If a 7 year old can afford one, there’s literally no reason to not get a Switch.
If a 7 year old can afford one, there’s literally no reason to not get a Switch
7 years olds don't have bills to pay
>theres literally no reason to not get a switch
no games
That child probably gets like $20 spending money a week.
i just dont want a switch.
Quick, post your age and how much money you have saved up right at THIS moment:
>with his own money
He's fucking 7.
What?! How?
No games. Switch lost Octopath Traveler and until DQXI DE the console doesn't really interest me.
So proud of my wife's son for spending the money I give him.
learn to code
T. broke college student
I just don't spend money that often. If I do spend money, it's always when things are on sale. I also live with my parents.
I plan on doing so. Next year, I'm going to uni for comp sci.
Weed tycoon for medical
where does a 7yo get hundreds of $ other then xmas or birthday money?
if they are getting money from any other source then those then they are spoiled brats
>live with my parents
You could have just said that....
>like two bucks
Mine is just a Smash Bros. machine at the moment. I'm just waiting for Animal Crossing and hopefully a Persona 5 port.
The fuck is that box?
I’m not interested in the console of trannies and cuckholds.
>pre owned
uh oh, it’s gonna overheat and crash, never buy a used switch, I dumped my old switch off on GameStop because it would overheat in docked mode. Some poor idiot is stuck with my old defective switch now.
4k dollars
We’re not talking about a Snoy product, honey. Nintendo actually bans trannies from their games now.
where did the kid got his money from? oh yeah 50 dollars a week allowance from daddy
kys op
And that is why the 7 year old will always be richer than you.
60k (I just bought last year a 1mil house, no mortage)
Why do white people give out such a big allowance Yea Forums?
That’s PS4
>Parents were responsible enough to teach their seven year old to budget and save for things they want
>Nintendo faggots spin it as a way to start console war thread #10000000000
In a world of single mothers with mutt babies, I implore you to go fuck yourself.
I work retail, but I just don't spend a lot of money.
Someone said if I start saving a dollar a day right now I’ll be able to purchase a PS5 by the time it comes out. I thought the idea sounded good but the I realized I have no way of getting a dollar a day.
Why do you assume they're white, you racist?
>a little over 100k usd
This isn't Iwata's Nintendo anymore. Where have you been?
>Saving for a PS5
That's the problem with that idea.
Bull fucking shit.
>around $2,950
>saving for next gen console with no games other than ps4 ones on launch
Bad idea.
77k not including differed comp which is probably around another 30k at this point
Prostitution. The world's oldest profession.
Its very easy to save money when you don't have wife and kids.
imagine having zero self control and being this autistic.
Become shameless and beg outside stores for money.
Either trolling or retarted if you have that much “saved” and are just sitting on it the money is useless and is losing value to inflation
>Literally 20 bucks in my bank account
Fucking end the pain.
>buying a launch console
never buy launch consoles, they are always plagued with issues, let others be the lab rats.
Because I played BOTW on WIIU and I don't want to play oddesey and smash enough to buy a switch.
SMT V fucking when?
You're killing me Fatlus.
I'l instantly fork over when that releases.
>Work retail
The retard says "living with your parents still huh? pathetic" while also saying "why do i have no money..."
I still never worked once in my life
imagine being this poor and thinking $300 is a large expenditure
>8K checking account
>2K savings account
>14k roth ira/401k
Why do Americans hate their children so much that they kick them out of the house at 18 anyways?
A little over 2000
>Why do Americans hate their children so much that they kick them out of the house at 18 anyways?
t. Luigi
i am retarded, I have about 30k in retirement accounts and I don't know what to do with the rest. I made it all last year, I got lucky with selling on ebay
t. 100k guy
>let's go
I feel really bad for this kid
Stop posting my wife.
It is his own money, he got it by prostitution from a bunch of pedos.
Would be a much better story.
