>youtuber injects his left-wing political opinions into video about vidya.
Youtuber injects his left-wing political opinions into video about vidya
Is this opposite world?
youtubers don't really know what they're talking about when th
It’s clown world
>being so bothered by inane bullshit you decide to make a thread on slash vee slash
Lmao just dont watch them if it bothers you that much
Fucking Trihex, jesus.
when what, user?
please complete your sent
You’re a fucking idiot.
Is the frogposter triggered that someone thinks differently than your /pol/hugbox?
>frogfucker looking for validation on Yea Forums
>Enters thread that he already knows he doesn't like to give angry advice.
Yeah ok.
>slash vee slash
Back to rebbit.
you're assuming that any of us give a shit, fuck off idiot go watch some more alex jones
thorhighheels he’s otherwise insightful and funny and has good taste in games, but holy fuck is it cringe when he brings in politics
Eventually they always forget about games and go full political, right before coming out of the closet and inevitably turning tranny, non-binary or some shit like that. It's the hbomberguy's syndrome
fuck women and FUCK MINORITIES
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong board
Why do trannies get so triggered when people don’t care for their politics in vidya? Just get over it and stick to vidya. Game on!
hey buddy, you got the wrong board, /pol/ is 37 blocks down
Politics are gay
this is a dare i say very based and redpilled opinion
why do i need to be a tranny to not be triggered by something? i guess to an underage the concept of not caring about something either way is archaic. besides even if i was a tranny you'd be triggered by me apparently, how embarrassing
>frogposting retard thinks he's in good company on Yea Forums
Meh, youtube gaming channels are just commercials. Use ad block no matter what.
But then when
>youtuber injects his right-wing political opinions into video about vidya.
all frogposters and politicsposters should be permabanned from all boards
I’m sure whatever you typed just now was really well thought out, but I don’t read tranny posts, sorry.
Why does he have to be /pol/ to not like politics in his vidya?
already triggered huh cuckboy? absolute kek
>contra poster existing in general
i would feel sorry for you but you deserve it
>youtuber injects his political opinions into video about vidya
doesn't matter whether it's left or right wing, I don't want to hear that fucking shit
>liberal tranny calling others cucks
Thanks for the (You) but I’m still not reading your posts, tranny
only /pol/cucks cry about politics, race or gender in games.
But people like you do care. Look at how fucking asspained OP is over it.
>Wouldn't be crying if it was the politics you agree with
What's wrong Cletus? Scared your retarded Cheeto man is about to get impeached?
OP could've stated it as 'my internet babysitter mentioned politics' instead of specfically mentioning a side. His very ebin smug frowning frog image insuated he doesn't agree with it.
>blah blah blah I’m a tranny
Nice cope post, faggot
So you're admitting that the rest of Yea Forums is just a bunch of cucks?
any day now!
>everything is political
Buy Darkstalkers Resurrection
Don’t bother getting through to these retards. They’re the only ones retarded enough to believe that he’s not a Russian agent.
>being American
Yes, I think most of Yea Forums are a bunch of cucks, including>(you)
Based Contraposter
Yea Forums is asspained cucktranny/pol/nigger central yes
this is the underage containmentboard
now watch this *braaaap* NAAAA-NANANA
>muh politics
>muh trannies
>facebook frog
You mad, tranny?