post your weaponfu
Call of Duty
Other urls found in this thread:
id post but webp's are a bitch that shouldnt exist
imagine playing with an automatic weapon
>reddit: the gun
>stopping power
>3x frag
>red dot equipped
heh, nothin personnel kid
back to facebook with your garbage series
T. sits alone at lunch
go home and play your weebshit you fucking dork
>hurr durr nofriends as an insult on fucking Yea Forums
as if we needed any more clues that you arrived from facebook. go back
have sex.
Best sniper coming in
Where does it say that you can't unfuck your shit on this?
make me
if you post
kill yourself
I'd throw the intervention on that list too.
*Blocks your path*
got me first ever nuke with an ACR loadout
*posts AK74u*
making fun of someone and informing them on how to "unfuck their shit" (i assume you mean "get life together") are two different things you Jordan C. Cuckerson fan
*one-shot hipfires you from 50 meters away*
Objectively the best sniper rifle
>virgin waffle
>not thunder chad
Unironically this
if you play
>call of duty
>and post about it on Yea Forums, the place where the game does not belong
kill yourself
still trying huh
have sex
Take your own advice.
this but silenced
back to facebook with your terrible taste in bad shooters
cod is the least thing Yea Forums fags should be concerned about being posted on this board
Are these each game's meme guns?
cod is an utterly shit game, is no better than any other shitpost thread and does not belong here
you have reddit and facebook to discuss cod all you want normalfag, go there
They're meme guns for people who run around drop shotting for CoD4, WaW, MW2, Black Ops, and MW3, so yes
Best gun from best game here
Galil gets an honorable mention
Literally every 5th-8th grader that had friends in 2009 played cod with their bros after school. they are the 18-21 year olds now gramps.
Sort of the opposite. They're the guns that were really good but never quite so good that they got nerfed. They were consistently the best choices and so 90% of people used them.
>in a couple of years young adults will be reminiscing about Fortnite on this board
>mfw dual wielded FMGs prepatch
USAS from MW3 was nice. ACR was stupidly OP.
right, forgot about those
So was League of Legends, so fucking what?
You have Reddit and Facebook to reminisce about complete garbage all you want, don't bring your trash taste here.
god damn I forgot how crazy those were at launch. even after the patch they are still insane
I fucking hated the sound too, especially when 3 faggots decide to use it exclusively in a match.
bo1 tomahawk.
What was the DEADLY ASSAULT RIFLE you unlocked in the 40s on Cod4? Because that was the best.
Literally just go to reddit. Your game is complete shallow garbage and doesn't deserve catalog space with your "discussion" that consists of just spamming pictures of weapons from the wiki with their names.
zoomer cringe
This gun is impractical in real life. The shit in RE4, and outclassed in Payday 2.
Fuck off, go play your chinkshit movie games
Pic related
Around 23000 kills with this bad boy in Blops 2
I'd rather play with your mom
rent free
>take a giant shit on the catalog floor
>wonder why people are telling you to take your shits in the reddit toilet
>your mom jokes in 2019
>wonder why people are telling you to take your shits in the reddit toilet
>why people
let's not pretend it's anyone other than you whining in the thread
there actually is another guy calling you zoomers but "people" was a general statement
Go back, your shallow game is garbage and belongs on reddit/facebook where the normalfaggots live rather than taking up catalog space here. You have literally the entire internet to discuss cowadoody and you choose the one place it doesn't belong
In cod 4 This gun was a 2 hit kill, on the upper body, at any range. Provided you used iron sights.
Ridiculously over powered. Like a fully automatic unscoped sniper rifle.
>CoD in 200X
>it's actually an AKM
>Facebookfrog in 2019
cool, so in other words it was boring low ttk, low skill, poorly balanced hitscan gameplay like the majority of cod games that have been shat out in different skins over the past decade
>being a bitchy nig about cod
>when overwatch aka wafufag simulator is posted nonstop
after you fagbag
Delete this
>Imagine playing with an automatic weapon
>Posts the gun that can fire at 1200 rounds per minute
im going to need proof as almost all akms have a curved flash hider tip and the one from cod resembles a standard tip that would have me say its an ak47
It's funny how it's the zoomers who are trying to shit on COD in order to fit in.
Only in the remaster, the original COD4 used the classic Type 1 model of the 47
you're like the barneyfag of cod lmao
like how white faggots get offended for niggers when other whites make jokes about them
Anyone who used this was a little bitch.
finally some common sense
It was a three hit kill up close, four at a distance, anywhere on the body except a headshot. That is unless you were using baby easy mode Stopping Power, which made it two and three respectively.
>playing cod past black ops 1
nah sorry user i had to get off the fag train at that point even the campaign became shitty
Who the fuck wastes a Friday night shitting on a CoD thread?? I'm not usually the one to agree with this statement but in this case... go out and have sex
The greatest iron sights ever.
>looking for scapegoats to deflect from how garbage your series is
Discussion of this "game" belongs on reddit/facebook where the other normalfaggots with garbage taste congregate
Damn right. Simple, pointed front sight, doesn't obscure your vision.
It's called trying to fit in. They probably came to the site recently so they think the Yea Forums mindset has always been to shit on games despite every COD up to BO2 was always talked about on here.