It's something about being independent I think. Honestly, I don't live there so I don't know the real deal, but judging purely out of ignorance based on the american media I consume, americans kick their offspring out of the house as soon as they're 18, everyone is expected to reach their goals on their own without help from their family and their families are barely mentioned unless the story is about the man of the house having to protect his wife and kids, so everyone lives isolated from each other except if they're fucking someone I guess, oh, and everyone goes back home for Thanksgiving but they absolutely hate that because they hate their families for being ass backwards as fuck judgemental assholes. It's like if you were born in the USA you have to hate your bloodline, but that's probably just movies and games aiming for maximum conflict possible, so I'm sure it's nothing like that. Still, kinda weird considering how media in my country is all about valuing family and people are expected to live with their parents until they get married.
>about 5000
> about -$36k
Kill me. Atleast im more than half way through my car loan
Fell for the college meme, should have just gone to a trade school.
1 million dollars
>The retard says "living with your parents still huh? pathetic" while also saying "why do i have no money..."
This desu. My parents don't mind me living at home and I get to save so much money by doing so. My sister did the same and saved up the money for a home deposit along with her fiance. I don't understand the mentality of kicking kids out once they hit 18 or young adults feeling the need to claim their own "independence". There's no pride in living out of home (when you can live at home) and barely having any money.
Asians do it the best. A lot of their kids will live at home until they're married or have their proper, real career started out.
Approximately 6k
But I also own a home, 2 cars, and live comfortably.
I saved up that much money by that age. That was around when I bought my first house
Cuz someone thought it was a good idea to make women think that guys living at home after like 20 are pathetic losers. So guys do it to get pussy. That's all really. I would still love at home if it wasn't for cunts making 40-year-old virgins jokes about it when half of them still live with their parents.
Around $2200 no job atm. Living with mom. Feels meh.
Feels meh
It's really on a family by family basis, I know some kids from my HS whose folks kicked them out at 18 and told them they'd need to take out student loans if they wanted to go to college. Some of them did it and got decent jobs but most ended up like . The parents that helped their kids financially with college are also usually the ones who will let them move back in after graduation if they don't have a job lined up already or if they can commute from home.
True but on the flip side Asian kids are also expected to care for their parents in old age so it's not like it's a one way street. Not saying there is anything wrong with that though.
had $4000 more but I spent it all trying to save my dog. He was worth it.
I fell for the new car meme. At least I make near $67k/yr. Not too big a deal.
"own a home" but not paid off.
Wait, so did your doggo make it or not?
He did not.
But, taking the costs into account, it was only $30 a month for the 11 years I did have him.
>Around $60k
There is a game in OPs pics you retard lol
32, paying off $1500 credit card debt after wedding.
This is why I can't get a dog. The heartbreak would be too much for me to deal with. Dogs are better than pretty much any human.
>HIS money
It wasn't until very recently my business has been profitable.
There are lots of cheaper and less embarrassing paperweights
I would have more if my retarded mom didn't keep begging for money.
What do you do, user?
It might make you feel better to know $20 fell out of my pocket today.
50k debt isn’t that bad bro. I’m sure you can pay it off in the next 7 or 8 years if you keep a full time job and make payments regularly. Atleast you got a degree right?
Don’t be an ungrateful cunt. That same woman provided for you until you were 18, or more.
so now you're left with 60K, you'd figure you'd at least keep more
I should really save my money and get a job.
74k USD
I was lucky enough to get scholarships that paid for most of college, and to have parents who were generous enough to pay for anything the scholarships didn’t.
50 bucks
Get on my level virgins
Okay what's a great investment these days?
3 bucks.
>22 tomorrow
>About 500 euro
IRA's. I use Navy Federal and they've got an okay return rate (3.25% dividend, 3.75% APY)
Also got a tip from a co-worker for a financial firm that more than tripled his investment in four years, so I'm going to be reaching out to them soon.
shut up, daniel
I have enough ps4 games to play
I don't buy children toys.
>75000 LINK
>have to burn $1k for teeth stuff
Thank god for the pension plan from my work
Around 6k i think
what kind of trash parent wouldnt give their kid 20 bucks to not get a pre owned
75 in cash bills
Maybe a bit for "helping" grandparents? + allowance over aa kot of months maybe?
