removed skills are: Hide, Blood for Blood, Riot blade, Sword Oath
Trick Attack, Barrage, Blizzard 2, refresh

Dark arts, Heavy thrust, Wildfire, Jugulate
Aetherflow, Physick, Thrill of Battle, Freeze

Fist of Wind/Earth/Fire, Diversion
Lucid Dreaming, Protect, Synastry, Fluid Aura

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Other urls found in this thread:


There's already a thread up. Stop spamming this shit.

Hija is that you

>from the mouth of the guy who leaked practically everything
Discord can't even tell the truth.


Didn't all this just come from some random tripfag here on Yea Forums? How is this suddenly from "the mouth of the guy who leaked everything before"

Blufever just uses his own trip, and that one discord weeb doesn't work at Square anymore.

Blufever didn't even use trip.

>Trick Attack
NINs seething
About damn time they got rid of Fluid Aura too. It's obvious they weren't going to do anything to make it worthwhile.

>no water based moves anymore
it kinda sucks

also yeah RIP NIN

>Flood happened because no one used water
>Afterwords everyone proceeds to totally ignore water.

i'll just switch to sam like all the retard did in sb
you are never going to make me play monk

Atherflow makes me pretty sure this is fake. 2 classes revolve around that skill

The flood happened because of the overuse of magic. Magic and the water element are linked on a metaphysical level and you can see that in a few places in the lore. Thaliak, god of water, is also god of magic. The Ewer card, which restores MP, and is water-aspected, represents Silvertear Falls which is said to be the place where magic first sprang into the world.

>Sword Oath
>Lucid Dreaming

Would be legitimately confused if any of these got removed, especially Aetherflow.

>Implying they would remove diversion

Tanks would have to actually do their jobs, can't be having that

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It's probably related to the MP changes. Shroud and Refresh are going too.

>Removing Wildfire
Am I finally free from this hell or are they just making MCH worse again?

They would have to entirely rework SCH and SMN. Every part of their rotation is based around it.

I really hope they do not try to rework SCH and SMN, because they have a track record for turning perfectly decent jobs into dogshit with them.

>Removing fists
Uh oh

They're turning MCH into RDM. Instead of wildfire you'll occasionally jump in and chainsaw/drill/flamethrower.

I'm not saying it makes sense, I'm saying why it might be true. I'm sure they'll find a way to make this work, if it's even true at all. As it is, people complain that these jobs are overpowered already.

why in the FUCK are you even playing MCH if you don't like wildfire, that's the entire point of the job

just remove the stupid fucking heat gauge and gauss barrel mechanic, and buff up their damage a bit outside of the WF window

if they turn it into bard with a gun, I will be upset

>TK is back to being worthless now
well shit

because WF is fucking shit man, there is no arguments
Your DPS tanking because you were a second too late on a single thing shouldn't be a thing at all

>removing skills

good, maybe then mhiggers can stop pretending their job is hard

Are you just pulling this shit out of your ass or was it actually confirmed in an interview or something? Cause being Edgar would be pretty cool.

>I'm sure they'll find a way to make this work

Like DRK, MCH, and MNK have "worked" for the majority of this expansion, right?

You're probably right, but I'm scared.

It was fine in HW before they fucked it up. They also have more aggro dump skills than they did, assuming they don't remove all of them like this leak implies.

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I like WF

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Because everyone is getting 5 new skills from 71-80 and they need to make room on your bars.

To make way for new skills or to make you reearn the skills, but now they are inferior to the old version.

Wildfire is Machinist's entire job identity. If you're not playing Machinist for Wildfire, you're basically a big gay.

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The Blufever leak posted on here a few hours before fanfest confirmed it. It called DNC's role and weapon, called the stripper Viera in the trailer, called the fat Miqo'te, called Varis's dumb evil smile from the final story patch. It's happening.

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sb drk is good, do not argue with this correct and objective opinion

If losing aetherflow is the price for splitting SMN and SCH then I'm fine with it. They should have done that years ago.

>Like DRK, MCH, and MNK have "worked" for the majority of this expansion, right?
I'd like to be positive about it, but you're probably right. Might as well buckle in for another round of Yoshi's wildride. That's what we're all still here for, right?

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controller players

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Some are just kind of pointless extra buttons to press like Heavy Thrust or Jugulate, others are because the Job needs an extremely heavy overhaul like Dark Knight and Machinist, and pretty much anything involving MP needs to be gone/reworked now judging from what they said.
RIP Trick Attack and Shield Oath though

Only bad controller players i've come across are ones that main SCH/SMN cause that shit is impossible to play well on a controller

>heat gauge is now a cookie cutter builder spender resource
>drill/chainsaw/flamethrower are your st, aoe, and overflow spender options
not sure how I feel about this...

I just don't want SCH to play any different honestly. It's a perfectly fine job as it is, has been forever. Doesn't even need new skills. They will 100% fuck it up if they touch it. I just know.

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some have theorized that they're just going to overhaul how aggro is handled entirely and nerfing the shit out of how much heals and dps end up generating

>removing BfB
Why, though? Are LNC/DRG skills going to get a huge potency boost, or will leveling be even more of a slog?

I really hope they don't do that, but they probably will. It's not like anybody understands how aggro works anyway.

drg doesn't need potency, you're just there to prep the brd

I don't mind trick attack being changed as long as it frees ninja up for selfish buffs.

Ninja is starting to falloff thanks to potency increases other dps jobs have gotten that overtake trick attacks rdps

They need all the buffs they can get since DNC is slashing.

I hope they don't and they force tanks to do their jobs instead. Fuck you lazy faggots

>Lucid Dreaming
They're probably removing cross action skills.

>remove hide
>nobody can do the rogue quests anymore
>ninja essentially deleted
Sounds good to me senpai

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You can just turn it into one of those big buttons that pop up in the middle of your screen to activate it.

thanks for the group earlier primal bros

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You damn right I'm seething. I don't care about me getting big deeck dps, I don't care how big I can dish them numbers, I just want to let my other team have their rush in that 10 seconds. I want to see my dps-mate's dps soar in that 10 seconds. I feel useful when I can land TA in a difficult situation where my True North is in cooldown. I just want to be a useful asset for my team, god fucking damn it, please don't delete TA.

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Well I wanted rework for that skill, so it wouldn't kill me in raids, but I would rather they removed dragon sight.

Just swap to dancer bro.

Please understand user. Group coordination raises the skill ceiling way too high for casual players to be able to compete properly. It also makes SAM players feel bad when they don't have utility, so everyone is going to have to lose their utility because that's only fair.

TA is shit though. Ninja will never have anything else useful as long as they're with TA.

You're joking but this seems to be exactly what they're doing and it's not going to change anything about how shitters parse. It's just going to make the game less fun to play.

Only if they have low dps and gazillion utilities.

>so everyone is going to have to lose their utility
Job homogenization is real and I hate it.

get rid of TA and give us a fourth ninjutsu button. I want more autism.

>It also makes SAM players feel bad when they don't have utility, so everyone is going to have to lose their utility because that's only fair.
Speak for your fucking self, between SAM and BLM I couldn't care less what the rest of the raid is achieving.