Who the fuck looks at all the places on Internet they can discuss one of the worst FPS series of all time and says "Hey let's go to Yea Forums for this"??
It's a terribad series, Activision has shat out the same sub-mediocre gameplay nonstop for the last decade, it does not deserve discussion HERE just because you faggots played it as your first FPS when you were 12 and have misplaced nostalgia for it, fuck off
The game has zero positive merit
>he flips his debate switch
you poor pathetic little nigger enjoy my last reply as you waste your life shitposting on a weekend
inb4 "i won he left"
*flashbangs you*
nothing personnel kid
AUG-chan is cute, CUTE!
Do NOT make fun of her weight she can be whatever kind of rifle she wants and doesn't need your negativity.
u mad? u mad. lul
>discuss one of the worst FPS series of all time
But this isn't a thread about Battlefield.
And it's literally nothing.
like every. single. cod game, it's the same hitscan gun with the numbers shifted slightly, plus the occasional projectile weapon
they recycle the same garbage year after year, why do you still keep buying it?
I would have the same reaction to a nu-battlefield thread, neither belong here
>being wrong
I loved the AUG in MW2 but I can't deny it was way better in Black Ops and more fun to use
If you haven't noticed all the games that have been posted are all old. Literally nothing has been posted from the newer games. Nobody here is even talking about them.
Tell me how much you love me
this and the FAMAS in blops were the bane of my existence
this with the slug
Used to throw a silencer on this bad boy and just hang out in weird places waiting for people to run buy, with stealthy perks. Worked every time, no one looked in my direction and they died in 2 shots.
how is being older supposed to change what I said about them being recycled garbage? even earlier cods were mediocre FPSes with poor movement options, poor gunplay, poor game design/counterplay and poor balance, and the series has only ever gone downhill since then to be literal bottom of the barrel in FPS.
it fails at being a realistic fps with immersion, it fails at being an arcadey fps with fun crazy shit, it has the worst of both worlds.
it's just a trash series. it has no merit and it doesn't belong here.
The machine pistols (that weren't the G18) were all underrated underdogs. Seeing someone with a TMP was impossibly rare even though it was basically a pocket ACR.
"Good" at everything in that mediocre kind of way.
Uzi and Vector were the patrician SMGs.
Hey guess what
You're wrong
stop replying to him
>waaaah i dont like it get out get out
you've been doing this for nearly an hour nigga
but it's fun sweetie :')
>2 shots
People die in two shots with literally half the assault rifles. There's no excuse to not kill in the first shot with a shotgun.
Cod black ops
Stakeout with grip ice sin
lightweight pro
It's painfully obvious you are underage kid. Take your own advice and get off Yea Forums you're to young.
Aw man playing Michael Myers on Rust was a blast.
>literally can't refute it, but feels obligated to reply with ad hominem
since you can't deny this game is utter normalfaggot garbage, why are you bringing it here instead of facebook or reddit? it's where you belong
mw2 acr was insane, actually no recoil.
Now that's what I'm talking about. This shit with fast hands all perk greeds C4 and no primary was the best.
>you're the last one alive in search and destroy
>they still have a 6 man team left
>yfw mean..............................we live in a.........................................................................................................society?..................dam..........................................
Remaster when?
>clutch it, complete with c4 kills
Best feeling ever.
Also, AUG is the best gun. Grip is all you need if you aren't a shitter.
>Used OMA for its true purpose
>Swapped between multiple loadouts to cover everything
>RPK with Power, SitRep, FMJ
>Uzi with silencer, lightweight, Ninja, C4 and smoke
>TAR-21 with Heartbeat Sensor and claymores
>Riot Shield, Stuns and a throwing knife
>Switch off to M4A1, Scavenger, Cold-Blooded & Stinger when there were some killstreaks to shoot down and nobody else ever takes the time to Stinger them
I miss OMA. The best damn thing that never made a comeback because crybaby dummies could only think to use it for grenade launcher spam.
call of duty deep gameplay:
>look at person
>aim down sights and press before they do
>occasionally use your skilled gamer button which drops large instakill explosion on the map to gain very earned and skillful kills
>repeat process for 1,000,000hrs, giving money to Activision every 2 years for the privilege of having the experience reskinned
>years later, close your facebook app and open up Yea Forums to reminisce about the amazing experience
that fucking gun sounded so wimpy for how fucking powerful it was
regardless, handguns in that game were outshined by machine pistols
>wake up, do things, sleep, repeat
We couldn't ask for better allies representing the transgender community's contribution to World War 2!!! QUEEN SLAY!!!!!
Does anyone want to play MW2 on steam together? I'll drop my profile or you can link yours.
>tfw no more 3am MW2 parties on xbox, playing hardcore search where everyone is just incredibly chill and insanely good
yeah man my mind was fucking blown by how insane it was when that guy pressed left trigger and right trigger in an aim assisted console shooter with slow moving targets
call of duty used to have such good campaigns, better than a lot of people give them credit for
I'm really sorry you have nothing better to do than be mad at people who have fun playing a game you don't like. Also, git gud faggot.
steam/id/earlmcbrian for anyone here who plays mw2 on steam
>used to
most of the campaigns were pretty good
even with some oddball stuff, the futuristic ones were nice; a lot of people like to shit on infinite warfare, but i liked it
Yep, I recently replayed WaW, I was pleasantly surprised how good and interesting it was.