-1.6k in debt
I work a shit job and don't save money
About to move in with roommates. Trying to save up to go back to school. No debts. Live frugally, inherited paid off car from relative.
My gf is in a masters program and Im basically feeding her until im a made man.
>less than a $1000 in cash
>250k in gold
>50k in shares of the company I work for
>have house and car and 6 figure salary
Every year I get most of my saved cash and convert it in to gold.
Also point out that's the amount I invested in gold. Appreciation is not factored in yet.
Should start investing in silver and platinum soon.
Around 8400 euro
And that zoomer Wii60 Xcuck prick keeps leeching on Nintendo but still doesn't have a Switch because "it isn't portable enough." What a load of shit.
Living with my parents and working full time is pretty great, we're in pretty decent shape despite living in a region with a pretty high cost of living
> -300k
There's around 20k in my redraw though.
You should buy some mods for your unicorn too
What are the advantages is to invest in values like gold or silver?
>-$4.48 bank monthly fee still due
>Gonna deposit $30 ish later upcoming week
>Poor as shit and get free $221 autismbux + food stamps every month
Being a bit mentally challenged / mentally retarded kinda has its sweet perks but I'm honestly on fence on just getting a fucking McJob soon or work at a fucking dollar store or some easy shit at lesst I'd have more bang in my wallet every month instead of just continuing to live miserably on food stamps and free government autism money. Believe me Yea Forums I am tired of it after a couple years and stressed and all fucked up and depressed from just living that way for fucking years.
19000 in bank
65000 in retirement fund
>I should buy it because I can afford it
Retarded consumer brainwash
>I should buy it because I want it and can afford it
Capitalism is great, huh?
The OP doesn't say anything about wanting it
>Muh capitalism
Better enjoy it while it lasts
Roughly $300k USD between my husband and I
also it's because of his inheritance
we'd prefer his parents still be alive instead of us being rich
A SEVEN (7) year old wanted a thing and bought it because he had money for it. It doesn't take a Ph.D in child psychology to understand that a 7 year old wants a thing they bought. Are you pretending to be retarded?
>6~7 thousand
Never managed to land a fulltime job, but I do have regular summer work and occasional fall/winter work. Would be slightly richer if I didn't blow it on mobile gacha games.
Reminder to report off-topic pokemon threads as well, bro.
Literally me.
27, and I have 5k saved despite not having a job or getting any form of income for 6 years. All my money is from student loans, and I think I should pretty easily be able to stretch this money out for another decade.
Assuming it's not just all fake, why would a kid spend the money on something he didn't want? Especially considering at 7, a few hundred dollars is a huge amount of money.
Being a brain dead retail drone isn't worth the abysmal income.
I got like $700 to my name. Oh yeah I'm 22.
im 28 with 37k
Switch has more exclusives than PS4 despite being out for many years less.
Call me when that kid has finished paying off 100k of college debt, has taken a massive chunk out of his 700k mortgage, has two new cars, has a stable of motorcycles, a boat, is a borderline alcoholic and his gf has somehow turned getting her hair and nails done into a full time job.
Until then the Switch can get fucked, I already played it's worthwhile exclusives on Wii U (which can also get fucked) and i'll just wait for the second or third Switch hardware revision and pick it up for like a $100 when it has a decent library of games, is hacked, and has full backwards compatibility.
Fucking retarded ass 7 year old, go and play with some fucking LEGO or ride your bike faggot.
Send help.
>I also live with my parents
I moved away too early
I would be rich by now
Seek mental help
>i'll just wait for the second or third Switch hardware revision and pick it up for like a $100 when it has a decent library of games, is hacked, and has full backwards compatibility.
But if you aren't retarded you can buy a fully hacked Switch right now for 200 bucks.