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>'from the mouth of the guy who leaked everything before'
>some rando posting images on a mongolian throat singing forum with no context
as expected of discord trannies, just gotta make everything extra dramatic for some reason

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with hanzo we've seen every possible combination of the fourth mudra, it's our fucking time

In other words, TA is what makes Ninja, Ninja. I don't even know why deleting TA can even crossed their minds.

Oh man how are they gonna fuck up MNK and tanking......

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TA will always be relevant thanks to parsing comps. It's just not immediately synonymous with clearing faster at the moment.

>literal who
>put a filter on already existing job icons
>post on discord dms and call it a leak
I enjoy the shitposting but there's no way anyone unironically believes this.

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Good, all those skills are cancerous. This gives breathing room for other meaningful & flashy abilities. Looking forward to it.

what if they renamed it to dick attack and you kick the monster in the crotch

Remove all of my skills and just give me Hundred Fist and Greased Lightning 10 !!

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Because it's the single most meta warping skill in the game.

I like this guy. If you're a SAM/BLM and you dish over nine th9000usand dps, you're good in my book, and I don't care nothing else.

Sorry, but I just don't find being TA and LB3 bot fun.

I guess it's not a bad time to start looking at all of the jobs and picking some alts

Seems like there's a good chance my main job will come out being completely shit and unplayable in ShB

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Trick Attack is fluff left over from ROG and can easily be tied to Suiton instead.

Class that's fun for someone that plays BRD?

And deleting it at this expac accomplishes too little too late. TA has embedded too deep in NIN's identity that deleting means whole reworking for the job, which is I'm actually fine IF they can make it work, and I doubt they can. Would love to be proven wrong, though.

He's talking about TA. Not Disembowel.

this but unironically

>TA is what makes Ninja, Ninja
Please unsubscribe from, and uninstall, FFXIV.

>Because it's the single most meta warping skill in the game.
Okay, you delete it. Now something else is the most meta warping skill in the game, so that has to be deleted. And then something else is the most meta warping skill in the game, so that has to be deleted. Your line of thinking doesn't end until every job has exactly the same skill kits but with different animations.

All I want from ShB is to have a meta raid comp that doesn't include any of the following jobs

To each his own. I find learning the fight and finding the best timing to do either TA or LB and still dishing nice DPS AND doing mechanic flawlessly is what playing ninja fun. Playing ninja is the Dark Soul of FFXIV.

They're going to remove TA and the things you'll get in return won't be in any way comparable to it.

You'll have to do a relatively complex rotation just to do less damage than everyone else, and NIN will be considered the new MCH.

Please look forward to it.

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Phoenix-egi is verified by Blufever, Redsixte claims Aetherflow and Physick are going away from SCH-SMN. If they can not fuck up SMN then they've got a good shot at not fucking up NIN. Maybe they only just barely pushed out fanfests on time because they're busy actually making things good. Pray with me Yea Forums.

If you like your rotation being an incredibly long string of stuff to do inbetween pressing the same button over and over like BRD you might really be into SMN.
If you want something different and kind of refreshing try MNK.

Jokes on you, I've done that until ShB drops.

This. I was seething when I saw this faggot turning into a giant tiger, making clones and shit and I'm just splashing water on people.

I suspect they're really going to fuck WAR and SCH in the ass this expansion. They're the only fun jobs left in the game.

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shut the fuck up catshitter

>delete ta
>increase nin dps
>make it so its impossible to hold aggro without a nin
>make drg the lb cuck

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WAR will be slightly hurt, and then be buffed in 5.1 when enough WAR mains whine.

So according to this "leak", why did they remove Riot Blade and not also Siphon Strike if they're removing MP related skills? They both explicitly state they restore MP.

>Pick healer/tank
>Be a pretend DPS

You faggots deserve it

>BLM will get through all of this just fine

Enjoy fags

this isn't wow, everyone is a DPS with slightly different responsibilities, that's how it's always been

Sounds like GW 2 except most animations look alike

>Probably get Fire V on top of it
How much better can it get

fuck blm and fuck lalafell

He's not posting them in any particular order, Jugulate was already on a previous image before the one that has Trick Attack and Hide.

Hopefully we can finally drop fucking meteors without LB3 this time. I just want to drop the fattest fucking meteor or someone

Siphon Strike could just generate blood now.

Different elements don't do shit in 14 anyways.

>SCH has been god king of healers since its inception

Well no wonder you don't want changes

>build up 3 Foul casts to blow them on the absolute biggest dick spell in your arsenal

build up foul -> shb job mechanics kick in -> triplecast foul -> meteor

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>Removing Sword Oath
Good. PLD is a tank class not dps. Also I hate stance dancing.

>Forgetting about BLU
I don't blame you.

SCH lets me carry both shit tanks and shit DPS

Please don't take that away from me, I already can't stand playing with retards

BLU isn't even a real job

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>BLM gets Triple
>Triplecast + Triple Foul

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New Scholar ability leaked.
>Dick the Fairy
>Enter an Active Time Maneuver event for 20 seconds. During that time, all party members within 30 feet will regenerate 25% of their HP per tick so long as you continue to Dick the Fairy. Ability can cause a second fairy to spawn.

This. WAR fags always whine whenever they're not completely broken.
>Why can't I solo all the content?! Fucking Yoshi!!! REEEEEEEEEEEE

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know, I kicked the White Raven's ass before you were even born!

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BLU elements only function in the masked cuckshed though

You gonna post lewds or what

Why would you suffer through 4.0 when the superior version of the game was killed by Yoshi P?

what are you going to do without those classic skills we all know and love, freeze and blizzard 2?

Whenever I see someone with that tattoo I imagine them as a late 20's or early 30's man with a receding hairline/bald. It's a female Miqo'te too so that's gonna be huge YIKES for me.

Sword Oath is not going away as confirmed by Yoshida at the fanfest so that entire leak is full of stinking cat shite, you can stop giving that retard time of your day now, thanks.

Must be hard if they have to take away skills so you have less to manage :^)

Be a little more classy user, cover your cat up.

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They can't remove those abilities, think of the ice mages.

They clearly need to make ice mage do as much as fire mage to help out the casuals.

no it's real

And soon enough SCH won't be either. Have fun in the shed, WHM has been keeping it warm for you.

Cats only exist to be sluts. If you don't want to make a slut you might as well play one of the other races.

Remember, we were shit six years ago for like three months, so we deserve to be the best tank! What's that? Your tank class has problems? Well too bad fag, look at this sick parse! Better luck next expansion!

>He thinks I won't just switch to WHM and still let the other guy main heal

I'll be too busy spending MP on stone, I'm sure you've got me covered bro :^)

At least I'll have Holy spam I guess

Benchmark fucking when?

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So is my dick in your mouth.

As a controller player, what makes it impossible to play those classes well? Just ignore the pet bar and you're fine, no?

I'm legitimately asking by the way.

Except it wasn't mentioned even once in the fanfest.

Probably 2 weeks from now

Could easily mean Sword Oath's current incarnation is being scrapped or that we're getting an equivalent stance

You can't just ignore the pet bar.

Yes it was, during Naoki's room part 1 they talked about oaths and how they're going to OGCD because their purpose is changing but they didn't want to scrap animations.


I have 4 full hotbars of skills as SCH, it would suck dick to try and fit all of that onto the cross hotbar, but it's probably doable.

