Anyone else feel that this year has already peaked?
Anyone else feel that this year has already peaked?
Undoubtedly yes.
The west will shit up the 2nd half the year.
oh yeah, of course.
DMC5 couldve easily been delayed another 2 months to touch up on some certain areas of content but it is what it is i guess.
Not till Psychonauts 2 comes out.
Why does AC7 get neglected so much?
Wait for E3, there will probably be some surprises.
pffffft hahahahaha
Yeah which makes it pretty awful for the rest of the year.
This basically
Nothing to look foward to now except some niche games
AC has always been niche.
Well, we can still look forward to Ghost of Tsushimahahahahahahahahaha
Oh, sorry.
It's pretty sad to think about all these excellent games being swept under the rug over a mediocre cinematic game.
Because everyone just wants to swing gay swords around.
>going to bamham shit after sekiro
There's about a dozen more games this year I am looking forward to.
Name 3.
After warhammer being so good and Rome 2 getting fixed I am counting the fucking days until three kingdoms comes out. Then it’s mario maker 2 and then animal crossing then ice borne. 2019 is a sleeper hit year imo
Let The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima engorge themselves with awards and billions of sales; those things have no relevance for us.
DMC5, Sekiro, RE2R and AC7 ended being good games, we had a good time with them and they were commercially successful so their developers will make more games like them; we won at the end and that's what matters.
After playing the crash Trilogy I'm worried how this game is going to feel when controlling it. Idk what they did in the remake but it felt awful to control unlike Spyro which felt like a hot knife passing through butter.
>Anyone else feel that this year has already peaked?
Not yet.
This just made me realized that we are also in the last year of current gen.
Yeah, you're right.
Shenmue 3
Outer Worlds
The Sinking City
Psychonauts 2
add Smash to that pic
Not coming out this year. I'm thinking... May 2020.
mario maker 2 then its done
holy shit, get a life. Did you also study the blade while I was out partying?
I wish normies would stop being so freaking dumb. Why can't they have good taste?
Smash came out last year bro
I see you're a man of taste but pretty sure this won't get released on the west this year.
MK11 still didn't come out, and then we got Shenmue 3, Bloodstained, Fire Emblem, Code Vein, and Jedi Fallen Order yet.
Western releases is basically fan fiction anyway, doesn't matter.
i appreciate the honest, non shitpost take
I seriously doubt that will come out this year.
Cdpr would probably want to maximize sales by making it a cross gen title, so pushing it for next year would be the best for them, people will crave it for current gen, pc and those hungry for new games for their new consoles and graphical powerhouse games, easy sales.
What else is on the horizon? I missed dmc5 but Sekiro and RE2 remake we're both phenomenal
Why would I want to pay FromSoft to keep making more hack and slash shit?
Get that kiddie shit outta here.
There's no Assassin's Creed coming out this year
Oh, and I forgot The Sinking City
1. Because the hack and slash shit they make is fun as fuck.
2. Because they're some of the few developers that make hack and slash shit that actually doesn't treat the player as a disabled person.
I expected better from an ACfag.
These games will only be good at best and mediocre at worst. They're not on the same level as the ones in the OP.
Expansions don't count. We're talking about full games here.
>Outer Worlds
>The Sinking City
I don't trust a developer willing to sell themselves to Tencent.
>actually expecting anything from anime Souls by the team behind God Eater
You sir, need to buy DMC5.
Except OP's picture isn't consistent either. DMC5 is the weak link whether you like it or not. The final rank, including my games listed, will be
1. RE2
2. Sekiro
3. Fire Emblem
4. Shenmue
5. DMC5
6. Jedi
7. Bloodstained
Nevercomingout. Code Vein
Theyre boring.
man I was so excited for it and I even pre-ordered it but what a fucking disappointment
I can't go back to it because of how blatantly obvious it is that the game is designed primarily for consoles with the clunkyness of the UI mouse control among other things
plus they made so many dumb decisions to make the game more "game-y" if that makes sense
like having to find 2 key caps for a keypad despite key caps having nothing to do with the functionality of buttons
not being able to push zombies off on hardcore, etc.
weak link is sekiro
I hope Fallen Order isn't just Uncharted with a star wars skin, or Force Unleashed, which is a watered down God of War , which is a watered down DMC, which is a watered down Ninja Gaiden Black.
Boring? Really, my man?
How can someone find a From Software hack and slash game boring?
Not to be an asshole but I wouldn't expect anything good from a Star Wars game in this day and age.