I work until I have a few thousand, become a NEET for a while until it runs out, then work again
I still play Smash, BotW, Mario Kart, and Odyssey on the go. Also Fortnite and other downloaded games if I don't feel like whipping out my laptop or booting up the desktop. But I do wish there were more streaming apps. There's just Youtube and Hulu right now, I need Crunchyroll if I'm gonna use the Swich for more than just games.
when did you leave?
How do you get jobs with those gaps?
>around $250
Gotta find a job in a month to start getting on that student debt.
t.seething 7 year old
How does it feel to be the wifes son you little faggot?
I'm saving up to renovate my bathroom checkmate nintènyèàrold
also I'm waiting for the 2.0 version
I live in a city with 10m people in it and have experience doing lots of different things, also I pad out every job I've had by extending it a couple of months in either direction so the gaps don't look as big
That being said, I can only get hired doing absolutely shit jobs, like working for minimum wage on the overnight shift in warehouses, or at parcel sorting facilities. I refuse to do retail or fast food though.
My mom's husband takes me out for icecream or he and mom don't wrestle.
>only proper job I ever had lasted a month
Pls gib part time job
>I pad out every job I've had by extending it a couple of months in either direction so the gaps don't look as big
Do they just never check with referees?
I didn't ask to be born, you know.
No, not for grunt warehouse work or basic packing jobs
In the UK, 80% of those jobs are filled by FOB immigrants who don't have referees and can barely speak English, and the other 20% are ex-prisoners
100 argentine pesos and 100 dollars
It's obviously all invested in stocks and bonds
Fuck. I'm 21
I see. I might try getting a job like that but working with those sort of people doesn’t sound nice. Do you have to interact much?
>Almost $5000.
Those of you who are rich enough to buy games at full price once a month, what do you do? I wipe shit off of asses and change adult diapers a couple times a day for about $200 a month. I absolutely hate it but it's better than nothing. I do not want to do this kind of job for the rest of my life and I absolutely don't want it on my resume either.
After all the bills and stuff each month, I have a 500€ fun budget and I put 500€ to stocks monthly.
I feel like there is less and less worthwhile vidya and stuff so I've been thinking if I should lessen my fun budged to 300€ and invest 700€ instead.
I program. Went to college for computer engineering debt free in the third world, moved to US and work at a large software company
I did the same thing with the game boy color. I wish I would have waited to buy a gameboy advance though. What a piss off, it barely got any exclusive games
>Do you have to interact much?
Nah, they're usually designed for minimal interaction between workers because people get distracted easily and talk a lot on the job. For example, the last job I had was working in a parcel sorting warehouse, everyone had their own little section along the conveyer belt they had to stand in (marked by white lines on the floor), where you took off parcels coming down based on which postcode they had, and then stacked them in piles (so NE1 in one pile, NE2 in another pile, etc., while someone else did SW1, SW2, etc). You're spaced far away from each other that talking is pretty much impossible with all the noise going on around you.
They're not good jobs though, they're really soul-crushing and everyone is pretty miserable though. I can only handle a couple of months at a time before I want to kill myself and just stop showing up for work
This is me: >29
>1000€ in bank
>3500€ in stocks
>A bit over 20 000€ of the apartment I own paid for
0 but I got my first job this week
Not savings, that's my account balance.
Good on you then user. I basically have no excuse at this point. I need to find a way to get back on track in life.
>rich enough to afford one $60 payment in a month
if you think thats rich then you're broker than broke
good job man. save and spend wisely
Honestly, I would recommend looking into security. If you can, the next time you see a security guard just ask them if they can talk for like 2 minutes because you're thinking of getting into a security job.
If you're lucky, they will give you that two minutes and will actually enjoy your company. If you're unlucky, they'll say they're too busy to talk right now.
There can be good money involved, as well as steady work.
I sure wish I could find a job where I could actually fucking save and not struggle week to week.
no im going to spend my money on instant gratification like drugs and alcohol just to spite you
Well he said he earns 200$ a month so he probably lives in some 3rd world shithole.
>about 4000 euros
>There can be good money involved, as well as steady work.
