Post your stages and play on the arenas

Attached: 1555726202213.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Aztec Rave Monkey.jpg (960x540, 64K)

Post cute and funny stages

Remember to boycott Nintendo for being cis-scum!

Attached: Screenshot_20190420-013528__01.jpg (1080x959, 225K)

ID: J97Q2
Pass: 7
Items on low
3 stocks 3 minutes

Attached: D4kgFhtUUAExEBp.jpg (1200x675, 171K)

more of these pls

BASED! 40%!

Stage builder is the best thing to happen to Yea Forums in a while. There are actually GOOD Smash threads now.

I'm pushing Moon Cradle for summer slam.

If I am to copypaste a bit, the sell goes like this:
It's a purely non-meme non-gimmick design made to address what I think Final Destination lacks.

- Characters having wall jump suddenly matters at least a little bit.
- Gimp-kills are much less viable.
- A lot less time is spent recovering (And things that would've killed you on-hit, still do)
- The edge is a very dangerous place to camp, as it should be.

Attached: Moon Cradle 3.png (1280x2160, 2.18M)

post lucario ID nigga

Attached: IMG_20190419_231312.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Based 4chads. Yea Forums has gone back-to-back with being absolutely based recently.

You're a disappointment to your parents and deserve to die.

>undertale enemy
yeah fuck off


Attached: Ashley Stage.webm (720x480, 2.46M)

Undertale is good

I'll bump with mine because I posted it late last thread. It seems to be reasonably popular.

Attached: D4kjqmBUUAEUHCa.jpg_large.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Attached: IMG_20190419_231315.jpg (1280x720, 168K)



Attached: IMG_20190419_231317.jpg (1280x720, 204K)

Made some Pizza Tower map with Mona Pizza in it.

Attached: D4ksyJtUwAARFcr.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

I didn't know that it was from undertale. How did you, user?

Freedom Cradle is the dark horse in this race.

Attached: FREEDOM Cradle.jpg (1280x720, 260K)


join join join join join join

lets go

Attached: IMG_20190419_231319.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

fuck man please. also webm it? or gif? please code

That's fucking awesome

Attached: 1554135764913.gif (540x303, 1.55M)

I wanted a Balrog Las Vegas stage but the lack of fourside kills it

I need ideas for a better replacement

Don't have that one. Someone had it playing in the last arena I was in.


Attached: 1490569050620.png (1280x720, 564K)

P39PRPB8 my Waluigi time stage. I'd take a picture but i am not taking my sd card out and twitter and fuckbook declined my account membership.

upload that shit

Attached: 1553113926177.jpg (250x207, 7K)


Attached: 73f41b8fb89ba6b8e6785ad40e6f8a27.jpg (931x1234, 71K)

someone redpill me on the cradle meme. Is this really the next big thing?

It's not a meme. It's one guy (me) posting it repeatedly because I think it's a good stage that people have fun on.

It's tested well so far with the people I wrangled to play with. I'm just good about being early to threads.

Does Yea Forums think I'm cool for having played on that stage?
It was quite the moment. There was visible shock at the start and nobody was fighting for a while. Just enjoying the sights.

Attached: 1553172569373.jpg (400x400, 27K)

>Rip Entry
I loled

Pass: 7243

2 stock, 5 min, bottom 2 rotate, smash ball on low, custom stages only

I tried to make Cammy's but I can't into backgrounds

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 202K)

Did you upload it? I'd like to try it.

stage builder was a mistake
only a day in and this exists, you boys never fail to impress me

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.14.002.jpg (1280x720, 280K)

1 more spot fren

did one of you guys actually download my fruit basket stage?

The ID is in the image here: But you can also search by keyword on shared content.
If you look up 'cradle' you'll see every variant of the exact same stage made so far.

-- As well as a few Cradles from Goldeneye. The best of which was made by my friend Szmitten.


Attached: Reggie.png (540x543, 266K)

i need the id for that bell ass

the rhythm heaven one? I downloaded one like that I saw on twitter but not sure if you're the same guy

Have a (you)

Attached: 1345768458312.jpg (500x500, 237K)


it's not from undertale, it's just not.

in the current arena a guy choose a isabelle ass stage, I FUCKING WANT THE ID

also a screenshot

Ice Climbers is a choice aint it? You got the background set

yeah, I mean the castle

Is this stage still up?
Asking because I already downloaded earlier and wanna know if it's gone forever.

>people who pick non-custom stages

yea, still up

Why did I do this?

