>There are people who think these characters aren't white
You're either retarded or blind. 99% of Japanese video game characters look white. Deep-set eyes and curved, pointy noses are white features you dipshits.
>There are people who think these characters aren't white
You're either retarded or blind. 99% of Japanese video game characters look white. Deep-set eyes and curved, pointy noses are white features you dipshits.
name one person
>2B is supposed to be wh-
theyre hylian bro
Plenty of people (usually insecure asians or basedboys with yellow fever) will argue that any character that is drawn in a manga-type style looks more asian than white.
If Hylians are white then so are the Jews
Other than her skin tone, she still has white features.
They're Hylians dipshit
>White features