What fucking country, because it sure as hell ain't the UK. Security guards usually make minimum wage here, and there are few full-time positions available
t. security guard on a zero hour contract making minimum wage
Why is it so popular among normies nowadays to make up silly stories about their "sons"?
Like seriously, who the fuck even believes this shit. How did his 7yo save up money, by whoring himself out to pedophiles at the school park when daddy wasn't looking?
I don't own a home or a car or anything like that.
How tall do you have to be? Manlet here. Every security guard I've ever seen is at least a head taller than me and looks like he can throw some weight around. Do I need to bulk up first
fuck and all no point in saving shit gotta enjoy my life while i can
Literally me
Studying engineering takes too much time, haven't had a job since I was 18, hope I get one this summer
I live alone but my father pays everything and the little money I have it's spent on weekends hanging out with my friends
However I'm used to save money on short terms, like when I want to buy a new phone and things like that. I got no urge to buy a house since my dad will inherit the house I'm living rn to me, I could buy a car because Public transport is a bitch in my city but I'm afraid of driving.
i'm happy that i have a wiiU since i can play 90% of the switch titles since they are remasters
but at the same time i would prefer to play them on the switch but i will feel retarded to buy a console with the same games
Not him but I know USA and Flips pay good money for security guards in certain areas/companies.
I'm in Australia. Lowest pay you'll see is like $27 an hour, and that's working retail, pubs, etc. Then there's also overtime and other bonuses.
Thanks for the info man. I think for unskilled work it doesn’t sound as bad as retail. At least it sounds like you can just get your hours in and then go home without much bullshit.
Most security guards are literally just glorified narks.
If you see anything strange or someone sneaks in, you buzz the police and stay out of the way.
You can be any height and any age. No requirement on bulking up, but it wouldn't hurt to work on getting some muscle.
i see a lot of zoomers where i work do this
Yes there is.
Alright lol, thanks for the info. It's just hard since I've been a NEET for so long. I gotta get up and just do it and not think about it. But that's the hardest part.
23, about 580,000 USD between me and my husband.
Just marry rich kids.
Like $450
>Just marry rich kids.
Not all of us can look like cute girls, femanon(male).
I just turned 21 yesterday!
I'm inheriting my father's estate and wealth, already have a car too but as far as allowance, I only have $9,000 left from saying up.
Buy a Switch and mod it. If you can find it, I recommend you to buy the Fortnite Bundle, you can sell the code that comes with it for 50 bucks or more (I sold mine for 60). The Switch is amazing for emulation.
>look for security job in UK
>garbage pay
>3 years experience along with security qualifications required
>usually in some fucking shopping centre or night club
Pretty jealous of you burgers
I wish I was in America things would be so much cheaper
couple weeks away from graduating college, interviewing at a few places right now
>Something like 10 to 15k €, enough to never need to remember exact numbers when I pay bills or buy groceries.
>American on /int/ recommends becoming a pharmacist, because you can easily make $100k after a few years and it's not hard to get into
>look up how to become a pharmacist in the UK
>need more qualifications and the average salary is £34k a year
>couple weeks away from graduating college
congratulations user.
The only game on Switch is Smash. And I'm pretty confident it'll run on Yuzu before the year is through.
28, $4,000
hang in there bro
I'm too scared to apply for autism bux or foodstamps. You at least have more courage than I do user. Good luck.
i have a modded wiiU and 3ds but i feel kind of uneasy to mod a console that is still kinda new and being developed on.
generally they are safer when the console is older
Why would anyone live in the UK still?
>his money
So, prostitution ring?
Anyone who says anything above 20k is a fucking liar
>$3000 in stocks
>$1000 riding on credit card, but i have no interest, so no incentive to pay it off until interest comes into play
>in a slav country
Tommy is a very forward thinking business entrepreneur
Rich people exist user. And sometimes they're not even that rich. They're just good at saving and not wasting money.
their last console was a smash machine too
black, asian, Hispanic dont give out allowances at all
Because it's hard to move to any countries that are better without valuable skills
>Anyone who says anything above 20k
Man I miss those days. I was young and proud and enjoyed living and working and had hope for the future and humanity. Now I'm fucking broke and miserable and feel like trash and I just don't care anymore.