Black ops 1 also had a great campaign, so did Black Ops 2 with it's changing timelines.
How are the cheaters on PC? I remember it was pretty infested with them on PS3.
people who say the void bow is bad are trash who use lightning
I'm really sorry you had to decide to migrate here from facebook and pollute this board with your garbage opinions like "console shooters are insanely skilled"
forgot image
Lots of cheaters on PC.
WaW is fantastic, and it's a real shame that it seems the most hacker-infested out of all the older multiplayer cod games (in my experience, at least on 360).
Cheaters on PC ebb and flow imo, sometimes you'll get thrown into endless modded lobbies and sometimes you'll find modded lobbies far and few in between. It's more likely you'll just find a modded lobby than straight up aimbot/wallhacks though, but that certainly exists too.
You're making a lot of assumptions about what sites I visit. I'll keep replying to you though since you seem to like the attention.
>How are the cheaters on PC?
Back when it first came out, cheating was pretty common, surprisingly not as many as expected. Despite the lack of dedicated servers, lots of people who usually ended up as the host would combat them by sniffing and blocking the hackers' IP addresses to effectively ban them from joining that host.
I would actually greatly prefer if you didn't reply to me and kept discussion of this garbage game to Facebook and Reddit where it's actually welcome and wanted. For accusing others of seeking attention, you're the one who persists in being places you aren't wanted.
Goodness gracious, I had to wait 2 whole minutes for your post. Did you forget about me? :(
Your series is shit and you don't belong here.
The more you reply to me, the more I'll reply back and bump the thread so it sticks around longer. You're implicit in keeping discussion of this game alive on Yea Forums.
This game already has a general, go back to it.
For someone who wants this thread gone, he sure loves to bump it up.
You don't understand how the bumping system works, do you? My posts aren't bumping the thread and if you wanted to be bumping this thread I would be unable to stop you.
So either way, me telling you to fuck off, and pointing out that your series is terrible and there's not a single good reason for you to be here over any other site that will welcome your shit taste, does not bump the thread.
I missed you, troll-kun. I know you're saging but I'm not so the thread is getting bumped when I reply, dum-dum.
Learn to read posts, normalfaggot shiteater.
You can discuss a video game outside of the context of generals. Similarly, this is why pokemon threads can happen outside of /vp/.
also bump
The Model 1887 in MW3 could sometimes be the most infuriating thing but it was also the funnest and most rewarding gun in the game
>Similarly, this is why pokemon threads can happen outside of /vp/.
Actually they cannot. They get deleted on a regular basis.
There is NO REASON for you to be here wasting catalog space unless you're trolling (which you are). Go back to your containment which is already set aside for you to have shit taste in all you want.
The purpose of /vg/ is to keep your shit taste away from the rest of us, it's been that way since League of Legends.
>not the silenced striker
you missed out, friend
>helping me keep the very thing you hate alive
Seems like you need to learn to read, user.
dios mio, el barneyfag 2.0
Yes they can. This is why even though there's an Overwatch general, there's constant Overwatch threads. Or the fact that half the board is Smash shit constantly even though it has a general too.
Learn 2 use Yea Forums, newfag.
>this guy has really spent over 2 hours spamming one thread about a game he doesn't like
This gun was the shit in MW2. Rushing to a choke point and mowing down enemies as they rounded corners was great.
FN Fal preferably from Blops 1 but it is good in every CoD they have it.
Based illiterate South American normalfaggots.
Like I already said, me replying makes no difference to whether you bump. You're the one choosing to reply or not. It's not like you'll stop bumping if I stop replying, because you're obviously just trolling at this point.
Anyway nice deflection. You have no reason to be here instead of /vg/. Go back to your containment board and keep your shit taste away from the rest of us if you insist on coming here instead of Facebook.
Yep, that's traditionally the way we've kept newfag cancer like you off the board, shitting everywhere until you leave. Call of Dutyfags are not welcome and never were, your series has literally nothing good about it and does not deserve a catalog spot.
>normalfaggot thinks 1 hour is a long time
Back to facebook.
>still doesn't have an argument besides an opinion
Based low IQ zoomers trying to fit in.
>tfw Favela is not on the PC map rotation because of Islam, unironically
He's a pale imitation of Barneyfag. Barneyfag can sniff out those cursed images anywhere on the site and strike with precise efficiency.
This guy is so asspained that he's typing out all of these long gay posts to anyone who responds to him, repeating "deflecting" and "game bad and dumb".
Also the 1014 is underrated.
Why do you keep sperging out about a catalogue spot. Whether you have a case of the tism or not you are keeping me pretty entertained so thanks mate, heres a bump for your thread.
Also the FAL was a fun gun.
>>still doesn't have an argument besides an opinion
back to /vg/, you can argue about CoD all you want there
as good as this gun was, there was no reason to not use the striker instead
>both semi-auto
>both 1-3 shot kill
>both around same range
>both reload one shell at a time
>striker has faster fire rate, smaller hip spread, and fucking infinite mag size
Where did it touch you? Show us on the doll.
BO's Famas had an absolutely great sound, which other weapons in the series had an orgasmic sound?