Attached: vermillion.png (840x1256, 978K)

Attached: u1J5fI8DcPVBYnpV.webm (889x500, 3M)

I'm glad to hear it. I really hope this stage can stand the test of time.

You guys are perverts.

does nintendo only delete lewd stages if theyre published? can we keep lewd stages forever or does nintendo check your saved stages for inappropriate ones?

send codes for shitty gimmick maps, still want the code for that super sneed map with the rolling lava barrels

Have a gif dude. The speed and motion has been edited though.

Attached: 20190420_015348_1_1.gif (656x368, 1.71M)

welcome newfag

Sorry guys that was my fault.


Anybody got the code ?

Attached: 5156156.gif (450x314, 3.52M)


Attached: FDC0E098-4391-41F9-9670-1F7214EB433C.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

More shit like this?

This may as well be the equivalent of an auto-mario from Super Mario Maker, but fuck it was still pretty cool.

Any good Megami Tensei stages out yet?


If you've downloaded it Nintendo can never take it away unless they update the game.

Oh bother. Piglet, time to censor the web before i get a rumbly in my tumbly.

Tell me what stage I should make.

>yfw running out of stage space but want to keep rare stages

How about you tell us how old you are already?


a pure stage

I can't believe people are making stages I can actually masturbate to.

Attached: S-uper S-mash.png (580x421, 10K)

There are so many transgender flags still up
Are people really going to push this narrative

How did Nintendo not see this coming?

And this is after just one day. Wait till the real autism gets to work.

Attached: 1554494814272.jpg (286x355, 30K)

Is it even possible to post the giant shitpost for china in this thing

Attached: Dancing mad.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

give it a week, the talent will move on and you're left with shit 4 years old upload.

>Bottom one leaves
>Not bottom two leave
Damn bitch, you play like this?

>Tfw I deleted a majority of those lewd stages cause they suck to play on
Now I can make way for actual good stages in my archive. Feels fucking good man. Refreshing

Attached: 1552655001697.png (900x900, 79K)

>all arenas in this thread are either full or non-existent

Attached: 1528624658674.gif (176x236, 41K)

Except it requires your execution

No, it got deleted

fucken nice
its from yume nikki mong

Attached: Aztec_Rave_Monkey.gif (373x373, 386K)


A Mario Party inspired stage which looks like a board game with rotating dice block(s)

asteroid stage with moving/flying/spinning smaller asteroids to fight on.

I'd really really dig a non-persona Megaten stage.

I don't get it

What should the swastikas be doing?
>In the background (only the middle line is solid)

This is the smash community we're talking about though

shit was cool nigga

Rotating, duh

Yeah I mostly just meant the fact that it's choreographed through trial and error, much like an auto-mario.

owo what's this?

Attached: IMG_20190420_020742.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

is this cannon? Does samus take the red rocket?

According to the user who created it though it was up for a pretty long time though.

This is the only non-meme of someone else's that I've actually saved.

I forget the ID, but if you search for Star Hill you can find it easily.

Attached: 1555669740810.png (1280x720, 1.58M)

Left or right?

Attached: 9a5.gif (600x551, 88K)

ID where


something's happening!

Attached: IMG_20190420_020743.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

>Stardust fields


It's still up actually, for some reasons.
There's another version too: QBGL5201

Attached: 1555675940291.jpg (500x363, 45K)

Thanks Doc

still applicable.

Music: Rip Entry

Attached: reggie.jpg (451x367, 53K)

Try whatever seems more fun



Attached: IMG_20190420_020745.jpg (1280x720, 237K)


Attached: 1555388660945.png (1280x1398, 730K)

The porn is amazing
Also there is another thread

Attached: 1555730440597.jpg (1016x675, 184K)

Attached: D4hTs7fUcAEmjGY.jpg (1200x675, 165K)

I thought it was from paper mario

No, the codes doesn't work.

Attached: 141.jpg (577x474, 48K)

Weird, i can still find it when i search with "ZSS" keyword.

I am afraid of this thing.

Oh Rice, trolling us again.
I'm way less salty than I was last night now that I've actually played the stage. I apologize for insulting your other stages last night.
You do you bro.

Attached: 1525600031540.png (893x960, 491K)

>Cunny posters not releasing their shit
Worthless faggots, the lot of you.

Attached: 1511125195100.gif (133x128, 562K)

A Joker stage.