SMN would probably be less painful but not by much. I think I'm using 3 and 1/2 full hotbars for it.

>they talked about oaths and how they're going to OGCD because their purpose is changing
So they're going the same route as Cleric Stance?

Huh? I'm not talking about the order of the skills, I'm saying Siphon Strike isn't listed at all.

They could also just combine tank stances into 1 button to save space. If you aren't in a stance it sets you to tank, then every other press alternates between dps and tank.

>MNK stances removed
Fucking good. The riddle skills make them obsolete.

I don't know, that was the extent he went into it.

They're changing it to be like WoW where you press one button as a tank and you generate infinite aggro on everything in a 5 mile radius

Yes, and he's posting them piece-meal, hence the three separate uploads in the OP Discord screencap.

But don't pets just spam their attacks? Isn't that fine?

I guess that's a point. I wish I could move onto m+kb, but moving controlling my character feels so slow and less fluid without a controller. I wish there was a way to get used to it.

>that overbite

He's saying that there's another 8 skills that hasn't been posted yet that includes siphon strike

not really, one is pvp only and the other two have a pretty long timer

IDK, isn't this lewd enough???
I'm on the free login campaign thingie but I also wanted to get through the story cause I want to try Shadow Mhiggas
I'm 31, my hairline is still great and I am cute CUTE
I can't punchy things while wearing a dress. . .

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>But don't pets just spam their attacks? Isn't that fine?
If you're just doing a dungeon and don't give a fuck, sure. But proper SMN and SCH play, especially SCH, requires you actually interact with your pets and use their abilities at the proper times.

using trick attack must be hard then :)

Where did he say that? Only thing I found is that he said that PLD stances undergoing huge changes.

SMN has to manually use pet abilities to line them up properly during their rotation.

SCH has to manually use pretty much all of their pet abilities.

Even with macros that swap out pet abilities mid-summon, my hotbar for SCH still looks like this.

Please don't bully my boomer keybindings, thanks.

Attached: SCH_Hotbars.png (619x280, 409K)

31 but 12 at heart. I couldn't imagine the trauma a man your age has to go through to call yourself "cute CUTE". Go to church user and save yourself.

>Now something else is the most meta warping skill in the game

Adding on to that. The naysayers of trick are mostly mishmashes of nonmeta job mains flailing at the weakest link. Nevermind BRD mandating DRG, Contagion/BLM, or crit scaling.
The 60/120/180 burst windows don't magically disappear because there isn't a ninja.

We need to go lewder. Bring out your inner catslut.

>taking away Synestry
why? AST is literally perfect and that ability was useful but not oppressive.

Can you not read?
Naoki's Room part 1, I think it was Yosuke Saito who asked him about PLD stances? Nobody fully translated all the interesting tidbits from it from the fanfest because everybody were busy hatejerking themselves to death over no male viera.

Everyone has to lose a few things to make room for the new stuff. Synestry is one of the easiest cuts to make.

>Everyone has to lose a few things to make room for the new stuff.
Hello Ion Hazzikostas

Hmmmmm, I never knew that.

Interesting. I wanted to learn SMN, but I had no idea I'd have to use a M+KB.

>but I had no idea I'd have to use a M+KB

You don't really have to, you're just going to have to put a lot of thought into how you want to map all of your abilities.

If you get good enough at doing the trigger combinations quickly and accurately it should be fine.

You guys have your Gordian/Alex pages ready for GUN right?
Midan weapons are usually shit looking so I don't bother with it
The Knuckle is fucking great tho

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after making such a big deal about this meme fucking move and final fantasy identity they finally remove it. what does this even set a precedent for

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>SAM lost nothing

>Midan weapons are usually shit looking
Imagnie having taste this shit
The only bad Midan weapon is katana

>But don't pets just spam their attacks? Isn't that fine?
No, not at all.
It's "kinda" okay in dungeons or normal modes where nobody gives a shit, but you should definitely get into the habit of using them manually.
Eos' skills are all incredibly potent and should be taken into account when you figure out how to heal encounters. Whispering Dawn can easily top up your party inbetween mechanics so you don't have to waste resources/GCDs on Succor and save your Indom for a time the instant healing is actually needed, Fey Illumination is a weaker Largesse for both you and your co-healer, and finally Fey Covenant is a fairly decent mitigation tool for party wide magic damage.
They are a very vital part of your kit that you should make use out off and not leave to the Fairy AI to waste.

I've 2 spare UWU totems and like 20 spare UCOB totems for those weps. I really wanna see what the golden GUN wep looks like.

Holy shit mining is so boring

Gordian and Midas weapons probably won't exist for GBR and DNC. They'll only make the Alex ones since they have to make the models anyway for the inevitable ultimate.

>someone took this thread seriously and posted it on Reddit for good boy points

Attached: Capture.jpg (1168x948, 85K)

Try Botany instead.

>trick attack gone
>i will never see a ninja cuck again
thank god

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>they get an even better party buff
Oh no no no no

>they get no party buff and just suck instead

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You think I don't know? He never specified how stances will work in ShB.

I'm childish but my boyfriend loves me like this.
I tried but i saw water and went in water... and now my queue is up time to watch MSQ cutscenes in daily roulette. Who's idea was it to make those unskippable anyway????

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See the problem with removing fundamental sub-50 skills is that the game still expects you to go to level 50 all the time. Not only does that negatively affect leveling, you also feel like shit any time you level sync, and they have to understand that. ROG already feels like garbage trying to stack against other classes below 45. They can't endlessly remove skills from low-level to put them back in at high levels instead, not that they haven't done so already, it's a faulty path. I would probably expect less new active skills and more traits and replacements, like how Inner Release is a replacement of Berserk for example.

Attached: miraithink.jpg (552x601, 85K)

He didn't specify it fully but he did a fucking Sword Oath animation with his hands and said he wanted to keep it. It couldn't be any clearer.

>believing the hack fraud
do not

>for the inevitable ultimate.
I wouldn't count on it after how low a turn-out Ultimate had

You're right I should believe a random Yea Forums poster :^)

>MMO Mouse broke.
>Can't play the game anymore.

Attached: 1555099172135.gif (311x362, 1.99M)

And everyone is calling it out for the 100% bullshit that this is.

Install lewd mods.

Shit glam.

I have a G502 I've been using every since I began, so I honestly don't think I'd even play the game much anymore (or at all) if it broke. which is why I bought a spare G502 help me

Ah shit, I didn't think about that, it's true they didn't made allagans variant for SAM and RDM
Well, the Alex one are the best looking one anyway so it's ok.

They supposedly making 3 in ShB. I believe they said they had started working on the next one during uwu panel.

Not fucking soon enough.


>Only fish I need for log are never up
I just want to get my title and be done with it.
At least I got Stethacanthus, it was bad, but not as bad as I feared.

>removing dps stance
>removing diversion
I wish, not happening

>Thrill Of Battle
But why?

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>I wanted to learn SMN, but I had no idea I'd have to use a M+KB.
You missed out on 4.1-4.3 SMN. You could leave Ifrit on sic and do acceptable damage. Now that they nerfed radiant aura you need to use Garuda and manually contagion to keep it lined up.

Only problem with that is that he said they're changing how stances on all tanks work and also about how he didn't like that hardly anyone used tank stance.