>He thinks Call of Duty threads would have been accepted and loved on Yea Forums even 5 years ago
You wouldn't know because you came here from facebook in the election, but MW2 was hated here on release.
You're getting slow in replying, user, where's that fire and fury you had earlier? If you're gonna play a role put some effort into it, unlike the rest of your life.
>tfw you snipe across the map to the other starting area
>tfw collateral
>orgasmic sound
Nice job trying but everyone on here shitting on the people boycotting MW2.
>he thinks this shitposting will change anything
lmaoing @ ur life, desu
Play garbage all you want, just don't bring it to the one place on the Internet people can get away from it, you obnoxious retard.
You even have a fucking general which is waiting for people to post on it and you choose to be a waste of space on Yea Forums instead.
How hard is it to understand? You have zero reason to defend this game and zero reason to post it here rather than literally anywhere else.
Akimbo Rangers is bretty good imo.
Our reason is cause it's fun. Sorry you don't know what fun is.
>which other weapons in the series had an orgasmic sound?
The L96A1. Probably the most powerful sounding weapon I've heard in a game.
Wish I remembered the exact stats right off the top of my head, but the 1014 had a massive advantage that went overlooked... Actually, I still have the game's stat data in some random folder.
Where the Striker had a tighter spread and a slightly faster rate of fire (0.17 seconds versus the M1014's 0.2 seconds between shots), its damage was much lower. The M1014's damage was way higher, comparable to the SPAS despite being semi auto.
M1014 put out 40 to 20 damage per pellet based on range, a shot count of 8 pellets fired with each shot and a max range of 500 inches.
The Striker had 25-15 damage per hitscan, only 6 projectiles and a max range of 500.
So what are you guys hoping for from MW4?
I personally hope for MW2: now you can slide and grapple edition.
>pro perks
>sleight of hand back
>weapons overpowered to shit
>shotguns and machine pistols secondaries
>spawnrape assrape killstreaks, no more scorestreak faggotry
>supply drops, yes I like these, weapon kits which don't affect gameplay are fun as fuck
>Cod4 or Mw2 tier map design
What about yoo?
>shit gunplay
>shit movement
>shit game design, low counterplay
>shit balance
>same boring thing shit out every year
There's not a single reason to play this series over any other FPS.
There's not a single reason to discuss it here instead of Facebook, Reddit, or the dedicated /vg/ general set aside to contain your shit taste.
Reminds me of the EA marketers using "it's fun" to defend Battlefront II because they were literally incapable of pointing out anything that made it fun.
your containment
>wanting spawncamp shit
Even on the winning team spawncamping is no fun. It's nice to mow them down but there's no challenge if they can't feasibly fight back. Care packages are cool though.
>So what are you guys hoping for from MW4?
Absolutely nothing. As much as I enjoyed vCOD, COD2, COD4 and MW2 more than ten years ago (and enjoy the rare thread on Yea Forums about it despite it always getting those few faggots who think reeee COD bad even the old ones), I'd given up on COD after the original Infinity Ward bailed to become Respawn.
>Favela is not on the PC map rotation because of Islam, unironically
The fuck? Why?
goddam this entire thread
Something about a reference to the Koran (a sentence I think?) in one of the washrooms in Favela. They took it off rotation to patch it out on all versions of the game but never bothered to put it back in for PC. It's fucking bizarre.
One of the picture frames around a random painting in a shack had some random islamic text on it. That was enough to make the goatfuckers explode with anger.
>who think reeee COD bad even the old ones)
Yes, the old ones WERE bad, newfag. As with the modern ones, they had:
>shit gunplay
>shit movement
>shit game design, low counterplay
>shit balance
As long as the CoD series has existed it's been mediocre to bottom of the barrel in the genre. Shit becoming older doesn't make it retroactively good.
That religion needs to be fucking banned already
>Games published by Activision are rushed and incompetently done
Wow what a fucking shock. Did the elevator glitch going live not tip you off?
Nah they were pretty much the best, you being angry only proves it to be true.
>he thinks people hated COD4 and the games prior on Yea Forums
This is how we can tell you're a newfag trying to fit in.
Also, how is that a show of incompetency vs. Islam being a shit religion as usual?
I think I'm going to start a COD thread every day now, salt mining has never been easier
>the best
In what way?
>Amazing gunplay
>Amazing movement
>Perfect game design, vast amount of counterplay
>Amazing balance
>>he thinks people hated COD4 and the games prior on Yea Forums
Yes you retard? Even COD4 was mediocre contemporaneously. That was a time when even TF2 was considered casual by many on Yea Forums, do you really think COD4 would have gotten a free pass with its molasses movement and hitscan assault rifle health regen gameplay?
In lazy bait land I'm sure walking pace running speed is "amazing movement" and guns that sound like someone hitting a wet cabbage is "amazing gunplay"
Maybe you were unfortunately playing the Treyarch titles, but CODs from the original Infinity Ward team (the ones remembered fondly and talked about the most in this thread) were fast, and weapon audio was recorded directly from the real world weapons.
Say "deflecting" and "bad" as many times as you want without actual clarification, but you will always be wrong.
I'm glad I can like video games
The genre is fundamentally different from arena bunny hopping shooters like Quake and more tactical milsim types like Arma. Not all war-inspired FPSs are the same, hence the difference in gameplay features. COD4 was very popular. MW2 was the entry that most consider the descent into "bad" yearly releases and the growing importance of MP vs SP to where (iirc?) now they don't have campaigns, or they're short as fuck.
