Remember boycott Nintendo!

Remember boycott Nintendo!

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wtf I love nintendo now.

Take estrogen

>Sony censors Japanese dev's freedom of expression
Yea Forums: Muh anime girls! This is an outrage! I'm boycotting Playstation!
>Nintendo censors players' freedom of expression
>Yea Forums: lol based

quick everyone on twitter get mad

Trannies are like 3% of the population. You are irrelevant, this won't hurt nintendos bottom line.


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I don't see the problem.

Wow Nintendo having common sense for once?

why am i addicted to tranny hate threads?

>Bans annoying Trannies
This is not a bad thing


[X] Doubt

Boycott WHO
Boycott mentally ill faggots ie Trannies



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>banning trannies
Truly, Nintendo is /ourcompany/

Banning political messages.

Sorry! Calling all my developer friends rn! Bigotry will not be accepted in the third reich.

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They ban anything political. Someone made a thread here last night complaining about how his map got removed and it was a crude rendition of a border wall between mexico and the U.S.A. with Gangplank Galleon as the soundtrack.

the day this place accepts trannies is the day I know for sure the world is lost
Keep fighting the good fight user

Remember that threads where they redact the names are astroturfing faggots looking for controversial quotes or they're faggots launching gay ops to spam bullshit and clog Yea Forums.

>>Nintendo censors
Stopped reading. This isn't censorship

>mfw trannies keep getting meme'd on

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Literal brainlet

>Yea Forums yesterday - Nothing but Smash Threads and Tranny threads
>Yea Forums today - Nothing but a combination of both
It's so tiresome. Why do you care anymore?


Trannies aren't even 1%, and they're not trannies, just autistic people with a fetish.

promoting self harm and making fun of the mentally disabled tends to be frowned on

>tranny outraged as they realize that they are also subject to the hypocritical shit they started

Nintendo is apolitical.
They ban any kind of political or social message.

>What's wrong right-wing snowflakes? Don't like us normal people "invading" your games? Why not make your own instead of complaining? :))))
>WTF how dare a game not cater to us! Companies, dilate up!

Good, politics turn people into retarded drones.

Who is this?

Op here. Shit I don't fucking know.

There was a time, long ago.
Not many here would know.

Nintendo will pay.


my identity is NOT a political statement! THIS IS MY LIFE! why does nintendo want me dead?

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3% is a lot of people, user. You’d see a lot more if it were that way.

Who cares?

This. I remember when Yea Forums was the hangout for LGBT communists. Everyone was more welcoming and tolerant. We posted pictures of our tranny vaginas daily and no one cares. Then the conservatards showed up and ruined everything.

42 replies tho

Traps are not the same as trannies though.

They are people with dysphoria, and just like pedos, they are diseased.

I know I should feel bad for being hypocritical with my morals. I'm usually very "live and let live" and I don't think it's that big of a deal to keep things like this up. But this is a culture war. These fucking people will hound Japanese developers and censor their artistic vision left and right. Fuck 'em. Let them have a taste of their own medicine, even if it's something small and petty like this. Fuck the lot of 'em.

This isn't about being "based" or "redpilled". This is about leveling the playing field.

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Are you pure German? Do you know any Deutsche?

the only douche here is you

Remember lads, do your part and report all those trans stages.
The more that shall rise, the more that shall fall.

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Based Ridley bro

That's what they said back then when the feminists got involved with video games, "they're just a minority it'll blow over soon" and look where we are now.

>nintendo bans trannies
And the problem is?

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just reported a trans herobrine stage, i'm doing my part based ridleybro

No that is not what was said, it was asking if you know any German Dialects, there's more than one.

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Seems like its more of a stopping constant spam of the same thing thats easy to make. The first one made is still up and has been under the popular filter since last night.

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Because it proves how hypocritical these SJWs are. It's fine when they censor us, but it's "evil" when they're censored.

go woke go broke

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Nintendo is not Sony, they want their players to have FUN, therefore, a fucking Nintendo game is meant to have fun NOT to push your fucking political agenda down the throat of others like the egoist fuck you are

Yes I knew what you meant sir, but I decided to go another route and be a little more blunt.


reminder to do your part and report all politcal and furfag stages you find, whether they're in support of trannies or not
anywhere you can cleanse cancer from vidya, do it

sick burn

You really must be German.

I'll purchase a switch when i can now.


>nintendo is the only company standing up to politishit in games
you can meme and say bing bing wahoo all you like but at least ninty doesn't get down with trannies or /pol/

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>pansexual and asexual at the same time

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/pol/ isn't retarded enough to try push a message through a game they didn't create

so are all the other tranny flag maps going to be removed also?

schizophrenic user reporting in. i don't want to see schizophrenic main characters or advocates/support in my video games. fuck off you sick in the head disgusting freaks.