>lose buff
>just to get buff as a level 80 skill or something
its retarded but i can see it happening

>removing dps stance
Think about it this way, maybe the additional potency on auto attack will be something that they always have up at any time?
Like, instead of a stance they make it a passive.

Probably because 90% of all WARs use it as an damage bonus instead of using it like a normal defensive CD and SE didn't like that?

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He didn't say he didn't like it, just that nobody was using tank stance lately anyway.

Stoneskin > Benis

I care more about how they're going to fuck up enmity generation than the stances.

I don't want them to make it so tanks generate so much enmity that they never have to think about holding aggro.

I also don't know if the other direction is good either, considering how bad people already are about using the enmity-reducing abilities.

>Stoneskin > Benis
I dunno, I like how Benis is instant with a low CD.

>that chainmail


>used for upheaval memes instead of a defensive cd
it's in a really weird place at the moment, plus war has too many cds as it is they can lose one

Man how much of a retard are you, the dev team was shocked people wanted a 3rd ultimate, and the only reason we didn't get one was because the decision was made to not make a 3rd one in fear of some kind of burnout.

Also the entire point of ultimate is to appease the smallest percent, the low turn out is expected.

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Fuck Garuda and fuck contagion

Wildfire existence literally ruins mch gameplay

Ultimate generates a ton of hype in the community even if the clear numbers are tiny.

fuck you retard, stance dancing was the only fun part about healing

>Wildfire, the ability that defines MCH, ruins MCH
>Not the fucking heat gauge, gauss barrel, or flamethrower

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>upheaval memes
I like my 28k Upheaval thank you.

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Wildfire's the bigger tumor, I feel

The job was fine in Heavensward with WF

It was not fine in Stormblood when they added the other things

It was fine in HW (at least for me), but now it's just this disgusting abomination now, at this point I don't mind if they gut it, whatever they gotta do to make it fun to play again.

Attached: D0_OFrwU0AA703j.jpg large.jpg (1321x1794, 301K)

I'd rather see them make the other jobs feel as good as WAR and SCH rather than nerf those two.

PLD is really close, DRK needs some work.

AST is really close, WHM needs some work.

As a ninja main, i honestly am glad to see they remove trick attack, i just hope we get something to justify it and not kill NINs off

Learning a fight as a ninja is so much more stressful because you have to worry about TA and LB windows and sometimes those TA windows are in complete danger without true north available

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>people who started in SB talking shit about wildfire

None of this three really fucks mch gameplay over
Wildfire on the other hand forces you to go overheat and spam all your spells in small window which is pure cancer
Why would you remove 3 spells instead of one? Because you hate job?
It was still shit in hw though because barrel and wildfire with bard being simple better

>wow I have to adapt to the fight how awful
These are the """"""players"""" Square Enix listens to

>bard in hw
>simply better

Attached: neverever.gif (600x580, 436K)

Hide - garbage
B4B - maybe they didn't like the damage penalty?
Riot Blade - PLD getting reworked dps combos or something to do with it's MP restore
Sword oath - should have been baked-in to stance-less PLD like DRK and grit from the get-go
TA - WOW I hope NIN is getting some utility buffs
Barrage - I don't get it. too bursty?
Bliz 2 - garbage
refresh - MP/TP rework
DA - always sucked, nobody wants to push the same button over and over between every other attack
Heavy thrust - baked in maybe? it feels out of place in a streamlined rotation
wildfire - just throw out the baby with the bathwater. MCH needs a rework but like this?
jugulate - I don't get it
Aetherflow - MP/TP rework. maybe even SCH/SMN split too, we don't know.
Physick - it fucking sucks for SCH and SMN both
Thrill of Battle - I don't get it. paring down defensive CDs maybe?
Freeze - garbage
Fists - I don't know anything about MNK it is my least played by far
Diversion - will lower threat be baked in? kind of a cop-out to the shitters
Lucid - MP/TP rework
Protect - they will bake it in or rework encounters
Synastry - I don't get it, it's not that broken and it has good usability
Fluid Aura - garbage

overall I'm okay with all of these except TA unless NIN gets a buff in return

i thought expansions were supposed to make the game better, not worse.

Nah fuck off, trick attack windows are always 100% garbage and the fight is never built around them

No people were fucking shit, the job after some of the changes were just fine. Everyone was too retarded to figure out MCH was easy as shit to play and did great damage, they ended up overbuffing it by the end. Also bard was much harder to min max damage in HW than MCH, the only thing that made people not want to play it was the opener, which was fun as fuck to do in HW.

>mfw landing a MASSIVE wildfire in 3.5

>Heat doesn't fuck over MCH gameplay

That's literally where all of the problems come from. That's literally why they LOSE dps when they build skill speed.

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More like when they made the countdown 10sec instead of 15 making you squeeze everything which fuck you up if you have a low latency

>yfw nin ends up getting a more broken buff at level 80
>yfw it's shadow clones that copy your rotation

WAR just feels boring to me. Still think it feels better than PLD overall. I honestly enjoy current DRK. I agree that Dark Arts use could do with getting toned down, but I still think its the most fun tank.
I think this "leak" is nonsense, but I am getting nervous about what they'll do with DRK.

I played SMN on controller, it's actually easy as fuck
You can macro some pet abilities to a single button, and 90% of the time you'll want to use all of those abilities at once (rouse etc.)
for standard pet skills you have more than enough room
Every class in the game has room for your shit on two whole cross hotbar presets, not including expanded hotbars
The real nightmare is healing on controller, as the tab target equivalent sucks donkey dick

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>The real nightmare is healing on controller, as the tab target equivalent sucks donkey dick
idiots like this are the reason fun is removed from this game

>shadow clones that copy your rotation
What, you mean Duality?
Because that's what it is.

are you referring to idiots that heal on controller or referring to me as an idiot?
if me, why?

You had more to squeeze in before. Blank did damage, there was five ammo and you had to choose if you want to continue keeping GB on or put in some auto attacks. Latency was a factor back then as well.

>not multiple LB3s with your shadow clones

Bullshit, healing on controller is fine
On the other hadn sch and smn are absolutely unplayable from game pad because pet bar fucks your second one

>mfw landing a MASSIVE wildfire in 3.5

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Is there any site that kept all the HW toolkit of each jobs?

>pet bar fucks your second one
How do you get up in the morning without breaking a limb? You're clearly too retarded to function.

more like persistent duality that works with ogcds

>Get BTFO because you obviously never played game and lied twice in same post
>....you just retarded

>Yoshi simplifies classes to 8 buttons
>people are still doing DPS that wouldn't have been acceptable 2 expansions ago while complaining that the game is too hard

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The HW rotations were so fucking satisfying

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I really hope they don't make this mistake. Less buttons to press isn't going to make people try. Dumbing things down in an already extremely casual genre has never worked out.

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actual MCH issues
>turret promotions were removed nerfing turret management
>cast times were removed nerfing the difficulty
>several buttons were outright moved reinforcing the simple 123 rotation harder
>heat management from 4.0 was nerfed to be nonexistent
>cooldowns were all nerfed to be 60s so you don't have to ever think

literally incessant casualization has driven this job into the ground

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Another night of embarrassing myself in pf, thanks rng
pug strats are so dumb
>dps out
>dps doesnt go out
>I die

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Isnt that what GW2 does? Granted it's focus is on combat and not being a FF thempark

the heat mechanic is a cancer

I'm pretty sure their goal is to not leave you with less buttons by the time you hit max level.