>were fast
The speed of the running is the speed of walking slightly faster in real life, and the ADS or hipfire penalty mechanic doesn't help the pace in combat either.
>and weapon audio was recorded directly from the real world weapons
bullshit. certainly doesn't sound like it
>running speed is slow
Yes, because being strapped to 20lbs of gear makes a person run slower.
>ADS or hipfire penalty ruins the pace
If you fired without aiming you wouldn't hit things very often either, retard.
I'm getting the feeling you're a past Quake player who's unhappy that FPS games turned more towards (comparatively) slower paced games. Which, if true, yeah it sucks when the games you like aren't popular or made anymore. But shitting on other games isn't gonna bring what you want back.
>Yes, because being strapped to 20lbs of gear makes a person run slower
AKA shit movement, the original topic of discussion before you moved the goalposts. Don't try and pull realism crap with me when CoD is clearly not trying to be a milsim and allows you to heal gunshot wounds by waiting a few seconds, has ridiculous gun ranges and capabilities, etc.
>If you fired without aiming you wouldn't hit things very often either, retard
Reading comprehension you dumb fuck, I'm saying ADS makes the movement shit in-combat.
>I'm getting the feeling you're a past Quake player who's unhappy that FPS games turned more towards (comparatively) slower paced games.
Not even Quake. Slower paced games than Quake are totally fine. But CoD as a series is walking pace running speed, and ADS on top of that to make movement even more of a non-factor, then you add in the console versions which autoaim, and you might as well not have a first person shooter at all, just a game which checks who can ADS and pull the trigger faster.
CoD fails at the immersion a milsim aims for (because anyone with more than 2 brain cells can see all the ways it's unrealistic as fuck) and it fails at the actually exciting and skilled gameplay of a more arcade-like shooter. It takes the worst of both worlds, and does the same thing year after year.
I was a fan of Black Ops 1, but reading this post... you should feel a great amount of shame having typed it.
On the contrary. The statistical value for player movement speed in COD2, COD4 and MW2 at least is quite brisk.
The game's unit measurement is adjusted roughly to that of inches, and the default movement speed is 250. In other words, a player wielding a SMG, standing on a flat surface and holding W on the keyboard will be moving forward at 6.25 meters per second or 14 miles per hour. Add on the 1.5x multiplier for sprinting and you get a forward movement speed of 21 MPH, almost matching Usain Bolt's top running speed.
That is hardly slow, and the sprint speed is on par with base Quake 1/3 movement speed, given some discrepancies based on model scale. More effectively, that sprinting speed is enough to tap into the Quake engine's circle/strafe jumping, allowing you to boost your speed further off of a sprint jump. Out of all military-setting FPSes, COD is the fastest and not much slower than quake (bunny hopping not included).
>certainly doesn't sound like it
There are developer videos that show Infinity Ward acquired the real weapons in each game, took them to an open firing range and recorded them from several distances. There are usually three or more audio files for each weapon in-game. The viewmodel for the gun in your hand (decibel level reduced so it doesn't blow out your speakers and any ballistic crack edited out, but otherwise the genuine article) and two world model effects from close and long range proximity to someone else firing the weapon. One oversight is that their recordings are only of outdoors; you won't get the extremely loud, very different sounding gunfire if you were to shoot indoors.
That is Infinity Ward, however. Treyarch and the new teams are more flimsy, both in their recordings of real weapons being altered in unusual ways to make them sound chunky, and the made up foley recordings of banging trash can lids together that they used for fictional guns or ones they couldn't get their hands on.
Add FAMAS from BLOPS and you're right on the money.
I just had a dream where I was playing multiplayer and I one-shoted some kid with a wunderwaffle
>shit movement
It's not shit movement, you just keep austically spamming the thread that it's shit because you don't like it. There's a reasonable explanation for why they designed the game that way; just because you dislike the pace doesn't automatically make it shit. I don't like bunny hopping and zipping around at 300km/h in Quake, it doesn't make Quake shit. It just means I'm not gonna play it.
>ADS makes movement shit
Yes, again, because you have to choose between moving faster and being less accurate, or slowing down and being able to hit your targets much better. I think you're the one who needs to learn to read, or at least, think with more than 1 brain cell. The "penalty" you talk about is there for a reason. If you can run super fast and still hit with deadly accuracy any retard could just point the gun and kill someone without effort.
I mentioned earlier that COD is a genre separate from fast-paced arena shooters and slow-paced milsims. It falls somewhere between that. Again, if you took your own words and learned to read, you'd realize your "arguments" were things I've already touched upon. It does its job as an arcade-y shooter just fine, but I will concede that it's really fucking gay that they released them yearly. I never bothered with the new ones cause I have no interest in paying $60 for a slightly different game.
always felt like this had the best reload in the game.
itt smashfag rages about a game he doesn't like proving nintentoddlers should be ethnically cleansed.
The point was to make the m16 fags cry. On more medium range maps I would go ak47 and jugg and the entire enemy team would be raging because their m16 was no longer a one hit kill.
>bawe you are cheating! I report you!
>Add on the 1.5x multiplier for sprinting
Top speed possible is not the consideration here for good FPS gameplay.
