Should I buy this or Spider-Man? Or something else entirely? As long as it's fun I don't give a shit.
Should I buy this or Spider-Man? Or something else entirely? As long as it's fun I don't give a shit
Buy Gungeon.
do what the 0 man says
I got to bullet hell twice in a row now with paradox but it's fucking hell, I can't even get to the boss
Gungeon is severly overrated. Its so twitchy-hard its just plain not fun. Buy Spiderman instead.
I hear you. I've reached The Lich maybe three times now as Paradox and only beat him once. I then proceeded to fuck up royally as Gunslinger and die like a bitch in Bullet Hell, not even at the second Lich fight.
its the most boring roguelike I've ever played
depends how much you like spiderman or roguelikes. both are very good games.
if you liked binding of isaac gungeon will be up your alley.
bullet hell drags on for fucking ever. I ran out of FUCKING BULLETS FROM FULL ON A 1100 AMMO MASSIVE BUFFED MINIGUN.
>waah it's too hard
skill isn't an art, it's pure habit
git gud
this. playing gungeon long enough feels like second nature more then panickly mashing move keys and praying with the exception of that fucking map wide gorgun attack with the bullets that curve into you. what the fuck is that spam-blank bullshit?
I got to Dragun once.
I just can’t do it. I just wanna kill the past once.
Seems like too much rng if I’ll get anything good. All the vids I watch are of godly drops. I save my one key and the chest has already been emptied by the rat.
At what point do you guys scrap a run?
Yeah... I got lucky when I beat Lich as Paradox because I had the Complete Map item, so I knew what to do and where to go. I also had the Akey-47 and just unloaded on him during the last phase when I was down to one half-heart.
Honestly, I'm enjoying Rainbow Mode and trying to beat Resourceful Rat or Cam Clarke Augunim more than Paradox runs.
sounds like terrible bad luck but more attentive players take note most of the good shit has to be bought with boss credits out of shops on the hub so it has the illusion of progress when really you're just getting better stuff.
Dirty, but if you keep playing and buying store items it will get easier.
nibba gorgun is the easiest boss in the game
>At what point do you guys scrap a run?
never desu, there can always be a turnabout.
scratch that, if I take damage in the first few rooms of a run I restart
indeed she is except for the bullshit attack. just save your blanks and steamroll her is the best option. Ammoconda goes down relatively easy if you have high dps but is bullshit if you don't.
Get rainbow mode first for almost guaranteed ez run, also keep in mind bullet hell has no shops or anything so as soon as you find the boss door enter it
Yea that’s what I’ve been doing. Just keep buying more unlocks.
I just want a fun run with some nice synergies.
The game's lots of fun for what it is. Buggy as hell, though. Crashes on all platforms every ten or so runs. Rainbow mode is sort of an easy mode, though if you have a big dick you can make it hard as balls if you so choose. The Paradox is actually pretty damn strong, with the Lich being clownshoes OP. Wish that they didn't cost credits to play as, though. I only have 100 deaths and still need to do more shopping. All but one past killed, High Dragun killed, need the third rat phase aced which I am hot garbage at as well as the Robot unlocked, which makes me super miffed. I think i'm just retarded for not having forced myself to do it yet.
If the chest contains an note from the Rat, then you only have 5 of them left to collect and only after certain conditions are met. (I forgot what they are, but the Wiki has it.)
I'mat the point where if I don't get at least two healf-boosting items and a good array of damage-dealing guns by the time I get to the 3rd stage, I restart. Of course, I have been doing Paradox runs since the last update came out, so there's an increased chance of getting either really good stuff or absolutely awful shit right off the bat.
>MFW I got Blasphemy, the Fightsaber and Table Tech Blanks at the start of a Paradox run
fuck that rat nigger
>unlocking high dragunfire
It's sorta like Isaac, sorta. You have to play a ton to get all the unlocks, some of which are BULLSHIT like the High Dragunfire. Up until that point your item pool is pretty limited, with fewer high tier items and a lot of kinda dinky guns and passive items filling your rolls. Keep in mind it is an uphill battle until you have about half or more of the items unlocked, at which point you'll find getting to the final floors much easier. Pasts are all skill, more or less, since very few things carry over into them.
Buy nuclear throne instead.
If I don't have a dependable workhorse and/or boss killer gun by level IV I scrap it
don't bother with blue or brown chests unless you're drowning with keys
I need to find one more Blood Shrine and one more Companion Shrine to complete the Ammonomicon and be completely done with this game.
They just won't show up
....isn't that the.... retarded deviantart game.....?
Same here user. I can beat any game with no problem but I've already played 70 hours of this and just got to the dragon once and I lost miserably looking how my best weapon barely damaged his hp bar.
My vote is rinworld and hunt showdown
That seemed a little too basic both in gameplay and graphics for me desu.
be sure to find the upstairs top left entrance shop that stocks bullets to unlock the +1 bullets and such.
What's the point of that fucking rat stealing your shit all the time btw? It's the most annoying mechanic I've ever seen in these games.
satisfaction of literally beating the shit out of him with your fists later.
Prevents too much item exploitation and provides extra personality to the gungeon. I wish you could rarely find other gungeoneers and chill with them for a short bit instead of the one dude you have to kill.