>DMC, which is a watered down Ninja Gaiden Black
Whatever you say boyo.
>shenmue that high
Shut the fuck up you nit-picky son of a bitch.
I'm usually not one for raw action games, which is why I passed. I played dmc 1, 3, and 4 and didn't love them. Bayonetta was probably the last one I enjoyed?
Still think dmc5 is worth for me?
The only western game I'm waiting eagerly for is Doom Eternal.
I liked the first Battlefront well enough. Never tried the second one. I have faith in Respawn. The only thing that worries me is what this user alludes to - I'm afraid they'll have it very watered down to appeal to the casual audience. Like, the combat will go just below the epidermis and then you hit a wall and find you've learned all the tricks it has to offer. I think a combat system like Sekiro legitimately makes sense for a Star Wars game: die in a few hits, need to parry, and have some special moves to use in limited capacity.
yes its a very weak hack n slash game
I've got a god-tier eye for quality. Screencap that list. Watch.
fuck off
Because every single one is horrible?
Why has marketing been so dead for this game?
Are they purposefully trying to sabotage it?
>shitty meme games
Jesus Christ..
*blocks ur path
This whole thread is about opinions, moron.
It's not a hack n' slash.
A Star Wars game is expected to sell as much as a Rocksteady or Naughty Dog title so don't expect anything deep, least something in the same vein as Sekiro.
I think maybe there's an official demo available?
Give it a shot .
In an ironic twist you literally summed up dmc5
I wish they would go back to pushing the limits of PC hardware instead of just giving us a console port.
Cringey, politically-charged shit like this is the bane of this industry. This is coming from a Sonybro.
>Resident Evil and DMC are "shitty meme games"
Jesus christ is right pal. Finish school and come back.
How much did the Bamham games sell? Didn't Sekiro break 3 million already?
We still have bayo 3 and whichever of madminds 2 games releases first.
Nothing saddens me that Code Vein being stuck on development hell, if it hasn't been cancelled already.
Souls + Anime is exactly what I need right into my veins.
Probably because I like their action shooters more than games based mostly around fishing for ohks.
When was the last time Japan produced this much kino right next to each other
in your CODE veins, right?
can I get an amen
There is no way in hell (pun intended) that Bayo 3 is going to live up to DMC5.
Its a hack n slash game w/ some elements borrowed from Rhythm games like DDR
Yeah pretty much.
Fair enough I suppose but man one of those four taking GotY would prefer if DMCV took it personally would be fucking fantastic. TLoU is overrated imo and TLoU2 looks to be no better combined with lesbian shit
The original Doom never intended to push the limits of PC hardware; Carmack decided to use simpler textures, physics and lightning to ensure that the game could run on any machine at the time at a stable framerate. Meanwhile games System Shock allowed you to hit enemies from corners and gave physics to grenades but it required expensive computers a la Crysis.
But yeah, you're right. The new id games are just console ports.
what are you even mad about cringelord?
DMC 5 is a very strong hack n slash game that focuses on the mechanical skill side of the genre.
DMC5 is already forgotten outside of Yea Forums. Kingdom Hearts 3 is higher on GameFAQs's boards list than DMC5, and it's older.
Awards are just popularity contests: completely pointless, worthless and non-indicative of a game's quality.
They're only useful when you want to shitpost against a game you dislike.
A lot of the DMC community resides on twitter now. That is where all the best combo footage is from for some reason except when Sakaki uploads his stuff on youtube.
I expect to see some more activity now that reversals and intertia are modded back into the game.
>all these weebs absolutely shitting themselves at the thought of TLOU2 coming in and stealing the GOTYs
>b-but we don't care those are just for the big evil normies!!
Don't pretend like you weren't there celebrating BOTW sweeping every award a few years ago
dmc 5 is not that good
>A lot of the DMC community resides on twitter now
So how much is the Deluxe physical version for PS4 worth? Because I sure as fuck don't want this in my house anymore after reading that.
>Don't pretend like you weren't there celebrating BOTW sweeping every award a few years ago
I wasn't, BOTW is a trash game that did nothing new or interesting. It's on par with open-world game from 10 years ago.
It hasn't even begun to peak.
its my current GOTY with DMC5 being a close second, but Yea Forums also has no taste so there's your answer
ace combat not asscreed
yeah i wouldn't want that as you can't mod it. Its gonna fetch for a low price
Literally everybody hates classic Nico
What kind of life would a person have had to lead... In order to make such a post? Genuinely curious.