Attached: society man.jpg (720x840, 100K)

Remember to report all trans stages for their self-mutilation propaganda that doesn't sit well in a kid's game.
hehe nice

Attached: 120834182304.jpg (293x468, 46K)


Now make a brap version

Why would you want that shit reported and deleted

Attached: 1524086676256.png (1280x720, 481K)

im closing the arena since i have to recharge my switch
fuck YOU for being a retard attentionwhore and not posting the ID

Attached: Ashley 5.png (540x560, 133K)

The Chinese Cia will Men in Black you're ass if you see this.

Who else here can't wait till he can play CHADRICK from Chadon Quest III?

Attached: 1555412086748.jpg (1200x664, 142K)

I obviously want it so I can have it regardless of the consequences or whether anyone else gets their hands on it before it gets removed. I'm selfish and I just want the cute and funny.

please take rosterfag posts somewhere else
thank you

fuck you faggot



Attached: 1555549857739.jpg (936x853, 150K)

PW 2

just so you guys know i'm reporting every stage that has something inappropriate in here

last arena died
PW: 123

got a code for pic?

Being this much of a faggot should be ban worthy



I made an Adeleine stage

Attached: adeleineStage.jpg (1200x675, 133K)

wtf am I doing lol

Attached: 20190420_021547_1.gif (656x368, 3.42M)

Got the pic from

More like this




And this is why no one post the ID to lewd stages cause of cucks like this

>Wanted to add moving platforms around it
>Wanted to add pillars in the background
They really need to make this limit less strict holy shit

Attached: ballos.jpg (960x540, 86K)

Yeah. The class the main character is in every Dragon Quest game is labeled Brave.
Brave could also mean Bravely default characters.


I dunno I guess you can decide for yourself how you want them to move if you have a cool idea
Wouldn't rotating them make it hard for people to stay on?

Don't be gay user, he's still a bitch

and you do IT FOR FREE

Attached: ANGRY.gif (274x249, 214K)

you’re a fag too

You (you) whore, I love your work!

currently tryin to make a YHVH one right now but hes only a background element

Aw thanks, I don't know which character you were playing but I had a blast in that arena. I'm doing what I can to let people at least play on the stages.

Nigger I want Dragon Quest in Smash. This just isn't the thread for it. Especially since posts like that have been used to incite roster arguments.

that is sick as hell please post ID when done

40% of them get deleted so yes

I didn’t make this but found it, have fun

Attached: 14B7DEE5-F74E-4229-96C3-C61C00C3F18B.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Speaking of DQ, is there any Dragon Quest stages yet?

fucking retard, literaly the worst that can happen is a 9 hour ban how can you be so much of a attentionwhore faggot ? go back to twitter

the Nigger can make an Eldrick stage, then he can cope and stay.

sorry for that sunshine pachinko stage, I downloaded it thinking it would be fun but it's shit to fight on ir

>Trannies boycotting Nintendo
Please do so. What a negligible blow to their sales that act will be and it'll even make you retards shut the fuck up to boot.

That's fucking amazing


Don't think I don't see what you did there.

Attached: heh.jpg (229x238, 10K)

Does it move? if it doesn't its still nice

East Coast
3 stock, 7 min
Pass: 123

I only ask that everyone keeps their stage selected to RANDOM so that the owner retains control over it.
This is Moon Cradle only.
Pic related is all the characters that have not been used on this stage yet. Picking from one of them is encouraged but not mandated.

Attached: Characters.png (1280x398, 1.05M)

thanks bb

Anyone can do 'despite making up only 13% of the population,'

Reported :)

Not my stage but still good:

>caring this much about your stage

Work in progress, gotta mess with the timing on these platforms

Attached: Rouge.gif (185x320, 2.21M)

>Announcing reports



That's the way to do it, share the love. It's pretty fun.
Anyways, you should get it in the hands of someone with a hacked Switch once they work out the kinks. They'll be able to edit save files and everything so we can all play it permanently. Keep it safe until then.

Attached: 1528541765739.png (1024x880, 207K)

>It's all just dicks and asses
>half of it is furry asses


Also sorry about the quality i only have my shitty phone to record

the vulva should break free and launch to space.

reported on Smash, not on Yea Forums


Attached: 1555725458628.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

I want to fuck rouge

This is fucking rad. Realized what it was immediately.
Sucks about the stage limits, though.

Can somebody make some slap city stages? specifically hurtland, castle, space, and meadowvalley.

ludosity.fandom . com/wiki/Slap_City

>I was in this lobby earlier today and had the chance to finally play on Roll's cunny

I consider myself blessed.

I am going to end up jacking off to a fucking stage while playing smash holy shit.