I want to say that it's anti-Speed Run tech? I know there was an old AGDQ that had somebody doing a run of Gungeon pre-updates that had him drop Master Rounds and shit just so he could be at full health all text time with Bullet.
He still couldn't beat Dragun though. Even on his second try he died before the sea of bullets dodge-hop phase.
Let’s get all the complaints out the way
>muh damage cap
>muh RNG
>muh no ammo
>muh slowness
>muh nuclear throne
>muh rat
>muh item pool
>muh repetitive floors
>muh runs being too long
He only does it 6 times.
It's important later. Hope you know how to play Punch Out.
Now that they've fixed a fair bit of the issues, the biggest problem with Enter the Genital Mutilation is the fact that you start with almost fucking NOTHING.
You finish the Tutorial and unlock 1/3 item(s).
There are 225 unlocks that cost you THOUSANDS of Hegemony Credits, hundreds of hours, and so on and so forth.
You start with mostly just garbage and have to bash your head against a wall to unlock all the fun toys, from the humble Casey to Yari Launcher and Platinum Bullets or the Rat items, and so on and so forth.
brotip for struggling bros
hold down ctrl when you need a snickers moment
>I save my one key and the chest has already been emptied by the rat
He only does this a few times in the entire game, the notes from the chests are actually important for later
And then you never encounter any of the items you've unlocked kek.
You encounter your unlocks on the regular. You just don't realize they're unlocks.
Plus the fact items you've unlocked but not found have a greatly increased chance ot be found.
>When the only weapon you have on the first floor is the pilot pistol.
That's how you know a run is doomed.
also cripples the chance of perfecting first boss for the health bonus. I just restart if I don't get at least a decent gun or upgrade.
I'm in the same boat anons, though I've made it to that fucker multiple times at this point.
My monkey brain shuts down the moment I get to the forge and I just keep taking damage no matter what.
Then if I even make it to the Dragun the stress from having to beat it with my two remaining full hearts causes me to fuck up.
>not always using nothing but starter guns on the first floor
Unless I somehow find a third key thats all I ever use on f1 so I can go to the obulette
gungeon is fun after you get all the unlocks, but then you get polluted with shit items too. one in every 50 runs is just god tier where you start the run off with and infinite key item or clone or seven leaf clover. even the best gun in the game as the first chest doesnt really mean shit if you get no keys/modifiers
I play both though I'm pretty happy to find Tonic and now the speed feels just right whenever I come back. I still have a lot to do for Enter the Gungeon though.
>oh awesome they finally put in a mode that lets you be broken strong whenever you want
>jk lol one item per floor but you get to choose it tee hee
really dropped the ball on rainbow runs
Not really. You have a fairly good chance of walking away with a Clone.
And doubling your total drops.
it's a challenge not a break the game sort of affair. rainbow mode mania would've been insane though.
>8 drops with the secret floors if you can get them
>SIXTEEN ITEMS if you get this one of :)
i can literally leave floor 1 first secret floor floor 2 with more items with a slightly better than decent run
Or you can always leave floor 2 with 3 items you actually want.
I have 90 hours in the game and I only play robot. The game stopped being fun when I started consecutively finishing good lich runs with over 9 armor no matter what I did. Compared to other people I've met with over 300+ hours, I'm here to say that RNG may screw you over but it won't determine your runs. The hundreds of guns and items were enough for me to enjoy trying combos and different builds and sets that were pretty outrageous. The gameplay is solid if you stop rolling so much. It's a great game.
>play robot in rainbow mode
>get a broken S tier item every floor
>destroy every chest, most likely giving you Junk which boosts your damage by 5% on robot
Rainbow mode is literally easy mode
The only thing easier is the gunslinger
>play normaly and have a difficult time
>unlock tonic and suddenly kill the dragun and everyone's past
I think the slow was holding me back somehow. Feels great with tonic enabled.
I'm glad this game isn't nuclear throne. They both are really fun but are different. If people could stop making such obvious but less appealing distinctions between NT and ETG they would love both more.
My niggas who never reset a run no matter how bad it gets represent.
Endless streaks.
why would you do this to yourself? a lot of items to start with that will up your chances of having a decent run considerably. why would you leave floor 1 with the r gun and a blank modifier?
Just download mod the gungeon and spawn in whatever you want. If you got every item from the rainbow chest rainbow runs would be super baby mode.
It always shocks me how the game can manage to save your run with the most inconspicuous of items. Fat+heavy bullets and Anvillain are two C tier and one A tier item that will win your run with enormous bullets.
>Get Angry bullets and Cell gun and run gets good
>Get snake transforming gun, scatter shot and zombie bullets to triple the insta death chance
>mfw everything is a snake in bullet hell before they have the chance to even get a shot in
Because I always win runs anyway.
The harder the run is to win the better.
reminder that turning up the aiming assist to max makes the game wayyyyy easier
>get the shell
>get triple shot
>get back fire
>every time I shoot at least a dozen shotguns appeared, each shotgun also shooting a spread of bullets
it actually wasn't very effective, couldn't tell what the fuck was going on either
shell sucks fucking ass, the dmg is way too low.
That's cause it shoots a D-grade weapon.
Gungeon was $5 once and it's like $15 now. Pc
Spiderman is $40
Gungeon is the most boring slog of a poorly executed good idea for a game ever.