to be nihilistic. So it's a pendulum for me.

So we'd agree. If men were to impose standards more, they'd surely be more confident than they are now.

Erotic art is great, games should embrace it more openly

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rage against the moon and stars and sun for making nudity the basic default state of humanity
you fucking ass-crack herpes shitstain

I wouldn’t care if it lead to that even if it for sure did. Now fuck off.

>character in lingerie
>sideskirts it by calling it a guy
who the FUCK are you with asking us what immoral is

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No apparently it isnt, even on social media almost every girl is hypersexualizing herself. Its a fucking shame.

But murder isn't, thanks allah.

hit home pretty close, huh? not surprised
and yes, you are a virgin, it's evident by your posts :)
for me it's the opposite, I believe that nothing in life matters, which in turn means that being afraid of taking risks is the recipe for living in regret and with very few exciting points in life
absolutely! respect yourself and expect the same respect towards themselves from others, and everyone will benefit from it

Super sexualization is fine
Hyper sexualization is where I draw the line

women are spiteful,jealous,lazy,hyppcritical and cruel creatures. they can't stand that they're not the center of attention and a vast majority of them just want to get shit without working for it. if they can't have all the attention or can't join in on the "fun" then no one can

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Yes, but not for the reason you think.
Mankind is weak to temptation, and anime tiddy can break the bond between a man and his wife almost as easy as women-empowering propaganda does.
That said, the woman-empowering propaganda is clearly the greater evil here, and 2d tiddy is a wonderful chemotherapy to the cancer that is the entitled roastie.

The human body is inherently sexual to us and can't be sexualized.

>that image
Difference is, one promotes fitness and health whereas the other promotes increasing your chances of being raped.

>every girl is hypersexualizing herself
This type of language is crappy because it has a bad connotation thanks to puritanism. "Making themselves attractive" is much better in this case. Just look at this dude and the woman's lipbite. He's """hypersexualized""".
Do i think that all men should look like this? No. But that's the direction you should be aiming to move towards.

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This is always the best route it's just that no one has the means.

>tfw will never missionary fuck Kainé

That lingerie of hers makes me so hard everytime.

The barbie image promotes fitness and health too, unless you're saying that slim women are unhealthy.

>only virgins like to see beauty or pretty things!
>having sex will stop your desire to want to look at something beautiful
top kek

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while you're at it kill all the fags who want to fuck women

>fitness and health

Why would you regret your decision if it didn't matter?

Exactly. He-Man's hardly wearing anything - he's clearly rape-bait!

oversexualization is a problem, especially that adding fanservice junk into games where it's not needed.

Wrong. You'll have the will to do things either way because you're somehow still convinced you're in the driver seat. Also I doubt your nihilism can defeat the much more powerful push of basic agitation. You'll be made to live.

"a problem" is different from immoral and you are not answering the question. is it immoral?

There is nothing immoral about sexuality.

The only thing immoral is forcing your ideals on others.

>prove a negative
all i can say is sex is nice and games are nice, games + sex is nicer

>You'll have the will to do things either way because you're somehow still convinced you're in the driver seat. Also I doubt your nihilism can defeat the much more powerful push of basic agitation. You'll be made to live.
This made me smile. And not in a bad way but in a "you smart motherfucker" way.

>sexualization can lead to harmful stereotypes of women
Yes, and empowerment can lead to harmful stereotypes of women. In particular, the stereotypes of them being able to achieve their life goals and be happy without a family. Leads to them being miserable and depressed and killing themselves once they turn 40.

The correct option is to sexualise women but ONLY when they're in a monogamous relationship. That way beauty and sexuality are associated with motherhood, and humanity's endless chase for boobies can be harnessed for raising the next generation of humans rather than the next generation of pet cats.

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my thoughts exactly.

yes, walk outside in a scantly clad outfit and see the reactions. Same applies in games


erotica fetishizes sexuality, you complete retard

Because women have so much love for unattractive men, right?

It's not "hyper sexualization" or anything like that. All you mean to say is that the designer decided some female character should wear skimpy clothes. Now, if you put it in such simple and more truthful terms, you'll quickly realize that it's not our business to interfere with this.

research refutes this logic and the inverse is true as the introduction of video games has brought down crime

>sexualization can lead to harmful stereotypes of women
anything can lead to harmful stereotypes of anyone lol

Brown girls aren't real, dumbass.

>walk outside in a scantly clad outfit and see the reactions
barely any? that one bitch made a video of walking around in new york for ten fucking hours and even she had to cherrypick her results

because I want to leave this planet a better place than it is, and that drives me to achieve as much as I can
you can rage all you want, you're still a sexually frustrated virgin

you're right

>sexually frustrated virgin
do you know where you are resettard?

If nothing matters, then any supposed progress you make doesn't matter either.

Is NIER automata worth 20 monies?

I love sex

i wanna cum inside ariana grande

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I do, rage more, virgin
I intend to have a lot of children, and I want to become successful enough to sustain them
when I say "nothing in life matters" I mean being afraid of things in life is pointless because you'll be dead anyway
the actions you take and the consequences of those actions are not meaningless however

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>Difference is, one promotes fitness and health whereas the other promotes increasing your chances of being raped.
Fitness and health is the ideal male form.
Getting raped is the ideal female form, so long as it's getting raped by the same man repeatedly over multiple years.
They go together like Yin and Yang. Two sides of a coin. A key and a lock. Male and female.
It's not a difference at all.

Well, I suppose the difference is that the woman could get raped by multiple -different- men and that'd be wrong. We really need to educate men better to protect women from rape poaching.

Then you're not a nihilist. At least admit you were wrong about that initially. Although, thinking about it, don't. I couldn't care less what someone like you does.