The meaningful thing to ingame movement speed is in-combat movement speed.
But Call of Duty not only doesn't let you shoot while sprinting, it even slows you down further from your normal movement speed while aiming down sights, which means less in-combat dodging and thus less counterplay/easier targets to hit.
And this is all assuming you, or your opponent, isn't choosing to use a weapon which will impose another further movement penalty that creates an easier target/less dodge opportunity, like LMGs.
Additionally the CoD series is VERY low on vertical movement, barring a few of the newer games.
>There are developer videos
>There's a reasonable explanation for why they designed the game that way
To get the console market. That's literally the fucking reason.
>because you have to choose between moving faster and being less accurate
That isn't a good choice at all. You can either have slightly more skill-based movement and be at the whim of RNG, or you can have significantly less ability to impact the game based on your dodging skill.
>I mentioned earlier that COD is a genre separate from fast-paced arena shooters and slow-paced milsims. It falls somewhere between that.
Like I fucking JUST said, it's the worst of both worlds because when you're at a midpoint you don't accomplish milsim immersion, but you rob yourself of maximum fun gameplay potential. If you took a look at my posts and learned to read, you'd realize I addressed that statement.
I disagree with you. I liked cods pace. I thought halo was way too slow, low gravity and spongy. Mil sim is way too slow and fast arena shooters required mouse and keyboard which I didnt switch to till later in life
Early cod was FUN. Modern cod is cancer btw. I tried cod WW2 and they have designed the game to be shit and to milk children with loot boxes.
>to get the console market
It's on the PC too. Again, if you've played the older games they play pretty much the same. The movement isn't to get the console gamer crowd every year, it just is what it is because of the game type and your character in it. Again, autistic screeching because you disagree is not a good argument.
>RNG is better than making a choice
>You're robbing yourself of maximum fun
But I am having fun. You seem to think your idea of fun can be applied to everyone else. It can't. This is why there's a bunch of different types of games to suit everyone's preferences, and why it's really fucking pathetic for you to walk into a thread where people discuss a game they had fun with, while yelling that that doesn't count as fun.
I should also have added the stamina mechanic on sprinting further making the hypothetical top speed of sprinting irrelevant.
>and fast arena shooters required mouse and keyboard which I didnt switch to till later in life
But if console FPSes had literally never existed, you would have been on KB/M from the beginning? Essentially you're thanking the genre for gimping you.
They're a cancer and controllers are a horribly unprecise way to play FPS.
>Early cod was FUN.
NOSTALGIA* because it was your only way to play big boy shooty mans when you were 12. In the modern ones you're just seeing how shit the formula actually is without the nostalgia goggles.
>gimping me.
No. I played some fun vidya as a child. I never had interest PC shooters at that age.
I can still play the old cods and have fun. The new cods are designed in such a way as to appeal to young children as much as possible and also to rape them with micro transactions.
You are wrong.
im close to unlocking fall camo
every other CoD after MW2 just feels so fucking unfun to play, why bros?
>It's on the PC too
So? It's easier to make a multiplat which captures the console audience with dumbed down features on the PC version, this was widely acknowledged at the time of mw2 release when they said stuff like "it's not balanced for lean".
>Again, autistic screeching because you disagree is not a good argument
Then you should stop screeching autistically and read the arguments I've been making.
>RNG is better than making a choice
No RNG at all, and a consistent high speed being able to move while shooting, is better for skilled gameplay than a false "choice" which hardly adds anything to gameplay and which most people don't use anyway. Don't try and pretend ADS isn't dominant.
>This is why there's a bunch of different types of games to suit everyone's preferences
Because people who are bad at video games but don't want to admit it to themselves want a type of game where the enemies shooting at them are vastly slowed down, the counterplay is overall lower, and thus the skill gap is significantly reduced, and they can get endorphins from kills more often.
And the thing is that shitters like you encouraging bad, dumbed-down gameplay design don't belong on Yea Forums, and you were never welcome, which is why I'm in this thread. Games are meant to be interactive, and series like Call of Duty push games further and further away from interactive experiences and more towards movies where occasionally you press ADS and fire, and the autoaim locks onto the enemy for you, inbetween your killstreaks getting kills for you and your martyrdom perk rewarding you with kills for dying.
If you want to enjoy garbage like that then fine, but don't bring it to the one place we can actually get away from it.
>you should stop screeching autistically
Says the autist who has been helping bump a thread he hates for 5 hours because he needs to tell everyone else they're shit for liking a game he doesn't like. LMAO. Not even gonna bother reading the rest of the post. Just lmaoing at your life while I have fun with video games.
Do you play on PC?
The designed them in such a way as you prevent you, an adult, from dominating children, their main demographic.
They changed the design of the games to make them as twitchy and skillless as possible so that you dont rape children with good decisions and map control. The maps are meant to make encounters as random as possible so that young kids can still get kills.
There is also a hidden ranking system in the more recent cods to put anyone who is playing well in lobbies with other people who are playing well to segregate you from their children. Unfortunately they hide this fact which mean there is no satisfaction from being lobbied like this to spare the feelings of the children. The children wouldn't be happy if they realised they were in baby lobbies. The gun design is all about hip firing smgs. Again to be friendly to children just randomly running around.