Okay retard
>AoE4 releasing this year
Most of these games haven't even shown any gameplay. And fucking RDR2 came out last year.
i mean its true. Meanwhile im on PC playing it on 1.3x speed (turbo mod) + reversals and inertia mechanic.
The skill ceiling between the PC and Console version is several tiers away now just from those three features alone.
Not him, and saying it's not good is idiotic, but I played through it twice and got burned out. It's not deep enough to keep me coming back, and it's too short. I think the lack of level variety contributed to the quick burnout, and having to go through V's levels got old quick. I had my fill with V by the time I beat DH, and I was curious if he would open up in SoS (he doesn't). By the time I got to his part in DMD, I ran out of steam and went back to Warframe. Now that NG2 is backwards compatible I've been playing through that again.
>b-but we don't care those are just for the big evil normies!!
cringe. learn to enjoy videogames. Or have sex.
100 posts and only ONE mention of kingdom hearts 3.
We all knew it could never live up to the ridiculous hype surrounding it but holy shut how they mighty has fallen.
Oh so you're a butthurt NG drone. Gotcha.
I literally said the game was good. You're a moron.
We already know TLOU2 will win every award. It’s practically prophecized and retarded to expect anything else.
That’s why nobody cares about it.
Unless Nintendo pulls some hidden games out of the ass, all there is to look forward to is tLoU2 and that is irrelevant to me.
There Dragon Quest Builders 2, but that is in the mid year, leaving nothing left for the last 6 months.
>Why can't they have good taste?
why is that important? let them enjoy their normie games.
I found the combat very deep and rewarding, enough to keep me coming back to replay over and over again. But I agree the lack of level variety and uninteresting visuals were disappointing.
And for the first time ever Im jealous of xboxfags, I really wish I could play NG2 again too.
Loved KH3 but I still think DMCV and the like help give it the edge objectively.
KH3 just has flaws that put it below (pretty much zero endgame, difficulty being piss easy even on the current hardest mode, no real final dungeon, along with other stuff). It needs a FM treatment
If the MHW DLC is good later this year it will have been a great year for video games. Between the good new games and good older games that I played for the first time this year, this is the first time I've consistently enjoyed video games in a long time.
Has Tim Schafer done anything of note in the last 10 years?
About to peak for me
honestly it's shaping out to be a good year for vidya
We Menat nao
I hope you're not looking forward to the story. Because it's complete shit.
Fireebolmen? Is it to keep face for nintendo?
for the most part this is all that I have to look forward to. and some of these aren't even 2019.
who cares about the story. It's always some hurr durr who's the most strongest shit in fighting games.
>Who cares about the story.
The vast majority of people who buy Mortal Kombat games.
This kind of straight-forward level design without any gimmicky puzzles that break the pace of the game was a smart decision and shows immense restraint from the devs.
I can't believe someone could be looking forward to this game. The visuals make me want to gouge my eyes out.
OK but both of madminds games are sure to be better than their first one.
Why is the entire Western world incapable of making a single good game while Japan pumps out 3 GOTY contenders in a single season?
Factually the best year for gaming in the past decade, prove me wrong.
I'm really not so sure about the dash.
But REmake 2 was shit
It's simple really.
Western devs only care about making a quick buck.
Japanese devs have integrity towards their craft.
Yeah Sekiro and RE2 were amazing.
DMCV was okay.
We don't want shitters infesting it. Don't talk about it.
It's pretty close yeah, I'm still waiting for some stuff to come but realistically this will all I would have played. TSA might as well be my GOTY for now but DMC5 sure isn't far behind.
You don't even know the half of it.
Western developers do not like video games or playing them.
call me what you will but the technical problems are something I'd have to deal with the entire game
the minor game-y stuff wouldn't be a problem had they not been so glaring and obvious and I know I'd only find more if I continued playing the game
Yeah basically. I don't see any game beating out Sekiro for my GOTY, and RE2 was fucking amazing as well. Haven't played DMCV yet though. Everything else I was wanting to try got bought out by Epic (Metro, Outer Worlds, Contol), so I'm just working on my backlog now. Tons of other games I want might drop this year, but who knows.
>zero pokemon posts
Pirate, my dude. Epic already paid for your copy.
>having any faith in Game Freak at all
I feel so sorry for you.
Kh3 was good.
I think they don’t want to cannibalize Rage 2 with Doom Eternal news. It’ll probably ramp up @ E3 or QuakeCon.