>If a 7 year old can afford one
Yeah, I bet a 7 year old could also afford a rock that is sold at a 100$. Wouldn't make it less of an overpriced waste of money though
I'm white and I got 4$ per month. I saved it all and after a year I could afford to buy a game.
My parents were so impressed that they bumped me up to 5$ a week provided I cook my own food and buy my own clothes. But instead I hoarded everything to buy more games.
26 spik from third world. 12.5k
>0.44 BTC
Never had a job in my life, neet life foreva.
I'm in lawschool babyyyyy I don't need to worry about money. Not american; there's always room for legal dudes here
You can move to Norway and work on oil drilling platform or as cook in a ski center without any experience or skills.
i got 0 allowances money but if i really really need money for a school trip or whatever my parent would pay for it and no I'm not white.
idiot kid
>-$100k plus more debt on the way
Why does vet school have to be so expensive I just want to fix doggos and kitties.
150k eoy
Seven Year Old also doesn't live outside his means. Seven Year Old is happy to live in a fucking treehouse and not in a 5 Grand New York shoebox.
Seven Year Old knows how to fucking budget.
>60'000 in bank
>5 million daddy's credit card
im a jew and live in switzerland, my parents run a huge corporation. feels good shitposting all day long
hows it feel, wagies?
hows it feel, poorfags
It's actually fun. Just don't be an autist and try to get gud at the game. But it's the perfect game to just kick back and relax. There's no other comfier shooter. Not even Splatoon is this comfy.
I didn't get an allowance, but I got five bucks every day to get food from the school canteen, so I just saved that shit and bought games instead.
>30k freedom bux and a car
I live in Eastern Europe, btw
23 thousand bongdollars
Kill me hahahahAHAHAHA
>Not even Splatoon is this comfy
How can one man be so wrong?
I'm not interested in supporting a company that shuts down romhacks and fan projects.
User-created content is why Half Life and Warcraft 3 gained the traction they did, and a game is worse without it.
Would you be interested in blowing me if i pay?
I'm currently 2 years old and I work as a data miner on board with both the NSA, and I currently have $691,337,420 saved up.
> I just want to fix doggos and kitties.
And then you end up having to kill thousands of animals in your career, and not always for reasons that make sense.
Like for example putting healthy animals to sleep at borders because the don’t have proper paperwork.
Stop spending so much on weed and beer, dumbass.
Are we playing the same game? I can't play this unless I'm on the edge of my seat intently focusing on splatting fools and shotting ink
im workin a job right now though so as soon as i get paid it's going to be really hard to save any of that money but i gotta do it to eventually get vr/use it as travel money to meet an e-gf if i have one by then
>wiiu was a smash and bayo2 machine
>switch is a smash and bayo2 machine
how do you go this long without any worthwhile 1st party games? BoTW to sell units then nothing..
But I don't consume any of those.
How do all these people who live in a first world nation somehow fail to save money?
You do know you're in the top fucking 5% of earners worldwide, right?
Again, top 5% of earners worldwide. Your part time paycheck to paycheck is better than the vast majority of the fucking world.
I make $15k a year
It really isn't when basic costs of living scale to minimum wages. Whoop-dee-doo, Americans will pay comparatively less for a TV than some guy from Poland, but they'll still pay 10 times more for bread and water.
you should be living pay check to paycheck
you should be saving most of your money you dont HAVE to spend
Well how much do you spend on bread and water? Even if I go for luxury stuff I can't do more than $80/week on food, and usually it's $50.
This. I'm 26 and at home and cannot get girls, I have no interest in moving out but I want to start a family so I have to.
Very sad state of affairs.
imagine wanting to be a leech off of your parents
>allowance from parents
>chores for neighbours
>investing in gold
lol, idiot