We need more Lucario stages though

Attached: mad.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

This shitpost will always be my favorite.

im disapointed in you Yea Forums, even ashleyfag and the weeb on op's pic posted their creations
i fucking hope you post that

Attached: 1550530401199.png (929x1200, 385K)

Post a pic of the isabelle stage? didn't see it

Post the Isabelle one

I would also like to see the isabelle stage

Attached: sweep.png (400x400, 74K)

Any lobbies going on?

whats with this lag

>do a match on this stage
>someone's internet crashes

Attached: 1536075874571.png (256x256, 28K)

>play on china stage
>my internet starts getting cut out

I miss the giant wall of text that would trigger it, anybody has that?

Is it possible to make poke floats?

and how many stages can you save?

post pics nerd

maybe the camel-toe shouldn't move it looks weird but overall very nicely drawn love how she centers on the move

Attached: D2rZqHzX4AALKbE.jpg (371x726, 72K)

only picture i have, too bad the creator wont post it because he is a FAGGOT

Attached: isabelle stage.png (876x532, 1.05M)

Kind of.




was meant to be Moon


I hope someone tries to make a sort of poke floats stage. shame they didn't bring that one back.

And youre furfag scum. Eat dick faggot

post it zoomed out

i need it so bad. somebody fucking post the id

Can someone reupload it?

Someone said making small objects and then resizing saves up the capacity, why don't you try it anonbro?

n..need more pics please.

Where are the Metroid stages at?
Also, rate my Spore spawn.

Attached: 20190419_233947.jpg (3264x1836, 1.94M)

Going to try and make a terminal or something when I get a stylus. Or maybe something from Soul Hackers. Also the bloom palace from TMS#FE

Entry level furbait like Isabelle may as well not even count for an honor as high as furfag.




Still against the rules, faggot

>only picture i have
learn to read, also not my fault since i thought the creator would post it

If he didn't post it then why do I have it? :^)

Attached: 20190420_024205.jpg (4032x2268, 3.23M)

How come no triforce stage yet?

Or pic related?

Attached: 1542420224835.jpg (960x720, 140K)

PW 2



post pics please



>That Peter

Attached: 1555709129569.gif (304x281, 2.05M)

I hate being a punching bag

Attached: 1555575443606.gif (251x173, 95K)

holy based thank you

peter griffin

Still goin.


dump ur smash save data with CFW and upload the stage folder user

I just want the cute and funny stage codes!

Attached: 1451723162321.jpg (732x500, 244K)

I saw that isabelle one on my reccomended page. I think it was just called Isabelle.

They're one of the first stages that showed up. Must be like 20 at least.
Doesn't seem to be a definitive "best" one yet though.

Jesus fucking christ that peter. How much autistic dedication went into that?

>getting a boner over a fucking stage layout of all things
2019 is over already

Attached: 1470591663246.jpg (393x396, 32K)

Any Lopunny stages yet


>People are making porn with a damn stage creator

Attached: 1410220402405.jpg (500x369, 9K)

There's one but it's not lewd

>posts a character who would actually get a boner over stage layouts as his reaction

someone get on this immediately

This and the Bob-Omb Battlefield stage are both gorgeous.

>only 2 days in
Ultimates Stage Builder is gonna be a fucking wild ride.

>He doesnt know about the halo 3 times



Less than went into everything else on that list

Yes, that's me

downloaded and reported

The Ankha one is still up right?

Attached: 20190420_024835.jpg (4032x2268, 3.53M)

Attached: pX67RR0.png (557x600, 52K)

Nice pic nerd

Attached: 1369500358885.gif (300x169, 1.31M)

>Sonic in the stage
Perfect. And yeah I think so.

Got a pic of the Ankha?

I have an image I wanna make into a stage but I don't want to like, attempt to draw it on a switch with the skirt as the main platform

Here's a finished version published anons
I'm too lazy to completely remake it all honestly, this was really hard to put together

Attached: vs ballos.jpg (1200x675, 99K)

Nintendo's next stage builder is gonna be limited as fuck compared to this lmao

M4D9JYBK for a fat ass braixen stage

Attached: 1458454778929.jpg (680x1043, 59K)

Just like one of my japanese animes!

I've been hunting for glitches. havent found anything yet. can't wait for the first major stage build glitch.

>the Amy stage is still up
Thanks bro.

user please post a pic of it, some of us aren't at the game or do not have it

>no picture
Fuck off.

gonna need pics of it


>this fucking ice stage

p..pic? asking for a friend

Post picture senpai

>the people that draw anime porn in stage builder are still probably more talented than you

dont think you have the right id



yeah, who knew peter griffin was so sexy

>that ice turd going out of control

Improved my No More Hero map. Unsure how it plays then being a simple walk out map.

