Blue so i can snipe EricReacts and ruin his stream
mister_lister_the_sister_fister sounds pretty based, I'll join blue
Where's the "I'd rather kill myself" team bros at
Blue, without a doubt.
Blue team hands down, can't beat a brony and a gaiafag together with mister_lister_the_sister_fister.
red team. I'm atleast avoiding BR huehue and MLP. [420] might be good and RDT has some coordination.
Who's gregor and why the fuck should I care? Get out of here with your e-celeb shit.
Mister_Lister would carry by himself, blue.
ironic that this post would out you as a newfag
Red because I'm pretty sure the first one is going to be using hacks
In current year, blue. No question. Ages past, maybe red. Odds are that blue boys are having a giggle in the year of our LORD 2019.
hi newfag. "Gregor" isn't a real life person. it's a meme, virgin.
have sex.
you need to go back
if I teamkill for a round will gregor join the other team? I want to improve myself by fighting the best.
Multiplayer is for fags.
This. If I win and Gregor joins, I'm switching sides for an epic showdown.
>Red team
>Either goes 10-0 or 0-10, will flame his teammates either way
>Will probably RP over comms, making moaning noises
>Will plug his twitch in over comms, skill depends on number of viewers
>2 bozos playing splitscreen, collectively make up one whole functioning brain, probably wont use comms at all
>Joke name that will probably TK and get kicked from the match
Sounds like a reasonable R6S team to me.
He was some good Battlefield player. I prefer Havoc to be honest. The memes generated from the Rainbow Six Siege demonstration video was way better than Gregor.
>He was some good Battlefield player
>Weed Warrior = epicftw9001
Weed Warrior is going to be baked out of his mind, and epicftw9001 is almost guaranteed to be either a zoomer, or someone being ironic for le memez!! xD
Both are deadweight.
>Wolfpack92 > Jessicakes
Furry autism is generally strong, and Jessicakes is either a female attention whore or a man pretending to be a female attention whore. Either way, Wolfpack brings some potential to the team, whereas Jessicakes is just more deadweight.
>EricReacts > huaehuae
EricReacts is guaranteed to be absolutely mediocre. Not great, but not terrible.
On the other hand, huaehuae is a Brazilian. Enough said.
>lederpydude < Narutokitsune
Anyone who still identifies with Naruto and Gaia in 2019 has raw autism in spades. Probably devoted a good amount of that autism to the game.
lederpydude is also at a disadvantage for having to play splitscreen.
>lederpydude(1) < Fluttershy
Same as above. Anyone who still identifies with MLP in 2019 also has raw autism in spades.
lederpydude(1) is still at a disadvantage for having to play splitscreen.
>RipRoarinBoogerpenis < Mr. Lister
Boogerpenis might be a great player, but also might just be some 8 year old typing in words that he thinks are funny. Mr. Lister is going to be an ass kicker 100% of the time.
The stakes are close, but Blue is objectively the better team here.
I just googled it. Not sure where I got the idea it was a Battlefield player. I've been thinking that for so many fucking years, holy shit. Guess I was shown someone else's epic battlefield montage.
Blue has two autists (weeb and ponyfag) while red has only one (furfag) so blue has higher chance of winning
Let's see here...
Weed warrior is probably blazed while playing, 2/10
wolfpack is a wild card, furries have a lot of free time so he could be anywhere from 1/10 to 8/10
With a name like Eric Reacts, Eric probably plays a new game every week rather than being an MLG type streamer, so he'll have good genre experience but little game experience, 3/10 perhaps
Redditfags will have good synergy, I expect one of them will be noticably better than the other since he's showing his bro the game, maybe 5/10 and 2/10
On the blue side...
epicftw9001 is definitely having a giggle, he's probably a sleeper 9/10 player
girls suck at video games 1/10
BR is probably 4-6/10 skill wise but due to lag it'll be impossible for him to get kills and he'll be impossible to kill
gaiafag and brony are wild card like the furry but significantly less likely to be good, probably 1-5/10 each
Both RipRoarinBoogerpenis and Mister Lister are obviously oldfag arena shooter experts, 10/10 each so they cancel out.
Red team is from 23 to 30 out of 60,
Blue team is 26-36 out of 60
Blue team is the safer bet
REDdit has a streamer, furgin, and a pair of hispanic split screeners.
Blu has based Lister. BR might be deadweight if he has high ping, but whatever. Bronyfag is probably being ironic to tilt people.
I try my luck with the hue
Blue, I trust the BR.
Red so I can steal that twitchfag's audience while stomping some weebs and furfags
Blue without hesitation.
you've been troled
all me
Blue, I trust Mister_Lister_the_Sister_Fister to carry.
something about "Mister_Lister_the_Sister_Fister" just screams skill
>merely pretending
can vouch for the sister_fisters abilities, blue
My hatred for brazilians knows no bounds