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God I didnt think anyone else notice
as a PLD main I fucking hate WARfags with a passion
fuck you fuck your unga bunga fell cleave

I'm seething

>removing Wildfire
Don't you get my hopes up you son of a bitch

just hallowed ground your pain away user

don't forget to cover me too

it does absolutely nothing currently as a mechanic, and was actually engaging at 4.0 when moves granted 15 heat and reload removed 5 heat and overheating was a dps loss

How can I get good with SMN?

>BRD with casttime was simply painful to play and felt more like a caster than a ranged
>MCH was created with casttime in mind and had the ammunition system that made it extremely fun to play

I feel like they should have kept HW casttime for MCH in SB and made BRD SB what it is now

>new job mechanic is a dps loss

y tho


memorize your rotation on a dummy

learn how to manually cast pet abilities to get contagion on a 60 second timer

do mechanics at the same time as the above and get an orange parse

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glad people like you want to keep machinist at a 20 person playerbase. it's fine, sometimes you'll get taken in over a bard

because everybody needed fancy new gauges, even if the mech was terrible see: WHM

What's the hardest melee dps to play?

free kupo nuts

>raid currency you'll end up being able to solo at lvl 80 anyway
>not ultimate totems
also midas was the best alexander tier with the best looking gear

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>Sword Oath
>Dark arts
>Fluid Aura

Attached: 1416403215567.jpg (453x576, 39K)

WHM's lilies are more nothing than terrible

NIN has highest skill floor

MNK and NIN share highest skill ceiling imo

the katana is great though

4.0 MCH job mechanic was managing heat
overheating was a failure state equivalent to dropping enochian.

after asinine buffs, now the job mechanic is just overheating once a minute. no wonder its fucking cancer it wasn't designed to be this way

Reminder that they are merging MP and TP so they deleting skills that need MP to work are going to die

>drooling over self in retardation

updated when

Probably for ShB release

implying this isn't the best gun

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Dumb ESL poster.

My revolver says otherwise.

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So is it fake or what?

Fun fact, you can bind pretty much all the Modifier keys to a hotbar. SHIFT ALT CTRL
Most use this to simply have a 3rd hotbar easily accessible, but you can also use letters.

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It should've won.

>this skill is valued by DPS-oriented players so I'm glad to see it gone

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nice! which one is that? I'm planning on leveling MCH and NIN next, and that looks like the kind weapon I've been searching for.

Exzcept heat and heated skills are fun, wildfire is just bad job design with the heat gauge and wasn't even fun BEFORE heat gauge.

They need to either cap the damage or remove it because it's retarded that it's just a "line up all your buffs with this one ability" move. A job should not be defined by literally ONE skill. Every other job is literally defined by it's mechanic/gauge.

Revolver of the Wanderer!
You can buy it in the PVP area for 3000 Wolf's mark (Heavensward ilvl205)

revolver of the wanderer
pvp mch gun, its oversized and dumb, but have fun playing mccree

>No more protect or fluid aura
What the fuck? Fucking why? Why remove even half of that shit? Especially the monk fists.

Kek. Keep being mad.

I'll probably try and get the pages for a midas GUN weapon. I'm optimistic about the Sophia DNC weapon, but the glow on the crafted versions tends to be kinda shit.

Which gun?

thanks friend

Attached: meganice.png (226x375, 62K)

keep being a retarded tranny

>He wants even more skills
Nah. Protect is retarded because every healer is going to used it anyways

>Riot blade

Thank fuck.

>Thrill of battle



>as good as WAR and SCH
hope you like your training wheels healer

Oh no, a 30 minute buff you can toss in the corner of your hotbars and just click during prefight prep is so hard to deal with.
I bet you're also glad positionals are apparently going away too

Any surprises anyone expecting on Tuesday?

It does the most damage, don't care.

removing skills? what?

Leveling DRG atm. Completely fine with Heavy Thrust being taken out.

>"more customization options than any race"
>some eyeshadow, a forehead dot and a mole

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SMN main here. I also use a controller, though I managed to get everything padded onto one hotbar and the expanded hotbar.
>sch and smn are unplayable on gamepad
Git gud scrub
>pet bar fucks your second
Disable pet hotbar and if there're any skills you're relying on for manual input, put them on the expanded hotbar.

So FFXIV is going the BFA route of class pruning?

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What proof is there that any of this is removed when I can go into PS and take an entire class's skill list and turn the saturation to 0 to get the same effect?

Don't forget we get new skills in ShB.
They probably don't want to put too many skills for controller users.

>4 minutes of some no-body talking about some race
No thanks

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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They need to do a revamp now, removing/merging existing skills or they run into skill bloat. They've never done a pass like that yet and the game is 6 years old not counting 1.0.

WoW (before BfA at least) does this every 3 expansions or so, and change way more inbetween too.

Hey, its Shota person, how you been?

Cause the leaks come from a well-known leaker who's been correct about everything. Odds are this is also correct. MMOs who have been around for a long time do this type of shit all the time though, it's regular class/ability pruning. It sucks but it is what it is. Next expansion will be adding skills ofc.

>cause the leaks come from a well known leaker
That being who? It's a fucking discord screenshot theres no merit to it whatsoever.

I sure hope you like spamming impulse drive until lvl 26

I'm actually happy if they remove/merge some skills. There are way too many right now.

More doesn't necessarily make it more fun. Just bloated.

Got a boyfriend yet?

wildfire was around in hw long before heat, in fact the overheat timer was basically designed to complement wildfire with how they're exactly the same duration. Small bursty windows are basically the entire job design.
Not to mention 'spamming all your spells in a small window' is fun as fuck and literally optimal gameplay for every job, even if they dont have a mechanic like wildfire. Thanks for outing yourself as a shitter with bad latency.

>It's fine to remove and homogenize everything
Bad enough the first thing they did with an expansion wss neuter perks or whatever they were called that made getting certain levels fun because it boosted an older ability.

Your 1-2 is better these days

t. greylet


>macroing abilities
lmao post your fflogs

>doesn’t know about 1-2 buffs
Based retard

Isn't it better to do True Thrust into Vorpal?
160 + 250 for 2 GCD vs 200 + 200 for 2 GCD.
ok good im not retarded when I leveled then.
I recently hit 64 and the Lance Mastery trait really helps smooth the rotation out and somewhat forgive fuckups because your meter wont fall off if you fuck it up.

I'va always thought the homogenization argument is a moot point when it comes to MMO's. No matter how much player option you give it'll inevitably lead to cookie cutter builds/rotations and the community growing toxic with ostracizing people who don't follow the meta.

Looks like it. In terms of them taking out really only 1 whole button just like artifact abilities were taking out (or baked in in some cases).
Overall will still have way more buttons than any class in WoW.
I'd rather have interesting class design over more buttons. FFXIV does both.

Well, thank you! I just got home from spending time with my friends.
No, I'm still single...

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Jesus Christ, those pictures were posted here. Are we going start believing anyone that starts posting greyed out skills?

Hence me saying why nobody should believe jack shit. I can greyscale every jobs abilities in less than 10 minutes and crop it. These images mean jack shit.

