Fucking GameStop, holy shit

Fucking GameStop, holy shit.

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Stop going there?

>buy new game
>it’s shit want to return it
Can I just exchange it for a used game then return that for my cash? Asking for a friend

>get gpg and scratch it when done.
>exchange for sealed game
>return sealed game for full refund.

You're still out 3-5 dollars depending on the game but that's better than being out 30-40 only getting trade value.

How old is this?


You were too lazy to look it up and so am I.

What is gpg

>go to gamestop
>pick up used last gen game for five dollars or less because that's the only reason to go there

Sounds stressful 2bh.

>>exchange for sealed game
They'll just give you a used game, telling you that your copy is used

>go to pick up a game on sale
>employee adds game insurance without even asking
>immediately go back and return it and order it on amazon instead

don't know if i overreacted but it pissed me off so much

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As long as you didn't sperg out when returning it, I'd say it's a good move. Too many stores rely on the extra sales from being 1% cheaper than everyone else to cover for horrible service and deceitful business practices.

thats illegal they literally cant do that user

The guy I bought it from didn’t offer a GPG or warranty or anything. He didn’t say a single word to me except goodbye when it was finished. Do all games have the option of a warranty?

It could be seen as an overreaction, but they really should not add on additional charges without asking you and making sure you're aware of it.
Might seem petty to do that over a couple bucks, but you're in the right

I hate going to Gamestop. It's always a last resort. It's getting worse and worse everytime I go. I dont plan on going back.

>Hey do you guys have the MGS HD collection on the 360 and how much is it?
>yea, let me check, it's $30
>okay we have the disc (there's 2) but no case.
>so will that be the same price?

literally did a U-turn

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you probably bought it without knowing because of your social anxiety

Help me

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I like GameStop.

When I'm finished with a game, I will trade it into GameStop for trade credit towards my next game there.
They give you a special discount.

Unless you're a collector, GameStop is great for poorfags

This. or Pokémon events. Cuz for whatever reason Game Freak thinks that's a good idea.
>It's not.

When was the last time you went to a GameStop?
What was the most fucked up thing you saw there?

Should of just charged it back with your credit card and kept the game.

Like 6 months ago.

The prices.

Games pone guick

>Want to trade in new game for Wii U i never played

>Go outside, take the wrapper off, and then come back cause im not allowed to accept new games like that

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>do you want to upgrade to power up rewards?
No thanks
>You sure? You get a 5% off every game
Yeah I'm fine, thanks
>It also comes with this cool magazine, coupons, and extra trade credit. You really do wanna get it.
...okay fine.

Did I get scammed? I don't give a fuck about the members card and have no intention of ever using it.

>Someone literally robs you
>Treating them like shit for acting on YOUR BEHALF with YOUR OWN MONEY


Only a true cuck thinks this.

So what happens to all of those classic used games gamestop has inventory of when they go under? You either pick it up on super sale before they fucking destroy them or something?


Never get a store credit card anywhere.

probably sell all of it off in bulk to some 3rd party for cheap who will figure out what to do with them

You have to be 18 to post here kiddo

>6 months ago
>be myself
>go to gamestop to get a 'free' 360 slim for nostalgia sake
>couple waiting to buy a used switch
>employee tells them they're sold out and offers a new one instread
>$299 v $279
> they decline saying they "dont want to pay that much" and leave without buying anything
>I want to tell them how stupid they are
>I don't

unless it's the amazon prime card

My friend refuses to go digital or at least order games online so I went with him and others to smash at midnight. I honestly thought you guys were just shitposting about the smell but what the fuck. I'm not some sex god but I at least show and wear deodorant but how in the fuck do these people go out and think that's OK? Me and my friends just waited outside because of the stench.

>It's always a last resort. It's getting worse and worse everytime I go
Almost anywhere else that sells video games has cheaper prices and don't give you a speech about buying their shitty cards. What the fuck is with half of the store being filled with figures and other shit now too?