Oh, and in your proposed scenario there are still plety of reasons to be anxious to act. Such as your actions having unintended outcomes, which, as you admit, matter.

muslims are outbreeding because they're often uneducated poor religious nutjobs
i'm white europoor, my (then christian) family of my dads side in the 30s had 15 (fifteen) children. To keep growing the population like that is retarded, we have nothing else to conquer by numbers. We're fine.
But the low iq that cant into planning or is religiously handicapped fuck it up.

Assuming a battery is non-rechargeable:
A battery is useless if it's empty.
A battery is also useless if it's charged, but can't be connected to any circuit.
A woman is useless if she's infertile.
But she's ALSO useless if she's fertile but not bred.
So it's true that women have no value unless they're attractive, but being attractive is not sufficient to give them value. They also need to have families.
A woman's value is in her sons and grandsons and great-grandsons etc.
A man may build the future one brick at a time, but a woman builds the future one son at a time. Everything building see was built by a man, but every man you see was born by a woman.
This is how value is created and it's beautiful.

Without looking on google... Define morality and Immorality.

Let me guess... You can't.

From a point of view, videogames surf across multiple and different moral codes around the world, so what's immoral here, it isn't over there (I will not define what morality and immorality is, because people loves to talk about this shit, and they can't even pinpoint a definition for it), so basically we end up using a global basic mixture of moral codes linked through the internet, and in this "digital global moral code", sexualization isn't immoral if you have the right age.

If pictures like the one that you posted are a common thing, and you understand the concept of morality, you already have the answer. Which is not.
Go read a book, or better, don't breed.

There's nothing wrong with sexualization if it's at least somewhat grounded in the game's fiction.

Unfortunately, even something as basic as that seems to be too much to ask fo the utter hack that is Yoko Taro.

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that outfit is so much better than her normal outfit. god damn


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>Then you're not a nihilist.
yeah, I guess I really am not
>Oh, and in your proposed scenario there are still plety of reasons to be anxious to act. Such as your actions having unintended outcomes, which, as you admit, matter.
yeah, and I try to live my life with as few fears as possible, because a lot of them don't matter and only hold us back from becoming better people

Treating women like they aren't strong enough to be sexual is a harmful stereotype desu.

nothing wrong with either one

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Real women do not have free will and their own terms
Real women copy each-other.
I'm sure there's some alpha goddess somewhere up the supply chain, but your average woman doesn't have the sentience to tell a washing machine that washes clothes properly apart from one that "Speaks to who I am" and "Helps me relax" and "Lets me spend more time on what's important".

When the fuck did this site become infested with moralfags, and moralfags who think their moralfaggotry isn't incompatible with literal nazism

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>posts a picture of himself but doesn't like to see pictures of women
what a fucking queer

>even something as basic as that seems to be too much to ask fo the utter hack that is Yoko Taro.
Your suspension of disbelief is lacking. You must be unable to enjoy superhero movies at all since those require gargantuan levels of it. Did you watch any cartoons when you were little?

What's the game on the right?

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>implying I'm a fag
saw this coming from a mile away, ahahah
rage more, virgin

I hate women in the same way that I hate traffic. I don't hate cars as a whole, or the concept or cars, but I hate when my car can't do its job because of other cars interfering.

>literal nazism
you have a problem with loving one's nation?
do you associate loving your nation with killing jews or other nations?

Because you parrot /pol/memes and are out of touch with actual (irl) reality.

No but Trannies are immoral & Subhuman

I scrolled through this entire shitty thread looking for something to add to the fap folder and found NOTHING!

Fucking faggots, the lot of you.

I told my gf to lose weight, and she lost weight
am I out of touch with reality?

>implying you're not
who is the faglord that thinks family men and people in relationships magically lose sexual interests and desires to look at beautiful women while posting pictures of themselves from the ground up?

you, the ultra-homosexual superfaggot

that's cute, at the end of the day I'm giving it to my girlfriend and you're jerking off to weebshit

>saw this coming from a mile away, ahahah
>rage more, virgin
you are 100% more pathetic than any virgin ITT lmao

not immoral, just fucking retarded

>implying that there is a magical barrier which suddenly occurs the moment you have sex and prevents any desire to look at sexy stuff
it is possible to engage in sex with another person AND look at pictures
I know this might be hard to understand for a retard ultra-homosexual like you, but that's the case regardless of how much you cry about virgins
you mean, your ladyboy ass-fucker who bangs you in your booty and took that picture for you is your girlfriend

I stayed in a relationship with a very hot girl for 3 years despite being dumb and a manlet
the only thing I'm good at are sports
we broke up because I went abroad but whatever

>no armour
Aren't they robots? Their body is the armour, if anything they should all be naked to avoid ruining clothing.

YoRHa units do have heavy armor for all-out warfare.

>a relationship with a very hot girl for 3 years
>despite being dumb and a manlet
>the only thing I'm good at are sports
She was young. Like men, when women age their needs change. This in no way contradicts anything i've said.
She was young, found your athletic prowess attractive, time passed, she got older, saw other men that were better and left you.
>we broke up because I went abroad but whatever
I honestly, and i do mean honestly, want to believe this.

>No but do you realize that sexualization can lead to harmful stereotypes of women?

