It's been years after the PS4 has been released, my question is, do you think it was worth the purchase...

It's been years after the PS4 has been released, my question is, do you think it was worth the purchase? No console war faggotry, just be honest if you thought it was worth the investment.
Pic unrelated.

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No. I've literally never bought fewer games than I have for PS4 and Xbone. PS4 has been the first conole I've ever sold while it was still active and I'd have sold the Xbone too if the fan didn't make horrible grinding noises.

It definitely wasn’t for me. Got it for Bloodborne, but man was that shit overhyped. Just about everything else I bought for it consists of PS2/PS3 ports and remasters; in other words, the eras in which Sony actually put out decent games.

If you own a PC its completely worthless outside of Bloodborne, if you dont its probably the best choice for a console

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Just wait for the PS5 to come

Is having a ps4 the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a ps4. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying and beta-testing games for at least 5 years solely so they can go and get played on other platforms. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little console - buying exclusives, subscribing to Sony services, console-warring on Yea Forums, letting it collect data for Sony, playing with it. All of it has one simple result: It's exclusives are more enjoyable for the men that will eventually play them on other platforms.

Raised the perfect console? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way it grew up. He gets to play it's games every night. He gets the benefits of it's kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised it.

As a man who has a ps4, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 5 years of your life simply to beta test games for people on other platforms to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Is Beyblade still a thing or is that pic just years old?

same kill me

absoluely not, i've barely turned it on since Bloodborne
worst Playstation console so far

Pc is useless for gaming every game on it plays worse and online discussion and community gets worse

I do love my PS4, however, after buying a strong gaming PC last year, I don't see myself buying a PS5 in the near future. As it is now, Day's Gone is the only PS4 exclusive I'm interested in right now. I don't think Death Stranding or FFVIIR (ESPECIALLY that) are coming out this gen.

That and I don't like their stance on censorship lately, even though I don't play most of the game's censored by them as of late.

Pic is years old but beyblade is still a thing. Never really played it but seeing some vids on the internet I can see the appeal. Less rock paper scissors and more so fingers crossing. It's like watching a race between two cars to see who runs out of fuel first while they also bash into each other.

Anonymous probably found it on the internet; where most of the image here comes from

sounds like some serious coping to me

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definitely one of the worst purchases i've ever made. I bought it at launch and the only two games I've finished are axiom verge(was free on ps plus, pretty neat game) and persona 5(awesome game but not worth buying a console for it). The sad part is that p5 was also on ps3 and axiom verge came out on every console a bit later

Did PC gaming destroy consoles for anybody else? This generation was the first one that I've had a gaming PC and it's completely destroyed consoles for me, outside of exclusives.

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I bought it, i regret it.

Pretty much everything I play on it is a a port of something from an older console or PC that I bought for cheap in a sale, yet I continue to not buy a Switch because "all it has is ports." Guess I'm a brainlet.

not really. bought mine for bloodborne, great game took me a bit to admit it was my all time favorite, too bad its limited to the shitty ps4 hardware. but on the long run it wasnt worth it, i could have used the money to upgrade my pc instead or something else

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Prolly my most played console.

Holy shit. My sides, dude.


all memes aside, I actually loved my PS4. Lots of niche JP games, VR, and most importantly, I got to play games with my friends across the country after I moved.

For all the bullshit involved, Destiny (1) will always have some great memories just because I played it with my friends.

That said, I will likely not buy a PS5 due to censor bullshit that Sony has been pushing lately.

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No. I played persona 5 and dropped that shit instantly. Couldn’t keep playing spiderman, nier, or kingdom hearts. Good thing I got it on sale and gave it to my dad so he can play basketball games

I feel kind of bad for that PS4

I have every console this gen and had a PC for a while and the only one I regret is the Xbox One.

Destiny was the worst commercial FPS I have ever played, even worse than Duke Nukem Forever and Unreal 2

Clearly you don't play many games

I can't objectively prove you wrong, but the first raid (Vault of Glass) was actually a shitload of fun when it released.

I remember figuring out how to solo the raid boss as a warlock and had a shitload of fun doing that with friends.

I would rather play Drake of the 99 dragons again then touch Destiny more than I have, hell I would even play Jericho on the hardest difficulty before I touch that piece of shit again

Keep that PS4 so you can sell it when it becomes a retro console

I've played a total of 4 games on mine in the two years I've owned it
Crash Bandicoot remaster
God of Bore
Horizon Zero Dawn
Red Dead 2
I play pretty much everything else on PC.

Yes. But there's going to be lots of seething nintendies and poor pcfags falseflagging.

I saw Beyblades pretty recently and I was impressed by how fast they can spin, they made the OG ones I had look stupid.

I play 90% of my games on ps4

What’s the 10%?

I like my PS4, not a PC dude anymore and I like all the exclusives I've played and it's my main machine since my PC stopped working.
My Switch I like too, a bit more maybe. Smash is fun, Mario and Zelda are fun, but I can't really afford new games anymore because of some shit. If I can ever afford new games though I have some games I'm excited to play.
My Xbox is disappointing. Halo 5 was a decent arena shooter, weakest in the series definitely. Gears 4 is an ok game, second weakest Gears next to Judgement though. I regret buying it but what can you do?
It's not my favorite generation but it's nothing awful.

>$300 is an investment

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Persona 5 alone made it worth, but I don't have the time I used to have to just play everything that comes out. At least with the Switch new exclusives worth buying happen so rarely I can keep up fairly easily.

You could have just bought Persona 5 on PS3. It's the same.

It’s just my fight box.


yes, especially considering I have it exploited and didn't buy a single game

>online discussion and community gets worse
I'm lonely too but Jesus is this necessary for every game

Well to this day im still playing games on it. The majority of my backlog is on my ps4 if you don't count emulating. So yeah, id say it is well worth it.