If I wasn't a lazy fuck I'd grey out a bunch of skills and then use it to shitpost here, too.

Well if you aren't doing more dps what the fuck is the point? People were doing tornado kick rotations in sigma because it did more dps. If your oc rotation doesn't do more dps then its shit.

Oh yeah, I did forgot about the DRG changes, thanks for the reminder fellas.
It's just that back in the days, Impulse drive had 180 potency and True Thrust and Vorpal Thrust had 150 and 200 potency.
So spamming Impulse drive until you unlocked Full Thrust was the way to go.
Also Heavy trust used to give 15% damage instead of 10% and Disembowel was a 10% piercing debuff instead of 5%
IIRC that was changed to nerf the damage of the DRG+MCH+BRD combo

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>Fluid Aura
Fucking finally I won't have to deal with retarded WHMs randomly knocking mobs away from me

Wow no wonder no one does MSQ's anymore, that took forever! Here, just for you~
I only got like 40k to my name, I dont remember what i spent the 60m i had.... probably raid related.

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Don't worry. Garuda/Emerald Carbuncle will still be there to do it

Skip soar or disband

Dont play just lurking but May be if I do this I'll get an ex on opera omnia

Hurry up and get a boyfriend so we never have to deal with your shitposting.

Red mage is the only fun class in this game

>can finally 9s on dps
>pld is doing 1k
>seeing enrage with echo

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>Fluid Aura


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So is smn/sch going to get a complete rework now? That was pretty much the core ability. I'm scared about what will replace it but I won't miss having to keep up with it

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Reminder that no job is safe come May. They will further dumb down the game in the name of closing the dps gap. Raids will further be dumbed down to make sure casual players aren't left out.

>mfw my i370 clear of O9S is still a blue parse

good luck user

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>Physick, Sword Oath, Lucid Dreaming, Protect
Why?! Especially Protect, what the fuck?

the moron pressing 111111211113 will never close the gap


echo parses never mean shit, because it doesnt account for all of the players that cleared a long time ago with good numbers.

>Blood for Blood

he was using a 370 sword! and was blaming lag on everything
only 2 more clears and I can move to 10s

my parse was from like 4.4 day 2, but yeah everyone knows echo parses don't matter

That's fine. You're paying to play an MMO. You deserve this much.

No more cross action skills in the future probably.

>Thinking this won't just continue the cycle of dubbing the game down further

Nice to hear, maybe we can do something in game one of these days

cat whore

But like...Protect is literally THE reason groups don't wipe from a pull bigger than five dudes unless the healer is essentially working themselves ragged or they're hilariously over-statted or unsynced. I may be a tank/dps fag so I'm an outsider looking in but this feels like a huge problem waiting to erupt.

all cats are whores
t pure xaela maiden

>Not the biggest whores taking horse, beast, black, and raen cock

excuse me blacks are gross

Protect is just a % bonus to defence stat. They can make a level 50 trait that gives you that and below 50 Protect literally never once mattered.

This. It only matters if you die during a pull and your healers are too lazy to recast it and even then it would almost never matter.

Okay, give me one.
Are you on my data center?

PVP != PVE anymore so you're fine.

>we could've had Cindy's outfit
>instead we emo faggot's outfit and his gay ass hair that looks really bad in xiv

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I trained myself to harness my inner and outer strength as a MNK and not be ashamed to show off.... because my auras can become so intense that any fabric or material tends to disintegrate anyway so...

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I keep telling you but you never listen, all the gear in this game are designed for males, beside the level 1 slutglams from HW

>Actually making an excuse for dressing like a thot
Just admit you're a thot, Christ.

This has to be one of the worst looking cats Ive seen yet

show bare butt in imgur.


Oh user, you're not even ready.

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People like you are why Halone doesn't talk to us anymore.

Post on lgbt I'm pretty sure any musclefag on there who's not a nigger would be your type.

Now I call bullshit

Thank you
Don't you mean Hydaelyn? She still talks to me, she told me that you're a faggot

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Literally anyone could make these. Some of these may well end up on the cutting room floor, but accepting 'leaks' from anyone except the dev team or the french translation team is just being gullible.

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Are you telling me that. MCH gets a shotgun stinger like DMC ?

Smash Bros fags have shown me this gullibility is not new.

They're every bit as believable as the Redsixte leaks.

Tell that to the literal faggots that screech and whine about there being "too much gear for girls only "
I swear to got if I could magically wish only one person dead it would be the faggot that wrote in "what's the status on the male bunny outfits"

Is that it? At least half of the game's skills are just there to change your math. They need to cut harder and merge combos into case-sensitive triggers.

So are they just making no helms visible on Viera and Hrothgar at all? That's so lazy.

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Good then they can do everyone a favor and remove the class system altogether.

>5.0 will be another two years of nothing but circlets and eyepatches

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The heavy thrust changes came with a potency buff on everything else for DRG. The point was to make it less punishing when mechanics got in the way of your rotation.

>That's so lazy
So is a gender lock, so is both viera clans looking literally the same. Welcome to ffxiv.

what will the tank mount for GUK be

Attached: ffxiv car.jpg (1920x1080, 155K)

>Been trying to find a good looking helmet for my WAR
>Can't find shit
The gordian helm looks nice but I like the Maiming and Striking version more.

that's pld fault

Real life pugilists fight in about the same amount of clothing so don't feel ashamed

>circlets, eyepatches, dresses and buttcapes
I'm not going to look forward to it no matter how nicely they ask.

That's nice but the potency buffs were smaller than the lost potency. Not to mention autoattacks weren't buffed.

A female Hrothgar

Its GUN, confirmed in dat files.

It's BRK you retards

Armored yeti, little originality.

I've been using the sky pirate helmet for ages, it looks and dyes nicely, and has that neutral face quality.

I get double fucked over because my hairstyle of choice renders every single one completely invisible.

Sorry buds im pretty sure its GUB

why has every male midlander I've played with been such a bro? Literally every other race/gender combination is either
>drooling retard
>passive-aggressive petty bitch
but my midlander bros have always been chill and level-headed mediators
or I guess bots
much respect from me

It's obviously UEA

I only just startes thia game and I really like RDM. will I be shunned from all future content because its not SMN or BRD?
I heard that rdm is not lolmeta so no one invites them, just like blm

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I really dislike male midlanders, ways to first to leave pf and to be slow and bad in dungeons

Give me one reason why it wouldn't be GBR

Stop being fucking retarded 1.X was utter shit trash.

RDM is really versatile so you'll get in np

>great britain

I honestly don't recall every playing with one
they just don't stand out at all, I probably mistake them for cat girls since I play all the way zoomed out and people mostly play cat girls anyway

We just wanna play the game, not fap or create gay nigga race drama.

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based and cute

>We just wanna play the game, not fap or create gay nigga race drama.

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highlanders are the best!

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No, people will take Red Mages most of the time.

play the game with me

I wouldn't put it past yoshi
>could've been some bad ass magiteck mount we've never seen before
>they had to tie gunbreaker with the bara furries instead of the empire
>now its going to be some gay animal

Meta is trash. Comparatively to other online games, xiv is balanced very well. Any job can perform well in any content, providing the player has the skill to do so. A meta-favorable team of less-skilled players would do worse than a meta-unfavorable team of skilled players. The group that world-first bahamut ultimate ran with the 'worst' tank.

