Autistic vidya things you do in IRL

When I'm alone, I pretend to walk limped while holding a pistol.

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When alone
>pretend i'm shooting/reloading weapons
>pretend i'm driving all kind of vehicles
>pretend i'm having conversations i will never have with people that doesn't exist

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Sometimes when going up and down stairs I pretend I'm using a jump pack.

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>pretend to have conversation during playing a game with favorite twitch streamer
Its the worst shit that could happen to me.

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I go on Yea Forums to discuss vidya rather than play it.

That's some serious presence on the spectrum anons.

That's quite alright if it's occasional.

I force headbob in real life.

I squint my eyes to apply FXAA irl

>walking down starts like Niko Bellic
>walk slowly like early RE animation while looking at my feet hoping I dont trip

Whenever I accidentally drop stuff or fail some menial task I get the same feeling as when I fail a QTE like in Heavy Rain

embarrassing but I've done Link's idle animation sometimes when no ones around.

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Invent animations for spells in an imaginary MMORPG.

If I play certain games for MANY hours, I begin to subconsciously judge my IRL movements as I would in-game.

Mass Effect and Shenmue had a noticeable effect like this for a bit.

When I'm alone, I dream of becoming great and getting demonic power

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Pretend I'm solid/naked snake and sneak around my apartment with an invisible pistol/knife

Every time I die I assume that's just an alternate timeline where the mc just dies in the middle of the adventure.

sometime I like to imagine that I won EVO and I would practice my winning post
highest I ever got to was Top 32

When i'm alone i basically pretend that i spin around two revolvers or guns like a cowboy. Or most likely like Ocelot from MGS

Become a human mech that pivots at the torso and walks with bowed legs
then I use my arm cannons to fire at my dog

Look fellow autists, it's called stimming and you both sound incredibly lame about it. When I was a young lad I would imagine the most elaberate videogames and spaz the fuck out to insinuate the action in them.

I pretend I'm on a podcast or something being interviewed about some great achievement. I go into detail about the inception of the idea and talk about how happy I am with the fan reception.

Part of me wishes this would happen but I know it won't.

I impersonate dagoth ur

>tfw did Link's swim animation younger when alone

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>it has a name
Welp! it's official, i have the tism'

this too but in a GDC talk

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Honestly? I after college my autism/depression ruined video games because I couldn't/obsessed over achievements too much

When I beat a tough boss I sometimes mimic what the actions the character does when killing it. Please tell me I'm not alone.

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Playing game by myself sometime I act like im making a video tutorial for youtube in my head

Sometimes, when I'm playing a video game that really gets me pumped up, I jump out of my seat and start doing a faux-SWAT sweep of the house, holding an invisible assault rifle and screaming out orders while playing video game OST on my earphones.

>It has a name
Of course it does, eventually people would come to realize that there was something going on with kids that were running around slamming into walls while speaking anime lines while completely ignoring their surroundings.

I imagine I won Evo too but not just one tournament I imagine that I won every single Top 8 there back to back and am crowned the greatest fighting game player of all time.

I often say dumb game related shit when I’m alone. For example, whenever I finish drinking coffee I always say some shit like “heh... level up...” or “checkpoint reached...” it’s the worst shit ever its straight out of some gay law and order svu episode.

When I'm going up stairs I sometimes feel like how Cole Phelps is animated to do it.

>Walking up some stairs
>This theme just starts blasting inside my head
>Find myself running up the stairs.
It's so stupid, but God I fucking love that theme so much. Also in addition to that I catch myself at times trying to imitate Richter's idle pose, and looking fucking stupid doing so.

Attached: RichterIdle.png (474x952, 52K)

Fuck I used to do this.
And still do.

Sometimes when I accomplish something in my life I hum/whistle victory fanfare from Final Fantasy.

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When I go up or down stairs I'll do it how MSG Solid Snake does it

Run like naruto with arms extended behind me
Hold a kitchen knife with the blade pointed downwards and slash the air
Imaginary firearm reloads including pistol slide cock
I unironically say JUST outloud given the situation in the game im playing

If you don’t scream “STRIKE FROM THE SKIES BROTHERS” the you’re doing it wrong

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I did this in school once, and I was used as an example to the class. Link's swimming animation was really similar to a rescue swimming technique.

ive also done this
i also used to imitate cloud's pose if i had a baseball bat or something in my hand (i was on a team through grade school to highschool)
honestly looking back im not sure how i didnt get my ass kicked

You realize Link swims using an actual swimming technique, right? Its the side stroke

Sometimes I used to put random crap in my pockets and narrate my life internally like a point and click adventure