This is supposed to make the children happy and buy loot boxes. Something a sane adult would never do.
It's shit irl.
>>m-muh board culture!11!!!!
Yea Forums originally was for discussing videogames, which you would know if you werent a 2015 redditourist
Maybe you didn't notice but I was pointing out your hypocrisy, retard.
>Just lmaoing at your life while I have fun with video games.
But you're actually not. You're on Yea Forums, the one place Call of Duty niggers could possibly not be more welcome, repeatedly bumping a thread for an incredibly garbage casualized series you can't even defend to yourself.
So don't pull that "I'm enjoying games" shit when it's obviously not true.
What you're doing is wasting space. Hell even on cod /vg/ they would probably WANT you. But instead you come here and push your garbage repeatedly. Out of every fucking place you could be.
and if you weren't a 2016 redditourist you would know that Yea Forums is for discussing some video games and not others, and Call of Duty was never welcome.
yep pc
i will never get why they do this, when i was 11 and COD4 released i got rekt constantly but still kept playing just because the game was fun
I'm an old fag and I like an occasional nostalgic cod thread. The biggest sign of a redditor is pretending they say what is and isn't acceptable on Yea Forums.
Please ol' mighty Yea Forums expert. Create a spreadsheet of games for what the whole board shall discuss so that it will please you.
Yes but were you buying loot boxes?? There is no reason to ever play cod again.
Better idea, how about instead of deflecting you just fuck off?
>I'm an old fag and I like an occasional nostalgic cod thread
No you're not. The CoD series was never welcome, but nice historical revisionism.
If you want to play on steam my id is earlmcbrian. I'm decent but not nukes every game great.
What kind of games do you like? FPS?
Jesus christ you are sad pathetic person, don't like COD? Then fuck off, find yourself a place where everything will be just as you like it.
God, people like you piss me off.
Haha! This guy doesn't even play games! I do like how you occasionally keep forgetting how to sage. Also thanks for keeping the thread up all this time, I went to take a nap and was surprised to see you still posting.
get to my level, kids
id love to play but have unironic crippling autism, even speaking near me will make me sperg
>Better idea, how about instead of deflecting you just fuck off?
how about you follow your own advice
Cod 5 really was the tits
Rent free bro you've been posting here for hours you have no life, hating popular things doesn't make you interesting
No doubt it's incredibly casual and the past few entries have been pretty low tier but that doesn't change it from being fun as fuck if you're good at it, but I would imagine that's part of the problem. Probably got shot in the back a few times and then REEE'd about campers and stopped playing
You just hate the series because you had no friends to play it with, sorry bud!
why cant i look away
Who doesn't like loading guns? Honestly.
Wow, you even type straight out of facebook
Why the fuck would you play CoD if you are familiar enough with videogames to end up on Yea Forums?
It's the fucking shittiest most p2w games I have ever played
You are asking this on a board that has 3 gacha threads at any given moment. Fuck off to reddit.
some of these make my /k/tism ree but are still nicely animated
Step it up, sempai.
I was here first nigger
>crippling autism
Yeah seems like it to have taste this shit
>you've been posting here for hours you have no life
I've been posting in multiple threads and if you want to hang around people who have lives, fuck off to Redditbook, how clear can I make this to you?
>No doubt it's incredibly casual
Yes, which is why it belongs on Facebook, Reddit, literally anywhere else but here
No worries, we can play without speaking and just communicate through messages to join games or complain about some scrub. No pressure though, if you don't want to play together maybe we'll run into each other someday.
Thanks for the comfy gunposting, user.
You're off in your own bubble man that's some low spectrum autism if I've ever seen it
Replying to everyone like some self centered coy attitude mongoloid isn't going to drive your points home anymore, just makes you look like a retard IMO
Games are successful that's for sure
They aren't familiar with videogames, they arrived here from Facebook meme groups
>If you play and post about it on Yea Forums, the place where the game does not belong
sentence doesn't make sense retard, learn greentexting newfriend
If only there was a way to hide stuff I don't like.
Just report these fags
Only MHC members can post in this thread.
i just got reminded of that one image with a shaymin saying "its the mile high club not the hour long club" or something
It's called taking up catalog space newfag. Also the newfags like yourself need to know your series is not (and never was) welcome here, and that if you want to discuss the series you should head on over to reddit or facebook.
>those stg44 and mg42 reloads
Also, I'd forgotten how snappy the reloads are. Ever since MW1 the intent seems to have to make them as smooth and weightless as possible.
newfags like you need to know you're not, and never were, welcome here.
not him but lmao
Nice reddit spacing
Best looking sniper in the series in my opinion
Hope it makes a return if MW4 is a go
I appreciate what Black Ops II's story was trying to do, but it has so many silly and unnecessary elements to it that drag down its effectiveness of what should be a "cycles of revenge" plot from the get go.
>using a gif for a single frame
This is Xbox Ahoy
In this episode we'll be covering the PP2000
>taking up catalog space
oh noes, think of all the Wojak threads, consolewars, e-celeb shit, twitter screencaps, OHNONONONO, and blatant bait with 300 replies.
imagine thinking you're better than everyone else when you go shit up actual video games discussion with low quality posts
Now you're just baiting. If you seriously cared about the precious board space, you'd remember to sage and hide.
i dont think he knows what sage is, but sure as fuck is googling right now
user. I can see when you're saging or not. Hell I know which ips are yours and when someone else is pretending to be you. Just hide the damn thread.