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The not-retardedly zealous nationalism? no
Socialism? no
Larping an aesthetically pleasing powerhungry movement from the 1940s that was adamant about the top hierarchy of people telling you what to do like bugs while imposing their autistic objective opinions on everybody below them like a contrarian enticed by the idea that a 'zombie apocalypse' like reshuflling of the cards would make their lifes finally better? yes

Good for you user. What i'm getting at is that feminist don't actually want people to get fatfuck mode, only the retards do because they don't understand the aesthetically pleasing ingroup they felt apart of. They're basically jesusfreaks that somehow truly believe the second testament is about how Pokemon are the devil. They get part of a club, get to feel good about themselves so they make it their personality, but are then too stupid to actually understand how and why they became part of said group. (group felt like helping them) Since they think they are experts now, they spout their random shit that makes them feel like they are having influence and authority on something.
>Watch out for the devil and temptations!
>intended message: live in moderation and act ethically!
>decoded message: Chinese cartoons are out for your kids souls

>intended message: Women shouldn't try to JUST become their looks and learn to provide for themselves independently so they aren't taken advantage of
>decoded message: this cleavage is LITERALLY the devil and very problematic

if blood and gore isnt immoral, sex should not be

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>When the fuck did this site become infested with moralfags, and moralfags who think their moralfaggotry isn't incompatible with literal nazism
have you been paying attention to modern politics? the ones touting their moral superiority the most are also the ones to act most like actual nazis

calling this prude image hyper sexualization is immoral

Given that I was the one who initiated the separation (long distance relationships are shit) she couldn't have found anyone else "better" yet
but I wouldn't be surprised if she's with someone more socially attractive than me now

I just believe that women have their preferences too, for some physical fitness looks safer, for others it's social standing.

There are a lot of unattractice women who punch above their weight but it is also true for men, albeit more uncommon (but not rare either, if you have a large social circle you can probably find some examples of that)

Sometimes I get a feeling that this whole sexualization in video games is a topic invented by smart advertisers to make people talk about these particular games all the time. This works as a viral advertisement. But I'm a eurofag, so I may just not understand how is it for amerifags that sex is still, after so many years and what we have in media, a taboo topic.

work in your skinny little legs, queer.

fuck off pedo

Women are walking fleshlights designed to sate a mans sexual desires, so, no, it's not immoral, it's realistic.

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Why is this guy showing pictures of himself working out so obsessed with virgin men? What a fag.

>it’s okay for vidya girls to dress like sluts but it’s degenerate for real life girls to dress like sluts


I dont like this attire. Her default clothes are stylish, cute and provocative enough already.

>looks at M-rated tv shows, music videos or just simple real life

The problem is that video game characters literally can't say "Fuck off you ugly cunt, I'm wearing this because I look good in it." They are designed and controlled mostly by men so the SJW crowd has found the perfect target.

>the other promotes increasing your chances of being raped.
Fucking this
He-Man looks so vulnerable.
All it would take is a cute little girl or cute twink and BAM

> unironically discuss SJW and hyper sexulazation
the government and big brother distracts YOU from REAL PROBLEMS in YOUR CONTRY

The scariest thing about fascists is that they genuinely believe they're doing the right thing

women are fucking gross, who cares about them
give me more sexualized men in video games please

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how come women dont have a "power fantasy" when they look at beautiful badasses like samus or bayonetta but when a guy looks at kratos or liu kang they do?

I just dont get why women who play video games want to play as ugly women, arent video games an escape where you can be whatever you want?
when I play a game I dont want to play as a fat piece of shit who spends all day playing video games and fapping

Oblivion dude. How don't you see that the first second

What even is hypersexualisation ?
Humans are sexualized, our whole life revolves around sex and reproduction, what the hell is wrong with puritans ?

>I just dont get why women who play video games want to play as ugly women
you should probably play some MMOs, women quite often play the prettiest female characters available and they love the titles with good customization.

They do user.

>perma virgin thinks hes hot shit because he wastes 4 days a week in the gym and listened to some self-improve audiobook instead of working on a career and a relationship

than whats with the "sexualization in video games is harmful to women" shit?
yeah we all know no women who touches a video game will ever look like chun li or some doa chicks so whats the fucking problem?
at the same time no one in real life can look like the gigga niggas in mortal kombat, street fighter, etc without actually harming their bodys with roids but no one bitches about them running around shirtless against dudes with knives and guns

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Because they are women user. Have you never met one or tried to date one?
They are exactly like men, but just lack logic or reason.

my dick says no

so many of white men are gay women nowadays

>tfw no user friend with magical talking dick
>tfw said user won't let me see it or suck it haha for laughs

you're dumb

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Nope, if its going in the right way.

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well thats the incel narrative
I want to know the logic coming from someone who doesnt hate everyone

Hypersexualized (2D) women are good though. 3D is PD.

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That's a fucking gorgeous character design user, who is it?


Mob Mentality
The vocal minority leads the silent majority

so what happens when I fist an android?

If it leads to sexualization in real life (where it matters and can affect people's lives), then yes. You could argue that it's immoral.
I haven't seen proof of this other than my personal experiences of "gamers" sometimes being very misogynistic (which isn't proof).

It's immoral to expect $60 and not give me what I want.

Violence in games doesn't lead to violence in real life. We all agree
But tits on a screen, that will turn even Dalai Lama into a mass rapist. That's just how it goes.
Fucking retard.

From Blood and Wine, the Witcher 3 expansion.

Thank you :) hope you're doing well user

Dalai Lama isn't a good person

i only buy games with 2D tiddies. polygons are a boner killer.

I'm alright, thanks for asking.

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It's the damn video games I'm telling you, they current even pure souls.

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Damn it.

People do say that though, rightfully.

that and it kicks natural selection up a gear. before men were only being selected. feminism is now the big red flag alpha men need to say "don't marry this one"

Maybe bitches should stop sucking dick and get their own cool power fantasies then.

Yeah i don't thin bodybuilding like that is healthy

>can shove gays, trannies, and other degenerates into everything for full SJW propaganda-fest bullshit
>can't put in an attractive female because that offends people

Just fuck off

No it doesn't. That's just an excuse for the Sarkeesian types to come in and sieze content control over everything so we end up with stale unlikeable characters because "they're people that others can identify with" bullshit.

That kind of thinking is what ruined the Tomb Raider franchise.

Name five(5) games where there is visible female anus

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Kinda but it’s not something we should get rid of


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>enter thread expecting 2b lewds
>no lewds only spergs discussing irrelevant shit

from the OP alone this promised to be an ass worship thread

Try working in an office some time.

Parents letting children play M-rated games is harming children.

