Super Smash Bros is a button mashing party game made for young children

Super Smash Bros is a button mashing party game made for young children.

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All video games are for children

it's been so fucking cringey and ridiculous watching the altrighters like on youtube and shit trying to come up with an explanation of what clown pepe means. anyone else see that stuff?


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Shh! Let them enjoy themselves pretending it's a serious pro game.


Yes I agree.

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I witnessed it's first arrival, to put it simply for autists like op and possibly you to understand, it's an anti-janny and anti-china meme that was spammed for 1 week here. It was also to trigger wojak spammers. It's no different than the origination of the "boomer" meme which was spammed by one autistic kid across all the boards
>that 34 yo boomer who (relative to board)
You should reconsider your life if you associated yourself with any of these fast trend memes, because normie media is seriously sparked by trickles of the internet through facebook, 9gag, ifunny, instagram, and twitter. I hope you know we're always being watched, by corporations shilling games and the whole internet, just deciphering what autism we want to speak.
Pic related, it was the spam.

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Are autistic neets the tastemakers of the 21st century? The boomer meme has already reached the mainstream and soon they will have to give it an entry in the dictionary.


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the boomer meme is literally the same as this clown meme were it was originally very specific Yea Forums related actual joke "the 30 year old boomer" the joke is that the word boomer is used wrong and its about being nostalgic for games from the early 2000s.
then /pol/ and reddit and twitter all started using the word "boomer" out of that meme without getting the joke.

Just like Bayonetta


yes, and?

it goes like this

pre-irony: lots of youtubers use darude-sandstorm in videos and people ask them what song it is

irony: people in the 2014s answer what people asking what the song is with "darude-sandstorm" because the people in 2005-2008 youtube would have said this so its a reference to that and that's the joke

post-irony: there is no longer a joke, no one who is using the "meme" actually knows what it means and is saying it because they were told it is funny.


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The boomer meme originated on /biz/, making fun of "30 year old boomers trading crypto". It just expanded from there.

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yeah but the joke is that it was a 30 year old boomer, not just randomly saying "boomer". now there is no joke.

ID: H4V353XP

for a clown it isn't that funny

"Boomer" is just shorthand for "30 year old boomer". Or do you expect them to type out "30 year old boomer" every time?

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It's right wingers thinking that they're so edgy that everything they force into a meme becomes taboo. Any time you see something like "libs are trying to ban pepe/milk/clowns" it's just them huffing their own farts

Everyone watches pixar movies, user
You aren't fooling anyone

I thought it was just a cute clown pepe having fun pranks?

people aren't using it that way though, they think it actually means actual boomer instead of 30 year old boomer.

I think you're just confused and don't understand that people use it interchangeably based on context. Boomer used when talking about Quake 3 Arena = 30 year old boomer. Boomer used when talking about house prices in the 1970's = actual boomer.

well if a transgender looked like that I'd smash relentlessly desu

the lil peoples on the screen move way too fast for me to follow. I'll get hit and it takes me a full second to process where I went and how fast.

Is that being dumb or do I just need glasses?

hopefully its stupidity because i dont have vision insurance[\spoiler]

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t. boomer

i can't play these type of games either but it's because i'm a brainlet with slow reaction times. it's okay.

the dankles did this

>is an autistic button mashing game tat aren't fun
Better than fighting games.

I always delight at the idea of smash fags just writhing in impotent stinky anger when they hear the phrase "party game"

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Stfu clownposter

Fighting games are a button mashing genre made for young children and niggers

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No-one but meleefags care. The rest of us try our best to disassociate ourselves from them.

You always know a shit opinion because it's always accompanied by a Pepe image