If I had twice the limit, I could probably get a bike going, But nope...

Attached: D4k9RQBUEAAyQxC.jpg (1200x675, 132K)

I'm addicted to this shit, it's like crack. Please post more anime booty and panties stages and waifus

I'm out. See you later.

Oh and Kat say hi to Downy for me will ya?

Can someone make a wonder red stage?

Attached: 20190420_025524.jpg (2560x1440, 1.77M)

I've seen a lot of fat asses on here but this has been by far the fattest.

>leg cross



Just search the name by keyword bro

Cute and funny.


Attached: 1545325565230.png (784x666, 368K)

good god

Attached: 15295819976.jpg (435x401, 56K)

Someone made a Jergingha Planet Destruction Form stage last thread

They aren't up anymore I've tried!

I'm sorry.

I'm getting some halo 3 vibes from this.

Attached: halo 3 forge lewd 1.jpg (1536x1152, 353K)

Cool shit, nigga

got lazy with it

Attached: D4k_SFBUIAAFlM3.jpg (1200x675, 85K)

so whats the isabelle code

Senran fans?

Attached: 75610AEE-7160-4D06-9417-5E9A2C1EEBA1.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

>no results for mating press
Is that inkling stage gone for good?

Attached: 1483989877017.gif (400x400, 762K)

Ha, nice dude.

>eeeeee faggot camping every match
>Bowser aims his final Smash to the only player actually fighting.
Wonder whose more fucking retarded.

Attached: 130516626971.png (500x300, 72K)


Hope you find the time in the future. This is awesome.

Requesting THIC lewd lopunny PLEASE

Never was posted. The creator is a pathetic virgin piece of shit


>just noticed the check marks
>it's the creator of the stages

Attached: 1553904757640.jpg (788x524, 133K)

I need it too bro

The moment I joined an arena and eeeeeeee exclusively played Joker I knew he would be a fuckboy.

Joker wins because his shield breaks holy kek


God-tier taste, user.

Attached: 1555199028259.jpg (798x1000, 349K)

>Shield break on a windy focused stage

But why tho? What exactly does it mean?

I don't think it was supposed to be anyone in particular.

Please post the Peter

any code for this?

Attached: 1555727358469.jpg (1280x720, 181K)

>getting angry that some guy wants to play his new character that costs him $6

what arena are yall currently playin at

>joker wins by doing absolutely nothing

holy shit why is that peter drawn so good

I lost sight of my character for a sec

PW 2

Which one?

Looks better in the thumbnail but it's still quality.

It's more like
>Getting angry he spent 3 minutes on various matches on the same spot doing the same shit.

at least it wasn't luigi



This map creator is going to take some getting used to, first time using it and it’s weird as hell. I implore a more competent user to do the Dose some justice.

Attached: 6E2877D6-B339-4EFE-B74C-4FF16857556C.jpg (4032x3024, 3.03M)

A variant of it is currently one of the most popular stages. Don't have the code on hand, but you'll know it when you see it. I think the map creator's name starts with A?

the only time that is ok to stay in one place camping to no get killed is when you want a sudden death to zoom into the map

Attached: ASHLEY STAGE.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Is there any way to move something from one layer to another?

Based Aquabro

Attached: 9bfd0596ad407f5c89ea53924f0f92c1275dca6537701608ae424838cb13ca15.jpg (1191x1672, 707K)


Yes! highlight the object with the edit tool, then hold R or L and use the Directional pad to move it across layers

great work Ben

holy shit this wouldve saved me so much time in my maps



Holy shit it's actually legit.

Attached: 1546991881882.png (1061x790, 465K)

wtf this stage make my pp hard?

>Tumblr fags make some purple rectangles
>"Muh Degenerecy!"
>Yea Forums users literally making loli porn and (gay) furry porn'
>uwu nothing wrong here owo


Attached: 1481733820816.png (900x675, 342K)

thanks, any other cool tricks like that one?

>no id for this nor the sex one

Where is the straight furry porn?

thanks doc

>real people trying to push a disgusting agenda vs cartoon porn

Attached: z3RBKPc.gif (366x325, 3.42M)

They're both degenerate.

Porn is hot and makes my pp the big pp
Tranny shit is stupid and boring

damn yall already picked my YHVH one huh

isabelle's stage

Why the fuck is this moon cradle shit being pushed so hard?