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They should have given 9S that outfit

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>Try working in an office some time.
I have, bitches were crazy/annoying. the younger ones were badmouthing the other chicks that weren't in their pose, the more decent looking ones used "sex appeal" to make betas do some of their work for them while the uggos were nasty bitches and they literally and figuratively trying to suck up to the male seniors while the female seniors were pretty much just as bad minus the sex appeal and with more passive aggressiveness. there'd be maybe 3-4 actually useful ones in a group of 1. l swore that was the last time I'd work in an office with that much women.

Morality is relative. She's not my relative, so it's okay.

Might be the age group.
I'm 28 and work in an office with a group of a dozen women, none of them younger than probably 40. They're all married with kids, and they're all lovely, great at their jobs, and amazingly supportive of me (who is new).

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Women will never admit a sad truth which is easily saw if you have knowledges of medicine.
Left is easily obtainable if you dont eat like a fucking pig every day between 10 and 19 yrs old. Thats all. Just keep a normal diet after that.
Right you need a LIFETIME of gym, scrupolous diet, drugs and pain and youll take decades to merely resemble he man.
The "unrealistic standards" are the fatty landwhales whining while gurping a pellet of butter. Have you ever seen some cute or beautiful girl whining about barbie? Yeah.

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What is this Amerimutt thread? Why is this in Yea Forums?

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Yeah, I think so. It's part of the saturation of degeneracy. I'd be happy to see more demure sexuality as the norm, if it echoed a corresponding change in the behaviour of women.

Of course this isn't the impetus for the criticism of sexualized games... Rather it comes predominantly from feminist and sjw types that aren't concerned with the decay of civilization or wholesome standards of beauty at all. In fact, they're happy to sacrifice civilization and true excellence for the sake of their religion of equalism, and encourage actual female promiscuity with no thought to societal cost. So I say, fuck 'em.

The sooner you learn that the people who most objectify women are women, the happier you'll be.

Sex in video games is a literal non-issue. It's always had an ESRB warning slapped onto it, so it's not like it's taking you by surprise, and even then I've never met anyone, male or female, who has a problem with revealing clothing or sexual content in video games. This whole "sEx is BAD in ViDEo GamES" thing is a product of a very small minority of outraged social media users and nothing more

>when I say "nothing in life matters" I mean being afraid of things in life is pointless because you'll be dead anyway
woah, so deep.
i cri

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How many women do you think get abused in say, California or New York, at any given time of day because of rap music?

Retarded faggot, it's a character, not a real human

What is sexualization ? Genuine question, womans are beautyfull and have been represented as well as men in maked and idealized forms since the begening of humanity, what exactly is the diference between this picture and Nier ? Why do you need to ivent new words for perfectly mundane things and most imùportantly why do you think it makes the mundane thing bad ?

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Kaine is not a robot you automata secondary trash

>it's a character, not a real human
okay but what is a "real" human?

we got thomas fuckin sowell over here acting like his third eye is open

Jokes aside, how do we stop sony from censoring shit?

Have sex incel

neither, doesnt have a dick

I haven't played the game, I was just asking.

A member of the homo sapiens species?

Wait, Ariana Grande looks like THAT?

>how do we stop sony from censoring shit?
Remind them that age ratings exist for a reason.

Games and stories are about letting players feel like heroes and idealized versions of themselves. Men like to be macho and women like to be sexy. Removing “hyper sexualization” is basically removing the aspect of giving females an idealized version of themselves because of your own fear of sex. If the main character is just male and there’s sexy females in the game that’s ok too because men are allowed to enjoy looking at women as that is natural and healthy. If you don’t like it don’t buy the game.

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I bought this fucking game and I still need to get into it

I did walk up a ladder and look at her panties tho hehe

Sexualization is bad (to the SJW's that is) because it reduces women specifically to a product of fertility. Personally I think those that complain are envious of the genetic advantages their fellow females have over them, jealous that they will get their male attention taken away from them and then thrown on the old and busted heap when they run out of eggs. In short they are just competing with biologically superior people so have to resort to shaming them.

no because it makes me pp hard

200 word essay

That gif has been debited to death. Most likely, that girl bites her lips because of whatever championship that guy won.

except no publisher is going to allow an AO rating and the lower the rating the more it'll sell.

her butt is great

Is torture, murder, raping, dismembering, killing people in games immoral? Is propagating lgbt degeneracy in games immoral? Are you retarded immoral?

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have sex.

did you just call me gay?



>"women are too sexualized"
>sexualize themselves irl on their own free will
>make everything about them in general
>have to put up with this shit as a man where you dont get to bitch about it and if you do youre gay in other men's eyes
>while at the same time men are sexualized just as much, if not more, on a very regular basis
>men just put up with it while women REEEEEEEE
even if im projecting as an unattractive fatass that plays weebshit all fucking day i can see how women have it a lot fucking easier

speaking of which seeing hot shirtless men in vidya is a nice breath of fresh air. seeing a hot piece of man meat is much more interesting than the same female bodytype every goddamn game

Not necessarily immoral, but it is extremely trashy and cringe.

the feminists just say that he-man is a male power fantasy and it's not the same.

I don't use this word very often but yeah this is based

No. M rating protects children from oversexualized media and adults are perfectly capable of censoring it from themselves if they want to.

There's a big difference. Way more going on in that sculpture than just some bent over thot, and although the forms are sexual and beautiful, they are presented in a manner that evokes a more cerebral appreciation (as opposed to whipping one's dick out). Hyper-sexualization is the issue of debate, and using the qualifier 'hyper' ('over') is not inventing a new word. It denotes an extreme of something, and extremes -- even of mundane things -- can indeed be bad.

>no dick or bulge
Neither are attractive.

The argument is that these two portrayals of men objectifying women and objectifying themselves cast in an ideal. Women don’t mind being cast in ideals, but their argument is that their portrayal in media is controlled by men. And given the /r9k/ ans /pol/ obsession with “alpha” manliness, they’re not entirely wrong that their portrayal of an objectified man would be different

t. not even left

Remember this any time you see sex appeal in entertainment being attacked.