Not interested...

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You'll only have trouble getting into groups with speedkill autists, who aren't people you want to be playing with anyway

>implying it's still great

99% of rdms are sub humans, but the job itself is fine

I wanted to play a Log Horizon-like MMO,is FFXIV it?

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Hyurans gotta stick together.

How strong is Godbert and his wife? I know they're just memes but goddamn they seem stronger than the WoL
Just played the HW hildibrand quests and they were pretty fucking goood

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I don't think they will dumb things down when it comes to the fight mechanics content. If anything fights have become more intricate. I don't think there was anything like Suzaku EX's crazy platform dancing simon says game in ARR.

They are always trying to make rotations easier so you can focus more on the fight mechanics.

Probably not. LH is an Ideas Guy kind of game, innit.

He gets brainwashed in SB hildy and demolishes everyone in a cutscene.

Godbert is toonforce strong and can probably go toe-to-toe with some of WoL's greatest enemies if he so chose

Japan never has any idea how MMOs actually work.

just be prepared for people to think you're shit until you prove yourself because RDM's have the most braindead playerbase imaginable. I think the job is simple and fun though, I hope it gets more complexity in ShB.

Seriously though I don't know how so many people fuck up the the simplest fundamentals of the easiest class in the game, it hurts to watch every single time. It's amazing the amount of times I'll see RDM's hardcasting verthunder/veraero in the middle of combat

sounds easy to be "pro" if all you have to do is not hardcast those lmao

late reply, but divine benison looks like it's water.
I do agree we need more conjury stuff though.

Why is everyone saying "oof" recently? I swear it's all over the place for some reason.

I think it started from minecraft or something and people started saying it on twitch and it spread from there. In a discord with a few younger fags who are into the twitch shit and they say it all the time, have to stop myself from saying it sometimes

Normie memes.

There are a few nuances, like using the dash in/out for their potencies, but also saving them for mechanics you may need them for to reduce travel downtime. All in all, it has some good utility and middling-to-good dps, a solid choice for a more stress-free role.

oof, yikes, don't know about that one chief

oof is the natural evolution of "damn that sucks :/"

>It's amazing the amount of times I'll see RDM's hardcasting verthunder/veraero in the middle of combat
Sometimes it will try to hardcast even though you have the dualcast buff thing, if you press too fast
Same thing with if you try to cast bane too quickly on sch/smn after using the one dot without a cast bar, sometimes it won't spread the last dot because you started casting bane before it actually appeared. Something about server ticks or something

Have no idea. Watched friend do Ucob and one girl in their party kept repeating yikes and oof, holy shit that was annoying to listen.

I had my bf explain it to me because I haven't integrated with the normies in a long time. Pretty much everyone says it now, even IRL

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D-Don't say his name

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I understand that, i'm talking about consistent hardcasts that they bring to completion


we dont treat gays kindly here. so fuck off

Go back to Yea Forums faggot

it's also fucking useless.
Yoshida compared it to a "good luck charm" and how they were about to nuke it in one pre-SB live letter.

>Cleric is WHM
>Druid is GEO
>Shaman is SCH

>Guardian is PLD
>Samurai is actually FF11's SAM
>I'm actually not sure for Monk

>Assassin remind me more of Aion's Assassin than FF14's NIN
>Swashbuckler is basically Aion's Gladiator with a dual wielding build
>Bard is actually quite similar to FF14's BRD but also Aion's Chanter

>Sorcerer is BLM
>Summoner is SMN
>There's nothing like Enchanter in modern MMOs because they are a balance nightmare

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It's also shit because several of these classes are region locked.

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>GEO is a healer
I'll never understand this. In 11, it was exactly how they describe Enchanter in that picture. In 5, it was just a shittier Summoner.

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no, you go back to your /lgbtq/ safespace fag


mithras are such fucking sluts

I dont need a safespace you shitter, stop being so triggered

>warriors are giant crybaby dramaqueens in FFXIV too

What is it about the Warrior name? Exact same thing in WoW.

Well, I meant more as the FF14 version of GEO.
In FFTA2, GEO is more like LH's Enchanter, but if we take the whole "nature is my power" bit, then the Elementalist is also a GEO

If they're going to prune a bunch of shit I really hope they don't go overboard and simplify classes so hard a monkey can play them.

WoW tried it, it didn't work at all. All that happened is that shitters kept being shitters complaining about gatekeeping while doing no dps, while everyone who wasn't a shitter just had less fun playing their class.

There's nothing inherently wrong with controllers. The issue is that most don't put important skills onto their hotbars because there's not enough space in the first slots and they just don't bother to get more. A newbie PS4 tank is the worst thing that can happen, they take 20 years to target a mob and pull and whenver there's a stray mob they almost never notice

You don't even know the half of it.

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Combat only actually matters to the 5% of players that actually raid. Other players want pretty animations, slutglam and housing items. I seriously don't expect them to do anything groundbreaking with combat since the vast majority of the players doesn't care anyway.

I just hope that they don't fuck up SCH completely like they did in 4.0 or AST in 3.0

God, were they fucking awful.

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>be mithra
>ask for skull
>get skull
We don't do anything, really...

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Sword Oath is incredibly easy to explain. Make it a Trait instead of a skill, since there is literally no reason to ever use no Oath instead of being in Sword Oath.

Mithra women have weird fetishes.

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Thats a serious doubt from me. Ninja already has a lack of moves outside of ninjutsu so unless they replace that with an equal amount, its just unlikely

There's 2 options. Either Sword Oath will become passive, meaning that instead of wasting a GCD on switching stances, you just have to turn off Shield Oath, kinda like DRK does it, where they just have to turn off Grit. The other option would be that Sword and Shield Oath get merged, effectively making PLD a main tank and taking WAR's spot. This is assuming that the leaks are real which probably they aren't let's be real here.

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>or AST in 3.0
I often see people mentioning how bad AST was in 3.0, but how BAD was it actually?
Was it just exaggerated?
I tried looking up the 3.0 patchnote but it doesn't give any description of the skills so I can't check their potency compared to now

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You would have to look at later patches for adjustments because AST was introduced as a whole in 3.0

you could probably 4 sch hotbars to 2 and a half crossbar. realize a crossbar has 2 extra slots, and with L2 + R2 enabled you can have access to half of an assigned hotbar at anytime, so just set 8 skills you always want access to

They were pretty bad.
Their healing throughput was miserable, and the card buffs were a joke. I think Balance was 5% unless Enhanced.

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Wellll they ARE hunters so they might pick up a fetish or two along their hobbies

>He believes this shit

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>how BAD
They had lower potencies than WHM (by about 5% AFTER sect bonuses), they did not have sect aggro cut, they had terrible mana economy because their MP refresh lasted less, they had no divine seal (WHM had one on 60 s) until they plugged it into Synastry, their bubble only applied one of the two effects and you had to hold it, it wouldn't stick like it does now, all of their cards were weaker, crit card was CD reduction which in this game means fucking nothing, TP and MP cards cut TP and MP costs instead of restoring them which again meant they were shit. It was objectively weaker than WHM in the tier where heal checks were real and their buffs didn't bring enough to warrant that offset.