40% yourself, tranny

>I stoop very low, but not as much as the other faggots on here

that was me
good stage m8

where's the gay furry porn?

Not seeing the problem here

Most of the shit ITT never got uploaded and the creators of it sure as hell aren't spending the rest of their day defending them on twitter.

isn't working for me. You sure that's how it works?

this is actually pandora's box.

;D enjoy the puffy

nice lol

Attached: 1555081347884.jpg (520x924, 60K)

really nicely made faces user, you should post an example video of how you draw so well in this map editor, I can't draw in this shit at all.

>by popularity
It's there

3 Stock - 2:30 FFA FS on Items Med
Customs on

PASS: 1114

Attached: 1533739811899.jpg (634x538, 35K)

Definitely sure, I use it on almost every stage I make. Are you using handheld?? Someone in a previous thread I told about it said it wasn't working while they were using a Gamecube controller. It might not be a feature while docked.

I made a Mother 3 Stage

Attached: Mother 3 Stage.jpg_large.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

It's the autist who made it wanting people to play it and test it. Just ignore him if you don't care.
I'm optimistic he'll go full autist though and refine it into a true quality stage.

so basically peaches castle without the area underneath the bridge

Attached: don't do sexual reassignment surgery.png (1408x5896, 2.18M)


Attached: kuma.png (600x700, 277K)

shut the fuck up

Cute and funny!
>the average nintendon't fan

I shudn't done clicked on that

Attached: 1554610205778.jpg (225x225, 4K)

dont bring that stupid shit here we are having fun take that shit somewhere else

Attached: D3qQJ-wW4AAQfmh.jpg (396x810, 56K)

>That twit

in the trash

Post ID nigger

The people here know their weird fetishes should be kept to themselves and within the closet communities they circulate, not forcing the general public to accept them.


Sorry it's not lewd but I tried to make a Sarasaland stage, GPPDLQVF

Attached: D4lBEuuUcAAXkyA.jpg (1280x720, 200K)


someone post a pic dammit, I can't get in the game right now

Based as fuck

nobody is getting shocked over the fact that the dirty stages are being removed eventually, meanwhile trannies are getting mad that their political posts are being deleted.

Attached: 1416161257166.gif (500x550, 1.17M)

obese isabelle

dam dude this isabelle is fucking FAT

Good stuff
I was thinking about making a stage with Tatanga or the Sphinx but I don't know what to do for the stage layout.


Attached: 1445711216031.png (1012x1088, 711K)

>shartch crashed
okay, this is epic
ID 5N263
PW 2


Attached: DnAzWIsXcAApIjT.jpg (930x1026, 73K)



Penises made out of bouncy rubber that constantly respawn. The dick tip is made of lava

>all those deleted replies by trannies

i like it, good job

you posted this like 30 times but put ashley on it

This is awesome

Hidden furry porn


maybe you could do a Sphinx boss battle stage with him on the bridge in the underground, he could have moving lava coming from his mouth or something.

thank you lads

Would it be possible to make a stage out of this and not have it get deleted because it's a direct reference to a Nintendo game?

Attached: DQQa0c6VoAA8h7C.jpg large.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Great job, I like the detail on the moai.

Jesus Christ. I couldn't imagine willingly wanting to mutilate yourself like this

What is the code for that one?

>he doesn't know

Deus Ex and Stalker references

Seriously what the fuck? Why is every other tweet deleted?

People have been doing that since at least brood war

is anyone else crashing after a match ends in an arena?

Yeah. Happened twice now.

I'm making a few lopunny stages
any requests?

God damn its such a shame that Smash has barely any SML music.

Nice job user

>communication error
>makes it look like I rage quit
I swear I was having fun!!!

Attached: 1553156084907.jpg (239x205, 9K)

reminder that if you get banned and you're the owner of a famiy plan on the switch, all of your family members get banned as well

lopunny thick thighs

that was literally like, one of the first stages made

Mega Lopunny

I know that one, but I'm talking about a stage that directly references that scene, not just fighting on her boobs.

Lopunny Easter

Male Lopunny

any rooms? last one crashed

Attached: 20190420_024213.png (500x363, 268K)

The most we've heard of is a 9 hour suspension from posting.
Nobody has actually come forward and said they've been banned, and a lot of people in these threads have been making a lot of lewd stuff.

>no money for smash
>going online with a pirate copy is ding dong bannu
I hate being a poorfag

Attached: JPEG_20190419_004113.jpg (2592x1944, 1.27M)

Mega Lopunny yoga stretching her legs or kicking a sandbag

So how do I report this? There is no option for political msges

nice work on the faces

>all of the stage's decorations are in the foreground/backgrounds
>the actual stage is just a long box or a final destination clone
Defend this.