Feminists want it dead because if men can receive sexual gratification from entertainment, it diminishes the sexual bargaining power of women. Judeo-christians want it dead because their book says anything that leads to less childbirth is against god's will (don't use condoms, Africans!), since it was written at a time when only a few million humans existed.

Never get it confused. The reasons they give you are bullshit. They are only hiding their actual motivations.

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Women also like being represented by attractive characters. Have you ever looked at shoujo manga or anime? These are made for women by women and the main characters all tiny demure teen girls. Go play an MMO and look at the characters women make. They make the best fucktoy possible.

I don't care,I used to fap to this type of characters.They are not more than what they were initially designed for,to seduce players into playing the game.
I always cringe when people say that 2B is one of the best female characters in video game history

>ignoring things

For real. it's just dumbass leftists caring about this stuff. Every girl I've known that played video games or league of legends liked playing as beautiful girls. this one girl bought the schoolgirl skin for ahri because it was cute
same with me buying the $800 invoker cape, it makes me fucking badass

Are you going to call me an incel as your next non-argument?

Have sex.

Have sex.

You're right. These SJW that feel threatened by anime should have sex. Maybe they wouldn't feel so high strung.

You aren't wrong. "God, I Can’t Stop Thinking About Sex! The Rebound Effect in Unsuccessful Suppression of Sexual Thoughts Among Puritan Adolescents"

you fellows seems like you need to get laid

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They make the butt look naked without it actually being naked. It's very appealing.

t. seething tripfag


?????? i'm agreeing with you retard

>body image experts

no damage to anyone, so no

>hyper sexualization
No such thing.

I just don't like hyper sexualization in general

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sex is good and sex should be normalized all around for everybody

instead of going home to work every night and watching tv we should all be having massive orgies.

sex is beautiful and lovely and only humans with their retardation have turned it into something perverted.

but hey keep slaving your lives away for your overlords

Is violence in video games immoral? Yes. That's the point. You get to be immoral without harming others or yourself. You get to vent and feed those desires.

Is that the girl from PoP Warrior Within?

how shopped is this? i mean, the volume of her lower body is just staggering, that right asscheek looks like it has enough mass to be someone elses' torso.

I don't want to catch Chad's gonorrhea, thanks. Also I can't get it up unless I'm deeply in love with someone, and the only woman my heart is open to is Rem, so that isn't happening.

Appreciate the open minded sentiment though.

It's immoral to my dick

Games are not meant to be moral. Shit thread.

Based user bringing back le trollface maym

yeah, you're gay

tl;dr I'll die alone and sad

>the right mindset
there is no right mindset you fucking imbecil
if a person feels like nothing matters to them, then NOTHING MATTERS.
these are the people with courage to actually kill themselves, umlike your "right mindset" of oversocial optimistic "bravery" of asking someone out, going bungee jumping or taking financial risks

I almost puked, good job.

Everything is fine as long as you keep it 2D.

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>sexually frustrated
nobody is actually "sexually frustrated"
Everyone can just jack off if they want

Immoral? no, Important? Yes.

time to research some mods

Absolutely as it's one of the primary means of demoralizing young men and turning them into the pathetic addicts and freaks they are today.

No more immoral than hyper realistic gore and murderhobo gameplay.

Jews literally mutilated your penis at birth (to prevent you from experiencing sexual pleasure) and raised you to believe sexual pleasure is immoral, and you think the people making art with naked humans are the evil ones.

Holy shit, Americans are beyond saving.

Same bait thread Every Fucking Day and you fall for it and reply. This fucking girl should be permaban from this board all she does is shitpost.

>promotes fitness and health
tell that to zyzz
>implying left doesnt promote a healthy lifestyle too



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Most of the children here will never be able to escape grade school philosophy so don't even try it with me shitter. There is nothing moral about pleasure, it's a chemical reaction based on being an animal and following base instinct. The problem with you tards is you want stimulation all the time to the point of letting people take advantage of you. You're hopelessly addicted to pornography and false representations of the human form. You will throw your time and money at it while gaining nothing. If you don't like kikes cutting baby dicks then do something about it faggot but it does not change the fact that you're just another addict. Those instincts are in you so that humans could cope with reproduction when hygiene was not a thing and sex was unimaginably disgusting.

Trannies and roasties are not women though.

All women are whores.

>There is nothing moral about pleasure
Morality is a human invention. Morality has one purpose: to direct human behavior in the direction which generates the largest possible sum of human happiness and wellbeing. Mutilating children's penises is not moral.

What's the difference between sexualization and hyper sexualization?

You can be salty about being a cut fag but it does not make being an addict any less insidious or ridiculous.

>Morality is a human invention

Dare I say it, it's a social construct.

No video games are an entertainment product using sexual imagery to make a game more enjoyable and help it sell is a win in my book.

Societal standards are a joke. So you can suck a dick OP. In fact, suck 2Bs' dick.

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It's fantastic. Fuck the new prudishness, it's already ruined movies

You're probably white, so that might be why.

Yes. Think of the children

I don't get this meme.

you got me

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Your pic happens because hating yourself is a natural part of being a woman.

Yea, I figured.
Run along now, the adults are talking.

This is the only right answer.


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Only if hyper sexualization is there as the only reason to buy a given game, since that promotes shitty business practices.

But GOD tier is when a game is hyper sexualized and hides some even more sexualized shit behind really well made gameplay. Picture not related, but cool.

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rap music leads to far more negative affects on stereotypes of women than video games ever have, or will.

There’s actually a real reason the chick on the left was angry at the woman on the right. Apparently she was having “nip slips” the whole night on purpose and openly discussing getting railed during the whole event.

Who cares. If you don't like it, don't play it. Let the people who enjoy it enjoy it.