>Lightspeed get the 25% MP cost reduction
>"Reduction to magic potency now only affects attack magic."
>Meaning it used to also reduce healing magic what???? the fuck?
>Ewer and Spire were MP and TP cost reduction instead of refresh
>Arrow/Spear duration bonus and Ewer/Spire spread effect with royal road are add (they didn't have those? what?)
>Spread could only be used out of combat (what the fuck?)
>Shuffle/Redraw CD was 90sec (Holy shit)

Fucking hell man, I didn't expect them to be this awful.

Now I'm scared for 5.0 SCH ;_;

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Since there was discussion on how to play pet jobs on controller earlier in the thread, here's how I do Scholar. Crosshotbar 1 has the basic stuff, the left side has the usual DPS spells and the right side has healing stuff (+ Swiftcast). When I want to pull up more skills & cooldowns that mostly have to do with dealing damage, I first push L2 and then R2 to bring up extra buttons (slotted into crosshotbar 3), and when I want more healing stuff I press them in the opposite order. I feel this is a very logical setup. Crosshotbar 2 has stuff I need less often, like Resurrection, Protect, Summons and consumables. When I need to place the fairy somewhere, I just quicktap R1 to bring up the fairy crosshotbar. Despite the inability to edit button placements on it, I feel Place and Heel are on fairly intuitive buttons (square and cross). The 3x3 hotbar to the left is just a basic cheat sheet for knowing when each cooldown is coming back up (although since I moved Swiftcast to the main hotbar recently, that one is kinda unnecessary there right now).

If you actually have problems doing the very basic healing stuff on controller (selecting target party members from the party list, for example), consider playing other games instead.

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If this works for you that's good, but I still feel the need to mention double cross hotbar because that helps a ton. It lets you bring up another set of actions by pressing either L2 or R2 twice. For me this eliminates the necessity of cycling between two sets by default.

>removing Fists
For what purpose?

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They're not gonna remove Fists when they just made a whole new mechanic around them.

I'm at the part in the MSQ where Leviathan was just summoned by those gay fish sahagins. How much more of the slog is there? I heard it is really fucking long

I might have to dabble in that as well if Shadowbringers against all expectations makes the skill bloat worse than before. (Or to make more sense of tank job buttons, I've been leveling those recently and I frankly don't have a clue where I should place some stuff).

You're almost doen with patch 2 out of 5 for ARR postgame.

>Shield Swipe used to be on the GCD
>Clemency cast time used to be 3sec

Hahaha what the fuck?

You're like 2/5ths, I think, of the way through. After you beat Leviathan.

So yep, you're just under 2/5ths of the way through.

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Lord please give me a bunny gf

have fun user

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>Clemency cast time used to be 3sec
and it would have a chance of being interrupted if you took damage while casting it.

I never really did the new ffXI inspired place much, as I don't like that type of content. But I really want to upgrade some of my class gear so I can dye them. How tedious and how long would it take to get enough Protean Crystals to upgrade one piece?
Also, is it faster now, since it's been out for a while?

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>Also, is it faster now, since it's been out for a while?
I've got some bad news.
Square Enix has absolute giggling contempt for you, and has more or less refused to nerf the requirements for the old Eureka zones. And now because those zones are unpopulated you can't take advantage of NM trains so it's umpteen times as hard to get through them.

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It's nerfed in difficulty but you're still better off with the tomestone grind if gear is your only goal.
You could also gitgud and do savage since there's no cap on that.

Augh, that sucks. Hopefully they at least change it for when 5.x is out. I just want to dye some gear.
My only goal is to dye Class Gear

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>started playing again after clearing o9-o11s at the start of 4.5
>i'll just spam savage to gear up since echo will make it really easy
>spend 7 (seven) hours yesterday in [DUTY COMPLETE] party finders without a single clear
clearing was actually easier without echo holy fuck

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The hardest part is to level up.
If I were you I would take it easy by doing my weekly challenge log every week, or just follow the train of player that spawn NM (boss that give exp and Anemos crystals)
once you reach lvl20 it's pretty easy.
The highest level NM give 50 Anemos crystal.
1 Anemos crystal can give up to 2 or 5 Protean crystal.

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You should be fine then, eureka isn't completely dead yet because there's retards out there that feel the need to get a relic of every class weapon.

Yes, this is going to be WoW tiers of shit. And the only reason they are doing it is because the Devs find it hard to work with those older skills.

The game is for your players and not for you to have an easier time balancing. God I hate modern gaming.

echo makes the shitters who think they're unable to clear it without it crawl out of the woodwork, meaning they're using it as a crutch on top of having no idea what the fuck they're doing. you would genuinely be better on the first week of a savage launch where no one has any idea what the fuck they're doing because at least those people usually want to be able to improve and know how to play their jobs

it'll be basically the same amount of pruning as stormblood my dude, apart from them fucking over a couple of classes they didn't really remove much

>Blindy believing leaks that have been basically confirmed fake
>Getting THIS mad over fake leaks

You're right I completely forgot about this even though I went through it myself. Gearing up BLM has been miserable.

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>Patch 3.4
>The Balance
>The increased damage effect on a single target has been changed from 10% to 20%.
>The increased damage effect on a group has been changed from 5% to 10%.
Hah yes, the moment AST went from pretty strong to busted as fuck.

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>You could also gitgud and do savage since there's no cap on that.
There's no point doing Savage without a static.
It's not even a question of "gitting gud", it's a question of "find 7 people that aren't completely retarded and babysit them while they learn". Which is pure Sisyphean torture. When you PUG fights you're confronted by a revolving door circus of sub-morons and chuds- in a game mode where it only takes one chucklefuck to render a fight categorically impossible to clear (or even progress). It's a waste of time waiting for your party to fill, it's a waste of time wiping repeatedly to the same mechanic a 5 year old could have grasped in less time, and it's a waste of time finding a replacement if you're absolutely committed to squandering your entire evening with 0 progress thanks to retards Square Enix staunchly refuses to either appropriately educate or quarantine for everyone else's benefit.

You're damn right I'm mad.

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O9S is easy enough if you just want easy ilvl400 accessories and belt tho

You can remove Cleric Stance, Fluid aura, Break or whatever that shitty slow was called and I would be glad. No point in cluttering the bars with useless skills.

Thanks, but I'm fine.
The expansion is going to hard-reset everyone's iLv anyway so there's literally no reason to bother grinding at this point unless your iLv is too low to finish the story. Or for glamour, but that's something you have to evaluate yourself.

Seriously, what they did to Cleric Stance should be a fucking crime.

>AST is basically WHM (or a fairy-less SCH but who wants to be that) but with a randomized grabbag of buffs
WHM still does all the things needed for a clear which is good but damn is it boring compared to the other two's kits

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white mage's special power is being able to overheal everything. unfortunately it's not a very good power when failing mechanics these days marks your party idiots with vuln up and they die anyway next time they fuck up.

You're right. I especially love "kill for a friend" groups with ridiculously high requirements to join. You can expect at least one retard in a pug like that. Playing solo is suffering. That being said I still think FFXIV pugs are waaay better than WoW pugs. That game truly became containment zone.


>unfortunately it's not a very good power

Considering our playerbase, people underestimate the value an unga bunga healer brings on the lower spectrum of skill. I'd pity WHMs who lament being shafted in this role, if the job weren't working as intended.

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