Who knew senran kagura would be the game to set a new standard for DLC
Who knew senran kagura would be the game to set a new standard for DLC
Will any other games fuel my foot fetish?
Usually I think footfags are the absolute most retarded fucking idiots, but I'm okay with this as long as it's not censored. Can anyone confirm? Is Nintendo the new "old" S*ny?
Also where do I start with this series if I've never played it and also want my experience to be as close to what the developer intended before filters as possible? Preferably avoiding S*ny platforms, except perhaps PS Vita because I already have a hacked one.
Why pay for this when you can fap for free?
We can only hope. This is literally the first game I've ever seen that's done foot fetish fan service. Prove me wrong. Please. Seriously please prove me wrong.
Just look up the first game released desu also yes it's isn't censored as far as I know. I bought it literally for this new dlc and everything was pretty nice, if they censored anything I didn't notice. Unless there's some straight up fucking I'm not seeing then no, it's not censored. Fuck Sony I'm getting sick of your censor shit. luckily I own both a PS4 and a switch so I can get a bit of both
Call me back when porn I can look up for free is interactive band reactive.
Which senran would you massage?
It's not that I fap to this, it's more getting to experience a video game finally cater to something like this. It's interesting to see and it's fun. Plus I get a hard dick during it so that's cool too
Can you keep the stockings on?
So basically these games are just edging tools?
Hikage or homura
>Fuck Sony I'm getting sick of your censor shit
>I own both a PS4
Then you're part of the problem and need to be hanged.
Senran VR fucking WHEN?!?!!!!!!!!!!
I was against Sony's censorship but now that I see this series is for footfags I hope they destroy it.
I got the PS4 4 years ago before the censor shit was a problem, shut the fuck up you sheep
Just have sex, incel
>the fighting gameplay is actually fun
>everyone ignores it to fap instead
>still no Haruka or Katsuragi DLC
What's taking them so long?
Katsuragi all day everyday
I have and I still want to jerk it to anime, so what's my next move?
I hate Katsuragi's personality.
Get a girl to blow you while you watch hentai
Damn it, and I just bought the smash dlc
For me it's Homura and Ikaruga
Isn't this the dating sim on Switch?
gas all feetfags
>toe goes all the way down
what the hell is that anatomy?
Do we have Ikaruga feet?
Gas with the odor of pretty girl's socks, please.
Someone can post gameplay video?