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>she was annoyed because the other woman was a whore
Yeah, but the other woman couldn't behave like a whore if she wasn't attractive.

Have sex.

>If a female is barely clothed yet kicking ass, its objectification
>If a male is barely clothed yet kicks ass, it's a power fantasy

Fuck off.

No and anyone that disagrees is a misogynist.

Isn't Yohra troops being super good looking part of the story ?

Attached: s - 2576628 - 1girl android blindfold cleavage_cutout gloves greyscale ilya_kuvshinov monochrome nie (1080x1080, 722K)

>Feminists want it dead because if men can receive sexual gratification from entertainment, it diminishes the sexual bargaining power of women.
So this
have sex thing is just gender based shaming like they used to tell women who wouldn't get married at 18?

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isn't being slutty at the beach part of the story in senran kagura?

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Have sex is just the next zero effort attention-gathering device.

Are you fuckin retard? What the hell are You talking about? Why do you consider "hyper sexualization" in games as immoral?

But it is aimed at men though. Like you're a loser if you don't have sex. But they used to do the same with women. It's still done in China for example. They're called "leftover women" and they end up alone after 27 because nobody marries them.

Yeah and the story being that Yoko Taro likes pretty girls, as any sane man (or lesbian) does.

That's because Yea Forums is almost all men.

why would you make androids that look perfectly like humans be unflattering to eye?

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>That's because Yea Forums is almost all men.
Fair enough.

Yeah, to be fair, If Yea Forums was 95% women, you can be sure they would be calling each other roasties for attention.

Proof of god is amanda seyfried's existence

Is this game any good? Whenever it's brought up, you fags just always talk about her turd box.

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Oh please won't someone think about the fictional sexy 2D, sometimes 3D, women? How will the world ever survive a society where man-made objects are treated like objects that they are?

maybe thats why these games are rated T or M, and not E or Y

Sexualization in real life isn't immoral wtf.

>harmful stereotype
>meanwhile 99% of women like to be slapped around, called names, and pounded hard during sex

>Is this game any good?
Haven't played the game, so take this with a grain of salt, but the story apparently is great. Gameplay is above average but nothing stellar.

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What I don't get why is it exactly wrong if men are supposedly being led astray by idealistic sexualized girls in video games? If the actual women out there call these men raging basement dwelling neckbeards then shouldn't they be happy that they're willingly putting themselves out of the gene pool? If so then why are people still mad that a subset of the male population, which apparently no one wants to see breed, is having sexual gratification granted to them by vidya?

Riddle me this.

The gameplay's better than the original Nier, but don't expect a lot of nuance.
You play it for the tone of the writing, the story, and the message.

Because those men aren't happy at all, they are coping and likely it's compounded by other psycho-social factors and they still have to crawl out of there basements and be part of reality. No one wants to deal with their mental illness on one hand and on the other hand women who are rapidly losing their sexual value after spending their 20's riding a cock carousel are losing their beta male providers.

Why would someone like me - who's never going to be with a woman - care?

>Because those men aren't happy at all
Are you sure though? They seem happier than the trannies anyway.

They don't, and that's by evolutionary design.

maybe if you're showing porn to a child. No.

>If so then why are people still mad that a subset of the male population, which apparently no one wants to see breed, is having sexual gratification granted to them by vidya?
Because perfection is a judgmental ideal. By simply existing, it is judging you and showing you all your flaws. Those who live in self made chambers sniffing their own delusions for long enough begin to live in parallel worlds where from they draw their self esteem, creating their own reality on which they base their whole identity on.
If a joker comes along and tells you that the king is naked, why would you trust him if only smart people can see the king's clothes? You're not stupid are you? Everyone else can see the king's clothes, and they're smart. You don't want to be the stupid one right?

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Why the hell would sexualization ever be a bad thing in a video game? Humans have sex. Humans like sexy things. If somebody buys a hyper sexual game that means that they want it.
This shouldn't be an issue that warrants discussion.

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They are like hikkomori and I dare say that no man can truly be happy without having something to fight for. Trannies are another story all together. They are so unhappy with themselves they turn to mutilation and have been given the expectation that others should have to yield to their disturbed thoughts.

this also he-manpilled


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>evolutionary design
that's a bit of an oxymoron to be honest

Jesus Christ that's some creepy BNW shit

Only when it's used to get miserable nerds to buy alot of garbage

>can lead to
>harmful stereotypes

i made it to the first boss, developers just teasing that ass made me quit

No, never.

>have orgy
we've gone too fucking far. get your hedonistic cult logic out of here

Not anymore harmful than real women are to themselves.

sjw cucks don't want normal people to be happy,
they want everyone to be miserable self-suppressing retards who are 100% real actual pedophiles/degenerates, but pretend to be virtuous online just to have a non-existant "high ground" on debates and opinions

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I was about to comment on how that must be a Roman statue because the Greeks were too gay to allow nude female statues in public, but then I saw the filename.
Why were the Greeks so homo?

>instead of going home to work every night and watching tv we should all be having massive orgies.
I like sex but it is sacred and should be a shared bond between two individuals. Even one night stands are disgusting to me and I felt like utter shit the day after the one I had, swore to never again do that.

Because there were two places in Greek society. Inside the home and outside the home.
Outside the home is where man reigned. Inside the home women were Kings. Man worked and fought outside the home so that the home could prosper, and women toiled inside the home so a new generation could come to be.


What kind of harmful stereotype do you think could come of an attractive female character?
On no! Women are attractive!

absolutely based and puritypilled

Eroticism has changed since we adopted the capitalist model, things like this weren't sculpted so women could "aspire" to be like that, they were done for the sake of beauty and taste. Now women were treated like shit back then no doubt, but I'm sure nobody pressure them to look like the three graces.
Now that we live in a capitalist society, marketing pressures women to have slim bodies so they can get a job to throw their money at products that will make them look like the ladies in the advertisement.

Also fuck Jordan Peterson he was BTFO last night.