Attached: 86A82312-0EDF-4454-8770-9EE51108A7BF.jpg (800x744, 75K)

get a job

Seriously have to say, Hats off to anyone who can make a level which looks good while keeping within the object limit.

Here is my first attempt at a level, it was pretty clunky.

At least it'll set off Nintendo's mods PTSD of swapnote.

Attached: D4lImKQVUAAH4RP.jpg (1200x675, 148K)

Tried my hand at making gm_construct. Thoughts?
ID: N3R45L49

Attached: D4lJRjIU0AAsOCQ.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

>Ice Turd

Attached: Cool and Good.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

check my name

2 words
"La Cazadora"

what undertale area would make the best area after snowdin cuz i already (attempted to have) made it


pretty good. Waistline is a little extreme but overall its good
how does the limit work? Is it based on the total area of the objects or the number of objects.

Set up FFA 3 stock + summons
Custom stages on

ID *w* (or this -> @w@)
PW 030

Pardon the camera shot, it's late and I don't want to make a throwaway twitter account right now. I found this after sorting by date, wanted to help get it out there.

Attached: wehavetocook.jpg (3264x1836, 1.45M)

>ID *w* (or this -> @w@)

forgot pic

Attached: s.png (1470x639, 1.04M)


Attached: 1398579-0f5b93e1cf-00000039.jpg (747x1117, 216K)


Is there any way for me to get the sex-stage? I'm gone until Tuesday, so I can't download it until then. If someone can reupload it around then, I'd be thrilled

you cant pick the ID, you can give the room a name though

not the problem at hand, user. I bought my switch while I was working abroad in >a fucking leaf, so while I was still there everything was dandy and games were only $70-80, good shit. Then I got pulled back to my home hellhole of a third world country and now games cost 20% of my minimum wage job. that's 200 bucks out of 1000 and I can't possibly justify buying vidya at that asking price; I want to eat something besides ramen fucking noodles for the next month AND pay my rent

Attached: D0fHRBEW0AA-x24.jpg (1107x1200, 184K)

reminder to change your favorite stage in lobby so it doesn't show up all the time

>Final Frustration with Ice physics.

Now thats a special kind of hell

Attached: 1555712871136.jpg (341x290, 8K)

Fug, im drunk my b

ID: 5N29R

I don't understand. Is it a password for something?

Force of habit. Being an art fag who draws shit like this 24/7 kinda bleeds into other things.

Basically, Each object adds to the limit on top of the size of it. So you need to draw the objects in one attempt.

Attached: D4lImJoUIAE7nx0.jpg (1200x675, 99K)

>not the problem at hand, user
I really think that IS the problem at hand if you make so little then.

You fuckers are going to get stage builder removed

never mind

Nice shit

looks really nice

It's from M&L: Superstar Saga

that's pretty fucking based


please be yuri please god let it be yuri

I keep getting error messages and disconnecting. I heard that you can get banned from having a shitty connection. Is this true?

I'm 100% getting banned

Attached: 1525727005551.jpg (820x1206, 233K)

TheKite, the pic is from an ongoing comic.

Attached: 1454440991544.jpg (621x570, 66K)

just finished the final adjustments to this stage, the main platform periodically splits at the middle: both halves extend outward> hold position> and then retract back in. this also exposes a lava pit hidden in the middle of the map.

i need people to try it out, confirm that the cycle works consistently and how it feels to play on

Attached: 57294562_2191795354260681_3805460024914870272_n.jpg (960x540, 50K)


>banned for having a shitty connection
obviously not seeing as I get matches with 2kbps fags all the time

it's better.
it's futa.

anyone know how to make the circle rail go counterclockwise?

Let me try this again

Set up FFA 3 stock + summons
Custom stages on

ID 5N29R
PW 030

I guess. but that's something I'll take care of later down the line. I don't wanna do a long ass dump of why I can't buy smash so tl;dr study work etc etc emunand ban evasion when

Aw damn. Well, you and others did good within the limit.
It seems to hinder creations but people can be creative with it

Not him but you're actually illiterate.

This whole inappropriate stages showing up on Smash World shit wouldn't be an issue if they just let people privately share stages. There's so much little shit with this game they miss that's glaringly obvious it makes me wonder if Bandai-Namco and Sora is just retarded.

wow what a god

Very nice, flatgrass when?

