What does Yea Forums think of Wolfenstein The New Order?
What does Yea Forums think of Wolfenstein The New Order?
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It's gay. I haven't played it though.
I have a funny feeling you don't like the game for killing the Nazis, right?
good game? who the fuck cares what retards here think
playing it for the first time right now on hardest difficulty, its fun
He I knew it, you're gay. Haha
it's shit, but not because of the story, the gameplay is.
It's good but fuck the new colossus
>New Order and Old Blood are fantastic despite bugs, performance issues, and questionable level design
>story is top notch and filled with nuance and characters you love and root for
>gun play is satisfying and guns are masterfully designed with roles and uses
>in comes The New Colossus
>it looks nice
>gun play is nice
>action packed gameplay
>amazing combat
>fun, fast movement
>fantastic level design
>"gameplay is shit"
No actually I love the game, and TNC to an extent even though the story took a dump and there were no good boss fights.
This was not me btw
I have yet to find an fps with shooting as satisfying as TNO and TOB
I pick Doom over this stupid shit any day, the visuals and kills are far better.
I see, alright that's fine.
Doom is really good too but the glory kills get really old after a bit, and to be honest they aren't as satisfying as the melee in Wolfenstein.
And this is probably an unpopular opinion but I kinda like the slower pace of Wolfenstein compared to the break-neck pace of Doom. Kill-arenas for hours on end just gets old.
>paper mache armour
how does the gore and shit get old?
I love it.
>It's gay. I haven't played it though.
This is Yea Forums in a nutshell
Because it's the same two second canned animation over and over?
I meant animation wise, seeing the same ones over and over gets old. Same with Wolfenstein but you don't use melee as much in that game, and like I said I feel like the knife and hatchet are more satisfying than the kills in Doom.
But Doom Eternal looks pretty cool with the wrist blade or whatever that is, it might top Wolfenstein.
The first game was way more fun, levels felt so much better to play. Here the levels look nice and the locations are interesting but for the most part their actual design is just horrific. It often doesn't make any sense and is easy to get lost/ impossible to find captains at times. Story is about the same, there's some great moments though. Overall the tone is a bit sillier but not that much more, which I understand is not everyone's thing, but getting upset because you kill cartoon Nazis and there's a black woman in it is ridiculous. I rushed through the game play just to see the story since it wasn't fun, worth a rent or if it's on sale for like 10$ 7/10
Probably poorly because Yea Forums are collectively a hugbox of /pol/niggers for the most part.
It’s a good game. Not on my top 10 FPS games or anything, but good.
It was one of my favourite games that year but then it was not a great year and still largely a bad time for shooters.
It’s no Doom 2016 but a fun game with good voice acting and a decent story and I really wish TNC had lived up to it and Old Blood.
>The first game was way more fun
This thread IS about the first game though..
I think the protagonist doesn't look Jewish.
Or you're right my bad user, always get the titles of these mixed up
Hella fun game, needa play new collosus as soon as i can
Meme game
>boring weapons that cover way too much of the screen especially in dual wield
>manual pickups force you to slow down
>fantastic level design? maybe to look at, not to play in.
yes it's shit.
Not that guy but-
>weapons that cover way too much of the screen especially in dual wield
id5tweaker fixes this
>manual pickups force you to slow down
fucking zoomer
>fantastic level design? maybe to look at, not to play in
The level design is perfectly fine in TNO and TOB, what did you find wrong with it? Despite being a bit more linear it was reminiscent of RTCW
It was a videogame about shooting baddies because of reasons.
This place really needs thread ID's
No it doesn't.
>manual pickups force you to slow down
>fucking zoomer
excusem me?
The linear and very enclosed levels are what bother me. Also RTWC had sever very open and wide levels.
Great fps, I had a blast from start to finish, and got a dissapointment after I'd pre ordered the new colossus
Like I said it's more linear than RTCW, but the levels are still similar. It's a lot better than what you get from other shooters nowadays.
Other boards have them, Clowns. Less shit posting
Completed OB, but not TNO
core gameplay is okay, but nothing truly amazing. It stands out only because how shit AAA fps were at a time.
I like that "nazi-future" dystopia theme.
Custcenes and especially scripted events are shit and annoying and TOO FUCKING MUCH OF IT
Bethesda tier "stealth". Actual forced stealth levels are cancer-tier.
What seem like minibosses, often turning out to be either scripted events or gimmick fights was a massive turn off
"hurr duur so depressed".
Prologue level was really fun, with shooting all the time and bare minimum of muh story.
Old Blood only:
Less cinematics, more gameplay. Good.
Forced stealth level, right after intro level. Because fuck your "fun" guess.
Village followed by Catacombs chapoter was gold tier in RTCW, but in OB it's where game turns to shit.
Boss, oh wow, how did you make final bossfight THAT unfun?
She had the bud i had the chronic
I like that song from the trailer. Id play it but it isnt on switch for some reason. Wtg were they thinking how am i suppose to play new collusus without NO?
TNO and Old Blood are pretty good, solid replay value, don't drag on too long, just a nice FPS experiance.
I haven't played TNC and probably never will. Nor New Blood.
>Id play it but it isnt on switch for some reason
>New Blood
wait mate, are they making new one? After trainwreck that was TNC?
I played old blood and it was amazing, then I played and got to the timeskip
It was super jarring, I thought BJ was in a coma for a couple years, not 10+, all the redesigned weapons was neat
do yourself a favor and don't look it up
You guys are advertising hardcore for the next game, aren't you? Anyway, the New Order was a better game than it's sequel. It was a shooter that just worked and the shitty stealth missions were kept to an minimum. However, the world building was lazy as all hell (Italy getting fucked, and Japan getting puppeted? Wut), the Jewish supertech plotholes, and BJ's declining mental state hadn't been fully explored. This was a man who was falling apart. This was a man who knew damn well that he was losing it, and BJ was even terrified at the destruction of the Mediterranean Bridge.
Hell, the minigame sections where you were playing through old Wolfenstein? BJ would remark on the fact that this was what he dreamnt every night. Not peace, not anything that brought comfort, just killing people in a never ending war. And the Demon at the very end? That was one of his many internal demons tormenting him. This needed to be explored, that was what made the game... Not killing Nazi mechwarriors.
Then the Colossus came out and we got this hyperautistic storyline that literally didn't care about anything at all. BJ literally dying? Oh he's brought back to life. Rough childhood? The Dad is a living cartoon character. BJ slowly going nuts as the constant grind of war destroys his mind? Replaced with a psychopath who brutally kills people who're, for the most part, just doing their jobs. And now BJ's batshit daughters have become total psychopaths.
You guys failed at telling a story, and the stealth gameplay is shit.
mediocre is most ways, terrible in some good in none
and incredibly generic shooter that barely managed to get above CoD's incredibly low standards so some zoomers liked it since it was the first FPS they played that didn't have full regenerating health
it has the same generic corridors and "open" corridors as all the later CoDs
You like Hitler Aryan cock inside haha
that's funny hehe
Yup, Wolfenstein Youngblood. It's co-op and features le badass womyn as the protags this time around.
Both New Order and Old Blood were excellent
New Colossus, however, what a steaming pile of diarrhea shit. I pirated it first and could barely force myself to finish it
>You guys are advertising hardcore for the next game, aren't you?
Don't open your closet or look under your bed, user. The shill boogey-man is waiting to snatch ya.