Newfag doesn't know how Yea Forums actually works. As shown by his inability to understand how Yea Forums and /vg/ works together. And literally everything else he has posted thus far.
>posts deleted
Based. Can we go back to talking about guns now?
The AUG is the best.
Thoughts on MW4 potentially being the next in the series?
During an Activision investors call they mentioned how they're incredibly excited for this year's game and that there's a lot of buzz inside the company about it, but they also said that they expect less sales
Makes me think they're dropping zombies and letting Infinity Ward do whatever they want. With some of the original MW/MW2 developers back at the IW studio we could be in for a great return to form
Kinda hope it's a prequel and not too modern day in terms of weaponry, I love a good ol' classic wooden AK
>nothin personnell kid
can we please lynch whoever had the idea of webp
MW3 was amazing for the fact that broken shit kept coming when stuff got patched out. First it was FMG9 akimbo, then laser gun LMGs, then shotguns with absurd range, and then infected for a month with glitch spots in public lobbies.
the reload animation was so good
No u
This shit with a supressor was enough to carry teams for me.
its my main
>dabs all over snipers and lmgcucks
The Greatest incarnation I've ever used in a game PERIOD!
Man, if they ever remaster this game, I hope they un-nerf this.
I miss this move.
>my face when finally getting diamond on shotguns in BO2
KSG was the shit, fuck m216
The BFV MG42 shits all over COD WWII's version and then some. Actually, most other video game MG42s do.
I hope they'd keep all the glitches that made MW2 amazing. These zoomers do not know the power of Commando and the javelin.
who /legitgoldAK/ in cod4 lads
MW2 was fun because it was so broken. I hope they un-nerf everything.
What is happening here?
Ground pound plus shock wave stun was the best.
What the fuck were they thinking?
>What is happening here?
jetpack divekick making contact in midair.
Advanced Warfare has an insta kill ground pound move but you have to nail them directly and you don't get to aim it once you press the button. It's a twitch reaction type of thing and it's the fucking tits.
>javelin glitch
fuck you for reminding me, but on the topic of zoomers ive seen alot of them coming to mw2 recently
So which were the guns for little bitches?
On what platforms? If it's PS3 i'm gonna have to hook it back up so I can get my yearly tact nuke.
Man the newer COD games seem so much floatier in gameplay with the double jumps and shit. It kind of reminds me of Halo. It's different but looks neat, I dig the ground pound.
P90, but damn if it isn't fun to make a super annoying P90 class to piss off the other team.
fuck off, thank you very much here's a (you)
Any bolt action sniper rifle.
>mfw ps3 is banned so can't play online
>pc is infested with hackers
I just want to play.
PC isn't so bad. Actual aimbotting/wallhacking is not so common but there is quite a few modded lobbies (mostly people who hijack TDM games to host domination). It's usually pretty easy to find a regular game with no hackers though.
>playing the worst game in the worst Call of Duty subseries
>"AK-47"s are actually AK-74's without muzzle brakes
>no Mosins or SKS's despite having multiple levels in Vietnam
>no PK
>G11 in the 60's
>L85 in the 60's
>XM177E1 has flat top and weird flip up sights
>M60 has same weird flip up sights
I could go on, these are just notes from Black Ops. Shit game.
>Destiny weapons are sick as fuck
>Are stuck in Destiny
>Bringing a gun to a melee fight
Hry guys, is there a reliable site from where I can download CoD 4 with working multiplayer? I'd buy it on steam, but I'm gonna wait for discount.
Wouldn't mind a extinction mode
Jesus Christ lol
Void is based, i never used any other bow besides that one.
Also Zombies sucks now and peaked in 2011.
l'm sure I remember this thing being almost 100% accurate with no recoil and firing incredibly fast - you could take people out at any range no problem
Might help if I attach the picture
I like this video game.
ded thred
just wrecked a noobtuber clan on mw2
who /m10/ here
The Skorpion had a tiny bit of horizontal recoil that made it put out a flat spread of bullets. Even then, it was the most accurate automatic in the game. Also weakest beyond 4 meters, a smaller magazine and a slower rate of fire than the other SMGs.
automatic shotguns
>bruh there's another guy i swear!
Kek look at this doofus, bros.
can't get any lower than this
at least camping snipers have to see you to kill unlike those animals
Hush, you. They're fun.
>run into a faggot around the corner with barrett in my hands
>click so fast it sounds like P90
>faggot dies and cries in chat that i'm a cheater
Best feel.
no damage either
TAR is way better in short bursts
Using grenade launchers as direct fire weapons is a shit panic button.
However, turning grenade launchers into artillery is the best. Get a buddy to dictate adjustments, and you can bombard a control point across the full length of even the largest maps. Killing a guy ten to twenty seconds after you launch a grenade skyward gets people extra salty. Not only were they killed by a "noobtube" but that tube took teamwork and was done by somebody in a totally safe location.
but you have to aim with the tar if youre not 5 metres away froms omeone
*zaps away your nog*
nothing personnel, kid
have sex
Its bait but cod is older than you bro
Never heard of that Perk. Which COD is it in?