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>White guys don't like women dressed in men's street clothes
Ok cool.

There’s no such thing as morals so no

The left one was barely tolerable and the one on the right is a cursed image.

what video game tells women to put on makeup? you're a buffoon

Yes and it's a problem.

We should ban games like these. Any game that objectifies women shouldn't be allowed. It's not where our society should be encouraging or going. We need to empower women, not objectify them.
(pasta reply to tldr request)
It's discussion on the limitations of an individuals pursuit of happiness as a right and how far one can work towards their happiness.

A man and woman eloped with each other, separating from their spouses because they were unhappy with their current marriages.
The former-wife of the man had committed suicide, he was shocked and explained that he had a right to happiness and he had to take a chance on his new marriage.

A woman Claire that Lewis was talking to agreed with the man that eloped, saying it was within the laws written that it can be done and so was fine in doing just that as his legal and moral right. (To divorce and seduce his neighbor as his pursuit of happiness)
Lewis disagrees as people don't have the unlimited right to happiness, even if it such acts were legal and naturally(sexually) fulfilling within the laws of nature.

Now we get to the opposition of prudery
>Let us treat sex just as we treat all our other impulses (order and careful consideration for oneself or others)
This usually means the opposite of how civilized man would treat impulses instead of a controlled impulse with fine temperament.
>see pic
Examples like extreme preservation of ones life (impulse) during time of war would be cowardice, another impulse being sleep which must be staved off if you are a scout on watch.

Should you oppose the high indulgence of the impulse of sex, you're often fought with how great sex is and that you have some puritan prejudice against sex and are shamed for it.
However Lewis disagrees on that pursuit of happiness in that it was an offense against good faith on the man's promises to his wife, an offense to gratitude towards his wife to which he was indebted and an offense against common humanity.

Unbridled sex is put on preposterous privilege which if it were viewed as any other impulse
>see excess & deficiency

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If every game was hypersexualized i wouldn't want to associate with games anymore

Stereotypes imposed by women themselves??It's not men who sexualize women as much as women sexualize themselves,you would realize that if you ever interacted with women or if you had any sort of self awareness (if you're a roastie)

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Videogames certainly reinforce that idea, my point anyway is even if you ban sexy women from all media, capitalism will find another aspirational figure and the cycle will repeat.

This fucking retard can't draw a face to save the planet

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easy there schizo, I highly fucking doubt games are made to sell Maybelline. you sound just as retarded as the conspiracy theorists on /pol/
you're brain is just ruined by another type of extremism. hence why you idolize zizek and hate peterson. you are the happy meal product of political ideologues

If anything video games tell women that it's better to go all natural instead of using makeup.

oh god, the barbarian from D2 is telling me to buy exercise equipment again. it couldn't possibly be that he's designed to look cool because cool is cool. it must be a capitalistic marketing poly AHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
shut the fuck up you commie idiot

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>not being white in current year

But still some videogames are made to make you consume extra stuff, even if that isn't exercise equipment, but things like microtransactions, dlc, anime, toys (amiibo) even movies. If someone wanted to make a videogame to make you buy weights they could.

What I don't understand is why the left loses their fucking minds over seeing a woman showing any skin in other games, but they all universally seem to love 2B and never bring up how sexualized she is. What gives?

I can't think of too many things that don't directly harm someone that I would consider immoral.

>games try to make money
yeah, no fucking shit. so why didn't you make that argument in the first place?

oh yeah because it 100% doesn't support your assertion that women are being told to buy beauty products through games that have sexy characters

Yea, because booty shorts and thigh-highs sure are men's clothes, huh?
But then again, I guess they are when you're white.
Like I said, lotta white faggots.

Not only that but making robots extremely good looking, strong, smart, athletic responds to the humans striving for perfection. See Roy Batty in Blade Runner, he is both peak android and peak "human", he is aryan, tall, strong and stupidly smart without being an autist. He and Rachel were one of Tyrells experiments meanwhile all the others were made on demands (thus fullfilling the desires of their customers). 2049 also covers this theme with the jois being extremely beautiful in a way not even sexual androids can compete because they live in the physhical world, not in the perfect ether the Jois live.

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I'm hispanic and i hate those whores.

Man can you imagine a future where people rally on the streets because their robots are too attractive?

What kind of fucked world would that be?

>Man can you imagine a future where people rally on the streets because their robots are too attractive?
It's already here.

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Hypersexaulization is the idea that people look too good. It's one massive cope for ugly people.

Wouldn't men not lusting after and bothering organic females lead to greater female independence?

Ebin b8

Remember when feminism was about giving women opportunities in the wider work force, voting rights, better family planning opportunities, and providing a world where their children can grow up healthy?

What happened to that kind of humanitarian altruistic feminism? A lot of third world shitholes need that kind of feminism.
Where did humanity go wrong?

Like I said they're not being told to buy beauty products through games (yet). But someone could do that because videogames already tell you to buy other products anyway.


They got it and realised that they still weren't equal to men even though they now had all the same rights
The phrase "more equal" is a thing in feminism

so we've moved from reality to the hypothetical possibility of it affecting women. I'm glad you agree with me that it in no way harms women by showing attractive ones in games.

But women do the same with men with the only difference is the complexity in which they gauge said value.

>What happened to that kind of humanitarian altruistic feminism?
It stopped being beneficial for white women.
I don't see why white guys have such an issue with feminism, it is the epitome of "white middle class women complaining about stupid non-issues."
The rest of us understand that.

Is hyper sexualization in books immoral?
Is hyper sexualization in movies immoral?
Is hyper sexualization in TV immoral?
Is hyper sexualization in music immoral?

Yeah but wouldn't it be better to extend their hard fought women's rights so that it reaches their fellow women in countries where they are actually getting oppressed?