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not gonna lie I hope it goes up to 50% so we can make Thanos memes about trannies

Trannies: "We need to systematically censor, remove, and crack down on anything that might personally offend me. Censorship is okay if it's for the greater good."


You must be a faggot hehe

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I'm just saying, he has the most dry and humorless posting style, therefore he must be German.

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>sony makes all characters dykes and trannies and covers up tiddies
>nintendo deletes tranny propaganda and says no to politics in their games
fucking based nintendo, sony ggers seethe more.

You a virgin haha

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Can't be, I fucked your sister last night.

at least hes not gay.

Before this shit became mainstream, I did not care about trannies at all. I was happy to live and let live.
Now I actively hope they all die painfully and would probably donate money towards that cause if it was legally possible.

They did this, they made themselves completely insufferable. Of course they WANT to be hated in order to be victims, because victims get special rights and get to bully and coherence others. But it seems like they didn't get that the hate towards them stays, and only grows larger.

This is why people who didn't give a shit a decade ago would cheer at a video of a tranny getting curb stomped now. And every bit of it is their own doing.

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Haha you triggered faggot? haha

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>Trannies boycott Nintendo by not playing their games
>Speedrunning immediately dies because the most popular speedran games are Nintendo
>kills 2 birds with 1 stone
Based Nintendo

Based and fuck tr*nnies.

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Oh no, trannies and retardera will stop playing vidya?!?

What are we gonna do bros?

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Hehe You're a G A Y hehe

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Nintendo, I will now buy your product.


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Maybe they shoudn't have called it TRANS RIGHTS NOW.

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They're censoring user interaction, not reprimanding game devs for having naked girl fetishes.

>naked girl fetishes
No, it's directly targetting pedo content in games.

Yes. Anime girls are cool, faggots are not. Well done

Don't remember there being any ecchi games on snoy consoles about prepubescent children.

>pressure Apple

I love how transparent these fucking faggots are

Hahaha can you imagine some old japanese execs in a boardroom listening to some millenial hipster lecture them on transphobia.

Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.

I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. believe it or not, i know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people i met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, id say lurking for a while her actually predisposes you to being trans. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just for the sake of trans peoples image on here.

But ever since redditors brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we are, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just to consider you guys.

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I'd like to know the alternate universe YOU came from.

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kill yourself tranny

Please be pasta.

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Does anyone have that picture where they’re looking at tranny skeletons in the future and the archaeologists are like “yep this one’s male I can tell from the bone structure”?

this has to be a joke

probably because you trannies are newfag discorders who can't stop shoving your politics into everything and shitting up Yea Forums by posting statistics on how it's acktually 40% not 41%. tldr kill yourself already

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Plenty of loli shit out there, this is the primary thing being censored and for good reason.

I have no problem with trans people. What I don't like is you faggots pushing your agendas in every piece of media on earth and playing the victim when people tell you to tone it down a bit. "Whaaaaa Nintendo removed my incredibly low-effort Smash stage, let's all boycott them, they're transphobic." Holy fuck, get over yourselves. No other minority group is this goddamn obnoxious.

fuck censorship

Blacks are

Was this them subtlety mocking hon trans people?

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I'm pretty sure the penis detection software thought that was a big phallice.

>Trannies pick and choose things to censor and things to keep
>Nintendo tells them to fuck off and censors their shit
Never thought I'd see the day where Nintendo was based.

grr grr mad I want to click on articles is anyone else with me

Blacks are nowhere near as annoying as trannies.

Censoring devs and players are different.

It's pretty annoying when they shoot cops for dumb false reasons.

who's worse at this point, trannies or feminists? both are still bad but who has the crown for most retarded?

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>KYS Tranny Faggot


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/pol/ is the worst

At least they keep that outside of my vidya.

Feminists are based because they hate trannies.

what the fuck is dialation?

Stopping the wound from healing, uh I mean, making sure the neo-vagina doesn't shrink.

Yep... Blacks and gays. I don't see this kind of shit from anyone else, just those two groups.

They use a dildo on the open wound where their dicks got cut off to prevent their bodies from naturally healing from the mutilation. Dilation is literally preventing a cut from healing to there’s blood, pus, and other gross discharge as well.


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t. ranny

feminists encourage trannies

/pol/ should embrace islam, those guys get lgbt studies shutdown with ease in the UK

There's a whole branch of feminism dedicated to hating tr*nnies (TERF).