This is the good kind of smashautism, if only rosterniggers are as based as you guys.

Attached: 1528754919626.jpg (853x1066, 135K)


Oh I'm sure Nintendo is going to crack down hard.
Just want to have some fun before they do. There's no way they're going to allow custom stages online after the things we've done.

Attached: 1554095422986.jpg (969x765, 145K)

I already made a True Lab stage. Maybe wanna do Waterfall?

Attached: 1553255684183.jpg (500x469, 46K)

>Looking good, Joker!

Attached: Thing.webm (640x360, 2.02M)

>cunny joins your lobby

Attached: tenor.gif (498x276, 2.05M)

apparently it files under inappropriate content

>still no swastika stage

Most stages are unplayable shit. FD clones are almost welcome at this point.

It's basically 'Tiananmen Square' in Chinese. If you don't know why that wouldn't rile up the Chinese government, go look it up and get educated.

this whole stage autism shit has gave me the most motivation I had all time to buy a switch.

Attached: 1528756643580.jpg (474x473, 15K)

>all saved stages will be removed next update

swastika is such a basic bitch custome stage.

>Isabelle's butt
>three giga mermaids
>a sunflower is fine too
>Peter Grifin
Holy shit this is amazing


One day we will perfect parry at speeds this fast

Made a stage based off of the YHVH boss fight in SMTII
Of course, I made certain not to mention YHVH

Attached: S49MCBSK.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Well fuck me time to buy a switch


I was just laughing at Krool trying to hit shit.


ah yes, I remember the mr potato-head bossfight at the end of SMTII

I actually did start a flatgrass stage as well but it wasn't looking too good so I'm not sure if I'll finish it or not

retard, it's not just LGBTQ people, it's LGBTQ supporters like myself as well who will boycoting.

and last time I checked, virtually anyone who isn't an alt-right piece of shit and isnt a psychopath supports the LGBTQ movement

You too since you ain't doing shit

I think it's simple enough
>main arena is the arch
>below the arch is a large walkoff platform

Yea Forums Party Van

are there any other homo furshit stages besides the incineroar and lucario one?

Attached: 1260092374_2.jpg (1024x576, 100K)
Wow Aquabro, you're famous

I dunno man I know a lot of gay people and even trans people who hate the LGBT supporters

I missed that last match's spectate lul what stage is it?

where’s the meat spin stage?

Rate my first try at this feature

Attached: teke.jpg (960x540, 98K)

Saw this earlier

Attached: D4ilkObUIAA7pJj.jpg (1200x675, 82K)

Imagine supporting a group where 40% of its members kill themselves

Do you think the average person would really be willing to give up their beloved videogame franchises for this boycott?
I mean, more power to you if you if you have that kind of will - but this isn't like boycotting some restaurant chain where you can easily find alternatives elsewhere in the market. You're asking a lot of the casual LGBT supporters here.


Anyone made a suit and tie “ahem” stage yet?

>Just realize it's a discord username

I'm sorry user, I don't have one, thanks for the offer tho

The way I was going about it was having the tunnel be under a large block for the top with the tunnel's sides being in the other layers but maybe I'll give that way a try

cute. God I wish I had one of those pens for a touchscreen. Even a cheap basic one like I used to have with an old used iPad


Low effort

Lmao R E A D Y

It's BurgerTime!
The Chef and the Sausage go up and down the ladders frantically


Attached: BurgerTime.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

>no fun
Ass and tits are the basics. I will suggest someone make a tummy stage. Side angle with face looking at viewer

found a cute woomy

Attached: D4lQi63U8AAcO7H.jpg large.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

Fryin and buyin hell yeah


I promise I'll behave UwU

phat ass cute booty. code where?

i support the lgb movement
trannies are niggers

Thats really cute user

Yo user I need this fucking stage

I love that the first quality Lopunny stage is not lewd and functions kinda well

Attached: 1555721986653.png (218x180, 12K)

cool rick and morty level

I'm going to see if I can clean it up a bit before I upload it. Gotta make sure its perfect for when Nintendo insta-bans it.

Attached: D4lImKQUYAAAME7.jpg (1200x675, 141K)

sss tier bait

here's one I made for an user last night

Attached: D4fBom5UwAEx84N.jpg large.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Here's two stages I made:

MM2 Intro Stage: F4GNFYLT
Giygas's Lair: KKX9FYXY

Attached: Stages.png (960x1079, 2.03M)

Your work is appreciated. Nikki is god tier waifu.

Attached: 66215663_p0.png (2400x2800, 3.13M)