>I don't see why white guys have such an issue with feminism, it is the epitome of "white middle class women complaining about stupid non-issues."
A man should love civilization more than he loves women. Basically "God" before everything else.

t. atheist

I'm sure all 3 non-radical feminists will reclaim the title of "feminism"
nah, most women avoid associating themselves with the crazies. the whole movement was subverted and turned into something else entirely.

I agree, but considering all the shilling whites on /pol/ do for "muh white women" I figured they'd be all aboard that dumb shit.

Why? I love "my" woman more than I love some random strangers. Family > friends > community > state

Is it just the same dumb motherfuckers asking this retarded question 20x a day, or is the general populace this genuinely retarded?

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Oh boo hoo
As if the fat ugly landwhales of the world don't get laid while the ugly boys fuck off out of society due to bullying.

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>Why aren't these questions mainstream?
Because men don't really care. You can find brotherhood among like men but when it comes to sexual success its every man for himself.
Its the same reason men with their physical superiority and intelligence didn't form massive rape empires and just outright enslave all of female kind, we biologically accept the filtering game.



You must not be very bright if you cannot understand what civilization stands for.

Funnily enough, my grandmother who I heard fought tooth and nail back in the day for women's rights now openly frowns in disgust whenever she sees news about today's "feminism" where girls are doing absurd shit for their so-called sexual liberties. She's such an old bat that she even yells at the girls baring their tits and writing obscenities on their bodies to make a point during rallies. I think it makes her sad that such an honest and sincere movement was brought to the lows it's at now today.

Not if your political movement was meant to hurt the host nation instead of help it, all while 'using' women to play the victim so anyone who questions the movement looks as the one doing harm to women.

Then feminism make perfect fucking sense. It just had nothing to do with causing good. Can you imagine. That many women throughout the last century, lied to, about basic female biology then shoved onto a pedestal so they can use all their spite at wasting their best years to lie to the next generation of girls.

I'm afraid women nowadays literally have to go through some 1 in a million borderline princess shit to actually avoid being harmed by and making bad decisions based on feminism.

>Why? I love "my" woman more than I love some random strangers. Family > friends > community > state
Because "women" are DNA that morphed into a no-ingroup-preference zero-loyalty mercenary sure-way-to-survive backstabbing-when-convenient monkey-branching mode to survive into the next generation because of environmental triggers such as less food/physiological state of the mother/etc at moment of conception or around that time. Basically there is no "humanity" as you know it. There's two types DNA gets spread. High risk, and low risk. High risk, high reward, low risk, low reward. Men are the high risk high reward because you have the chance to become a warlord and impregnate thousands of women. Women are the low risk mode in which you get less bang for your buck but a high chance to score.
All of us have twice as many female ancestors as male ancestors. That means a whole lot more women managed to have sex than men.
Women don't care about civilization because whatever happens, they will not die unless a cataclysm occurs. They will be taken care of by whoever kills you, the man. That's why they are so cheery and happy with the "refugees welcome" bullshit. They really cannot care less about what happens because subconsciously they know that the whole show is about them. Baby girls cry a lot more than baby boys for that exact reason. I could go on but you get the point.

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Why is it we have bars where people can drink themselves to death, fast food joints where people can eat til they are unhealthy and fat, cigarettes that are literal poison, but out of all the variety of games or movies, we must hide the very basic instinct of sexual attraction when it comes to women?

There's no short supply of shirtless dudes in skin tight pants in video games. Plenty of them are designed to be good looking. But you put a ample bodied woman character into a game wearing a bikini or a cleavage shirt or whatever, suddenly its a crime against society? I dont understand.


This. Is the opposite effect tumblr dykes? Because we should whatever it takes to kill them off

For a while women were shamed (by other women) for finding a female power fantasy desireable.

Because, if just one person can't acheive those heights, then no one should. Or something.

There seems to be a resurgance of it being ok to like sexy things again among women though, so wait a few years and it will be back to normal.

Honestly, the REEEEEEEEing is relegated to small but extremely vocal groups online - these are the types that get attention from news and clickbait though, which is why it seems a lot more prevalent than it really is. Women are just people too, user - there are all kinds of them and they are into all sorts of stuff.

No but do you realize that characterization can lead to harmful stereotypes of anything? Let's make any character closer the the True Ideal of something.

>you think women have no value unless they're attractive.

as opposed to
>a short man has no value
>a poor man has no value
>a fat man has no value
>a skinny man has no value
>an ugly man has no value
>a balding man has no value
>a handicapped man has no value
>a nice guy has no value
>a stupid average guy has no value

face it, women have it way easier and no amount of "INCEL" screeching will ever change that that fact.
Not to mention the hilariously sad truth that men are 99% of the time the bigger victim of a divorce
(loses custody of children, their hard earned property and financial savings)
This is literally only because women don't have to be good at life, they're just given free shit because "it's okay, the man can earn it back, but the unemployed woman can't"

Unironically cringe

>honest and sincere movement
Grow up man, anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can research and see feminism was corrupt from the get go. Just because it's pc NOW doesn't mean it wasn't just as bad and harmful 50 years ago.

This is why your stupid ass grandmother was told women shouldn't vote. Because now all we can do is lament like a bunch of pussies how our women have turned to shit but for some god awful reason, it's still just not their fault.

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for the glory of mankind

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Because women don't view it as sexual competition over those neckbeards, in fact the way they view judgements of beauty as something projected by other women or themselves.
Its more like they view fictional attractive women as a threat directly regardless of the population viewing her. They see it more like men are a monolith and controlling what they like is censorship away.


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yes and no

women's worth comes from the amount of attention she gets from men. sexbots would create a massive rift between her and men who previously would have given her that attention for the chance at her pussy (that they would never get). no attention means youre
'not attractive', thus they have to do everything in their power to make sure the male gaze stays on them (while at the same time shaming men for gazing)

invest in the technologies that create sexbots (silicone, ai software, mechanics), the market is wide open right now, and demand will skyrocket in the next couple decades